- Hello everybody and welcome to the first ever WWF Thunder!
We're gonna be live here every Thursday night with one hour of
hard hitting non stop action! And what a main event we've got
for you to kick things off. A six man tag match, WWF Champion
Shawn Michaels, Sycho Sid and Chris Benoit against Shane
Douglas, Chris Candido and the Intercontinental Champion, Bam
Bam Bigelow!
- And that's not all JR. Booker T is gonna
be here, and he's
gonna be taking on his brother, in a loser leaves the WWF
match! It's gonna be great! But what's even better is that
the WWF has finally given me something to do, instead of
me sitiing at home waiting for the next pay-per-view!
- Wrestlemania of course, is now only twenty four days away, and
you can see the whole event only on pay per view! Make sure you
join us!
**Wrestlemania Promo - March 29th**
- It's gonna be a huge event! If you thought
The Royal Rumble
was good, if you though In Your House was good, then Wrestlemania
is gonna blow you away! Before we get to our opening match on
Thunder, let's take you back to this past week on Monday Night Raw.
(Replay of finish to the Rey Mysterio Jr vs Psychosis match on 02/03 Raw)
- And Psychosis is the new WWF Cruiserweight Champion! He's gonna
be in tag team action up next.
Psychosis/Juventud Guerra vs Pantera/Rey Mysterio Jr
The cruiser champion and Pantera start out for their respective teams. Psychosis recieves an extremely negative crowd reaction everytime he executes a move during this opening period. Psychosis goes for an early submission, trapping Pantera in the grapevine, but it's a sloppy execution, and Pantera gets to the ropes quickly. The match then goes full change as Psychosis tags in Guerra and Pantera tags in Rey. Guerra goes for a springboard somersault dropkick as Mysterio enters the ring, but Rey sidesteps it and Juventud hits nothing but air. Mysterio controls Guerra from this point on, coming close to victory after nailing Juventud with a flying forearm. Guerra fights back though, and a top rope powerbomb gives him time to tag back out to Psychosis. The bulk of the match from this point on was centred between Psychosis and the former champion Mysterio. The Champion is able to use the flying legdrop six minutes into the match, the move that won him the title, but Rey kicks out at two. After three minutes in the ring together, Rey and Psychosis both tag out simultaneously. Bad move by Psychosis, as Pantera jumps in the ring, hits Guerra with a highcross bodyblock and gets the three count.
Pantera and Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Psychosis and Juventud Guerra when Pantera pinned Guerra after a highcross bodyblock in 8-38 --- ***.5
Ross - What a match to start off Thunder!
- Yeah, I think it shows what kind of champion Psychosis is
gonna be. He only won the belt three days ago, and he's
already been defeated!
- Well that don't mean he loses his title
King. Remember later
tonight, there will be a live drawing for the semi finals of
the European Title Tournament! When we come back, we'll take a
look at what's happened so far.
of the finish to the Jarrett/Helmsley match from the 16/02 Raw)
of the finish to the Owen/Mero match from the 16/02 Raw)
of the finish to the Austin/Bomb match from the 23/02 Raw)
of the finish to the Rock/Vader match from the 02/03 Raw)
- So the four men who will go into the draw are, Jeff Jarrett,
Owen Hart, Adam Bomb and Rocky Maivia. This is what the Rock had
to say this past week on Raw.
(Replay of the Rock interview from the 02/03 Raw)
- Owen Hart is also gonna be involved in the
draw, and he's in
action next.
Ross - So King, who do you think is gonna win the European Tournament?
- Well I'm going with Adam Bomb. He's got
so much power JR, I
don't think anybody can stop him.
- Maybe not. Up next folks, a rematch from
a few weeks ago on
Shotgun Saturday Night, which incidentally will be returning
this week, between Owen Hart and the youngster Tim Horner.
Horner got a huge upset victory in that match, after interference
by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, and Owen is determined to erase
that defeat with a win tonight.
Owen Hart vs Tim Horner
A very quick win for Owen Hart as he blocks a bodyslam, gives Horner a pair of stiff upper rights and then executes the Sharpshooter. Horner holds on for close to thirty seconds before tapping out.
Owen Hart defeated Tim Horner with the Sharpshooter in 1-00 --- **
- Well I think Owen felt he had a point to
prove there. Well Owen
Hart appears to be coming to join us here at the broadcast table.
Owen walks to the announcers table and sticks a headset on.
- You see that? That's what happens when I
don't have punks like
Steve Austin sneaking up on me. I win that match all by myself,
and I'm gonna win this tournament all by myself, and that's all
I have to say.
Owen takes the headset off, throws it on the floor and walks out.
Ross - Welcome back folks.
- Yeah whatever. Anyway, I'm looking forward
to this next
match. Nothing like a family fued to get me all worked up.
This is gonna be so great! One brother gets to end the career
of his brother, ha ha!
- Oh you enjoy this do you? It's sickening.
Makes my heart wrench
just thinking about it. Let's just hope that WCW doesn't rip us
off like they did this past Monday.
Booker T vs Stevie Ray (Loser Leaves Town Match)
After the two men lockup, Booker sends Ray against the ropes. Stevie ducks a clothesline and then catches Booker in a bearhug. A poke to the eyes ends the chances of that being the finishing move, and Ray breaks the hold. For the opening few minutes of this match, the tempo is slow with a lot of stalling, neither man really wanting to go all out. After four minutes of *action*, Booker extends his hand to his brother. Ray looks torn for a second, and then shakes it. But lo and behold!, Booker clotheslines Ray to the mat. Booker pulls Stevie to his feet and then sends him right back down with a spinebuster slam for a two count. Ray gets to his feet, and Booker tries to whip him into the turnbuckle, but Stevie reverses it and Booker goes in headfirst. Ray then hammers on his younger brother with rights and lefts, until Booker slips under the bottom rope to the outside. Once on the outside, Booker takes control, sending Ray crashing into the guardrail. Booker then rolls Ray back into the ring, and then climbs the ropes. When Stevie gets to his feet, Booker lands the missile dropkick for the victory.
