March 7th 1998
Columbus, Ohio
Jim Ross is your announcer. 

Ross - Welcome everyone to WWF Saturday Night! We've got a jam packed
       show for you here tonight, no less than nine matches are gonna
       take place in this very ring! You're gonna see Booker T in
       action, Vader's gonna be here, as well as the Intercontinental
       Champion Bam Bam Bigelow! Our first match though, is for the WWF
       Cruiserweight Title!

(WWF Cruiserweight Champion) Psychosis vs Scott Taylor

Scott Taylor's gameplan to win the cruiserweight title as evidenced straight away, as after the opening lockup, he dives out of the ring and then re-enters, steel chair in hand. The referee is able to get the chair off of Taylor before he can do any damage though, so Taylor goes into a sulk. Psychosis is getting restless and hits Taylor with an enzirguri, knocking his opponent to the mat. Psychosis wraps Taylor into an arm bar submission hold, and Taylor is literally crying. The champion breaks the hold only when he sees Taylor's tag partner, Brian Christopher head to the ring. Christopher jumps up on the apron and tries a right hand on Psychosis, but the champ ducks and Brian hits Taylor, who had tried to attack Psychosis from behind. Taylor falls to the mat, and Psychosis climbs the ropes and hits the flying legdrop for the victory. After the match, Brian Christopher enters the ring and attacks Psychosis. "Too Much" beat on the champion, until Taka Michinoku runs to ringside and makes the save.

Ross - A great match up there to start the show, Psychosis retaining
       the WWF Cruiserweight Championship! Booker T in action next!

Booker T vs Jim Powers

Booker T manhandles Powers in this *match*. Powers gets in next to no offence as Booker wiped the floor with him. The WWF champion Shawn Michaels watches from the top of the ramp during the contest. Booker T wins it after two minutes with the Missile Dropkick. Shawn Michaels returns to the dressing room after the three count.

Booker T pinned Jim Powers after the missile dropkick in 2-09 --- *

Booker T - See that right there? This is the new Booker T, and I'm
           taking names and kickin' ass.


Ross - An anihilation from Booker T. I have to wonder what Shawn
       Michaels was doing out there, hopefully we'll be able to get a
       word with the WWF Champion later in the show. Tag Team action is
       up next with The Headhunters!

The Headhunters vs Alan Stone/Barry Horowitz

The Headhunters are undefeated in the WWF, but they are given a close ride for a good five minutes by their less talented opponents. The over confidence of the 'Hunters is almost their downfall, as a fair degree of showboating allows Horowitz a schoolboy roll up for a two and a half. The Headhunters though are in a different league to their opponents though, and finish it with a moonsault.

The Headhunters defeated Alan Stone and Barry Horowitz when Headhunter #1 pinned Alan Stone with a moonsault. --- *.5

Ross - An impressive victory there, look for great things in the WWF
       from those two. Speaking of great things in the WWF,
       Wrestlemania I is coming soon, live on pay per view on March
       29th! Be sure to catch this mega event by calling your cable
       operator, and asking for the biggest event of them all! Up next,
       it's gonna be Vader time!

Vader vs Steve Corino

Former independant star Steve Corino makes his WWF debut here against the Rocky Mountain Beast and he is torn apart in the opening few minutes. Vader sends him crashing to the mat with right hand after right hand. Corino is dead on his feet as Vader hits a flying clothesline to knock him down. Vader then climbs the turnbuckles and tires for the moonsault. He misses and smacks hard on the mat. Corino lays his arm across Vaders body and gets the three count.

Steve Corino pinned Vader in 6-01 --- **.25

Vader is insenced after this defeat and decimates Corino before the ring fills with WWF officials and Vader is escorted out of the ring. Lamb to the slaughter Michael Cole meets him on his way out.

Cole - Vader, you're reaction to this stunning loss?

Vader - Fuck you Cole!

Vader starts beating the hell out of Michael Cole before once again, the scene fills with WWF offiicials and we hastily go to commercial.


