January 26th 1998
Davis, California

Jim Ross is your announcer.

Ross - Hello everybody and welcome to Monday Night Raw! We are live
       here in this jampacked arena in Davis, California! Right now
       we're gonna kick things off right away with a match for the WWF
       tag team titles!

(WWF Tag Team Champions) The New Age Outlaws vs Kama Mustafa/D-Lo Brown

Kama Mustafa and Jesse Jammes start the match off for each team, with Kamas superior power gaining him the advantage in that contest. D-Lo Brown has a torrid time when he steps into the ring, getting pummeled by both men. In the end, it is D-Lo who takes the pinfall after Billy Gunn executes a piledriver. The Outlaws retain the tag titles.

The New Age Outlaws defeated Kama Mustafa and D-Lo Brown in 10-06 when Billy Gunn pinned D-Lo Brown with a piledriver --- *.5

Ross - So the Outlaws retain the WWF tag titles and we'll be right
       back after these... wait a minute, here comes Chris Candido and
       The Intercontinental champion Bam Bam Bigelow!

As Gunn and JJ mount the ropes to celebrate their victory. Candido and Bigelow sneak into the ring behind them and pull them down off the trunbuckles. Candido grabs a microphone.

Candido - So you're Michaels' pussy boys huh? I'm impressed. Great
          victory. But you see, the Triple Threat has a problem with
          any of HBKs friends holding gold. So what we're gonna do
          is, we're gonna take those tag team belts right off ya, so
          that you two can go back to sucking Michaels' (beep)!

Gunn - You think you can take these belts off of us? You say we're
       (beep) boys? Listen Chris, we all know who wears the pants in
       your family, and Barney, I ain't scared of wrestling you at all.

Bigelow - Barney? Barney? What you're looking at here is pure
          Godzilla baby! But if you're not scared of wrestling the
          Triple Threat, then we challenge you to a world tag team
          title match at In Your House. Me and Candido against you
          and Roadkill.

JJ - Ha Ha Ha, Roadkill. That's the funniest thing I ever heard.
     Where'd you get that, r-s-p-w?

Bigelow - Listen punk, you can laugh all you want now, but come
          February 15th, we're gonna have the last laugh.


Ross - And now let's take you to the winner of the 1998 Royal Rumble,
       The Rock, Rocky Maivia!

Rock - Listen Chainz, the fact that you even signed to face The Rock
       in your debut match shows me how much of a jackass you really
       are. But that's okay, because basically The Rock enjoys laying
       the smack down on trailer park trash like yourself, jabronie.
       And also The Rock has got a little message for the men upstairs
       in the WWF. You know The Rock wins the Royal Rumble, he's
       undefeated since joining the WWF, and yet The Rock ain't getting
       no title shots? That isn't right, if you smell what The Rock
       is cooking JR.

Rocky Maivia vs Chainz

With less than a minute gone in the match The Rock is busted wide open. Chainz took the Rock outside the ring and stun gunned him onto the guardrail. That isn't going to be enough to stop the Rock though, as he manages to take control of the match. As The Rock tries to execute the Rock Bottom, Chainz is able to get free and hits the Death Valley Driver on Maivia. The Rock somehow manages to get his shoulder up at two and a half though. Moments after this, Maivia gets the pinfall with a backspin DDT, and The Rocks great form continues.

Rocky Maivia pinned Chainz after a backspin DDT in 9-04 --- *

Ross - We'll be right back folks with more action.


Ross - Before we get to our next match, I'd like to take you back to
       last weeks Monday Night Raw, and The LOD/Godwinns match.

(Recap of finsih to The Legion Of Doom vs The Godwinns from 19/01 Raw)

Roadwarrior Hawk vs Phinneas I Godwinn

Phinneas dominates another poor match between these two, and is close to putting Hawk away early with a vicious powerslam. Hawks best attempt at a pinfall came after five minutes when, after manuevering out of the Slop Drop, he rolled Phinneas up for a two count. The Godwinn manages to hit Hawk with the Slop Drop the second time though, and The Godwinns get a victory over the LOD in some form, for the second week running.

Phinneas I Godwinn pinned Hawk with the Slop Drop in 11-33 --- *.25

Ross - We've just heard an update on In Your House - Revenge of
       The Underdog. There's gonna be a Texas Street Fight between
       The L.O.D and The Godwinns. And the winners of that match, so
       I'm told, will get a world tag team title shot at
       Wrestlemania. Folks, we'll be right back.


Ross - Welcome back folks. We have the self professed Franchise,
       Shane Douglas in the ring.

Douglas - ...so last week Benoit and Michaels got a victory over my
          boys. Fine. No big deal. But we all know that Chris Benoit
          is the one that carrys that team. Shawn Michaels, you are
          nothing but a fraud and a paper champion! Michaels, I
          challenge you tonight. I challenge you to take on Bam
          Bam Bigelow, and if you can get through that match with the
          WWF title still around your waist, then you get me!

Shawn Michaels appears on the Titantron.

HBK - You say I'm the weak link? Listen buddy, Chris Benoit is a
      great athlete, but he is nothing compared to The Heartbreak Kid.
      You want me to take on Bam Bam Bigelow tonight? Fine, I'll kick
      his ass all over this arena. And then Dean, you want a match with
      me? How about February 15th, In Your House, and I'll kick your
      ass too!

Douglas - Yeah Michaels, that's all this business is about anymore
          isn't it? Promoting the next (beep)ing pay per view!
          Okay Michaels, if you can somehow get by Bam Bam, on
          February 15th, you won't get by me!


