January 18th

San Jose, California

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are your announcers.

For some people there is no exact moment when their hatred arises towards each other, for some people it happens at birth. For Shawn Michaels, his anger at always being one step behind the Hitman turned him from being a fan friendly Rocker into one of the most egotistical men on the planet. As Bret Hart grows older, is it his contempt for youth that drives his hatred of Shawn Michaels? Or are these two legends drawn against each other simply by the lure of WWF gold? Whatever their reasons, tonight, one man will stand tall, not only with the World Wrestling Federation title around their waist, but also with the knowledge that they ended the career of their greatest nemesis, for ever.

And now, Artline International brings you The 1998 Royal Rumble!

Ross - Hello everybody, and welcome to the 1998 Royal Rumble. I'm
       here alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and we are live here in
       San Jose, California. What a night it's gonna be!

King - That's right JR. Not only do we have the thirty man over the
       top rope battle royale, not only are we gonna have a huge six
       man brawl for the tag titles, but we are going to see the final
       match ever, of either Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels, and I have a
       feeling we're gonna be saying goodbye to the Hitman!

Ross - Well that remains to be seen King. What a crowd we have here
       tonight, over 20 thousand people crammed into this great arena,
       and we are ready to go with the first match of the 1998 Royal

Howard Finkel in the ring.

Finkel - Ladies and gentlemen, this opening contest of the 1998 Royal
         Rumble is scheduled for one fall, with a 30 minute time limit,
         and is for the World Wrestling Federation Cruiserweight
         Championship! Already in the ring from San Diego, California,
         weighing in at one hundred and forty pounds, Rey Mysterio Jr!
         And now approaching the ring, from Pacific Palisades,
         California, weighing in at two hundred and thirty two pounds,
         he is the World Wrestling Federation Cruiserweight Champion,
         Devon Storm!

(WWF Cruiserweight Champion) Devon Storm vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Storm looked set for an amazing victory as he powerbombed Mysterio in the opening seconds, but his pin attempt only got two. Mysterio soon recovers though, and hits Storm with a northern lights suplex for a one count. Storm then crawls out of the ring and takes a time out, giving himself some time to recover. The crowd seems heavily behind Rey in this match. For the next few minutes, Storm moves away from his high flying technique, towards a more brawling attitude. The crowd obviously doesn't appreciate this and they start to boo Storm. The weight of the crowds boos is clearly getting to Devon and he leaves the ring to try and clear his head many times during the match. When Storm does stay in the ring though, he is bombarded by Mysterio's aerial assault. The Champion is really frustrated at this point, and at the seven minute mark of the match, he grabs a chair from ringside. Luckily for Rey, the referee stops Devon before he can do any damage, not only to Rey, but to Storm's reputation. Storm then begins to taaunt and shout at the crowd, allowing Rey to sneak up and catch Storm in a small package for a two count. Rey uses the champ as a punching bag for the next few minutes but Storm just won't give up, kicking out of all of Mysterio's pinning attempts. Eventually though, a dazed and confused Devon Storm is caught in a springboard hurracanrana by Rey, and 1-2-3, we have a new champion!

Rey Mysterio Jr pinned Devon Storm with the springboard hurracanrana in 13-15 --- **.75

(Rey Mysterio Jr won the WWF Cruiserweight Title)

After the match the two men shake hands and hug, sparking a standing ovatian from the crowd. Michael Cole is on hand to get a few words from the new champion.

Cole - Rey Mysterio, how does it feel to be the WWF cruiserweight

Rey - It feels great man. I love being the champion yeah!

Cole - Thanks Rey. Back to you JR.

Ross - Thanks Michael. Now we're gonna take you up to the stands,
       where I believe Todd Pettengil is standing by with a very
       special guest. Todd?

In the stands.

Todd - Thanks JR. It's so great to be back in the WWF and I'm standing
       here alongside the beautiful star of the Fox sitcom Ally McBeal,
       Calista Flockhart. How are you enjoying the Royal Rumble, Calista?

