- Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night
Raw! We're live
here in Cleaveland, Ohio and we've got a great show lined
up tonight! The new WWF tag team champions will be joining us
later on, the European Title Tournament will continue, and
Juventud Guerra will make his WWF debut against El Pantera.
We've got a whole lot more folks, so don't even think about
turning the channel to our competitors, as I can assure you
that their main event, taped last June, is an extremely badly
wrestled match. Let's go straight to the ring.
Juventud Guerra vs Pantera
Juventud looks mighty impressive in his debut match, electrifying the Ohio crowd with an array of highflying luchadore moves. Pantera however looks tired during this contest, and never looks like pulling off a win. Guerra's highspots include a corkscrew plancha on Pantera to the outside, and pulling off a double hurracanrana. The finish comes after Guerra clothelines Pantera down to the mat, then climbs the ropes and hits the 450 splash for the three count.
Juventud Guerra pinned Pantera with the 450 splash in 9-09 --- ***
- Another impressive debut match there, this
time for The
Aztec Warrior Juventud Guerra, this cruiserweight division is
gonna start heating up real soon. Wait a minute, what the hell
is this?!
Bam Bam Bigelow and Rob Van Dam jump the guardrail and attack the luchadores. Taz then walks down the ramp and hammers Guerra with a chair. The two Mexicans are out as Shane Douglas hits the ring, microphone in hand.
- See this, this is a message. You see, Shawn
Michaels isn't
the main reason we're here. You see, we want all of this. Be
it cruiserweights, tag teams, or world titles, we're gonna
(beep) this place up so much, it's gonna be unrecogniseable.
Douglas spits on the unconscious Guerra and Pantera and then walks out via the crowd.
- Welcome back folks. I can tell you right now that Juventud
Guerra and Pantera are getting medical treatment out back as
I speak, and this kind of thing, well to be frank, we don't
need it folks. Up next, we've got WWF newcomer Yuji Nagata.
Yuji Nagata vs Barry Horowitz
'Tis not the day for Horowitz's great victory, as Nagata wipes the floor with him. Horowitzs one chance of victory comes five minutes in, getting a schoolboy rollup for a two count as Nagata plays to the crowd. Nagata eventually hits a gutwrench suplex to win the match seven minutes in.
Yuji Nagata pinned Barry Horowitz with a gutwrench suplex in 7-29 --- *.25
- Impressive victory. Let's take you backstage
now where The
Rock, Rocky Maivia is standing by.
- Well listen JR, I really don't think that
that was a
suitable introduction for the winner of the 1998 Royal Rumble,
the greatest wrestler there ever was, and the soon to be
peoples champ The Rock. I think the Rock'll just wait here and
wait for his proper introduction.
Ross - We'll be right back after this commercial break.
Rock - Hey wait a minute...
- Well the Rock is feeling pretty disrespected
at this point,
but you see The Rock is still feeling copastetic. Why? Beacuse
I'm The Rock, and beacuse I got it like that. Tonight, I got
a little match with that big fat piece of jabronie ass, Vader.
Now you see vader, the Rock is and always will be the peoples
champ. The continent of Europe is a dirty disgusting piece
of (beep), but as long as The Rock doesn't have to wash his
hands in their urine infested water, then The Rock is okay
with that. You see, the people of Europe need a leader and The
Rock is without doubt the man for the job. At Mayhem In
Manchester, when The Rock defends his coveted European title in
front of all the snotty nosed peasents, I'm gonna...
Ross - We're out of time for this interview, let's go to our next match.
Adam Bomb vs Bob Holly
Total squash. Lock-up. Punch. Kick. Powerslam.
Adam Bomb pinned Bob Holly with a powerslam in 1-03 --- *
- That right there, Adam Bomb, he is a deadly
force. Let's go to
the ring.
Taz and Rob Van Dam head to the ring for their debut match.
- You thought we were sending a message out
before? We gonna show
you some real shit right here.
Taz/Rob Van Dam vs Tim Horner/Gary Albright
They said they were gonna send a message in this match and they certainly did. For the short amount of time this match lasted, the beating was brutal. Chris Candido came to ringside thirty seconds in and took out the referee. Taz and Van Dam then attacked their opponents with every kind of weapon on hand. Eventually they felt they had done enough and Taz covered Horner. The ref was out so Candido counted the pinfall. An on hand Bam Bam Bigelow was there to force the ringannouncer to read the result.
