February 2nd 1998
Indianapolis, Indiana

Jim Ross is the announcer.

Ross - Hello again everybody, and welcome to Monday Night Raw! We've
       got a great show lined up for you tonight, including Bam Bam
       Bigelow defending the Intercontinental Title apparently
       against Stevie Ray, Owen Harts gonna be here, Marc Mero and
       we've got a huge six man tag team match. But let's go to the
       ring now where Chris Benoit is standing by.

Benoit - You know, over the last few days, people have been asking me,
         hey Benoit, why did you attack Shawn Michaels, I thoughy you
         were cool with him. Or they've been asking me, hey Benoit, why
         did you attack Shane Douglas, I thought you were part of
         the triple threat. There's been a lot of talk about where
         my loyalty lies, and let me tell you people, they don't
         lie anywhere but to myself. Shane Douglas, Bam Bam Bigelow,
         Triple Threat, you stole my Intercontinetal Title and there's
         no way I'm ever gonna side with you. Shawn Michaels, the
         only thing that I want from you is the World Wrestling
         Federation title. Since you gave Bigelow a title shot last
         week, I'm challenging you to a title match tonight.

The DX theme tune kicks in and Hunter Hearst Helmsley appears at the top of the ramp.

Benoit - Hey, I want Michaels not you.

HHH - Well you see Benoit, Shawn Michaels isn't here tonight, so he
      can't grant you with an undeserving title shot. Why on earth
      would you deserve a title shot? All you've done recently is job
      to Bam Bam Bigelow. But since Shawn isn't here, how about me and
      you get it on tonight.

Benoit - Okay Helmsley I'll take you tonight, but Shawn Michaels, I
         want you to know that that belt is gonna be mine in the near

Adam Bomb vs Bobby Duncum Jr

This is nothing more than an extended squash for Bomb, as Duncum gets in little offence during the duration of the match. Adam Bomb finally gets the win with the crotch slam.

Adam Bomb pinned Bobby Duncum Jr with the crotch slam in 9-15 --- **.75

Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring following the match.

JJ - Adam Bomb, last week on Shotgun, when we tagged together, I
     carried that match. Then after our victory, you powerbomb me?
     That ain't right. So what have you got to say about it? Are you
     gonna apologise?

Bomb just stares coldly at Jarrett then leaves the ring.


Madusa/Bertha Faye vs Bull Nakano/Akria Hokuto

Faye and Hokuto start off in an unimpressive display of chops and kicks. Hokuto then manages to get Faye in the STF, but Bertha gets to the ropes after being held in the ropes for over forty seconds. Madusa then tags in and dominates the rest of the match, pinning Nakano with the german suplex in eight minutes

Madusa and Bertha Faye defeated Bull Nakano and Akira Hokuto when Madusa pinned Bull Nakano with the german suplex in 8-00 --- **

Ross - A great match there, and that sets the stage for In Your House
       where Bull Nakano is gonna challenge Madusa for the WWF womens
       title. Now let's take you back to what happened this Saturday
       night on Shotgun.

(Replay of Owen Hart being attacked by Steve Austin during his match with Tim Horner, allowing Horner to get the upset victory.)

Ross - And Owen is standing by, Owen, you must be frustrated about
       what happened just two days ago.

Owen - Well that's right JR, I am frustrated. Stone Cold Steve Austin,
       I have no idea why you were there, but I promise you this, next
       time you interfere in my matches, you're not only gonna have to
       deal with me, but you're gonna have to deal with the entire Nation.

Ross - Thanks Owen, we're about to get underway with Owen Hart taking
       on Eight-Ball of the DOA, but before we do, an announcement was
       made today by the WWF concerning the European Title.
       The announcement is that there will be an eight man
       tournament commencing February 16th, the day after In Your
       House, with the final match taking place at Wrestlemania I on
       March 29th. The list of entrants is as follows;

Owen Hart, Jeff Jarrett, Marc Mero, Adam Bomb, Vader, Rocky Maivia, Steve Austin and Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

Ross - The match pairings have not yet been decided. It should be a
       great tournament, starting in just two weeks time. Now to the ring.

Owen Hart vs 8-Ball

Owen takes 8-Ball to the mat straight out of the opening lockup, taking him down with a Russian legsweep. Hart then immediately goes for the Sharpshooter, but 8-Ball manages to block it and turn it into a scorpian deathlock! Owen however, is quick to get to the ropes. Owen then has the upper hand for over ten minutes until the action spills to the outside. In the crowd, Stone Cold Steve Austin grabs Owen, and stunners him on the guardrail! Hart is out cold as 8-Ball rolls him into the ring for the three count.

8-Ball defeated Owen Hart by pinfall in 12-16 --- **.5


Owen - This kind of (beep) is so typical of Steve Austin. He doesn't
       have the (beep) to step in the ring and fight me man on man,
       so comes out of the crowd and attacks me from behind. And why
       the hell is he even doing it? Austin, if you ever have the (beep)
       to face me man on man in a real match, then show up at In
       Your House. I'll be waiting for ya that time.

Ross - Now let's take you to Michael Cole with your In Your House update.