Ross - We're back again folks. And up next the singles debut of
       Jeff Jarrett. Let's take you back to The Royal Rumble, Jeff
       Jarrett was the first entrant in the Rumble match. Not a great
       debut for Jarrett, but he is all set to make an impression
       here. Let's go to the ring!

Jeff Jarrett vs Bob Holly

Double J makes his singles debut in the World Wrestling Federation with an impressive victory over one half of the Midnight Express. Jarrett controls this match, going to work on Hollys leg for the majority of it. Jarretts gameplan works and ten minutes in he applies his patented figure four for the win.

Jeff Jarrett defeated Bob Holly with the figure four in 10-15 --- **.75

After the match Jarrett grabs the microphone.

Jarrett - Three words for you people. F**k That Gimmick.

Ross - Now let's go to Harlem Heat, who are waiting backstage.

Booker T and Stevie Ray in the backstage area.

Ray - You know, people may have been noticing that The Harlem Heat has
      been having problems as of late, but you see all that's gonna
      change. You see, things are on the up and up now for The Harlem
      Heat, 'cos I got me a Intercontinental Title match next week on
      Raw and...

Booker - Whoa, Whoa. You've got an Intercontinental title shot next
         Monday Night?

Ray - Yeah. I...

Booker - So what you're saying is, you're prepared to go ride off into
         the sunset with your singles belt, whilst your brother is left
         in nowhere land?

Ray - No, but see...

Booker - No you see punk. I carry this team, and now you're gonna
         abandon it? The reason we been having these problems these
         past few weeks, is because you been acting too selfish in
         the ring, and now you're doing it again. Well you ain't
         abandoning this team, if you go through with this match next
         week, then this team is finished!


Ross - Let's go to more action, with Chris Benoit in the ring.

Chris Benoit vs Patrick Smith

Patrick Smith makes his World Wrestling Federation debut and he couldn't have a harder opponent. Smith puts up a good fight here in a long and exciting match. The newcomer comes close to taking the formwe Intercontinental Champion out on a number of occasions. Smith though, appears to be trying too hard to impress, and while attempting a hurracanrana from the top rope, is caught in a power bomb, and Benoit gets the victory.

Chris Benoit pinned Patrick Smith after a power bomb in 14-11 --- **.75

Benoit grabs a mic.

Benoit - Hey Shawn Michaels. You have no right to badmouth me. Last
         week I came out and saved you from getting your butt kicked
         by the Triple Threat. You say I'm nothing compared to you?
         Why don't you come down here right now and we'll see about that.

Right on cue, Shawn Michaels heads to the ring.

HBK - Listen Benoit, I ain't got nothing to say to you. I appreciate
      your help last week, but the bottom line is, you are nothing
      but a loser. You've been a loser all your wrestling career, and
      let me tell you Benoit, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels does
      not associate with losers.

Benoit - Michaels, I...

Benoit stops as Bam Bam Bigelow strides down to the ring.

Bam Bam - Excuse me Benoit, but I got me a world title match to fight.

Benoit calmly exits the ring and the referee rings the bell for...

(World Champion) Shawn Michaels vs (Intercontinental Champion)_Bam Bam Bigelow (world title match)

Bam Bam Bigelow controlled the opening exchanges in this match up, taking Michaels down with a series of hard right hands. Bigelow sets HBK up for the kill as he goes for a powerbomb, but Michaels manages to reverse it into a back body drop, saving himself from an almost certain defeat. Michaels then almost gets the victory after a high cross body press, but Bigelow gets his shoulder up at two.


The action soon spills to the outside where Bam Bam suplexes the WWF champion onto the concrete floor. Michaels manages to beat the count though, and the match continues. Five minutes in, the Triple Threat make their presence felt in the match for the first time. Douglas hands Bigelow a pair of brass knuckles, but Michaels blocks Bigelows right hand and takes Bam Bam down with an enzuigiri. When Bigelow gets to his feet, Shawn charges for the Superkick, but Bam Bam ducks and then spins round and decks Michaels with a clothesline. Bigelow then drags Michaels' body to the corner of the ring and then climbs the ropes for the Greetings From Ashbury Park. Before Bam Bam can execute it though, Chyna jumps up on the ring apron and pushes Bigelow off the turnbuckle, the referee lets it go. Michaels soon regains the advantage and sends Bigelow to the canvas with a hurracanrana. Michaels then goes to the corner of the ring, waiting for Bigelow to get to his feet so Michaels can hit the Superkick. But as Michaels looks at Bigelow, Benoit climbs the turnbuckle and blasts Michaels with a chair. Michaels goes sprawling down to the mat as the referee rings the bell. Benoit proceeds to whack the life out of Michaels with the chair, while The Triple Threat look on grinning. With the WWF Champion laid out cold in the middle of the ring, Shane Douglas climbs through the ropes, microphone in hand.

Douglas - Benoit, welcome back.

Douglas and Benoit shake hands in the middle of the ring. Douglas mounts the turnbuckle and gives the crowd the finger. When Shane comes down and turns around though, Benoit hits him with a DDT! Candido and Bigelow on the outside look on stunned, and are about to enter the ring as the show goes off the air.

Oh yeah right,

Shawn Michaels defeated Bam Bam Bigelow by disqualification in 16-21 --- ***.25

(Shawn Michaels retained the WWF World Heavyweight Title)