February 14th 1998 (taped 09/02)
Evansville, Indiana
Jim Ross is your announcer.

Ross - Hello again everybody, and welcome to Shotgun Saturday Night!
       Folks, we are only one day away from WWF In Your House, Revenge
       Of The Underdog. Amongst other great action, Shawn Michaels
       will defend the WWF World Heavyweight Title against Shane
       Douglas. Lot's of bad blood between these two, let's take you
       back to January 19th on Monday Night Raw.

(from 19/01 Monday Night Raw)

Douglas - Hey Champion! So you beat Bret Hart huh? So what, he
          stopped being any good three years ago. I am the real
          world champion, the ECW champion. I see you always come out
          here with your little (beep) boys DX, well this here (points
          to Candido and Bigelow), this is the real kliq, this is the
          triple threat.


Douglas - Well how about this HBK... ...my boys against you and
          your boyfriend Jean Paul tonight, and we'll see who can't
          cut it.

HBK - Well luckily for you, Hunter Hearst Helmsley ain't here tongiht,
      so there ain't gonna be no tag match.


Benoit - Shawn Michaels, I've never been in the same ring as ya, but
         I've always respected ya. I would be honoured to be your
         tag partner tonight...

Ross - Later that night, Chris Benoit and the WWF Champion Shawn
       Michaels took on Chris Candido and Bam Bam Bigelow. Take a look.

Shawn Michaels/Chris Benoit vs Chris Candido/Bam Bam Bigelow

...Candido though, manages to trap Benoit in an armbar submission hold, halting their offense. Benoit manages to get to the ropes after being in the hold for close to a minute. Benoit then manages to hook Candido in the Crippler Crossface, but this time Candido manages to get to the ropes. Candido then is able to tag in Bigelow. As soon as Bigelow enters the ring though, Benoit takes the Intercontinetal Champion down with a legsweep and puts on the Crippler Crossface! In the middle of the ring, Bam Bam has no choice but to submit...

Ross - The following week on Raw, the leader of the Triple Threat,
       Shane Douglas expressed his opinion on the match.

(from 26/01 Raw)

Douglas - ...so last week Benoit and Michaels got a victory oevr my
          boys. Fine. No big deal. But we all know that Benoit is the
          one that carrys that team. Shawn Michaels, you are nothing
          but a fraud and a paper champion! Michaels I challenge you
          tonight. I challenge you to take on Bam Bam Bigelow, and if
          you can get through that match with the WWF title still
          around your waist, then you get me!

Shawn Michaels appears on the Titantron.

HBK - You say I'm the weak link? Listen buddy, Benoit is a great
      athlete, but he is nothing compared to The Heartbreak Kid...

Ross - Later in the show Chris Benoit responded to Shawn Michaels.

Benoit - Hey Shawn Michaels. You have no right to badmouth me. Last
         week I saved you from getting your butt kicked by The
         Triple Threat. You say I'm nothing compared to you? Why don't
         you come down here right now and we'll see about that.

Right on cue, Shawn Michaels heads to the ring.

HBK - Listen Benoit, I ain't got anything to say to you. I appreciate
      your help last week, but the bottom line is, you're nothing
      but a loser. You've been a loser all your wrestling career, and
      let me tell you Benoit, The Heartbreak Kid does not associate
      with losers.

Ross - Following that interview, Shawn Michaels would defend the WWF
       title against the Intercontinental Champion Bam Bam Bigelow.
       Let's take a look at the conclusion to that match.

(World Champion) Shawn Michaels vs Bam Bam Bigelow

...Bigelow then drags Michaels' body to the corner of the ring and climbs the ropes for the greetings from Ashbury park. Before Bam Bam can execute it though, Chyna jumps up on the ring apron and pushes Bigelow off the turnbuckle, the referee lets it go. Michaels soon regains the adavantage and sends Bigelow to the canvas with a hurracanrana. Michaels then goes to the corner of the ring, waiting for Bigelow to get to his feet so Michaels can hit the Superkick. But as Michaels looks at Bigelow, Benoit climbs the turnbuckle and blasts Michaels with a chair. Michaels goes sprawling down to the mat as the referee rings the bell. Benoit proceeds to whack the life out of Michaels with the chair...

