January 24 1998 (taped 19/01)
Fresno, California
Jim Ross is your announcer.

Ross - Hello again everybody, and welcome to Shotgun Saturday Night!
       Thanks for joining us, and what a show we have lined up for
       you tonight! The winner of the 1998 Royal Rumble will be in
       action, that's right The Rock, Rocky Maivia will be here! Plus,
       The Headhunters will take on Harlem Heat, and in our main event,
       D-Lo Brown of The Nation is gonna take on Chris Benoit! But
       let's start the show with two men who are eager to get a hold
       of the cruiserweight title, the former champion Devon Storm,
       and Taka Michinoku!

Devon Storm vs Taka Michinoku

Taka Michinoku gets off to the better start in this match, with the former Cruiserweight champion looking a little dazed. Storm looks really out of it, and Taka quickly polishes him off with a springboard splash.

Taka Michinoku pinned Devon Storm after a springboard splash in 2-43 --- ***.25

Ross - Great win there for Taka Michinoku. What was wrong though,
       with Devon Storm. It really doesn't look like he's come to
       terms with losing the title. But now, on to our next match.

Rocky Maivia vs Headbanger Thrasher

The referee gets bumped in the first minute of the match stopping The Rock from getting a quick pinfall victory, as there was no ref to count. This didn't deter the Rock though, and The Rock dominates the early going. Thrasher makes a brief comeback a few minutes in, but The Rocks confidence is skyhigh, and there ain't nothing that's gonna stop him from chalking up another victory. Nine minutes in, Maivia hits the Rock Bottom and gets the three count.

Rocky Maivia beat Thrasher with the Rock Bottom in 9-26 --- **.25


Adam Bomb vs Gary Albright

Adam Bomb dominates for the opening few minutes, and the match shows signs of being a total squash. But Albright recovers and comes within an inch of his first win in the World Wrestling Federation after taking down Bomb with a dragon suplex. Eventually though, Adam Bombs power takes over and one crotch slam later, he gets the win.

Adam Bomb pinned Gary Albright with the Crotch Slam in 11-55 --- ***

**Promo** - WWF In Your House I - Revenge Of The Underdog - February 15th

Ross - Another impressive win there for Adam Bomb. He can't be far
       off from getting a title shot of some kind. And folks, I hope
       you can join us on February 15th for WWF In Your House - Revenge
       Of The Underdog. It promises to be an amazing event. Now back to
       the ring for tag team action.

The Headhunters vs Harlem Heat

The match starts out in a very entertaining style with many tags and lots of back and forth action. The first close pin attempt comes after Headhunter #1 hits Stevie Ray with an enzuigiri, which only gets a two count. Stevie Ray demonstrates a lot of heelish tactics in this match, much to the displeasure of Booker T, and the two men nearly come to blows many times during this match. The Headhunters soon take advantage of Harlem Heats dysfunctional teamwork and dominate most of the match. The match then drags for a long while, until Headhunter #2 executes a moonsault on Stevie Ray for the victory, one secnd before the time limit would have expired.

The Headhunters defeated Harlem Heat when Headhunter #2 pinned Stevie Ray after a moonsault in 19-59 --- *


Ross - And now folks, let's take you to ringside for our main event.

Chris Benoit vs D-Lo Brown

Both men put on a thoroughly entertaining contest with D-Lo having the better of the early offense. D-Lo dominates the early going without too many spectacular manoueuvers, until Benoit gets D-Lo in a northern lights suplex for a two count. Benoit then takes control and nearly gets the victory with a flying headbutt. Both men take turns in the commanding role until Benoit hooks on the Crippler Crossface and D-Lo has no choice but to submit. Benoit gets the victory in a great match.

Chris Benoit defeated D-Lo Brown with the Crippler Crossface in 13-33 --- **.75

Ross - Another great victory for Chris Benoit to end a great show.
       We'll see you here next week, and be sure to tune in to Monday
       Night Raw when The New Age Outlaws will defend the tag titles
       against Kama and D-Lo and much much more! So long everybody!