Calista - It's great. I'm really having a lot of fun. ((Who is this
          jerk? All I want to do is sit here and watch the Royal
          Rumble. It's your own fault Calista, and you know it is.
          You're always getting into these situations and... Oh, he's
          gone. Well done Calista, you really blew that one.))

Ross - Thank you Todd. Now we're all set to go with our three way match
       for the tag titles.

The Legion Of Doom vs The Godwinns vs The New Age Outlaws for the WWF tag team titles.

Hawk and Billy Gunn start the match. Hawk goes for a piledriver early, but Gunn blocks it. The two men quickly take things outside and brawl around the ring area, with both men making visits to the ringpost and the ringsteps. Back in the ring, the two men beat on each other for over five minutes until Gunn tags out to Henry Godwinn. After nothing more than a lock up though, Hawk tags out to Billy Gunn, and Mr Ass finds himself in the ring again. Gunn is having none of this and he tags out to his partner Jesse Jammes. The Outlaws double team Henry for a while, until Henry fights back and floors the NAO with a double clothesline. The legal man Jesse Jammes then tags out to Animal who goes to work on Henry Godwinn. HOG then tags in Phinneas, who is pummeled by Animal from the moment he steps in the ring. Animal is in complete control until Phinneas catches him in a bearhug. Animal eventually struggles his way to the ropes after being trapped for thirty seconds. Animal then manages to tag the Roadog, and JJ and Billy Gunn enter the ring and doubleteam until Phinneas knocks them both down with a double clothesline and Billy Bad Ass falls out of the ring. Gunn soon recovers though, and The outlaws spend the next few minutes going to work on Phinneas., who is unable to make a tag. Eventually Phinneas makes a hot tag to Hawk, who clears house of the outlaws. Not long after though, whilst Phinneas distracts the referee, Gunn hit's Animal in the head with a chair, allowing JJ to hit the crotch slam and the L.O.D are eliminated.

The New Age Outlaws vs The Godwinns for the tag team titles

With the match now down to the Outlaws and The Godwinns, the crowd is quick to get behind the hogfarmers. But a roundhouse right from Chyna on Henry Godwinn allows him to be caught up in the crotch slam, and the Outlaws get the pinfall and the tag team titles.

The New Age Outlaws defeated The Legion Of Doom and The Godwinns --- .25*

King - Wow, that was great! What a win for the Outlaws!

Ross - Oh now come on, King. They had to rely on cheating and
       interference to get both falls in that match.

King - Well I don't know what match you were watching JR, but all I
       saw was the New Age Outlaws kicking ass here at The Royal Rumble!

**Promo** - In Your House I - Revenge Of The Underdog - February 15th 1998

Ross - Well folks, we sure hope you can join us on February 15th,
       when it'll be the first ever WWF In Your House, only on
       pay-per-view. Before we get to our next match, let's take to
       what happened this past week on Raw.

(Recap of Bam Bam Bigelow winning the Intercontinental Title from Chris Benoit.)

Ross - Now let's go to ringside.

Finkel - Ladies and gentleman, this match is scheduled for one fall
         with a sixty minute time limit, and is for the World Wrestling
         Federation Intercontinental Championship! Introducing first,
         from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at two hundred and
         eighteen pounds, the Crippler, Chris Benoit! And his opponent,
         hailing from Ashbury Park, New Jersey, weighing three hundred
         and sixty pounds, he is the new World Wrestling Federation
         Intecontinental Champion, Bam Bam Bigelow!

