January 31 1998 (taped 26/01)
Davis, California
Jim Ross is your announcer.

Ross - Hello again everybody and welcome to Shotgun Saturday Night!
       We've got a great show lined up for you tonight including
       Mosh taking on Headhunter #1, Owen Hart in action, and Marc
       Mero taking on Kama Mustafa of The Nation. But let's take you
       to the ring right now, as we've been joined by Barry Horowitz.

Horowitz - After what happened at The Royal Rumble, I think it's time
           that everybody in the World Wrestling Federation pays me
           some respect. Now, after giving Steve Austin the match of
           his life last week, number two on my hitlist is the man
           they call Vader. Now if he could get his fat ass out here
           and pay his respects to me, then everything will be alright
           between me and him. Come on fatman.

Vader walks down the ramp and enters the ring.

Horowitz - Come on Vader. Come and kiss my ass.

Vader promptly powerbombs his ass and Horowitz is out cold on the mat again.

Ross - Well I don't know what the hell that was all about. Somebody
       get this guy out of the ring. We'll be right back folks with
       some wrestling action.


Headbanger Mosh vs Headhunter #1

The Headhunter takes Mosh down early with a powerbomb but the Headbanger gets up at two. Mosh is heavily brutalised the whole match, but somehow manages to kick out of the Headhunters pin attempts. Eventually a moonsault on Mosh means the end of the match.

Headhunter #1 pinned Headbanger Mosh with the moonsault in 6-57 --- **.25

After the match a four man brawl breaks out as the other team members get involved.

Ross - Folks, this fued is far from over. We'll be right back.

**In Your House - Revenge Of The Underdog Promo** - February 15th - Houston, Texas

Ross - Welcome back everybody, and I hope you can join us for WWF In
       Your House! As you all know, the main event will feature WWF
       Champion Shawn Michaels defending his title against Shane
       Douglas! What a match that promises to be, now let's get back to
       the ring.

Owen Hart vs Tim Horner

Owen controls this match, coming close to victory in the first minute with an enziguri on the rookie. Horner manages to block the Sharpshooter on two seperate occasions though, and frustration starts to mount in Owen. After twelve minutes of action, Owen jumps out of the ring, and starts pacing around the ring area, trying to work out why he hasn't been able to put this kid away. Suddenly Steve Austin jumps over the guardrail out of the crowd, and stunners Owen, the rolls him into the ring. Horner then covers Hart for the HUGE upset win.

Tim Horner pinned Owen Hart in 13-27 --- ***.5


Marc Mero vs Kama Mustafa

Marc Mero is all over Kama one the bell rings. Mero goes for an early DDT, but Kama blocks it and knocks Mero to the canvas with a low blow. The action then drops into a mainly brawling style, with most of Kamas offence coming from chokeholds. Mero is close to being out as Mustafa puts him a sleeperhold for over thirty seconds, but Mero is eventually able to force his way out of the hold. The action then spills to the outside, and with both men trading blow after blow, they both fail to hear the referees count, and both men are counted out.

Marc Mero and Kama Mustafa battled to a double countout in 9-16 --- *.25

Ross - Well that salvages a little of The Nation's reputation, what
       with the New Age Outlaws winning on Monday night, and Owens
       shocking loss tonight. Folks, we'll be right back!


Ross - Up next, we've got the rather odd combination of Jeff Jarrett
       and Adam Bomb teaming up to face the DOA. This should be
       interesting, let's go to the ring.

Adam Bomb/Jeff Jarrett vs The Disciples Of Apocalypse

The DOA dominate Jeff Jarrett when he is in the ring, a complete contrast to Adam Bomb, who looks almost invincible when going up against the bikers. Skull falls victim, like so many others, to Adam Bombs crotch slam fifteen minutes in. After the match, Bomb powerbombs both members of the DOA, and when JJ pats him on the back for a job well done, Jarrett gets powerbombed too.

Adam Bomb and Jeff Jarrett defeated The Disciples Of Apocalypse when Adam Bomb pinned Skull after the crotch slam in 15-47 --- -.75*


Ross - Well ladies and gentlemen, our next match is gonna be for the
       WWF cruiserweight title. Rey Mysterio Jr is gonna defend against
       Scott Taylor. Let's get to the action.

(Cruiserweight Champion) Rey Mysterio Jr vs Scott Taylor

Rey Mysterios confidence is on top of the world at the moment, and there is no way he is gonna let a rookie like Scott Taylor take the belt away from him. This match lasts little over five minutes, with the Springboard Hurracanrana as usual giving Rey the win.

Rey Mysterio Jr pinned Scott Taylor with the springboard hurracanrana in 5-19 --- ***

(Rey Mysterio Jr retained the WWF cruiserweight title)

Ross - Another great win there for Rey Mysterio Jr. And this week on
       Raw, ther's gonna be a triangle match between Pantera, Taka
       Michinoku and the former champ Devon Storm for the right to face
       Mysterio at In Your House. Now let's go to the ring for our final

The Legion Of Doom vs The New Midnight Express

This was a very even match, with the young Midnight Express more than holding their own against the veteran Road Warriors. Bart Gunn came closest to getting the win for the express when he took Hawk out with a top rope bulldog. Animal though, was able to make the save. The end came in the ususal LOD way with Hawk hitting the doomsday device for the victory and The Midnight Express' debut tag match in the WWF ends in defeat.

The Legion Of Doom defeated The New Midnight Expess when Hawk pinned Bart Gunn with the Doomsday Device in 12-18 --- **

Ross - What a great show we've had tonight! Remember to tune in to Raw
       on monday night, and be sure to join us this time next week for
       WWF Shotgun! I'm Jim Ross, so long everybody!