March 19th 1998
Terre Haute, Indiana
Length - 60 minutes

Jim Ross is your announcer.

Ross - Hello again everybody and welcome to what will hopefully be
       an uninterrupted WWF Thunder. Tonight, non title match up,
       Bam Bam Bigelow will take on Sycho Sid. Plus, a drawing will
       take place tonight to decide who will face who at Wrestlemania
       I! That's not all though, the crusierweight title will be up
       for grabs tonight, as champion Psychosis takes on "Too Sexy"
       Brian Christopher. Up first though, we've got the Legion Of Doom
       taking on The New Midnight Express!

The Legion Of Doom vs The New Midnight Express

Animal and Bob Holly start out. Holly sends Animal into the roeps and tries to backflip him, but Animal blocks it and powerbombs him. The referee is a heartbeat away from a three count, before Bart Gunn stomps Animal in the head. Animal then tags in Hawk, and the two take Holly down with a double clothesline. Hawk bounces off the ropes and tries to hit Holly with a flying shoulderblock, but Holly moves and Hawk falls to the outside. Holly tags Gunn, who delivers an axe handle to the outside on Hawk. Bart Gunn does a Flair strut in the ring, as Hawk just manages to make the count. Gunn tries to take Hawk up for a suplex, but he blocks it, delivers a suplex of his own, and then crawls over and makes the tag to Animal. Animal clotheslines Gunn to the mat, and then takes down the advancing Bob Holly. Gunn is then sent over the top rope, and Animal follows him out. Gunn is worked over on the outside, before Bob Holly joins the action to make it two on one. After being beaten on for a while, Animal is thrown back in the ring, and covered for a two count. Holly is tagged in, and he hits a top rope elbowdrop for another two count. The heels dominate for the next few minutes, before Gunn misses an elbowdrop, and Animal tags in Hawk. The match then degenerates into a four man brawl. A chair is brought into the ring by Bart Gunn, but it is snatched away by Hawk, who then proceeds to accidentally hit Animal. Animal is out cold, and once the smoke clears, Bob Holly gets the pinfall.

The New Midnight Express defeated The Legion Of Doom when Bob Holly pinned Animal in 11-55 --- *.5


Ross - Welcome back folks. I want to take you back to what happened
       during the commercial break, and a shoving contest between the
       Legion Of Doom.

(Clips of Hawk and Animal arguing after the previous match are shown)

Ross - I hope they can work out whatever problems they are having. We
       are only moments away from finding out the results of the
       Wrestlemania drawing, and we will get reaction from both sides
       later in the show. Shawn Michaels, however, is not in the building
       tonight. Let's go backstage!


Slaughter - I can confirm that the drawing has taken place, and the
            matches are as follows. First of all, I can confirm that
            these matches were not fixed in any way shape or form, and
            the darwing was conducted in a fair and precise manner.
            World Wrestling Federation Champion Shawn Michaels will take
            on "The Franchise" Shane Douglas. Intercontinental Champion,
            Bam Bam Bigelow will take on Chris Benoit. Sycho Sid will
            go one on one with Rob Van Dam, Booker T will face Taz. And
            finally, Chris Candido will take on Jeff Jarrett in the final
            match of the evening. All these matches will take place on
            Sunday March 29th, at Wrestlemania One. Thank you for your

Ross - Well there you have it folks! Shawn Michaels and Shane Douglas
       to go one on one again, in what will be the final meeting between
       these two! The same can be said about Bam Bam Bigelow and the
       former Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit! It's gonna be an
       amazing night folks, and you can catch all the action by calling
       your cable operator and asking for the biggest pay per view of
       all time! We'll be right back with more action!


Chris Chetti vs Barry Horowitz

Horowitz tries to catch Chetti in a sleeper hold right at the start of the match. And succeeds, twice, but both times Chetti is close enough to grab hold of the ropes. After getting out of the hold, Chetti goes for a springboard dropkick, but he is off target and goes crashing to the mat. Horowitz then goes for a kneedrop, but he too misses the target. Both men are content to simply punch and kick each other for the next minute, bfore an attempted suplex by Horowitz is reversed into a small package. Chetti gets only two, and then clotheslines Horowitz over the top rope. Chetti then gets the loudest pop of the match, when he hits Horowitz with a slingshot somersault plancha. Back in the ring, he gets a number of close pinfalls, nailing Horowitz with a moonsault and three flying forearms. Horowitz is ripe for the picking at this point, and Chris Chetti gets the victory with a double jump moonsault.

Chris Chetti pinned Barry Horowitz with a double jump moonsault in 4-35 --- -.25*

Ross - Another good victory there for the youngster. Now let's take you
       backstage where I believe The New Midnight Express are standing by.

Holly - That's right we are. Man, did you see the LOD earlier tonight?
        Ha. We thrashed their asses and now they're throwing a tantrum
        about it. Hahaha.

Gunn - Yeah, those guys are pathetic. But this is just the beginning.
       This is where the New Midnight Express start their domination of
       the World Wrestling Federation. We're making an open challenge to
       any WWF tag team. And that includes the so called tag team
       champions themselves, Sycho Sid and Shawn Michaels.

Holly - Anyone that wants a piece of the greatest tag team in the
        history of professional wrestling? We're right here!

Ross - Okay, thank you gentlemen. We'll be right back, and I believe
       we'll be joined by our friends from ECW. Don't go away.


Shane Douglas and Bam Bam Bigelow are in the ring.

