March 23rd 1998
Tuscan, Arizona
Jim Ross is your announcer. 

Ross - Welcome everybody again to Monday Night Raw Live! We are
       only six days away from Wrestlemania, and tonight we've got a
       huge ECW vs WWF eight man tag match! Plus, Owen Hart will take
       on Jeff Jarrett in the second European Title Semi Final, for the
       chance to face The Rock! We're gonna have much much more as well
       folks and... wait a minute.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley and The New Age Outlaws are on their way to the ring.

Hunter - Indiana, DX is back!

(Loud crowd pop)

Hunter - Before all you people start getting your panties all wet, we
         got a few words for Shawn Michaels. Last month, when we were
         put out of action by ECW, Shawn Michaels assembled a new army.
         The WWF Army. Not once did he visit the hospital where myself,
         Jesse Jammes and Billy Gunn were stuck in. Not once, did I ever
         recieve a phone call asking how I was. No, he just came out
         here and found some new friends, and discarded DX. Well Shawn,
         you dont do that. When you're part of the Clique, you're part of
         the Kliq for life. Apart from us other here, there's a few guys
         out back who want to know where you stand too. Shawn Michaels?
         I'm calling you out here right now, face to face.

Shawn Michaels comes out through the curtain and walks to the ring, to a huge face pop.

Hunter - Here he is, the man himself.

HBK - I don't know why you're coming out here saying what you are, but
      The Heartbreak Kid is glad you're back. You say I abandoned the
      Kliq? Listen buddy, if you can't handle yourselves when put under a
      little pressure, then you are the ones who broke up the Kliq.

Hunter - That isn't true at all. I was, and these two guys here, we
         were gonna do a huge monologue about DX, but Shawn? I just got
         three words for ya. Watch your back.

Hunter and The Outlaws leave the ring as Shawn Michaels ponders Helmsley's words.

Ross - Explosive start here to Monday Night Raw. The return of
       D-Generation X! "Watch your back"? Could this spell more
       problems for Shawn Micheals and Team WWF? We'll have to wait
       just six days to find out. But now, let's take you backstage
       where The Legion Of Doom are standing by.


Animal - Last week, The Midnight Express came out here, boasting about
         breaking up The Legion Of Doom. Well that ain't happened, and
         it ain't gonna happen. When we face you in the ring tonight,
         it's gonna be the old Legion Of Doom, and we're gonna kick the
         crap out of you, like you've never had it kicked before.

Ross - Where's Hawk? Isn't he with you?

Animal - Hawk is out back getting prepared. There's no problems there,
         and I don't know what you're trying to say.

Ross - I'm not trying to say anything. Folks, when we come back, it's
       gonna be The Legion Of Doom vs The New Midnight Express!


The Legion Of Doom vs The New Midnight Express

The second match between these two in a week, saw Animal once again start off with Bob Holly. Holly takes early control, most of the damage coming from an abdominal stretch, as Holly keeps it simple. Holly proceeds to tag in Gunn, who hits Animal with a faceslam. Gunn then picks his opponent up and whips him into the ropes. Animal ducks Gunn's clothesline however and hit's him with one of his own. Gunn is press-slammed before re-tagging Holly back in. Animal press slams him too, and tags in Hawk. As Hawk goes after Holly, he gets legsweeped to the mat. Holly drops an elbow on the back of Hawk's head, and tags in Gunn, who hits a legdrop from the top. At this point, Animal shakes his head in disgust and walks right out of the ring area. Hawk is out after the legdrop and the Express win again.

The New Midnight Express defeated The Legion Of Doom when Bart Gunn pinned Hawk in 6-46 --- .75*


Ross - I can't believe it happened again folks. When you see a team like
       the Legion Of Doom like this, well, it makes me sick to my stomach
       it really does.


Ross - Well this is gonna make me feel a hell of a lot better. And
       that's sarcasm folks.

Douglas, Candido, Bigelow, Taz and Van Dam enter the ring.

Douglas - Looks like Shawn Michaels has a lot on his plate at the
          moment. DX? HHH and the Outlaws? I just want you to know
          that when we win at Wrestlemania, we will give you huge
          contracts, and anything else you require. We'll make sure you
          understand that ECW is the only way to go.

Ross - He's trying to stir trouble here folks.

