Jim Ross is your announcer.
- Hello everybody and welcome to Monday Night Raw! We are live
here in Evansville, Indiana and what a show we have lined up for
you this week! Steve Austin is here with an answer to the
challenge laid out by Owen Hart last week. Stevie Ray is in
the house, how will he respond to his brothers actions? Plus,
Adam Bomb will take on D-Lo Brown of the Natiom, and we'll see
the World Wrestling Federation debut of Yuji Nagata. Also,
the pairings for the European title tournament have been
announced, and we'll give you them later in the show. But
first let's get to the ring for our opening matchup.
The Headbangers vs The Godwinns
The match is very back and forth in the opening minutes before the Godwinns halt the the Headbangers offence and take control with a bearhug. It'll take a lot more than a bearhug though to make Thrasher give up, and he manages to break the hold relatively quickly. The Godwinns continue to be in control, pummeling Thrasher with a barrage of kicks and punches. Thrasher is in serious trouble until he makes the hot tag to Mosh, who clears house. Mosh hits Henry with a DDT, but only gets a two count. Phinneas then enters the ring to help his partner but Thrasher enters as well and a four man brawl breaks out. While the referee is distracted getting the illegal men out of the ring, Hawk and Animal hit the ring, and smack Henry Godwinn upside the head with one of the Godwinns slop buckets. Henry is out cold and Thrasher hits a flying legdrop for the win.
The Headbangers defeated The Godwinns when Thrasher pinned Henry Godwinn with a flying legdrop in 12-17 --- *.25
- Great match folks, now lets take you backstage where I believe
the tag team champions are standing by.
- Well that's right JR. We're only six days
away from In Your House.
And frankly, Candido and Bigelow, there's no way in hell that we
can wait six days to get our hands on you. So me and Mr Ass are
gonna make a challenge to you. We know we can't do a tag match
for contractual obligations, but how about this. Mr Ass against
Bam Bam Bigelow and myself, Jesse Jammes against Chris Candido.
- That's right. Candido, I'm gonna wipe your
little ducky ass all
over this building. But that's nothing to what's gonna happen at
In Your House, it's just gonna be the trailer for the worst movie
of your life.
- We'll try and get a response as soon as
possible from the
Triple Threat but right now lets' take a break.
Ross - Folks, Chris Benoit is in the ring. Take it away Chris.
- Last week, Shane Douglas cost me another match, against
Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Well Shane, I'm gonna be at In Your
House this sunday. I don't have a match scheduled, but I'm
gonna be at ringside for the main event. I don't like you
Shane, but then I don't like Shawn Michaels either, so you may
be wondering, what is the Crippler gonna be doing? Well I
have an agenda, I have a plan, but Shane, Shawn, you're gonna
have to wait till Sunday to see what it is.
Benoit drops the mic on the canvas and leaves the ring area.
- Well that's intigiung folks, but up next we've got the debut of
Japanese superstar Yuji Nagata, let's go to the ring.
Yuji Nagata vs Joel Deaton
Nagatas WWF career seems to be haeading for a terrible start as Deaton has the match won with a piledriver in the first thirty seconds. Luckily for Yuji, the referee is occupied with his manager Sonny Ono, so can't make the count. Nagata soon takes control though, with a series of mat wrestling techniques. Deaton is allowed little offence as Nagata puts on an exhibition. He eventually seals the victory with the Nagata Lock submission hold.
Yuji Nagata defeated Joel Deaton with the Nagata Lock in 9-04 --- ***.25
- An impressive vitcory there for Nagata,
you've gotta think
he's gonna go far in the WWF. We've got to take a break, but
we'll be right back with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.
- Welcome back everybody to Monday Night Raw. We're live here
in Evansville, Indiana, and up next we have split screen with
Owen Hart and The Nation and on the other side we have Stone
Cold Steve Austin. Thanks for joining us folks. Owen, you laid
out the challenge last week and...
- Yeah that's right Ross, but there's been some development in
that area JR, tell 'em Rock.
- Ha ha, thanks Owen. You see the Rock was
contemplating this
whole situation between Owen and Austin, and basically the
Rock feels like this, Austin, you and I have a little
unfinished business. So the challenge has been remodifed, if
you smell what the Rock is cookin'. The challenge goes like
this, The Rock and this man standing right beside The Rock,
against yourself and any other trailer park trash that you're
sorry ass can drag up.