Ross - Welcome back everybody. Lets take you back to just moments ago.
       Vader upset in his match with newcomer Steve Corino, and taking
       his anger out on WWF officials as well as our own Michael Cole.
       I can appreciate Vader's frustration, he's been on an awful
       losing streak as of late, but frankly, that was uncalled for.
       Up next though, I guess kind of an odd match. Last week on Raw,
       members of the ECW army interfered in the cruiser match between
       Juventud Guerra and Pantera and put both men in the hospital.
       Well when Pantera returned, he requested a match against Bam Bam
       Bigelow for the Intercontinental Title to get some revenge,
       and folks, that match is coming up next.

(Intercontinental Champion) Bam Bam Bigelow vs Pantera

The Beast From The East comes to the ring alone in this match, obviously confident. And rightly so, Pantera has one of the worst records in the cruiserweight divison, and Bam Bam Bigelow outweighs him by well over one hundred pounds. Pantera manages to take Bigelow down with some highflying moves in the opening minute, but this match is really nothing more than a squash, with Bigelow hitting the Greetings From Asbury Park for the win.

Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Pantera with the Greetings From Asbury Park in 3-12 --- **.5

(Bam Bam Bigelow retains the WWF Cruiserweight Title)

Bigelow - Why am I even bothering with this shit? WWF? (beep) you!

Ross - More distasteful language there. Luckily our censors were
       standing by. I really have to question Panteras judgement going
       into that match. Maybe he was putting his heart before his head,
       I don't know. What I do know is, up next we have The Legion Of
       Doom taking on Mosh and Thrasher, The Headbangers!

The Legion Of Doom vs The Headbangers

Hawk and Mosh start things off. Hawk almost gets the victory after hitting a flying shoulderblock. After this early setback, The Headbangers control most of this rather slow paced tag match. Thrasher coming the closest to a victory with a flying lariat. The Headbangers are to be on the losing side tonight though, as Hawk hits a gutwrench suplex for the three count.

The Legion Of Doom defeated The Headbangers when Hawk pinned Thrasher after a gutwrench suplex in 9-44 --- *.5


Ross - Up next, one half of the WWF tag team champions, Sycho Sid!

Sycho Sid (w/Shawn Michaels) vs Tim Horner

Sid sells nothing of Horners and powerbombs him after a minute, bringing to an end a staggeringly bad week for Tim Horner

Sycho Sid pinned Tim Horner with a powerbomb in 1-09 --- -.25*

The WWF Tag Team champions celebrate in the ring with the belts and Michaels grabs a microphone.

HBK - That right there is an example of why we are the tag team champions!

Horner slowly gets to his feet. Michaels superkicks him because he can!

HBK - And that is why I am the World Champion! Just a few days ago
      on Thunder, when Shawn Michaels got pinned by Bam Bam Bigelow,
      that dont mean nothing. I am the World Wrestling Federation
      Champion, and nothing that Bam Bam Bigelow does, nothing that
      Shane Douglas does, is gonna change that!


Marc Mero vs Gary Albright

Albright hits a nice gutwrench suplex for a two count early on. The majority of this short match takes place on the outside, with Mero sending Albright into the guardrail repeatedly. Back in the ring and it's still all Mero. The Marvelous one hitting the T.K.O. for the victory.

Marc Mero pinned Gary Albright with the T.K.O. in 4-03 --- *.75

Ross - An impressive victory there for the marvelous one. Hopefully
       he'll eventually get himself in position to challenge for some
       gold here in the WWF. Up next, our final match of the evening,
       as The Godwinns take on The New Midnight Express.

The New Midnight Express vs The Godwinns

Due to time constraints, this match is edited down to the last few minutes. The Expess have control in the match as we join it, using plenty of good team work to dominate their larger opponents. Out of nowhere, Phinneas hits the SlopDrop on Bob Holly, but Bart Gunn makes the save at two. Holly then hits a flying bodypress on Phinneas for the three count.

The New Midnight Express defeated The Godwinns when Bob Holly pinned P.Godwinn with a flying bodypress in 9-25 --- *.25

Ross - Well that's all for this week folks. We hope you enjoyed the
       show, and hope you can join us on monday night for WWF Monday
       Night Raw! So long everybody!