Douglas - Steve Austin? I admire you and respect you for what you've
          done these past few weeks. In my humble opinion, what Sycho
          Sid did to Terry Funk, and what he's done to everyone else,
          has been unacceptable, and you are right to be as angry as you
          are. Like I said before, after Wrestlemania, you will be given
          everything you ever wanted, as long as you know where you're at.
          So, Shawn, Sid, Booker, Benoit and Jarrett, when you've got us
          to contend with, when you've got Steve Austin to contend with,
          and when you've got D-Generation X to contend with, why don't
          you just quit right now, and save us the trouble of Wrestlemania.

Ross - Those are words that might ring true at Wrestlemania. With
       everything stacked against Team WWF, how on earth are they gonna
       come out of Wrestlemania intact? Up next, we're gonna show you what
       happened on Thunder, the huge match between Sycho Sid and the
       Intercontinental Champion, Bam Bam Bigelow!

(Intercontinental Champion) Bam Bam Bigelow vs Sycho Sid from Thunder 19/03

No need for scientific, technical wrestling in this one, as straight out of the opening lockup, Sid throws Bigelow to the outside. Bigelow is sent into the ringsteps, and then sent over the guardrail. The two begin fighting in the crowd before the referee gets in between them and breaks them up. Sid is in control when the action restarts in the ring, hitting Bigelow with a barrage of rights and lefts. Bigelow then finds himself being sent into the ropes, and then Sid catches him in a bearhug. Bam Bam can't reach the ropes, so he rakes the eyes of his opponent, and is given a warning by the referee. Sid is taken down to the mat with a headbutt, and then is hit with a splash for a two count. Sid can't find the strength to get up of the mat, so Bigelow drags him to the corner and climbs the turnbuckles. The attempted top rope headbutt is averted however, as Sid rolls out of the way. Sid gets to his feet first and chokeslams Bigelow, taking the wind right out of the 300 pounder. Sid goes down to the mat and starts choking the champion, despite the referee's admonishment. Sid refuses to let up, and the referee tries to physically pull Sid off. Sid ain't happy with that and chokeslams the ref, darwing the dq.

Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Sycho Sid by dq in 12-40 --- *

After the match, Sid chokes on Bigelow until Steve Austin hits the ring. Austin comes up behind Sid and stunners him. Chris Benoit and Booker T then run to the ring, but Austin fights them both off. As he is occupied, Sycho Sid gets to his feet and powerbombs Austin. Shane Douglas, Taz, and Rob Van Dam are seen watching from the curtain as the show goes off the air.


**Wrestlemania Promo - March 29th - Wrestlemania 98**

Never before in the history of professional wrestling, has one promotion made a full scale attack on their rivals. Until now, Extreme Championship Wrestling was relegated to being third choice, the third wheel of the wrestling industry. Until now. Sunday night, we may not only say farewell to five of the all time greats, but also to the greatest of them all, the World Wrestling Federation. Will we see a new era for professional wrestling begin tonight? Or will the World Wrestling Federation prove to the world, once and for all, that this is where the big boys really play?

Ross - We're back everybody. We're gonna be joined momentarily by
       Team WWF, but before we do, lets just take you back to earlier
       tonight, as DX returned to the World Wrestling Federation.

(The DX/Michaels interview from the top of the show is shown.)

Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Booker T, Sycho Sid, and Jeff Jarrett are in the ring.

Michaels - With only six days till Wrestlemania, I felt it was
           neccessary that we got a few things clear. First off, Hunter
           Hearst Helmsley? Whatever your problem is, I hope you can
           work it out, and then get back to carrying my bags and washing
           my feet. Outlaws? I never wanted you in DX, and as far as I'm
           concerned, you two jobbers ain't even worth my time. Benoit?

Benoit - Steve Austin? Last week, you got in my face? You never, ever
         get in Chris Benoits face unless he tells you to, and you're
         gonna have to pay your dues to the Crippler like everyone else
         has in the past ten years. And Bam Bam Bigelow, not only am I
         gonna get complete and utter revenge on you at Wrestlemania, but
         I'm gonna get my Intercontinental Title back, and NOBODY is
         gonna stop me!

Booker - I got a few words for Taz. On Sunday March 29th, I'm gonna

Jarrett - Hold on here, I'd like a little mic time here. I got a match
          here tonight for the European Title and I got a few words to
          say. Owen Hart, you may have your problems with the Nation,
          but there's gonna be no excuses tonight. When I lock the figure
          four on you, and you're screaming in agony, that's why Double J
          is the worlds greatest wrestler!


Ross - We saw the Intercontinental Champion on Thunder earlier tonight,
       and we'll have Bam Bam Bigelow taking on Adam Bomb, right up next.

