March 9th 1998
Somewhere, Blank
Jim Ross is your announcer.

Ross - Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night Raw live! We've
       got a great show for you tonight, and we'll also being taking
       you back to this past week on Thunder, and a huge six man tag
       match! Also apologies are in order for what took place at
       Thunder, due to time constraints, we were unable to bring you
       the European Title drawings, we'd hoped to have them take place
       at the conclusion to the six man tag, but I guarantee ya, they
       will take place tonight! A reminder, Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart,
       Adam Bomb and The Rock are the four men involved at this stage,
       with the final match to take place at Wrestlemania I, on March
       29th! Also tonight, we heard rumours in the dressing room, that
       Shawn Michaels and, well Team Michaels I guess, are looking to
       enlist another, member I guess you would call it. If you remember,
       last week on Raw, Chris Benoit and Jeff Jarrett aligned
       themselves with the WWF tag team champions, Shawn Michaels and
       Sycho Sid. Shawn Michaels however, feels that he wants to be on
       equal playing ground with his rivals, and go five on five!
       Things are sure gonna get interesting in this situation later
       tonight, when Chris Benoit takes on the leader of the ECW team,
       Shane Douglas! But let's go to the ring for our opening match.

Bart Gunn vs Barry Horowitz

Bart Gunn is accompanied to the ring by his tag partner Bob Holly. Horowitz causes Gunn no real problems and Gunn hits a flying legdrop two minutes in for the three count.

Bart Gunn pinned Barry Horowitz with a flying legdrop in 2-04 --- .5*

Ross - A highly impressive win there for Bart Gunn. This tag team has
       impressed me recently, and could be headed for great things in the
       future. Without any further ado though, up next is the offical
       drawing for the semi finals of the European Title Tournament.

Backstage, Sgt Slaughter behind desk.

Slaughter - In this bowl before me, lies four round balls. In side of
            these objects, is a piece of paper with the name of either
            Jeff Jarrett, Adam Bomb, Owen Hart or Rocky Maivia. I will
            now produce the first ball.

Jeff Jarrett.

Slaughter - I will now produce a second ball to determine who Jeff
            Jarrett will face in the European Title Tournament.

Owen Hart.

Slaughter - Owen Hart will face Jeff Jarrett on the March 23rd edition
            of Monday Night Raw. The second semi final, Adam Bomb vs
            Rocky Maivia will take place on the March 16th edition
            of Monday Night Raw, with the final match taking place at
            Wrestlemania I, on March 29th. Thankyou for your time.

Ross - Well there you have it folks. The semi final pairings for the
       European Title Tournament are Jeff Jarrett against Owen Hart,
       and right here next week, The Rock vs Adam Bomb. Adam Bomb is
       gonna be in action right when we come back. Don't go away.


Adam Bomb vs Marc Mero

Mero executes a rana on Bomb in the opening seconds of this bout and gets a two count. As the match progresses, it is quite evident that there is a serious lack of crowd heat for this match. The crowd gets into the action near the finish though, as both men produce a series of close falls. Adam Bomb hits the Crotch Slam on six minutes, but Mero gets his foot on the ropes. Moments later, Bomb falls victim to Mero's finisher, and in the centre of the ring, it's all over.

Marc Mero pinned Adam Bomb with the T.K.O. in 7-14 --- *.75

Ross - Standing by, we have Team Michaels members Chris Benoit and
       Jeff Jarrett! Chris Benoit, you have a big match tonight with
       Shane Douglas.

Benoit - That's right you see...

Jarrett - Hold on one minute, I think he was addresing me. Shane
          Douglas, you want to mess with this man here? Ha ha ha, I
          don't think you know what you're getting yourself in for.
          Tell him Chris.

Benoit - I will, if you let me get my hands on the mic for long
         enough. Shane Douglas, tonight, prepare to be crippled.

Benoit walks out.

Ross - Well Jeff Jarrett, what is you're reaction to the European
       Title drawing? Owen Hart?

Jarrett - Well frankly, it doesn't matter who I face, being the
          worlds greatest wrestler tends to stop me from caring about
          such minor details like who my opponent is. But I will tell
          you this JR, I'm gonna beat Owen Hart next week, and then win
          the tournament.


Ross - Welcome back folks. We've got a huge six man tag coming up, with
       two men who could meet at Wrestlemania, Owen Hart and The
       Rock teaming up with D-Lo Brown to take on The L.O.D. and Chris
       Chetti. Let's take a look.

