12th January 1998
Penn State University, Pensylvania 

Vince McMahon and Jim Ross are your announcers.

Vince - Welcome everyone to Penn State University, Pensylvania!
        Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon
        alongside good old JR as always, but before we get on with
        this weeks show, let's take you to these pre-recorded comments
        from Comissioner Slaughter, concerning the World title match at
        the Royal Rumble.

Backstage - Slaughter behind desk.

Slaughter - As you know, last week Bret Hart challenged Shawn Michaels
            to a World Wrestling Federation title match. And as you
            know, this match is scheduled for this years Royal Rumble
            on January 18th in San Jose, California. That is not going
            to change, the match will go ahead. However, what concerns
            me is the intensity and controversy that surrounds these
            two whenever they meet in the ring. These matches have
            produced many a black eye for wrestling. So I am
            therefore going to make sure that this is the last time
            Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels step into the ring to face
            each other. In San Jose, California at the 1998 Royal
            Rumble, WWF Champion Shawn Michaels will take on Bret
            "The Hitman" Hart in a loser leaves town match!

Vince - Welcome back everybody. Well, how about that JR?

Ross - Well I'm shocked. I mean, I heard the news earlier today and,
       well, it's incredible. I mean, one man is going to walk out
       WWF Champion, and the number one guy in the promotion, whilst
       the other guy, his career is gonna be over, wow!

Vince - You've got to wonder what could be going through Bret Hart
        and Shawn Michaels' mind right now?


Steve Austin heads to the ring, flipping off everything in sight.

Vince - Well, nobody ever knows what's going through *this* mans mind.

Austin - You know, I was sitting at home last week, kicking up dust,
         giving a mother(beep), and I see Shawn Michaels and Bret
         Hart arguing about who the best wrestler was. Then I sit
         backstage this week, and I see Comissioner Fatass talking
         about how big a match Bret against Michaels is, and I've just
         had about enough of it! You see, everybody seems to be
         forgetting a few things round here, first off that Stone
         Cold Steve Austin is the toughest s.o.b in the WWF, but also
         that I am the one, true, World Wrestling Federation Champion!
         If you think that you agree with me, give me a Oh Hell Yeah!

Everyone within a 30 mile radius of Penn State University - OH HELL YEAH!

Austin - That's what I thought. So if Comissioner Fatass and his
         platoon of goons can get their booking finger out of their
         ass, I'm challenging the winner of the match at the Royal
         Rumble to a match right here on Raw, next week. Cause Stone
         Cold's in the mood for an ass-whupping and...

"You smell what the Rock is cooking?"

The Rock stands at the top of the rampway.

Rock - Listen jabronie, The Rock is sitting out back, and I hear
       you talking about ignoration, about discrimination, and I
       have to say, it got the Rock thinking. And basically, the
       Rock feels like this, Stone Cold Steve Austin, you say people
       are forgetting things round here? I think you may have
       forgotten about the Rock, and the fact that The Rock is the
       best damn wrestler there ever was.

Austin - I think I forgot about how much of a piece a trash you
         really are!

Rock - Ha ha, you say that Austin, but I know you don't mean it.
       You're obviously not smelling what the Rock is cookin'. You
       come out here, calling yourself the toughest son of a bitch
       in the WWF, and basically the Rock feels like this, it's
       starting to piss the Rock off. I challenge you to a match
       tonight, Austin, so I can show the world why I am the best
       wrestler there ever was, and why you're nothing but a worthless
       WCW reject!

Austin - Ha, I'll whoop your ass so bad, you'll have to go back to
         doing those gay hotline commercials that stimulate the Rock
         so much.

Rock - Hey, you can't say that, my dad was Rocky Johnson and...

Austin - Hey, Shut up! The fact of the matter is, I'll stomp the
         biggest godamn mudhole in ya, and walk it dry and there
         ain't nothing you can do about it. Why? Because Stone Cold
         said so!


Ross - Welcome back folks. What a start to the show we've just had.
       And later to come we've got Adam Bomb in action, Bam Bam
       Bigelow, ahead of his big match with Chris Benoit on Sunday,
       is gonna take on Thrasher as well as much much more, including
       as we just heard, Stone Cold Steve Austin is gonna take on
       "The Rock" Rocky Maivia. But now, let's take you to Michael
       Cole with your Royal Rumble Update.

Backstage - In that room, you know, with the stairs and the merchandise

Cole - Thanks JR, and welcome everybody, to your Royal Rumble
       Update. I'm Michael Cole, and what an announcement. Bret Hart
       vs Shawn Michaels for the WWF title in a loser leaves town
       match? I tell you, if you thought that match was going to
       be incredible before, it's gonna be amazing now. But just
       announced : A three way tag match for the World Wrestling
       Federation tag team championship! It's going to be The Legion
       Of Doom against The Godwinns against The New Age Outlaws.
       The Godwinns returned to the WWF at a house show in Pittsburgh
       last night, interfering in a match between the LOD and the
       Outlaws sparking a six man brawl that continued all the way
       back to the locker room. So here is the complete card for The
       1998 Royal Rumble.

