February 16th 1998
Dallas, Texas
Jim Ross is your announcer.

Ross - Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night Raw! We are live
       here in this great state of Texas, and the crowd is buzzing
       here after what happened last night at In Your House. Shane
       Douglas is in the ring. I'm sure he's gonna tell you all about it.

Douglas - Ladies and gentleman, may I introduce at this time, the ECW
          army! Chris Candido, Bam Bam Bigelow, Taz and Mr Monday
          Night, Rob Van Dam!

The four men appear from behind the curtain and make their way to the ring.

Douglas - These four men, alongside me, are then men that are going to
          rule this industry. Shawn Michaels, you got off lightly
          last night, but the New Age Outlaws, hah, they weren't so
          lucky, were they Bam Bam?

Bigelow - Ha ha, that's right. Dallas Texas, you're looking at the new
          tag team champions, Bam Bam Bigelow and this man Chris
          Candido. And in case you didn't know, yours truly is also
          the Intercontinental Champion. I'm the man, without any
          shadow of a doubt. Chris?

Candido - Yeah, this man here is one of the toughest men in the world,
          and with me by his side we are gonna be the greatest tag
          team in history. Roll the tape.

(The finish to the NAO/Candido,Bigelow match is shown on the TitanTron.)

Douglas - That right there is what it's all about. The Triple
          Threat wearing gold. But the Triple Threat is no more. This
          is a time to unite, this ain't a time for sibling rivalry,
          like Benoit said, this is a time for respect. So Taz, we're
          gonna put our differences aside and get down to a bigger agenda.

Taz - That's (beep)ing right. I've never been here before, but
      from standing afar, I'm sick of all this corporate bull(beep).
      The fact that all the (beep)s in the WWF are considered the main
      events, the big picture, is not only a disgrace to wrestling, but
      a disgrace to this human race! Seeing people like Shawn Michaels
      come out here pretending to be the showstopper, that's bull(beep).
      I'll tell you something Shawn, until you go out there and get
      your (beep) ass put through tables every night, until you can go
      out there into the battlefields, and come back with 200 stitches
      on every oraface on your body, you'll never be the showstopper.
      I know that Mr Monday Night himself has something to say right
      about now.

Van Dam - That's right, I am Mr Monday Night himself. This is my
          stage. I've been here before, I've conquered it before, but
          they told me I was too extreme, they told me I was just too
          damn hardcore. Well Vince McMahon, WWF, you don't know the
          meaning of hardcore! But you're gonna get used to it real
          soon, 'cos we're taking over this shitheap, and I'd like to
          see some of your (beep)s stopping us.

Douglas - That's right. But right now I got a challenge to make.
          I challenge Shawn Michaels to a rematch right here tonight.
          I sacrificed my title shot last night to make a point, so
          Michaels, to show you're not a (beep) like we all know you
          are, get out here now and accept the challenge.

Shawn Michaels comes through the curtain and stands at the top of the ramp.

Michaels - You're calling me a (beep)? Listen, if you were anywhere
           near as good as you say, you'd be in the WWF on merit, and not
           pulling this shit. You were never good enough to be here, and
           what I'm hearing here is nothing but a bunch of bitter old men
           bitchin about how much of a failure they are. You didn't
           sacrifice your title shot last night, I hit you with the
           Superkick and you were out boy, so don't come with that (beep)
           to me.

Douglas - I think you're sidestepping the issue here. D'you accept
          the challenge or not?

Michaels - You're damn right I accept the challenge. And I'm not
           gonna worry abour your little friends, I got my own army.

The DX them tune starts up and HHH and the Outlaws appear from the curtains and stand beside Michaels.


Ross - What a start to the show, and ladies and gentlemen, it has been
       confirmed. Tonight, WWF Champion Shawn Michaels to once again
       defend against Shane Douglas! But thats not all, the European
       title tournament will get underway tonight, Jeff Jarrett will
       take on Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Owen Hart will take on Marc
       Mero! Also a huge announcement for all you WWF fans, starting
       March 5th, WWF Thunder will take place live every Thursday
       Night! But now lets go to our first match.