The Legion Of Doom/Chris Chetti vs Owen Hart/Rocky Maivia/D-Lo Brown

Owen starts off for The Nation against Chris Chetti. Chetti, in only his second WWF match, is victim to a series of stiff kicks and chops by Owen. Owen hits an enzurguri on Chetti, but the pin is interrupted by Chetti's foot reaching the ropes. Owen dominates his rookie opponent for a while more, until Owen misses an elbow from the top rope. Chetti makes the hot tag to Animal, who sends Owen flying over the top rope with a clothesline. When the action returns to the ring, it is D-Lo Brown who tangles with Animal. D-Lo is quickly taken down with a bodyslam for a two count. Animal then tags in Hawk who is clotheslined down by D-Lo as he enters the ring. D-Lo tags in The Rock and The Nation works over Hawk for a good few minutes. Problems begin for The Nation as The Rock accidentilly clotheslines Owen Hart. Hart is pissed but is able to lock on the Sharpshooter on Hawk for the victory. The Rock and D-Lo celebrate after the bell but Owen just walks out.

Rocky Maivia, Owen Hart and D-Lo Brown defeated The Legion Of Doom and Chris Chetti when Hawk gave up to Owen Hart's Sharpshooter in 10-15 --- **

Ross - Hawk I think is in need of some medical attention here. He
       looks out of it. But, on the other side of the coin, problems
       there for The Nation. Owen Hart doesn't look happy there at all.


Ross - Ladies and gentlemen, Owen Hart is standing by. Owen, what
       happened there between you and the Nation?

Owen - Nothing. Just a misunderstanding. It's alright now, I got
       the victory and that's all that counts.

Ross - How about the European Title Tournament? You could meet The Rock
       at Wrestlemania!

Owen - That doesn't matter right now. This interview is over.

The Headbangers vs Scott Taylor/Brian Christopher

Taylor and Thrasher start out and Taylor piledrives Thrasher straight away. Too Much dominate this tag match, with The Headbangers not looking very impressive at all. Brian Christopher pins Mosh with a German suplex for the three count.

Scott Taylor and Brian Christopher defeated The Headbangers when Brian Christopher pinned Mosh with a German suplex in 6-25 --- *.5

Christopher - You see that? Vince McMahon, I want a cruiserweight
              title shot, and I'm gonna get it. HA HA HA HA!


Shane Douglas and Bam Bam Bigelow are in the ring.

Douglas - I just thought I'd come out here and give a little interview
          ahead of my squash match. Chris Benoit and Jeff Jarrett said
          earlier tonight, that I don't know what I'm getting myself in
          for tonight. Well that's bullshit. Benoit, I've wrestled you
          before, and I've teamed with you before. You know what though?
          This match is very important to me. Because if I am able to
          convincingly beat Benoit tonight, then I will know that I am
          way above anything the WWF can throw at me. So if I win, the
          WWF may be in for a suprise next week.

Benoit and Jarrett head to the ring.

Benoit : Douglas, you wanna...

Jarrett - Give me the mic. You may think you can take Chris Benoit, but
          you say that if you beat Benoit then you say you can beat
          anyone in the WWF? I think you got that wrong buddy, you see
          Double J Jeff Jarrett is the worlds greatest wrestler, and
          don't you forget it.

Jarrett leaves the ring, as does the Intercontinental Champion.

Chris Benoit (w/Jeff Jarrett) vs Shane Douglas (w/Bam Bam Bigelow)

Benoit starts chopping away on Douglas at the start of the match, and dominates for the opening few minutes. Douglas takes the advantage though, as Benoit hits nothing but turnbuckle when attempting to charge "The Franchise". Douglas takes Benoit down with a suplex and then hits an elbowdrop from the top rope for a two count. Douglas then catches Benoit in a sleeper after a whip reversal into the ropes. The Crippler's arm goes down for the 1, the 2, but not the 3. Benoit powers his way to his feet and sends Douglas to the ropes, where he is met by a clothesline. The former Intercontinental Champion goes for a belly to belly suplex, but Douglas reverses it for a two count. After a reversal to the ropes, the referee gets bumped and falls to the mat. With all authority out of the way, Bigelow enters the ring. Before he can interfere though, Jeff Jarrett follows him in, and clotheslines the IC Champion back out. He then grabs Bigelows Intercontinental belt, which had fallen from around Bam Bam's waist, and goes to hit Douglas with it. Douglas misses and Jarrett knocks Benoit unconscious. Jarrett hold his head, but with the ref getting to his feet, he jumps out of the ring. Douglas belly to belly's Benoit and gets the three count.

Shane Douglas pinned Chris Benoit with the Belly to Belly Suplex in 10-24 --- ***

Douglas - If you thought that was impressive, wait till you see what
          happens on Thursday night!

Jarrett departs the ring area, closely followed by Chris Benoit, looking mighty pissed as the show goes off the air.