01.(World Champion) Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart (Loser Leaves Town Match)
02.The 1998 Royal Rumble 30 man over the top rope battle royal
03.(Intercontinental Champion) Chris Benoit vs Bam Bam Bigelow
04.The Godwinns vs The Legion Of Doom vs The New Age Outlaws for the vacant tag titles
05.(Cruiserweight Champion) Devon Storm vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Cole - I'm Michael Cole and that was your Royal Rumble Update.

Vince - Thank you Michael. This years Royal Rumble looks like it's
        gonna be a phenomenal event and we urge you to call your
        cable operaters to order this historic event.

Ross - Yeah Vince, I have to echo that. What an event it's gonna be.
       Only six days to go folks. But now let's go to our opening match.

In the ring

Finkel - The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a
         twenty minute time limit. About to enter the ring, from
         parts unknown, weighing in at exactly three hundred pounds,
         Adam Bomb! His opponent, already in the ring, from Austin,
         Texas, weighing in at two hundred and forty five pounds,
         Barry Horowitz!

Adam Bomb vs Barry Horowitz

Bomb throws Horowitx around like a barbie doll in the opening minute of the match, taking him down with a gorilla press in the opening seconds. The rugged veteran though manages to kick out from several quick pin attempts from Bomb, but there's no getting up from the Crotch Slam and Adam Bomb gets the quick victory.

Adam Bomb beat Barry Horowitz with the Crotch Slam in 2-18 --- -****.75 (oh come on)


**Royal Rumble Promo**

For some people, there is no exact moment when their hatred arises for each other, for some people it happens at birth. For Shawn Michaels, his anger at always being one step behind the Hitman turned him from being a fan friendly Rocker into one of the most egotistical men on the planet. As Bret Hart grows older, is it his contenpt for youth that drives his hatred of Shawn Michaels? Or are these two legends drawn against each other simply by the lure of World Wrestling Federation gold? Whatever their reasons, on Sunday night, one man will stand tall, not only with the World Wrestling Federation title around their waist, but also with the knowledge that they ended the career of their greatest nemesis, for ever.

Ross - Welocme back folks, and another reminder to order the 1998
       Royal Rumble which promises to be an unbelievable event. Right
       now let's take you to ringide as Bam Bam Bigelow takes on
       Gary Albright.

Finkel - This following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a
         twenty minute time limit. Approaching the ring, from Ashbury
         Park, New Jersey, weighing in at 368 pounds, The Beast From
         The East, Bam Bam Bigelow! His opponent, already in the
         ring, weighing in at 339 pounds, Gary Albright!

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Gary Albright

After early dominance from Bam Bam, the crowd managed to rise Albright to the occasion, as he took Bigelow down with a series of suplexes. Albrights momentum was literally squashed though, as he buckled under Bigelows weight as he attempted a bodyslam, allowing Bigelow to hit the greetings from Ashbury Park for the victory.

Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Gary Albright with the "Greetings from Ashbury Park" in 6-14 --- ***

Bigelow is about to leave the the ring when Chris Benoit suddenly appears at the top of the ramp.

Benoit - Hey Bam Bam! Bam Bam Gigolo! Yeah, that's right I'm talking
         to you. You may have gotten a victory here over some jobber,
         but come Sunday night, it's gonna be a different set of rules,
         and I'm gonna kick your ass.

Bigelow - Oh yeah? Listen if you've got the balls, why don't you come
          down here right now and we'll get it on right now? You put
          your gold on the line right here tonight, and we'll see who
          kicks who's ass!

Benoit - You want a title match right now? Sure thing, let's get it on!

Benoit runs to the ring and the two go at it. The bell rings and the match is on.

Ross - Folks, we've gotta take a break, we'll be right back!


WWF Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit vs Bam Bam Bigelow

We rejoin the action with Bam Bam in control. Bigelow hits the flying headbutt on Benoit, but The Crippler gets up at two, saving himself the embarrasment of being beaten with his own move. Bigelow then spends a good deal of time taunting the crowd, Benoit uses this to his advantage and takes control of the match. After nine minutes of action, the referee takes his mandatory fall and Bigelow nails Benoit with a roadsign, but Benoit somehow kicks out of Bigelow's pin attempt. Eventually Shane Douglas and Chris Candido, the Triple Threat, make their way to ringside, and while Bam Bam distracts the ref, Douglas jumps into the ring and hits Benoit with the roadsign. This time Benoit is out. Bigelow then hits the Greetings from Ashbury Park and the match is over. New Intercontinental Champion!

Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Chris Benoit with the Greetings from Ashbury Park in 13-58 --- ****.25 (Bam Bam Bigelow won the Intercontinental Title)

Douglas and Candido jump into the ring and celebrate with Bigelow. Douglas gets the cameraman to come up close.