- Well Rock, basically what this tells me
is that Owen Hart is
too chicken(beep) to step in the ring one on one with Stone
Cold on his own. Last week he goes out and puts his foot up
his ass and makes a challenge he ain't gonna stick to, so he
goes back to his little buddy The Rock.
- Listen jabronie, d'you accept the goddamn
challenge, or is The
Rock gonna have to come down to wherever the hell you're at and
lay the smack down on ya?
- Hell yeah, I accept the challenge. I got
many friends in
Texas that wouldn't mind kickin your ass, you piece of trash.
Ross - We've got to take a break, we'll be right back.
- Welcome back, and the match is official.
Owen Hart and The
Rock Rocky Maivia to take on "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and
well, whoever he picks to be his partner. Friends in Texas? Let's
go to the ring.
The New Midnight Express vs Tim Horner/Bobby Duncum Jr
A near total squash for the Express, with thir opponents getting very little offence in throughout the course of the match. Bart Gunn gets the decision after Horner submitted to the figure four.
The New Midnight Express defeated Tim Horner and Bobby Duncum Jr when Bart Gunn made Tim Horner submit to the figure four leglock in 7-50 --- *.75
- I have to say I was impressed with the Midnight Express in
that match. For sure they'll be watching closely to In Your
House this Sunday, when the tag team champions The New Age
Outlaws will defend the titles against the team of Chris Candido
and Bam Bam Bigelow. Without any further ado though, lets get to
our next match. It's gonna be Adam Bomb against D-Lo Brown of
the Nation.
Adam Bomb vs D-Lo Brown
Adam Bomb nearly destroys D-Lo in the opening minutes of this match, hammering D-Lo into semi-consciousness with a series of powerslams. D-Lo soon recovers though, and hits the Lowdown on Bomb, who somehow kicks out at two. D-Lo is stunned and Bomb easily hits the crotch slam for the victory.
Adam Bomb pinned D-Lo Brown with the crotch slam in 9-01 --- .75*
- Hey Adam. Last week I demanded an apology,
and you ignored
me. NOBODY ignores Double J! I'm always in the spotlight,
and I *am* the spotlight, so nobody ignores me! Now you
apologise to me.
Bomb stares at Jarrett, then grabs him by his throat and chokeslams him to the mat. Then he picks the stunned Jarrett up and powerbombs him from the ring to the floor. Jarrett is out as we hit a set of
Shawn Michaels is standing in the ring.
- Okay Indiana, here's what you've all been
waiting for, The
Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels! Now earlier tonight, Chris Benoit,
a man who screams of conspiracies, a man who moans about
being screwed, a man who chants the warcry of a loser, he comes
out here and says he has an agenda. He says he has a plan. He
says he's gonna show up at In Your House, and play some part in
the main event. Well listen Nancyboy, you don't get to be in the
main event by being a loser. If you interfere in my match on
Sunday night, after I finish beating Dean Douglas into a bloody
pulp, I'm gonna whip your ass like you never dreamed possible.
Shane Douglas appears out of the curtains.
- The only one who's gonna get beaten to a bloody pulp on
Sunday Night, is gonna be you Michaels. But first tonight,
and I'm gonna send my troops out to (beep) up your little
Billy Gunn vs (Intercontinental Champion) Bam Bam Bigelow (non title match)
Bam Bam attacks the tag champion as soon as the bell rings and hits him with an awesome powerbomb. Gunn kicks out at two, so Bigelow powerbombs him again. Gunn won't give up though and carrys on, taking a brutal amount of punishment. Out of nowhere though, Gunn hits a DDT, but after somehow finidng the strength to reach over and cover Bigelow, Bam Bam kicks out at two. That offense was just a fluke though, and the Intercontinental Champion hits the Greetings From Ashbury Park for the victory.
Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Billy Gunn after the Greetings From Ashbury Park in 7-42 --- **.5
Bigelow - Gunn, that was your preview right there.
Chris Candido climbs into the ring and takes the mic.
- Now Jesse Jammes, if you still want some of the Triple
Threat, the get your ass down here now!
Jammes runs down to the ring and attacks Candido. JJ knocks Bam Bam out the ring and the match is on.
Jesse Jammes vs Chris Candido
The match lasts all of thirty seconds before Bam Bam interferes, smashing JJ with a chair. A recovered Billy Gunn then runs in and attacks Bigelow. Soon Douglas hits the ring and attacks the Outlaws.Within seconds of that, HBK and HHH charge to the ring and attack the Triple Threat. Right before the show goes off the air, the camera cuts to Chris Benoit, watching in the distance.