March 12th 1998
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Length - 60 minutes

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are your announcers.

Ross - Hello again everybody and welcome to WWF Thunder! We've got
       another great show lined up for you tonight. The World
       Wrestling Federation champion Shawn Michaels is gonna be here.
       The Legion Of Doom are gonna take on The New Midnight Express
       and much much more. Let's get started though with... Well wait a
       minute, we've got our friends from ECW coming out here.

Douglas, Candido, Bigelow, Taz and Van Dam head towards ringside.

Ross - Now what could this be about?

Lawler - They said they had some sort of suprise in store on Monday Night.

Douglas enters the ring and takes the microphone from the ring announcer, who was waiting to introduce the first match.

Douglas - Three days ago, I told the world to get ready for Thursday
          Night. You see, I looked back on the events of the past month,
          and I came to the conclusion that we hadn't really made our
          point clear. You see, down at ECW, that's where the real shit
          as at. ECW is where the real men hang, where the real big boys
          play. But the problem is, nobody gets to see it. People can
          grow up thinking that this circus, this commercialised piece
          of crap, the WWF, that this is wrestling. And that pisses me
          off. So me, these four people behind me, we're gonna take over
          this network piece of trash right now!

Taz and Van Dam go to the outside and remove JR and Lawler from the annouce positions. Taz knocks Ross out cold with a right hand and tosses him to the floor. Lawler tries to fight back but he is double teamed and eventually taken out. Bigelow goes to the timekeepers table and clears house.

Douglas - Very good work boys.

Douglas grabs the ring announcer and ddt's him.

Douglas - Ladies and gentlemen, Ravishing Rick Rude!

Rick Rude walks to the ring amidst boos from the crowd.

Douglas - Rick, welcome to ECW Monday Night Raw. I know you got a lot
          to say but before I give you the mic, we've got cameramen
          backstage in the control area. Mr Lynn, are you there?

Backstage in the control room. Jerry Lynn's voice is heard behind the camera. Justin Credible is sitting behind the Raw control desk.

Lynn - That's right Shane, I'm here alongside my good personal all
       time friend, Justin Credible, and we've got our fingers on all
       the buttons.

Douglas - That's great. But if you've got that video camera rolling,
          would you mind showing us what happened a few moments ago?

Lynn - Sure thing. Justin, could you just pop that video in there.

Video footage is shown of Credible breaking into the control room and attacking the guy in charge. The guy is thrown to the outside and the door is locked.

Douglas - Thats great. Also, we got some other stuff backstage that
          we taped, isn't that right?

Credible - That sure is. We had a little fun with the WWF Champion and
           his buddies. Take a look.

Footage is shown of Shawn Michaels and Sycho Sid being attacked by a group of masked individuals on the way to the arena.

Douglas (grinning) - I don't know who those men could have been. Let's
                     hope they don't come after us. I'm gonna take my
                     seat in the announcing chair in a moment. I'll let
                     Rick do his schtick before we go to a break.

Rude - What I'd like to have right now, is for all you fat, ugly,
       inner city sweathogs, to shut your mouths, and open your eyes to
       witness ECW Monday Night Raw!


Douglas and Rude are at the announcing desk. The other members of the ECW are standing around ringside.

Douglas - Testing, testing. Aah, this is good. Now let me take a look
          at these notes here. My god, this is apalling handwriting.
          Look at it Rick.

Rude - My god, that is appalling.

Douglas - I'll give it a grade, wait, no, not this time. Ha ha ha. Let
          me see, The Legion Of Doom against The New Midnight Express.
          Oh great. A battle between has beens and wannabes.

"Oh What A Rush!"

The Legion Of Doom make their way to the ring. They cautiously enter the ring. Animal has a microphone in his hand.

Animal - What the hell is going on here? Get the fuck out of here, now!

Douglas - That was a bit strong. Should we censor him?

Rude - I think thats the only way to go.

Taz, Van Dam and the former tag team champions Chris Candido and Bam Bam Bigelow enter the ring from all four corners and surround the LOD. Justin Credible is heard over the speaker system.

Credible - Now, are you guys gonna leave and let us enjoy our little
           party, like good little boys?

Animal - Fuck you!

Credible - Sorry Animal, you didn't phrase your answer properly in the
           form of a question, so we're gonna have to penalise ya.

Animal and Hawk are pummeled and then laid out in the middle of the ring.

Douglas - That was nasty. Hmm, we were supposed to have a match here
          weren't we? Can we have our people get the, ha, New Midnight
          Express out here please.

Nothing happens for a good thirty seconds, before a group of security men wearing ECW t-shirts appear out of the curtain, herding Bart Gunn and Bob Holly out with them. Gunn and Holly get themselves free, and then proceed to strut their way to the ring.

Rude - What is this?

Douglas - Beats me. Hand me that microphone.

Bob Holly walks to the ring announcers table and picks up his own microphone.

