February 23rd 1998
Waco, Texas
Jim Ross is your announcer.

Ross - Hello everybody and welcome to Monday Night Raw! We have a
       jam packed stadium here in Waco, Texas and tonight, the tag
       team titles are on the line! Chris Candido and Bam Bam Bigelow
       are gonna be defending the titles against Shawn Michaels and,
       well that's all we know. Also tonight, the European Title
       Tournament will continue, Jeff Jarrett will take on Vader and
       much much more, right here tonight! But now, the WWF Champion is
       standing by!

In the ring.

HBK - Last week, Shane Douglas once again proved that the only way he
      can overpower the Heartbreak Kid, the only way he can get any
      advantage over Shawn Michaels, is by having his buddies sneaking
      up on me. Now I just got word before we went on the air tonight,
      that Hunter and The New Age Outlaws are gonna be out of action
      for over a month. That's real good strategy boys, getting rid of
      DX so that I'm all on my lonesome. But you see, The Heartbreak Kid
      is never on his own, you see I always have backup, I always
      have friends in high places. Now I know that a challenge was
      laid out, by Chris Candido and Bam Bam Bigelow, a challenge for
      the tag titles. An empty challenge to them, 'cos they didn't
      think that The Heartbreak Kid would have a partner. But I got
      a partner. Last week after we went off the air he saved my butt,
      ladies and gentlemen, Sycho Sid!

Sid enters the arena to the cheers of the crowd.

HBK - This man has been my bodyguard before. We had some rough times,
      but that's all straightened up now. Right Sid my man?

      MASTER and I am gonna prove that tonight.


Ross - Well what an announcement to kick off tonight show! It's gonna
       be the tag team champions, Chris Candido and Bam Bam
       Bigelow, defending against the WWF Champion Shawn Michaels and
       Sycho Sid. Up next we've got Marc Mero in action and...


Steve Austin heads to the ring, looking mighty pissed off.

Austin - Hey Texas, if you're down with Steve Austin, give me a hell

Waco, Texas - OH HELL YEAH!

Austin - Well if that's so, I wanna know why all you people were
         out cheering Sycho Sid here earlier tonight. You see, he
         powerbombed me like all hell last week, and eight days ago,
         he goes and ends the career of not only one of my closest
         friends, but also one of Texas' greatest damn wrestlers. Now
         tell me what's up with that? You know, it's starting to make
         Stone Cold Steve Austin pretty goddamn sick of this
         fickle attitude that the fans here in the WWF are giving out.
         Either you're with Stone Cold or you're against him, and that's
         the only way it's gonna be. Sid, these fans may be on their
         knees worshipping your sorry ass, but that don't mean a damn
         to Stone Cold. You better watch your back in the tag match
         tonight 'cos Stone Colds got a hankering for some spankering.
         And that's all I have to say about that.

Austin drops the mic on the mat and walks out. The crowd, not knowing how to react, is in near silence as Austin departs.

Ross - Some interesting words there from Stone Cold Steve Austin. Well
       as Henry Godwinn makes his way to the ring, we are ready for our
       opening match. Let's go to the ring.

Marc Mero vs Henry Godwinn

Marc Mero is the dominant wrestler in this match, coming excruciatingly close to victory on numerous occasions. Godwinns limited array of ring skills are glaringly exposed in this match, Mero getting the three count after eight minutes with a rana.

Marc Mero pinned Henry Godwinn with a rana in 8-40 --- *.75

Ross - An impressive win there for Marc Mero. It's unfortunate for him
       that he couldn't produce that kind of performance last week
       against Owen Hart, in the European Title Tournament. Let's take
       a look at the tournament so far.

(Replay of the finishes to the Hart/Mero match and JJ/HHH match from 16/02 Raw)

Ross - And later tonight, in the third of the four first round matches,
       you saw him earlier tonight, Stone Cold Steve Austin, is gonna
       take on Adam Bomb! We'll be right back folks, with more Monday
       Night Raw!