Ross - After Benoits actions, Benoit fooled Shane Douglas that he was
       on his side, before knocking him out with a DDT. The following
       week on Raw, Douglas cost Benoit a match against Hunter Hearst
       Helmsley. Chris Benoit had this to say, this past Monday.

(from 09/02 Raw)

Benoit - Last week, Shane Douglas cost me another match, against
         Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Well, Shane, I'm gonna be at In Your
         House this Sunday. I don't have a match scheduled, but I'm
         gonna be at ringside for the main event. I don't like you
         Shane, but then I don't like Shawn Michaels either, so you may
         be wondering, what is the Crippler gonna be doing? Well I have
         an agenda, I have a plan, but Shane, Shawn, you're gonna have
         to wait till Sunday to find out what it is.

Ross - Benoits speech was intriguing, and Shawn Michaels came out
       later in the show to try and straighten things out. Roll the tape.

HBK - Okay Indiana, here's what you've all been waiting for, The
      Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels! Now earlier tonight, Chris Benoit,
      a man who screams of conspiracies, a man who moans about
      being screwed, a man who chants the warcry of the loser, he
      comes out here and says he has an agenda. He says he has a plan.
      He says he's gonna show up at In Your Hous, and play some part
      in the main event. Well listen , Nancyboy, you don't get to be
      in the main event by being a loser. If you intefere in my match
      on Sunday, after I finish beating Dean Douglas into a bloody
      pulp, I'm gonna whip your (beep) like you never dreamed possible.

Ross - The stage is set folks, for an amazing main event. When we come
       back we'll have news on the European title tournament. As
       well, we'll show you what happened when the four competitors in
       tomorrows tag title match, clashed one on one.


(from 09/02 Raw)

Billy Gunn vs (Intercontinental Champion) Bam Bam Bigelow

Bam Bam attacks the tag champion as soon as the bell rings and hits him with an awesome powerbomb. Gunn kicks out at two, so Bigelow powerbombs him again. Gunn won't give up though and carrys on, taking a brutal amount of punishment. Out of nowhere though, Gunn hits a DDT, but after somehow finding the strength to reach over and cover Bigelow, Bam Bam kicks out at two. That offence was just a fluke though, and the Intercontinental Champion hits the Greetings from Ahsbury Park for the victory.

Ross - Bigelow gets the victory there, but the match between his
       partner Chris Candido and the Roadog ended in a pier six brawl
       with The Outlaws, DX and The Triple Threat all getting
       involved. Folks, you don't want to miss In Your House - Revenge
       Of The Underdog, live on pay-per-view!


Ross - Welcome back everybody. Now let's take you to two weeks ago
       right here on Shotgun, when Owen Hart took on the rookie Tim Horner.

(from 31/01 Shotgun)

Owen Hart vs Tim Horner

Owen controls this match, coming close to victory in the first minute with an enzirguri. Horner manages to block the Sharpshooter on two seperate occasions though, and frustration starts to mount on Owen. After twelve minutes of action, Owen jumps out of the ring, and starts pacing around the ring area, trying to work out why he hasn't been able to put this kid away. Suddenly Steve Austin jumps over the guardrail out of the crowd, stunners Owen, then rolls him into the ring. Horner then covers Owen for the HUGE upset win.

Ross - Now to two weeks ago on Raw, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin had cost
       Owen yet another match, this time to Eight Ball of the DOA.
       Here's what Owen had to say.