(Intercontinental Champion) Bam Bam Bigelow vs Adam Bomb (non title match)

Another battle of the big men for Bam Bam to contend with here. Bam Bam stated backstage in the locker rooms that he'd be using Bomb as shooting practice in this match. Bomb was apparently angered by Bigelow's lack of respect for him, and dominated Bomb in the first minute. Bomb nails Bigelow with a jumping elbow thrust, and then hits a flying clothesline to knock the big man down. After dropping an elbow, Adam goes for the cover and gets a two count. Bomb disputes the count and is rolled up for another two count. As usual with men as big as these guys, high risk maneouvers are at a premium for the next few minutes. Bigelow comes close to hitting a top rope splash on five minutes, but Bomb crawls aside in time. As Bigelow gets to his feet, so does Bomb, and Bigelow is taken down with the stiffest clothesline you will ever see. Bomb goes to the top rope, aiming to hit a splash, but Bigelows knees prevent any damage to the Intercontinental Champion. Adam Bomb rolls out of the ring and Bigelow follows him out. After a minute of straight out brawling on the outside, the referee finally calls for the bell, signalling a double countout.

(Intercontinental Champion) Bam Bam Bigelow fought Adam Bomb to a double countout in 7-34 --- *.25

Ross - That was a powerful match right there. When we come back, we'll
       have an interview with The Rock, and then the second Euro semi


Rock - Well, The Rock was gonna join you jabronies for commentary in
       this match, but basically, you people don't deserve The Rock's
       prescence. So what I'm gonna do is say, Owen? The Nation is right
       behind you all the way in this one. To be frank, we all know you
       don't have a chance in hell of beating The Rock at Wrestlemania,
       and you're gonna be embarrased. But if you want the oppurtunity to
       face The Rock, the Nation will be there to help you all the way.

(European Title Tournament Semi Final) Owen Hart vs Jeff Jarrett

This match has the makings of a classic as the two men lock up. After Jarrett whips Owen to the ropes he tries to wrap him into a sleeper hold, but Owen counters with a jawbreaker for an early two count. Owen grabs Jarrett in a side headlock once to his feet, but Jarrett sends him into the ropes, nails him with a clothesline, and it's strutting time! The crowd is surprisingly mixed considering Jarrett's involvement in Team WWF. Back to action, and Jarrett locks Owen in an abdominal stretch, before Hart flips him over his right shoulder. Owen drops a knee across Jarretts face, and then drops an elbow. Dragging Jarrett into the corner, Owen then climbs the turnbuckles. A flying elbowdrop is hit, but Jarrett's left foot is able to place itself on the bottom rope before the count of three. After picking Jarrett up off the mat, Owen nails Double J with a belly to belly suplex. Bouncing off the ropes, Hart hits a legdrop for a two and a half count. Jarrett seems almost completely out of it early in the match, and Owen hooks on the Sharpshooter. Jarrett is on the verge of giving up, until The Rock enters the ring and nails Jarrett, drawing the DQ. The Rock then jumps out of the ring as the bell rings. Owen thinks he's won, until the referee raises the fallen Jarrett's hand and explains to Owen what happened.

Jeff Jarrett defeated Owen Hart by disqualification in 8-25 --- ***
(Jeff Jarrett advances to the European Title Tournament final)

As Jarrett leaves the ringside area, The Rock climbs back in the ring.

Rock - Gee Owen, The Rock is sorry, but he has to say that you really
       didn't deserve to win that match.

Owen - What?

Rock - Well after the Rock contemplated things, he really didn't think
       it would be good for the Nation if you got a European title shot.

Owen - Listen Rocky, I don't give a damn about what the Nation wants.
       Right now, the only thing I give a damn about is kicking the crap
       outta you. (beep) the European title, I want you in a match at
       Wrestlemania, one on one!

Rock - Owen, I realise the trauma you're having about not being as
       naturally talented as the Rock, but you see, The Rock is gonna be a
       little busy this Sunday.

At this time, Commisioner Slaughter walks to ringside.

       THIS WAY!

Slaughter - Listen Rock, this Sunday night, you do have a European
            title match this Sunday against Jeff Jarrett.

Rock - Well gee Sarge, that's exactly...

Slaughter - But, since Jeff Jarrett is also scheduled to face Chris
            Candido as part of the 5 match main event, it's only fair
            that you wrestle twice too. Rock, on Sunday March 29th, you
            *will* face Jeff Jarrett and you *will* face Owen Hart!

Rock - What? The Rock is having no part of...

Maivia isn't allowed to finish his sentence as Owen jumps on him and starts pounding away. We go to commercials as officials try to pull Hart off.