Holly - I'd just like to say, that we enjoyed that little episode with
        the LOD. Those old men needed to be taught a lesson and you
        taught it. We're just gonna go in this ring and finish the job.

Gunn grabs a chair and jumps into the ring. The New Midnight Express go to work on the LOD.

Douglas - These guys have got spirit. Look at this brutal beating.

Rude - You like these guys?

Douglas - We could use them to make sure no one tries to kick us out
          of here. We could use them as added security. Ah, fuck it, I'll
          just send Bigelow and Taz in to kick the crap out of them.

Douglas beckons to Taz and Bigelow. They both climb into the ring and punk the Express from behind. Eventually, Taz and Bigelow stand above four fallen bodies, the LOD and the Express. Taz grabs a microphone.

Taz - I think it's only fair that I get a little fucking airtime. You
      see this? Me and Bam Bam here have just kicked the crap out of
      two of the WWF's best tag teams, and we ain't even broken a
      fucking sweat. That's why we are the true kings of this sport,
      that's why we are truly fucking hardcore!


Footage is shown backstage from earlier tonight of WWF Champion Shawn Michaels and Sid being dragged into one of the dressing rooms, and then one of the ECW security men locking the door from the outside.

We are then taken back to the ring, where Rick Rude has a number of title belts in his hands.

Douglas - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the crowning ceremony! May
          I first introduce, the ECW Worlds Television Champion, Rob Van

Rude hands Van Dam a title belt, and Van Dam celebrates like a goon in the centre of the ring.

Douglas - And now, it would be my pleasure to crown the ECW erm... Fuck
          The WWF Champion, Taz! The ECW World Tag Team Champions, Chris
          Candido and Bam Bam Bigelow! And, the ECW World Heavyweight
          Champion, ME!

Suddenly, Vader and The Headbangers jump the guardrail out of the crowd and hit the ring, sending Douglas and Rude to the outside. They clear the ring of the ECWers and Vader starts a WWF chant going through the restless crowd. They celebrate clearing house in the ring, until they realise they are surrounded. There is no way out from the punking that follows, and Douglas gets the ECW security to take them away, as was done with the LOD and The Midnight Expess.

Douglas - Man this is getting boring now. Bam Bam, do you have something
          you want to say?

Bigelow - I think our actions are speaking a lot louder than our words.
          But if something does have to be said, then how about Louisiana,
          suck my dick!

Douglas - Scorchio. What about you Van Dam my man?

Van Dam - Like Bam Bam said I... wait a minute.

Douglas takes the microphone as WWF owner Vince McMahon appears out of the curtain. Security tries to pull him back.

Douglas - No no, let him through.

McMahon walks to ringside, microphone in hand.

Douglas - Well look who showed up. What do you think of us fucking up
          your new show Vince?

Vince - What the hell is wrong with you people? What do you want?
        You've got you're contracts. I let you wrestle here, you've all
        wrestled here in these past few months. What is it you want?

Douglas - You know what we want. We want the WWF. Over the last twenty
          years Vince, you've tried to knock off every independent
          promotion there is. Well, you couldn't destory us Vince, and
          now we're back to destroy you!

Suddenly we are shown live footage from the control room as Chris Benoit and Booker T kick the hell out of Lynn and Credible and take over the room.

Douglas looks up at the video screen.

Douglas - What the hell? Wait, that's okay. With the show nearly over,
          we were gonna leave anyway. Boys, I got a challenge here for
          ya. Vince, you stay right here because this concerns you too.
          You see, we're gonna take over the WWF, there ain't no doubt
          about that. We have the power, the desire and the abilty.
          With a snap of my fingers, I could get twenty more of my men
          here on Monday. What's taking place tonight is just a preview.
          But if you wanna take over the WWF, there's only one place you
          can start, and that's at Wrestlemania. So Benoit, Booker, I
          challenge you for Wrestlemania. Five matches. Me and my five
          guys right here, against you two and your other three
          boyfriends. Whichever side wins the most matches, wins the
          whole thing. If you come out on top, we'll leave the WWF. If
          we come out on top, we own the WWF.

Vince - Now that's ridiculous. This is my company and...

Douglas - Why is it so ridiculous Vince? Either you can make a clean
          break and get out, or we can come in here and trash the place
          like we did tonight. Pretty soon, viewers are gonna complain
          about the bad language, crowds are gonna complain about there
          being no matches, lawsuits might come falling in, and your ass
          is gonna end up bankrupt. If you flip the coin though, if
          you're men can fluke up a victory, then you have
          the satisfaction of getting rid of another of your rivals.

The show quickly cuts to the back, where the WWF tag team champions Shawn Michaels and Sycho Sid have broken down the locker room door, and are making their way to the ring. Sid fights off the ECW security guards, and him and Michaels charge to the ring, steel chairs in their hands. Michaels and Sid clear the ring until it's just them and Vince McMahon in the ring.

Vince - We accept the challenge!