Booker T pinned Stevie Ray with the missile dropkick in 6-58 --- DUD
Booker T stands over his brother and spits on him.
- That's what you get, boy. That's what you get for
disrespecting me. Now get your ass outta here.
Ray is out cold on the mat and Booker kicks him out of the ring.
- Welcome back folks. In case you just missed
it, Stevie Ray of
Harlem Heat is out of the WWF and, well I was hoping for some
kind of reunion, some kind of make up but...
- Really? I was hoping for two brothers to
kick each others
butts and then not give a damn. It was great!
- None the less, I was not impressed with
either mans attitude,
especially Booker T. But up next we've got two young men
wrestling in their first WWF match, let's take a look.
Chris Chetti vs Jim Powers
A fast paced matchup with both men out to make a name for themselves in the World Wrestling Federation. Both men put out some high quality moves, with Powers getting a good pop from the crowd with a springboard moonsault for a two count. Chetti gets the win though, with a double jump moonsault less than five minutes into the match.
Chris Chetti pinned Jim Powers with a double jump moonsault in 4-35 --- .75*
- Great match there folks. Don't go away,
'cos we'll be right back
with six man tag team action!
Lawler - I'm looking forward to this Ross.
Shawn Michaels/Sycho Sid/Chris Benoit (w/Jeff Jarrett) vs Shane Douglas/Chris Candido/Bam Bam Bigelow (w/Taz and Rob Van Dam)
The World Wrestling Federation Champion Shawn Michaels starts the match off for his team. Bigelow goes to start for the ECW team, but once Douglas sees Michaels starting off, he tags right in before any contact is made. Douglas takes control out of the lock up and executes a vertical suplex on Michaels. Douglas then hits a hotshot on Michaels, and The Heartbreak Kid falls out of the ring. Taz and Van Dam then beat on Michaels outside the ring, the referee too busy trying to stop Sid and Benoit from making the save to notice. Van Dam then rolls him back into the ring, and Shane Douglas tags in Chris Candido. Candido hits a powerslam on Michaels, for only a two count.Candido pulls him off and goes to whip him into the ropes, but Michaels blocks it, and hits a swinging neckbreaker on the former tag champion. Candido crawls across the ring and tags in Bam Bam Bigelow, but not before Shawn makes the tag to Sid. Bigelow charges at Sid, but Sid catches him, spins him around, and then powerslams him. Sid covers but only gets a two count. Sid bodyslams Bigelow into his teams corner, and tags Chris Benoit in. Benoit stomps on Bigelow repeatedly, before whipping Bigelow into the ropes and then catching him in a sleeper hold. Bigelow is caught in the hold for a whole minute, which is edited for your protection by
The match is rejoined with Shawn Michaels hiptossing his challenger at last months In Your House, Shane Douglas. Michaels tags Chris Benoit back in who puts Douglas in an abdominal stretch. Benoit seems reluctant to do any real power moves on his opponents. Ain't no problem there for Sycho Sid, who when tagged in, powerbombs Douglas to hell. Chris Candido breaks the resulting cover at two. Sid spits in Candidos face after this, prompting a six man brawl in the ring before the referee restores order and the match settles back one on one. Chris Benoit and Bam Bam Bigelow resume the action, Benoit knocking Bigelow out the ring with a flying shoulderblock. Upon Bigelows return to the ring, he falls victim to a hard series of Flair chops from Benoit. Bam Bam holds his chest in agony as Benoit climbs the turnbuckles. Benoit hits a highcross body block on Bam Bam, but Bigelow rolls him over and comes close to pinning Benoit before Benoit kicks out. Bigelow and Benoit stay pounding on each other for close to two minutes, their one on one fued from earlier in the year certainly not forgotten. The Intercontinental Champion thinks he's won the match for his team with a top rope splash at the fifteen minute mark in this match, but Benoit raises his right shoulder, and before Bigelow can do anything about it, Benoit crawls across the ring and tags in Sid. Sid clotheslines Bigelow halfway across the ring, and then takes down the advancing Shane Douglas and Chris Candido. As he turns back around to deal with Bigelow, he gets met with a boot to the face. It's Hulk Hogan! No wait, it's Bam Bam Bigelow, back on his feet. Bigelow bodyslams Sid to the mat, then climbs the turnbuckle. A flying headbutt from the top rope nearly seals the victory, before a well timed boot to the head from Shawn Michaels breaks the pin attempt. Bigelow gets up and clotheslines the departing Shawn Michaels down to the mat. Benoit then jumps in the ring to attack Bigelow. Pandemonium ensues as all six men once again enter the ring. Somewhere in all the mayhem, Bam Bam Bigelow hits the Greetings From Asbury Park on Shawn Michaels. The referee, not knowing who the legal man was, counts Michaels shoulders down as Bigelow pins him. Bigelow gets the victory and the pinfall over the WWF Champion!
Shane Douglas/Chris Candido/Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Shawn Michaels/Chris Benoit/Sycho Sid when Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Shawn Michaels with the Greetings From Asbury Park in 25-08 --- ***.25
All nine men at ringside are brawling in the ring as the show goes off the air.