(from 02/02 Raw)

Owen - This kind of (beep) is so typical of Steve Austin. He doesn't
       have the (beep) to step in the ring and fight me man on man,
       so he comes out of the crowd and attacks me from behind. And
       why the (beep) is he even doing it? Austin if you ever have
       the (beep) to face me man on man in a real match, then show up
       at In Your House. I'll be waiting for ya that time.

Ross - The challenge was made. The following week, both Owen Hart and
       Steve Austin were on hand, let's take a look.

(from 09/02 Raw)

Ross - ...we have split screen with Owen Hart and The Nation and on
       the other side we have Stone Cold Steve Austin. Owen you laid
       out the challenge last week and...

Owen - Yeah that's right Ross, but there's been some development in
       that area, tell em Rock.

Rock - Ha ha, thanks Owen. You see the Rock was contemplating this
       whole situation between Owen and Austin, and basically the
       Rock feels like this, Austin, you and I have a little
       unfinished business. So the challenge has been remodified, if
       you smell what the Rock is cookin'. The challenge goes like
       this, The Rock and this man standing beside the Rock,
       against yourself, and any other trailer park trash your sorry
       ass can drag up.

Austin - Well Rock, basically what this tells me is that Owen Hart is
         too chicken(beep) to step in the ring one on one with Stone
         Cold on his own. Last week he goes out and puts his foot up
         his ass and makes a challenge he ain't gonna stick too, so he
         gose back to his little buddy the Rock.

Rock - Listen jabronie, d'you accept the goddamn challenge, or is the
       Rock gonna have to come down to wherever the hell you are and
       lay the smack down on ya?

Austin - Hell yeah, I accept the challenge. I got many friends in
         Texas that wouldn't mind kickin' your ass you piece of trash.

Ross - Well all that leads to this Sunday, Owen Hart and The Rock will
       take on "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and a mystery partner. Who on
       earth could that be? Friends in Texas? We'll be right back.


Ross - Another big match on the In Your House card will be Rey Mysterio
       Jr defending the WWF Cruiserweight title against the number one
       contender Taka Michinoku. Let's take you back to two weeks ago on
       Raw, a triangle match between Taka, Pantera and Devon Storm.
       Storm had just been eliminated as we join the action.

(from 02/02 Raw)

Pantera vs Taka Michinoku

The match is now down to Pantera and Taka. There are high flying moves aplenty between these two, with both men coming close to victory on a number of occasions. It is Michinoku however, who gets the victory, pinning Pantera after a moonsault from the top turnbuckle.

Ross - Taka Michinoku of course became the number one contender by
       winning that match. Mysterio is undefeated in the World
       Wrestling Federation however, and it's gonna be the fight of
       Michinokus life if he can take the gold from the champion.


Ross - The cruiserweight match is not the last of the title matches
       though, as the WWF womens title will also be on the line,
       Madusa will take on Akira Hokuto. Let's go back to Raw, and a
       tag match between Madusa and Bertha Faye taking on Hokuto and Bull

(from 02/02 Raw)

Madusa/Bertha Faye vs Akira Hokuto/Bull Nakano

Faye and Hokuto start off in an impressive display of chops and kicks. Hokuto the manages to get Faye in the STF, but Bertha gets to the ropes after being in the hold for over forty seconds. Madusa then tags in and dominates the rest of the match, pinning Nakano with the German Suplex in eight minutes.

Ross - Hokuto, of course, a newcomer to the WWF womens division, she
       did not take part in the womens title tournament. Should be a
       great match. There's many more exciting matches on the card, and
       we hope you can join us tomorrow night, for In Your House -
       Revenge Of The Underdog, only on pay-per-view. To close the
       show, let me run down the pairings for the tournament to crown
       the first ever WWF European Champion. Here we go;

Owen Hart vs Marc Mero
Vader vs Rocky Maivia
Adam Bomb vs Steve Austin
Jeff Jarrett vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Ross - The tournament will commence on February 16th, just two days
       away. Folks, we're out of time, I'll see you tommorow night for
       In Your House. Goodnight Everybody!