**In Your House - Revenge Of The Underdog Update**

Cole - Hello again everbody and welcome to your In Your House update.
       Let's run down the card so far;

(WWF World Champion) Shawn Michaels vs Shane Douglas
(WWF World Tag Team Champions) The New Age Outlaws vs Chris Candido/Bam Bam Bigelow
(WWF Cruiserweight Champion) Rey Mysterio Jr vs Devon Storm or Taka Michinoku or Pantera
(WWF Womens Champion) Madusa vs Akira Hokuto
(Texas Street Fight) The Legion Of Doom vs The Godwinns

Cole - And could we be seeing a match between Owen Hart and Steve
       Austin? Maybe we'll get the answer next week on Raw. It's
       also rumoured that the Headbangers will take on The Headhunters,
       and what will Chris Benoits, HHHs and The Rocks involvement be
       on the card? We'll find out soon enough. I've been Michael Cole
       and this was the In Your House update.

Ross - Thanks Michael. Folks, be sure to order WWF In Your House -
       Revenge Of The Underdog, it promises to be an amazing event! Now
       up next, we have a huge six man tag match. Let's get to the

Vader/The Headbangers vs Brian Christopher/The New Midnight Express

This match didn't last long as Vader dominated all three of his opponents. The Headbangers appeared occasionly during the match, but they didn't amount much offense. Vader gets the pinfall on Brian Christopher after hitting the Vader Bomb.

Vader and The Headbangers defeated Brian Christopher and The New Midnight Express when Vader pinned Brian Christopher with the Vader Bomb in 4-22 --- *.25


Ross - Up next we're scheduled for an Intercontinental Title match,
       Bam Bam Bigelow defending against Stevie Ray. But first, let's
       show you the interview from last week between Booker T and
       Stevie Ray.

(The Harlem Heat interview from last week is shown in its entirety.)

Bigelow enters the ring first and waits while the Harlem Heat music begins to play. Stevie Ray appears out of the curtains, but before he can make it to the ring, he is attacked by his brother! Booker decimates Ray until security can restrain him. Bigelow then strolls up the ramp, picks the unconscious Ray up and carrys him to the ring. He then orders the ref to ring the bell.

(Intercontinental Champion) Bam Bam Bigelow vs Stevie Ray

Stevie Ray is out cold and Bigelow simply drags him into the corner of the ring, hits the Greetings From Ashbury Park and the match is over.

Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Stevie Ray with the Greetings From Ashbury Park in 0-23 --- .5*

Ross - A farcial match there folks, but let's go backstage where I
       believe Booker T is standing by.

Booker - Last week I warned Stevie that if he went out and tried to
         break up the Harlem Heat by wrestling tonight, that I would
         have a problem with it. He ain't gonna break us up, I carry
         this team and if anyones gonna break it uo, it's gonna be me.


Ross - Up next folks, is a three way match with the winner going on to
       face the WWF Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr at In Your

Devon Storm vs Pantera vs Taka Michinoku

Devon Storm and Taka start things off. Michinoku straight away goes for a swinging DDT but the former cruiser champ blocks it. Storm then manages to hit Taka with a brianbuster for a two count. Storm then tags out to Pantera, but he soons finds himself back in the ring once Taka tags out. Pantera and Devon do nothing more than a lockup before Michinoku replaces Pantera. Devon and Taka then share many close pinfall attempts for the next few minutes before Devon leaves the ring. Pantera, without a doubt the weakest of the three men, has his problems with Taka and takes many a breather on the outside. He is quick to tag Storm in, and the former champion is met by a springboard splash from Taka for the three count.

Pantera vs Taka Michinoku

The match is now down to Pantera and Taka. There are highflying moves a plenty between these two, with both men coming close to victory on a number of occasions. It is Michinoku however, who gets the victory, pinning Pantera after a moonsault from the top turnbuckle.

Taka Michinku defeated Devon Storm and Pantera --- **.75

Ross - What a great match, and Taka Michinoku will now go on to face
       Rey Mysterio Jr at In Your House on February 15th!


Marc Mero vs Patrick Smith

What should have been a total squash for Mero turns into an embarrasing dq loss. Mero dominates the most part of the match, but Smith manages to kick out of all of Meros pinning attempts. After taking a huge beating during the match, Smith somehow manages to put Mero in the Cobra clutch, and with Mero in the middle of the ring, and with no hope of breaking the hold, Jacquelyn enters the ring and whacks Smith on the back of his head, drawing the dq.

Patrick Smith defeated Marc Mero by disqualification in 9-06 --- *.5

Ross - Mero has got to be embarrased by that result but up next
       folks, we've got our main event, with Chris Benoit taking on
       DX member Hunter Hearst Helmsley, we'll be right back.


Chris Benoit vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

HHH take thes the early upper hand in this match up, taking Benoit down with a kneelift and a spinebuster slam. Helmsley then takes Benoit down with a bodyslam, but then misses an elbowdrop. Benoit gets to his feet first and takes Hunter down with a northern lights suplex, but only gets a two count. Benoit then pulls Helmsley top his feet and whips him into the ropes, Helmsley leapfrogs Benoit though, and then takes Benoit down with a clothesline. Hunter then picks his opponent up and hoists him up for a powerslam, but the resulting move only produces a two count. He then tiries for a spinebuster slam, but Benoit reverses it into a swinging neckbreaker. Benoit then goes for a cover but Helmsley kicks out at one. Benoit then picks HHH up again and whips him into the ropes. The referee is in the wrong place at the wrong time though, and gets knocked down. Suddenly Shane Douglas runs to the ring. Douglas enters the ropes and smacks Benoit across the head with a chair, Helmsley goes over to cover Benoit as the referee regains consciousness and Helmsley gets the victory as the show ends.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Chris Benoit in 4-23 --- **.5