(Intercontinental Champion) Bam Bam Bigelow vs Chris Benoit

Chris Benoit pummels Bam Bam to the canvas in the first minute of this match, and Bigelow is sure enough rattled as he immediatley jumps outside the ring to get a breather. Benoit wants to put Bigelow away straight away as, after knocking Bam Bam down with a series of punches, he goes up top for the flying headbutt. Bam Bam moves out of the way though, and takes control of the match. Bigelows advantage is short lived though, as Benoit blocks a headbutt and goes to work on the champion. Benoit does hit the flying headbutt this time, but Bigelow somehow gets up at two. Eleven minutes into the match and the rest of the Triple Threat make their way to ringside. The referee immediately goes over to Shane Douglas to warn him not to interfere in the match, and while that goes on Chris Candido hands Bam Bam a baseball bat, which Bigelow uses to great effect on the back of Benoit's head. With the referee now back in action, Bigelow goes for the pin, but somehow, Benoit gets his shoulder up before three. Bigelow looks stunned and wonders how he's going to put Benoit away. He didn't need to worry though, as while Candido jumps on the ring apron and grabs the referees attention, Douglas tosses a pair of brass knuckles in the ring. Bigelow executes a great catch, and then knocks Benoit out. The referee turns around in time to see Bigelow hit the Greetings from Ashbury Park and it's all over. Bam Bam gets his second screwy victory over Benoit in six days.

Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Chris Benoit with the Greetings from Ashbury Park in 15-00 --- ****

(Bam Bam Bigelow retains the Intercontinental Title)

Ross - Well, you've gotta feel for Chris Benoit. He was up against
       three men there!

King - What? Are you kidding me? What a great night! Benoit gets his
       ass kicked, that snotty little punk Devon Storm loses his title,
       and The New Age Outlaws win the tag titles. This is great!

Finkel - Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the1998 Royal Rumble!
No. Name Eliminations
1 Jeff Jarrett
2 Kama Mustafa
3 Adam Bomb
4 Chris Benoit
5 Devon Storm Chris Benoit, Adam Bomb, Kama Mustafa
6 Phinneas Godwinn Devon Storm, Phinneas Godwinn
7 Billy Gunn Jeff Jarrett
8 Marc Mero Billy Gunn
9 D-Lo Brown D-Lo Brown
10 Mark Henry Marc Mero
11 Jesse Jammes
12 Hunter Hearst Helmsley
13 Steve Austin Hunter Hearst Helmsley
14 Bart Gunn Jesse Jammes
15 Chainz
16 Animal Mark Henry
17 Owen Hart Animal
18 Barry Horowitz Owen Hart, Steve Austin. Chainz
19 Booker T Booker T, Bart Gunn
20 Henry Godwinn Henry Godwinn
21 8Ball
22 Miguel Perez Jr
23 Skull
24 Bob Holly
25 Dustin Runnels Skull, Bob Holly
26 Bam Bam Bigelow
27 Savio Vega Bam Bam Bigelow, Savio Vega, Miguel Perez Jr
28 Rocky Maivia
29 Steve Blackman
30 Hawk Hawk, Steve Blackman, Dustin Runnels, Barry Horowitz

The Winner of the 1998 Royal Rumble - "The Rock" Rocky Maivia

King - Wow, well done Rock! Wow, he was in there for over 15 minutes
      Ross! Wow!

Ross - Yeah, wow. What I want to know is what kind of drug was
       Barry Horowitz on? He was a whisker away from winning the whole
       damn thing!

King - Wow, Rock, wow.

Ross - Well folks, moving away from that...

King - Wow. That was unbelievable JR!

Ross - Will you shut up?! Well folks, we don't need to give you any
       build up to this one. Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels. There's no
       time limit, it's falls count anywhere, it's for the WWF title,
       it's a loser leaves town match and it's coming up right now!

King - Wow, what a Rumble, wow.

Ross - Will you shut up?!

