Jim Ross is your announcer.
- Hello everyone and welcome to WWF Thunder - The March to
Wrestlemania! We are just one hour away from the biggest pay
per view event in wrestling history! During the course of this
hour, we'll have Vader in action, along with Taka Michinoku, The
Headbangers and the debut of The Pitbulls! We're gonna go
straight to the ring!
The Pitbulls vs The Headhunters
It's Headhunter #1 and Pitbull #2 who start the match, the Headhunter getting the early advantage, and press slamming his opponent to the floor. The 'Hunters doubleteam their debuting adversaries, until Pitbull #2 reverses a sleeper hold into a jaw breaker and gets a two count. The Pitbulls control for a while, but The Headhunters undefeated WWF record continues when Hunter #2 hits Pitbull #1 with a moonsault.
The Headhunters defeated the Pitbulls when Headhunter #2 pinned Pitbull #1 with a moonsault in 6-00 --- *
- Not a good debut there for The Pitbulls, here on Thunder. A
reminder folks, time is running out, so call your cable operator
ASAP to order Wrestlemania I! When we come back, we'll have pre
recorded comments from The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels!
- Well tonight is the night, and The Heartbreak
Kid Shawn Micheals
has never felt as ready as he does right now. Sure, there's
butterflies in the stomach, but that's like that every match. I
just want to issue a few warnings to any one who wants to get
involved in my match, or in any other match tonight. Team WWF,
we're as united as one group can be, and if anybody wants to get
involved tonight, be sure to watch your back, 'cos there'll be
four guys ready to pounce on ya!
D-Lo Brown vs Dennis Condrey
D-Lo controls this one from the getgo, wearing Condrey down with an abdominal stretch and various rest holds early on, and then nailing him with a spinebuster slam. D-Lo sends Condrey into the ropes following the move, and ends up on the receiving end of a clothesline. After knocking D-Lo down with a second clothesline, Condrey foolishly climbs the turnbuckles, and misses his target. D-Lo then hits the Lowdown for the three count.
D-Lo Brown pinned Dennis Condrey with the Lowdown in 4-34 --- .5*
- A good and impressive win for D-Lo Brown there. A nice way for
The Nation to start the night, The Rock having two matches later
on at Wrestlemania. We'll have Vader in action next, followed by
an interview with Shane Douglas.
Vader vs Doc Dean
A squash for Vader, as Dean gets in little to no offence. Vader squeezes the life right out of the Doc with a bearhug around a minute into the match. The match is over right there, but Vader plays with Dean for a while before finishing him off with the Vader Bomb.
Vader pinned Doc Dean with the Vader Bomb in 3-03 --- .5*
- We're now gonna show you a pre recorded interview with Shane
Douglas. This interview was conducted by wrestling journalist
Lee Kelsall last night following our syndicated programming.
Let's take a look.
- Over the past few months, you've expressed your anger towards
the World Wrestling Federation, and in particular, Shawn
Michaels. This was because of the period of your career that
you spent in the old WWF I assume?
- Damn right. You're real smart ain't ya? The fact is, over
the past ten years, whenever Shane Douglas has forced his
way into contention, backstage politics have pushed him
straight back out. Doesn't matter whether it was the old WWF,
or the piece of crap WCW, I've been (beep)ed over whereever
I've been!
Kelsall - So you joined ECW.
- ECW is the only place in this industry that has ever given me
the respect and exposure, that my talent and charisma deserves.
Back in the old WWF, Vince McMahon was too busy blowing off
Shawn Michaels to ever think twice about me. But you see, for
what is essentially a regional based promotion, there's only
so far that ECW can take ya.
- And that's why you intend to take over the
World Wrestling
- The World Wrestling Federation, in some form or another, has
been running for over fifty years. If ya wanna be pedantic,
it's gone back even further than that. Now that to me, is an
old man clinging to his farming land, even when the solicitors
and lawyers are banging on his door telling him to leave.
Well we're knocking on Vince McMahons door, and it's time he
woke up and answered it. We are the revolutionary force in
wrestling today, and with the bullshit that goes on in the
world right now, this is the only way we're gonna prove it.
We're gonna prove that (a) ECW has the greatest and most
entertaining wrestlers in the world, and (b) that we are
capable, and have the management, to put on the best and most
watched wrestling show in the history of this sport, starting
Monday night!
- Shane Douglas, thank you for your time.
Best of luck on
Sunday night.
The Headbangers vs The Disciples Of Apocalypse
Eight-Ball and Mosh lock up to kick the match off. Generic brawling from both teams to start, before Mosh hits Eight-Ball with a hotshot. This short match continues with neither side doing anything particularly eye catching. Mosh hits Skull with a top rope legdrop for the victory.
The Headbangers bt The Disciples Of Apocalypse after Mosh pinned Skull with a flying legdrop in 4-00 --- .75*
**Wrestlemania Promo**
Never before in the history of professional wrestling, has one promotion ever made a full scale assault on their rivals. Until now, Extreme Championship Wrestling was relegated to the confines of being third choice, the third wheel of the wrestling industry. Until now. Tonight, we may not only say farewell to five of the all time greats, but also to the greatest of them all, the World Wrestling Federation. Will we see a new era for professional wrestling begin tonight? Or will the WWF prove to the world once and for all, that this, is where the big boys really play!
Taka Michinoku vs Johnny Swinger
Swinger in his WWF debut, puts Taka in a considerable amount of pain in the opening seconds, putting Taka in a Canadian Backbreaker. Swinger then hits Michinoku with a nice belly to belly suplex, but Taka kicks out easily. Swinger then signals to finish the match. He goes for a powerbomb, but Taka backdrops him. Taka has control from now on, and hits the Michinoku Driver for the win.
Taka Michinoku pinned Johnny Swinger after the Michinoku Driver in 3-09 --- *
- It's been a great show folks, and we are
now only 15 minutes
away from Wrestlemania! Join us in a few minutes for the Free
For All, and make sure to call your cable operator and order,
because time is running out! For what may be the last time, this
is Jim Ross saying thanks for tuning in to WWF Thunder! We'll
see you in a few minutes!