Ross - We're all set here for tag team action, but first a
       huge announcement for all you fans in the UK. On Saturday April
       4th, live from Manchester Arena, the WWF will present Mayhem
       In Manchester! And UK fans, don't worry if you can't make it to
       the arena, because in association with Sky Box Office, the WWF
       will bring the event live on pay-per-view! And don't forget, live
       on March 29th, Wrestlemania I, live on pay-per-view all round
       the world. Now to the ring, where the LOD will take on The New
       Midnight Express!

The Legion Of Doom vs The New Midnight Express

Animal and Bob Holly start this match off and Holly gets the early advantage taking Animal down with a legsweep. The Express manage to stifle the LOD's offense for the rest of this short match, Holly getting the pinfall in this extended squash after the Rocket Launcher in just over five minutes.

The New Midnight Express defeated The Legion Of Doom when Bob Holly pinned Hawk after the Rocket Launcher in 5-39 --- *.75


**Wrestlemania Promo - March 29th**

Ross - Welcome back everybody, and a reminder that right here tonight,
       the WWF tag team champions Chris Candido and Bam Bam Bigelow are
       gonna defend the titles against Sycho Sid and Shawn Michaels!
       Up next though, the Rocky Mountain Beast Vader is gonna take on
       Euro title semi finalist Jeff Jarrett!

Vader vs Jeff Jarrett

Jeff Jarrett goes straight to the leg of Vader, taking the big man down with a legsweep, and then laying in a swift series of kicks to Vader's knee. The referee takes a bump five minutes in, and JJ uses it to his advantage and repeatedly rams Vader's leg with a chair. This tactic works as Vader actually buckles on his leg and falls off the top turnbuckle as he tries for a moonsault. Jarrett then wraps Vaders legs up and pins Vader with the figure four.

Jeff Jarrett pinned Vader with the figure four leglock in 9-17 --- **.25


Ross - Standing by right now, we have Booker T. We haven't heard from
       him since he attacked his brother, Stevie Ray, back at the
       beginning of the month. What's going on?

Booker - Well you see Ross, I had to do what I had to do. There
         ain't nobody that's gonna disrespect me and that includes my
         own brother.

Ross - But you put the guy in hospital. Surely Steve saw an opportunity
       and took it, and surely you'd do the same.

Booker - It really doesn't matter what I'd do if the roles were
         reversed, but what I'm gonna do right now is kick some butt.

Booker T vs Scott Taylor

A squash match for Booker T as he unleashes his whole reportoire of moves on the youngster. A missile dropkick gives Booker the victory.

Booker T pinned Scott Taylor with the missile dropkick in 5-29 --- *.5

Ross - We'll be right back folks with the continuation of the
       European Title Tournament!


Ross - Welcome back everybody. We're about to be joined by Stone Cold
       Steve Austin and Adam Bomb so lets go to the ring.

(European Title Tournament Round One) Adam Bomb vs Steve Austin

Austin hammers on Bomb at the start of this opening round match, sending Adam Bomb to the floor early on. Out on the floor, Bomb takes the advantage after stun gunning Austin on the guardrail. After rolling Austin back in the ring though, a two count is all that Bomb can get. Eight minutes in, after reversing an irish whip, Austin hits the Stone Cold Stunner, but Bombs momentum carries him out of the ring. Austin decides to sit back and try for the countout win, but that ain't happening. As the action continues in the ring, Sycho Sid slowly saunters down the ramp. Shawn Michaels follows him out and tries to get him to return to the locker room, but Sid waits just long enough for Adam Bomb to hit Austin from behind and hit the Crotch Slam. Bomb advances to the semi finals.

Adam Bomb pinned Steve Austin with the Crotch Slam in 12-09 --- **.5

After the pinfall Sid slowly walks out back up the ramp, followed by Michaels, shaking his head, behind him. Steve Austin paces out moments later, telling the camera that Sid better watch his back.