Finkel - Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the main event of
         the evening. It is scheduled for one fall, with falls
         count anywhere rules, and it is for the World Wrestling
         Federation Championship! Also an added stipulation, the
         loser of this match is banned from ever participating in
         any wrestling promotion again. Introducing first from
         Calgary, Alberta, Canada, weighing two hundred and thirty
         five pounds, he is a former five time WWF Champion, Bret
         "The Hitman" Hart! And his opponent, from San Antonio Texas,
         weighing in at two hundred and thirty four pounds, he is the
         World Wrestling Federation Champion, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn

(World Champion) Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart (Falls Count Anywhere Loser Leaves Town Match)

The two men start out in the ring. The two hammer at each other, back and forth, for the opening minutes. The crowd is heavily behind Bret in these opening exchanges. Soon, Michaels takes control, and is unlucky not to get a quick victory with a cross body block off the top rope. Shawn then throws Bret out of the ring, but before Michaels can do any damage, Bret waffles him with the ring bell. Bret covers Michaels right there on the outside, but only gets a two count. Shawn recovers quickly though, and after being handed brass knuckles from Chyna, he resumes control on the outside. Shawn then throws Bret over the guardrail and soon they are fighting in the crowd. Chyna trys to get involved and help her man out, but Bret Hart nails her, drawing cheers from the surrounding crowd. A fan then hands Bret a keyboard, and Bret nails Shawn with it, sending HBK sprawling down one of the stairways. Bret then throws the keyboard down the stairs onto Michaels, nearly decapitating several fans. Michaels crawls his way back over the guardrail and back into the ring. Bret follows him, grabbing the ring bell as he goes. Bret crashes the ring bell onto Michaels' face and Shawn is busted wide open. Michaels crawls out of the ring and trys to escape up the ramp, but Bret catches up with him and puts him in the Sharpshooter. Michaels is screaming in agony, but luckily for him, Chyna smacks Bret with a steel chair, forcing him to break the hold. Bret then stands up, grabs the chair from Chyna, pushes her down the ramp, and goes to hit Michaels with the chair. Earl Hebner gets in his way though, telling Bret to give him some time to recover. Bret tells the ref to fuck off and throws him to the floor. While Bret is busy with the referee though, Michaels somehow gets to his feet and hits Bret with the Superkick, sending Bret falling down the ramp. Michaels doesn't have the strength to capitalise though, and he can do nothing but a flair flop, and both men are down. Michaels recovers first and starts stomping a mudhole in Bret Hart. Michaels then takes the broken keyboard from ringside and smashes it into Bret Harts leg, obvioulsy trying to make it impossible for Bret to execute the Sharpshooter. Sure enough, later in the match, Brets leg buckles as he goes for the Sharpshooter and he collapses to the ground in agony. Bret still manages to get to his feet though, and clotheslines Shawn over the guardrail again. Michaels has had enough of this, and runs with all his strength up the steps and out the exit. Hart is sure as hell not gonna let him out this easily and limps up the stairs after him. As Bret comes out of the arena, Michaels is waiting for him and thumps Bret over the head with a road sign. Bret collapses to the ground and Shawn falls on top of him to make the cover. But the referee hasn't made it out of the arena yet. When he finally arrives, Bret manages to kick out at two. Shawn collapses in a heap, not knowing what he has to do to put Bret away. Bret then slowly gets to his feet and grabs a fire extinguisher from the side of the arena. When Shawn gets to his feet, Bret duly knocks him back down again, sprurting blood from every part of Shawn's face. Bret the covers Michaels, but the barely conscious WWF champion manages to raise his shoulder at 2 and nine tenths. Bret buries his head in his hands, and then slowly looks around at his surroundings. Michaels still lies flat out on his back, barely conscious. The Hitman then stands up, and starts to climb up the outside wall of the arena until he reaches a ledge about ten feet off the ground. Bret then flys off the ledge attempting to do an elbow drop, but Michaels somehow gets out of the way, and Bret goes crashing into the concrete. Both men are a bloody wreck as Shawn manages to drape his arm over Brets lifeless body for the










Shawn Michaels beat Bret Hart in 55-50 --- *****

(Shawn Michaels retained the World Wrestling Federation Championship)