Yuji Nagata vs Vader

Vader tries to attack Nagata early on like a house on fire, but Yuji takes him down to the mat with a russian legsweep. Nagata dominates his larger opponent with a variety of submission holds and mat wrestling moves. Vader is able to use his power to his advantage though and is able to power his way out these holds. The finish comes when Vader misses a splash from the top rope, and Nagata puts him in the Nagata Lock for the victory.

Yuji Nagata defeated Vader with the Nagata Lock in 12-13 --- **.25

Ross - Another impressive win for Nagata over an opponent that
       outweighed him by over two hundred pounds. Folks, after this
       break, we've got the opening match in the European Title
       Tournament, Jeff Jarrett taking on HHH.


Jarrett - Hunter Hearst Helmsley, you poked your nose into businsess
          last night, trying to get a head start for this match. Well
          Hunter, that ain't gonna happen. There's only gonna be one
          winner to this match, and it's gonna be me!

(European Title Tournament Round One) Jeff Jarrett vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Jarrett opens up on Helmlsey early with a stiff barrage of right hands. JJ hits HHH with a clothesline from the top rope after two minutes to send Hunter crashing to the mat. Jarrett then hooks on the figure four, but the positioning favous HHH and he quickly reaches the ropes. The match is very well contested, with both men haveing sustained amounts of the advantage but neither man being able to put the other away. Over ten minutes into the match though, a failed enzirguiri by HHH misses Jarrett and knocks out the referee. On cue, Rob Van Dam and Bam Bam Bigelow charge down to the ring. Bigelow grabs a chair and the two pound HHH into a bloody mess. Jarrett looks on puzzled but dosen't hesitate to hook on the figuer four for the second time in the match. HHH is out and the awoken referee counts his shoulders down on the mat.

Jeff Jarrett pinned Hunter Hearst Helmsley with the figure four leglock in 14-20 --- **.75

After the bell, Van Dam and Bigelow re-enter the ring and continue to beat on HHH until the ring fills with WWF officials and order is restored. Hunter his taken out on a stretcher as the show fades to black.


Footage is shown of HHH being taken into an ambulance during the break. Michaels and The New Age Outlaws are seen looking on.

**Wrestlemania Promo - March 29th**

Ross - Welcome back folks, disgraceful action there by Van Dam and Bam
       Bam Bigelow. The New Age Outlaws are scheduled for a match
       later tonight, you gotta feel they should watch their backs.
       Up next, Adam Bomb is gonna be in action, but before that,
       let's take you back to last night, when Adam Bomb took on Jeff

(Clips of Adam Bomb in control against Jarrett last night.)

Adam Bomb vs Hawk

Bomb brutalises Hawk here, powerbombing him twice in the opening minute, but refusing to cover him. Hawk gets no offence in whatsoever and after risking disqualification from the referee, Bomb hits the Crotch Slam for the three count.

Adam Bomb pinned Hawk with the Crotch Slam in 12-37 --- *

Ross - Let's take you backstage where "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is
       standing by. Steve, I know you've got an opinion on what took
       place last night?

Austin - Well that's damn right JR. You see, you can mess with Stone
         Cold all you like, and all you'll get is an asswhooping, but
         Sycho Sid, you don't ever mess with my friends, and you never
         mess with Terry Funk! You know, Funk is lying now back at home,
         (beep)ing paralysed from the neck down, probably never gonna
         step in a wrestling ring again. Sid, there's no way in hell
         that I ain't gonna kick your ass for this, if you've got
         the (beep) to show up here next week. And Owen Hart, The Rock,
         I ain't forgotten about you jackasses, I'm gonna kick your
         ass too. In fact I'm gonna take on the whole (beep) World
         Wrestling Federation and....

Sid enters the backstage area.

Sid - Stone Cold Steve Austin, you say you're gonna kick my ass? I
      stomped your ass last night and I could do it again. As for
      that shrivelled up old man Terry Funk, he wouldn't bow down to
      the master of the world, so I had to sacrifice him. Don't go
      making promises that your ass can't keep Stone Cold, you need

Austin - I need to kick you ass you piece of trash.