Austin in the ring.

Austin - ...and that's all I gotta say! Why? 'Cause Stone Cold Said So!

Austin leaves the ring area.

Ross - Sorry folks. Austin came out here during the commercial break
       and did a huge profanity filled rant on Team WWF, which frankly,
       is not the kind of thing we like to broadcast here. But the
       *bottom line* is this, Austin *will* be in Boston on Sunday
       night, and in his own words, he's *gonna make sure that the WWF
       loses every (beep) match!* There's gonna be trouble in Boston,
       and I ain't likin' it. Up next though, it will be the last time
       that four of these men will appear on WWF Raw! Eight man tag
       action, Chris Benoit, Booker T, Sycho Sid, and the WWF Champion
       Shawn Michaels, taking on Taz, Rob Van Dam, Chris Candido and
       Shane Douglas!

Taz/Rob Van Dam/Chris Candido/Shane Douglas vs Shawn Michaels/Chris Benoit/Booker T/Sid

In the first, and biggest, eight man tag team match in WWF history, tag champion Sycho Sid and "Mr Monday Night" Rob Van Dam squared off. Both men went at it like rabid dogs, showing us just what their match at Wrestlemania is gonna be like it. After scrapping it out for a good minute, Sid hits a powerbomb out of nowhere! Luckily for Van Dam, his positioning sent him right into his own corner, where he made the tag to Chris Candido. Sid beckons "You want some?". Candido tells Sid to shut the hell up and asks for Michaels. Sid tags the WWF Champion, who leaps over the ropes, somersaults and then dropkicks Candido to the mat. Michaels then unloads on Candido with righthands, before giving him the old ten hits to the turnbuckle. Candido is staggered in the middle of the ring, and Michaels hits a top rope bulldog. An early pin is averted as Douglas breaks the pin with a boot to Michaels head.

Michaels and Douglas stare each other down for a moment, before Douglas turns his back and leaves the ring. Mistake, as HBK dropkicks him into his corner, sending him colliding with Taz, knocking him from the apron to the floor. Michaels crotch chops his opponents, allowing Candido to place a well aimed kick to the back of his head. Douglas is tagged in and he goes to work, stomping on Michaels. Douglas taunts Michaels, as he is writhing on the floor holding his wrist, which Douglas may have broken. Michaels is pulled to his feet by his hair and then slapped down to the mat again. Douglas hurls Michaels back into his own corner with a smirk on his face.

Booker T enters the action and he charges after Douglas, but Shane strolls back into his corner and tags former tag champion Chris Candido back in again. Booker and Candido lock up and Booker shoves Candido to the mat. Booker poses and Candido, when back to his feet, spits in Bookers face. Booker spits right back and Candido leaves the ring, wiping his face.

In a preview of their match at Wrestlemania, Taz is brought into the action, and he and Booker go at it. Just as it looks like Taz will be able to finish Booker T off, Booker reverses a suplex, resulting in both men being out on the canvas. Taz crawls over and tags in Van Dam, but within a split second, Booker makes a hot tag to Benoit. Benoit and Van Dam put on a great wrestling display for the next couple of minutes, in the best segment of the match. Benoit executes his three consecutive german suplex move for a two count, whilst Van Dam is unable to finish Benoit off with a hurracanrana, Benoit getting out at two.

As the referee follows the action, the camera quite clearly sees Taz removing the turnbuckle padding on their side. After Van Dam puts Benoit out momentarily with a belly to belly suplex, he grabs Benoit by the back of the neck and leads him into ECW's corner. Benoit is smashed face first into the turnbuckle several times, and is eventually out cold. Van Dam covers, but the ref is busy herding out the protesting WWF team to count. Van Dam gets pissed and grabs the ref from behind and DDT's him. The floodgates open at this point as the referee is thrown out of the ring and all eight men go at it. As this goes on, a second referee runs to ringside and tells the timekeeper to ring the bell.

Team WWF and Team ECW fought to a no contest in 14-21 --- **

The mayhem ensues after the bell, as D-Generation X comes hurtling down to the ring. the eleven men in the ring beat on each other for a while, until the ring clears out and it's just Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Shawn Michaels and Shane Douglas in there. Suddenly, out of the crowd, Steve Austin hits the ring! He stunners Michaels, and then stunners the advancing HHH! After extending a handshake to Austin, Douglas gets stunnered as well!

Ross - We're out of time folks. Remember to watch the special
       Wrestlemania preview on Thunder, and we'll see you on Sunday
       night, for Wrestlemania!