Douglas - Last week, we staged a little protest here. And I think we
          got our point across, and that's why we got our matches at
          Wrestlemania. And Shawn Michaels? You can sit at home and not
          show up all you want. You're gonna get used to it after
          Wrestlemania, when I beat your ass right out of here! Now, its
          just me and Bam Bam here tonight, and I know that he's got a
          few words to say.

Bigelow - That's right. To two people in particular. First off, Chris
          Benoit, I've beaten you for the 1-2-3 on two occasions already.
          There ain't no way in hell its gonna be third time lucky for you
          pal, as I'm gonna kick your ass just like I kicked it at the
          Rumble. And Sycho Sid? You gonna get whats coming to you
          tonight. It don't matter that it's non title, I'm still
          gonna give the 110% that I always give.

Douglas - That's so true. Sid, this man here, knows more wrestling
          moves with his (beep), than you got in your whole repertoire.
          Come on, lets get out of here.

Ross - Remember, later tonight, Intercontinental Champion Bam Bam
       Bigelow will take on Sycho Sid. Our next match though, is
       scheduled for the Crusierweight Title. We'll be right... Wait,
       I've just got word that Sycho Sid is standing by in the back.



Ross - Crusierweight title action coming up.

(WWF Cruiserweight Champion) Psychosis vs Brian Christopher

Christopher comes to the ring woth Scott Taylor, aho makes a habit of jumping up on the apron several times in the match. Psychosis goes after Taylor in the first minute, distracted enough that B.C. is able to jump him from behind and execute the Tennesse Jam, but too close to the ropes. Following this early setback for Psychosis, the match is very back and forth for the opening minutes. Christopher comes close with a powerbomb, and Psychosis a whisker away from a victoy after reversing a suplex into a small package. The match then becoems nothing more than a brawl, as the two men begin fighting on the outside. Both men are sent into the guardrail, and BC is busted open as he is sent headfirst into the announcers table. Back in the ring, Psychosis bodyslams Christopher, and then hits his patented flying legdrop. On the count of two though, Scott Taylor grabs Christophers leg and pulls him out of the ring, thus breaking the count. The referee warns Brian but allows the match to continue. When the match does resume, an attempted grapevine by Psychosis is reversed into a small package, and we have a new champion!

Brian Christopher pinned Psychosis with a small package in 5-33 --- **

(Brian Christopher won the WWF Cruiserweight Title)

Brian Christopher and Taylor celebrate in the ring, until "Stone Cold" Steve Austin charges to the ring and clears house. Austin picks up a mic from ringside.

Austin - If you two jackasses wouldn't mind getting the hell outta here,
         I got a few things to say. But first, Sycho Sid, you want to
         hunt me down like a dog? I'm right here, and I'm calling you
         out right now!

Chris Benoit comes out from behind the curtain and walks to the ring.

Austin - If ya didn't hear me right, I called out Sycho Sid.

Benoit - The fact is, Sid didn't want to waste his time coming out here
         to kick your ass. He's got a match later. I'm not here to
         fight you either. I'm here to tell you to back off, and let us
         do our job at Wrestlemania.

Austin - The only one who's gonna do the job at Wrestlemania is Sid,
         after I cost him his match. Hell, you can ask me to back off,
         but "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's never backed away from anything
         in his life, and he ain't startin' now.

Benoit - What the hell is your problem? I got no problem with you, and
         I don't see why you have any problem with me. Don't go costing
         me my place in the WWF at Wrestlemania, if it comes down to that.
         I wasn't all that impressed with what Sid pulled at In Your
         House, but the fact of the matter is, Terry Funk had no
         business being in the ring at his age, so I really don't give
         a damn. If you could try and keep your temper in your ass where
         it belongs, then there ain't gonna be no problems.

Austin - No problems huh? I'll show you a goddamn problem.

Austin drops the mic, kicks Benoit in the groin, and then stunners him, knocking him cold.

Austin - And I'll beat your ass like that at Wrestlemania, and that's
         the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!

Ross - My god! We gotta take a break. Sid/Bigelow is next!


(WWF Intercontinental Champion) Bam Bam Bigelow vs Sycho Sid (non title match)

No need for scientific, technical wrestling in this one, as straight out of the opening lockup, Sid throws Bigelow to the outside. Bigelow is sent into the ringsteps, and then sent over the guardrail. The two begin fighting in the crowd before the referee gets in between them and breaks them up. Sid is in control when the action restarts in the ring, hitting Bam Bam with a barrage of rights and lefts. Bigelow then finds himself being sent to the ropes, and then Sid catches him in a bearhug. Bam Bam can't reach the ropes, so he rakes the eyes of his opponent, and is given a warning by the referee. Sid is taken down to the mat by a headbutt, and then is hit with a splash for a two count. Sid can't find the strength to get up off the mat, so Bigelow drags him to the corner and climbs the turnbuckles. The attempted top rope headbutt is averted however, as Sid rolls out of the way. Sid gets to his feet first and chokeslams Bigelow, taking the wind right out of the 300 pounder. Sid goes down to the mat and starts choking the champion, despite the referee's admonishment. Sid refuses to let up, and the referee tries to physically pull Sid off. Sid ain't happy with that amd chokeslams the ref, drawing the DQ.

(Intercontinental Champion) Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Sycho Sid by DQ in 12-40 --- *

After the match, Sid chokes on Bigelow until Steve Austin hits the ring. Austin comes up behind Sid and stunners him. Chris Benoit and Booker T then run to the ring, but Austin fights them both off. As he is occupied, Sid gets to his feet, and powerbombs Austin. Austin is out. Shane Douglas, Taz and Rob Van Dam are seen watching from the curtain as the show goes off the air.