Austin swings at Sid but Sid blocks it and clotheslines Austin to the ground. Austin then falls victim to two powerbombs on the concrete floor.


Ross - Welcome back everybody, let's take you back to what happened
       just moments ago between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Sycho Sid.

(Recap of what just happened)

Ross - Up next, the European Title Tournament will continue with Marc
       Mero taking on Owen Hart of The Nation. Mero's had his problems
       with the Nation before.

(Replay of finish to Marc Mero vs Kama Mustafa from January 31st)

(European Title Tournament Round One) Owen Hart vs Marc Mero

Mero is the early aggressor, coming close to a three count in the first minute with a shooting star press. After a very competitive start though, this match doesn't go long, as Owen hooks Mero up in the Sharpshooter after four minutes and Mero soon submits. Owen advances.

Owen Hart defeated Marc Mero with the Sharpshooter in 4-29 --- ***

Ross - Michael Cole is standing by with the winner.

Cole - Congratulations Owen. You must be confident about winning
       the tournament.

Owen - Hey shut up, of course I'm confident. But Stone Cold Steve
       Austin, I don't know why you still have a problem with me. I
       beat you all by myself last night, and why can't you accept
       your defeat and (beep) off.


Ross - Lets just take you back to earlier tonight.

(Replay of Douglas' challenge, and Michaels acceptance.)

Ross - And that match will happen tonight, a rematch for the WWF
       title, Shawn Michaels against Shane Douglas. Up next though,
       DX members The New Age Outlaws are in action, and to be
       frankly honest I fear for their safety, what with the "ECW
       army" in the building.

The New Age Outlaws vs The New Midnight Express

The Gunn brothers avoid each other for most of the match, but do lock it up arounf five minutes into the match. They trade blows sparingly though and are quick to tag their partners in. Jammes hits the crotch slam eight minutes in on Bob Holly for a two count. Holly almost gets the pin on Jammes moments later with a top rope bulldog but Mr Ass breaks the pin. After ten minutes of the match, the tag team champions make their heavliy predicted entrance. Jammes is distracted by their precensce coming down the ramp, and Bob Holly schoolboys him up for the pin. The Roadog then jumps to his feet and disputes the decision, his back to Candido and Bigelow. The tag champs jump the Roadog, whilst The Midnight Express do a number on Billy Gunn. The Outlaws are both unconscious and covered in blood once the beating concludes. Candido and Bigelow then kick the crap out of the Midnight Express to finish the job.

The New Midnight Express defeated The New Age Outlaws in 11-57 --- **

The Outlaws are being helped out by WWF officials as we go to commercial.


The ECW army are in the ring as we return from commercials.

Ross - Well we're all set to go here for the WWF title.

Shawn Michaels comes out alone, his army put in hospital.

(WWF Champion) Shawn Michaels vs Shane Douglas

The two men engage in a faster paced match than the match the night before, both men getting close pin attempts in the opening few minutes. The match settles down soon though, as Douglas traps Michaels in a sleeperhold. Michaels powers out after over thirty seconds in the hold, and sends Douglas to the outside with a flying forearm. Douglas confides with his troops on the outside for a while and then climbs back into the ring. Michaels gets Douglas in a headlock and then whips him across the ropes, Douglas leapfrogs Michaels the first time, but gets hit with the superkick on the way back! Lucklily for Douglas, his momentum carries him out of the ring to the floor. Michaels tries to pull Douglas back into the ring by his hair, but Taz enters the ring from the other side and blasts Shawn with a chair for the cheap dq. Shawn falls to the mat and the ECWers enter the ring. The five men start beating on Michaels, suddenly Sycho Sid charges to the ring and starts kicking the crap out of Bam Bam Bigelow. The other members are seen jumping out of the ring as the show fades to black.

Shawn Michaels defeated Shane Douglas by disqualification in 6-57 --- **.5