Taz and Rob Van Dam defeated Tim Horner and Gary Albright after Taz pinned Horner in 3-02 --- *
- Okay lets take a little rollcall. List of
people that we have
put out of action over these past couple a weeks. *coughs*,
Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jesse Jammes, Billy Gunn, Juventud
Guerra, Pantera, Tim Horner, Gary Albright, check. Anybody else
want some? That's what I thought.
**Wrestlemania Promo - March 29th**
- Standing by right now is Stevie Ray, brother of Booker T.
Steve, before I get to you, lets show the viewers at home what
happened last month on Raw.
(Recap of Booker attacking Ray on 02/02 Raw)
- I realise that must be painful for you to watch there Steve.
What are your feelings regarding this.
- Well it is hard JR. What I really want to
know is, what does he
want? If he wants a fight, fine, I'll give him a fight. In fact,
I challenge him to a fight this Thursday on Thunder. If he has the
balls, then he'll show up. But you see, I don't think I can
reconcile with him, and I don't think I'll be able to co-exist
with him after the match, so let's call it a retirement match.
You, me, next week, loser leaves the WWF!
- What a challenge there! Up next though, the WWF Champion Shawn
Michaels and Sycho Sid will be on hand!
**WWF Thunder Promo - March 5th**
Shawn Michaels and Sycho Sid in the ring.
- Ladies and gentlemen, the newest member of Team Michaels,
Jeff Jarrett!
Jarrett struts his way to the ring.
- You know, with DX on the shelf as it were,
The HeartBreak Kid
Shawn Michaels, felt that in response to the ECW Army, that
HBK should put together his own army. We've got the tag
team champions right here, and I think right here we're looking
at the first ever European Champion.
- Ha ha haa. Yeah that's right Heartbreak. Last week, I made sure
that these two men walked out with the tag team titles. This is
gonna be the most elite group in wrestling and it's gonna wipe
ECW right off the the face of the earth.
- That's right. But I was talking to another
guy last night as
well. He's been missing in action for a few weeks. We had a
few differences, just like I had a few differenced with Sid, and
with Double J at one time or another. But ironed our differences
out, and he's 100% Team Michaels, and he's 100% against the ECW
Army. Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for "The Crippler" Chris
Benoit comes out to a huge pop. Jarrett, looking on, is not as impressed as the screen fades to black.
- How about that? Two new members of Team Michaels? Well up
next, we've got a match for the WWF Cruiserweight Championship!
Champion Rey Mysterio Jr defending against Psychosis!
(WWF Cruiserweight Champion) Rey Mysterio Jr vs Psychosis
The Champion, wrestling for the first time since winning the title at In Your House, takes the upperhand early on, taking Psychosis down with a headscissors. Mysterio gets a close two count soon after, cradling Psychosis after a failed hurracanrana. Psychosis then hits a superplex off the top rope, taking the wind right out of Mysterio. Psychosis then climbs back up to the top turnbuckle and hits a flying legdrop for a huge upset victory, and we have a new champion!
Psychosis pinned Rey Mysterio Jr after the flying legdrop in 7-28 --- ***.25
(Psychosis won the WWF Cruiserweight Title)
- My God, what an upset! In only his second
WWF match, he lost
the first one, Psychosis wins the WWF Cruiserweight Title! We'll
be right back folks.
Backstage area. Yuji Nagata standing in said backstage area.
- Ah, puny Americans. I win again today, and
I win again
tomorrow! Nothing stop Yuji Nagata from being best wrestler
in WWF! Watch out USA, because Nagata coming!
- Up next, the final first round match in the WWF European
Title Tournament!
(European Title Tournament Round One) Rocky Maivia vs Vader
Vader crushes The Rock about a minute into the match with a moonsault from the top rope. Vader covers, but Maivia somehow manages to grab the bottom rope with his right hand. Vader, attempting to get off his losing streak, throws everything but the kitchen sink at The Rock, but can't put him away. Vader goes up top six minutes in and attempts a high cross body block. He hits it, but Maivia rolls him over into a small package and gets the three count. The Rock advances.
Rocky Maivia pinned Vader after a small package in 6-41 --- ***
- The Rock advances there, to the semi finals
of the European
Title Tournament! Don't forget to tune into WWF Thunder,
this Thursday Night! Amongst other things, the draw for the
semi finals will take place live! Plus I'm hearing there's gonna
be a huge six man tag team match! So long everybody, and see you
on Thursday night!