Ross - Let's go to the ring where we've been joined by Shane Douglas
       and company.

Douglas - Tonight we got a little tag match going on from what I
          can understand. And yes Michaels, you're right, I didn't
          think you would be able to get a partner. I thought it
          would be quite fun to see my boys kickin' your ass two on
          one. But now you've gone out and got Sycho Sid? Big deal. As
          long as it's not a hair vs hair match, I think we're all
          alright with that. Tell em Chris.

Candido - That's right. The fact that Sid has been kicking the (beep)
          out of everyone in the WWF recently, just shows how weak
          this place is. HBK, we put your army as you call it, in
          the hospital, and there's no reason why we can't do the same
          to Sycho Sid.

Douglas - The only reason Shawn, that I don't put you in the hospital,
          is because I want your title. It may be nothing but a piece
          of tin to me and to all the real wrestling fans, but me
          wearing that belt will prove something. It will prove
          that sucking the bosses (beep), isn't the only way to succeed
          in this business. And that sometimes, all you have to be is to
          be just a damn good wrestler. Word out.

Douglas throws the microphone into the crowd.


Ross - Up next folks, we've got some cruiserweight action.

Taka Michinoku vs Psychosis

Lots of highflying action to start this match off, before Taka surprisingly takes the match into a more mat based direction. Psychosis, in his debut match, does manages to get a good array of impressive moves in though, coming close to victory after three minutes with a top rope plancha. The finish comes when Michinoku manages to reverse a moonsault into the Michinoku driver for the three count.

Taka Michinoku pinned Psychosis after the Michinoku Driver in 7-40 --- ***.75

Ross - We'll be right back folks with the tag team championship up
       for grabs! Sid and Shawn against Candido and Bam Bam, don't
       touch that dial.


(WWF Tag Team Champions) Chris Candido/Bam Bam Bigelow vs Shawn Michaels/Sycho Sid

Sid starts off the match against Chris Candido, in his first competitive match in nearly a year. He shows early signs of ring rust as Candido takes control with a kick to the midsection and then clotheslines Sid to the mat straight out of the opening lock-up. Candido then drops an elbow and tags out to Bigelow. As Bigleow bends down to pull Sid to his feet, Sid wraps him up in a small package for a two count, and then makes a hot tag to the WWF champion. Michaels flys into the ring and knocks Bigelow to the mat with a flying forearm. Michaels and Sid then double clothesline Bigelow out of the ring, and then turn around and hit a double superkick on the advancing Chris Candido. The tag champions regroup on the outside as Sid and Shawn high five each other on the inside. The action resumes soon after back in the ring, and after winning a test of strength on Michaels, Bigelow takes control, laying some stiff rights to Michaels' midsection. Bigelow hits a DDT and then climbs to the second turnbuckle, eventually missing a splash. Michaels' team controls the match until Stone Cold Steve Austin charges to the ring. The referee leaves the action to try and herd Austin away, and with the referees attention elsewhere a four man brawl breaks out. Austin decides the best course of action would be to Stunner the referee, and then he enters the ring. Austin stunners Michaels, knocking him out. For the hell of it, Austin then stunners Bam Bam Bigelow and throws him over Michaels. Sid and Candido are tangled up on the outside, oblivious to the actions in the ring. Before Austin can leave though, he is met by a chair to the face by Jeff Jarrett. Austin falls out of the ring. An awoken Bam Bam Bigelow tries to work out what the hell is going on, but before can, Sycho Sid enters the ring and powerbombs his fat ass. The referee crawls across to make the three count and makes it, Candido arriving back into the ring a moment too late to stop the count. Sid and Michaels celebrate in the ring as Jeff Jarrett steps through the ropes.

Shawn Michaels and Sycho Sid defeated Chris Candido and Bam bam Bigelow after Sid pinned Bam Bam Bigelow with the powerbomb in 7-12 --- **

(Shawn Michaels and Sycho Sid won the WWF tag team titles.)