Douglas - Triple Threat, baby! Not just for Benoit, this is for
          everybody. Fuck U All!


Vince - Welcome back everybody. Well in case you're just joing us, Bam
        Bam Bigelow has just become the new World Wrestling Federation
        Intercontinental Champion, thanks to the help of his friends
        The triple threat. Which by the way is a blatant ripoff of a
        WWF trademark.

Ross - You know, these guys, they come in from their ECW, some
       trashy Philadelphia organisation if you haven't heard of it,
       and well... Vince, these guys aren't even under WWF contract,
       so what the hell are they doing here?

Vince - I don't know, but I'm going to go and find out right now!

Vince stands up and leaves the ringside area.

Ross - Vince, where are you going? Sorry Folks, let's take a break,
       we'll be right back!


Ross - Welcome back again folks. I'm here now alongside Jerry
       "The King" Lawler. Vince McMahon, the owner of the World
       Wrestling Federation, has apparently gone to look for Shane
       Douglas and the triple threat who showed up during the
       Intercontinental title match. If you missed it, here's what

(Replay of finish to Benoit-Bigelow match)

Ross - So king, what do you think McMahon is gonna do if he does find

King - I think McMahon's gonna take a good beating is what I think.
       It's gonna be great!

Ross - Oh, you're a big fan of those ECW guys now huh? I can remember
       a few choice words you said to Paul E not to long ago.

King - Don't even go there, Ross!

Ross - Remember folks, the Royal Rumble is this Sunday in San
       Jose, California. If you haven't already ordered, you have just
       six days to call your cable operator and order the 1998
       Royal Rumble! Now let's take you backstage where Hunter
       Hearst Helmsley is on hand with comments about his upcoming match.

Backstage :

HHH - You know Vader, I appreciate the fact that you're a former
      world champion, but the fact of the matter is, nowadays,
      you're nothing but a fat old man. This is your not your
      generation anymore, this is my generation, this is D-generation,
      and I'm gonna prove that tonight.

Ross - Now let's take you to the ring for the match between Vader
       and Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

Finkel - The following contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring,
         from Boulder, CO, weighing in at four hundred and fifty
         pounds, the man they call, Vader! And accompanied to the ring
         by Chyna, hailing from Greenwich, Conneticut, weighing in at
         two hundred and seventy nine pounds, Hunter Hearst Helmsley!

Vader vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Helmsley dominates the early moments, and goes for the pedigree early but Vader manages to turn it into a back body drop. Hunter then puts Vader in a sleeper hold that keeps the big man occupied for over a minute. Hunter then goes for the pedigree again but again, Vader reverses it. Hunter, in his frustration, throws Vader to the outside. Chyna attempts to attack Vader from behind, but Vader spins round and knocks Chyna to the floor. Vader then returns to the ring and goes to work on Helmsley, sending him crashing to the mat with a series of uppercuts. Vader spends the rest of the match dishing out an incredible amount of punishment on Triple-H, including two Vader Bombs, during both the following pin attempts, Chyna entered the ring and pulled the referee out. Eventually, HHH has had enough and Helmsley walks out, giving Vader the unsatisfactory win.

Vader beat Hunter Hearst Helmsley by countout in 17-20 --- ***

Ross - Folks, what a match! We'll be right back!


Backstage - Legion Of Doom

Animal - Hey Godwinns, we didn't have any problems with you till you
         stuck your noses in our business, and now you're the ones
         who've got the problems. Tell 'em Hawk.

Hawk - Well, it seems to me that it seems to be, that The Godwinns
       are in for a beating like a beaten boy at a beating festival.
       Oh what a rush!

Ross - Welcome back folks. We're about to get under way with Stone
       Cold Steve Austin taking on The Rock, Rocky Maivia and...

"Oh You Didn't Know?"

Ross - Oh great, what do these guys want?

The New Age Outlaws make their way to the ring.

Gunn - LOD, Godwinns? We'll get to you in a moment. But first, Bret
       Hart, we've got a little message from Shawn Michaels. You see,
       The HeartBreak Kid couldn't be here tonight, something
       about Pensylvanian women, I don't know, but he said he had two
       words for ya, Hitman, SUCK IT!

Bret appears at the top of the ramp.

Bret - Hey loverboys! You can tell your little housewife buddy
       Shawn Michaels that he can hide out at home all he wants, he
       better get used to it 'cos he's gonna spend a lotta time at home
       after I kick his ass out of the WWF. 

JJ - Ha, this guy's a riot. Bret Hart, you couldn't kick his ass in
     the old WWF, and you ain't gonna do it here. He beat you at
     Wrestlemania 12, he beat you at the Survivor Series and he's
     gonna beat you again at the Rumble. I'm just a little pissed off
     that I'm never gonna get a change to kick your sorry ass.

Bret - Well, how about it? Right here, right now, me against you?
       No wait... I'll take both of you on, we'll call it a handicap

JJ - This guy's nuts. Okay Hitman, if that's what you want, then
     that's fine by us. If you could give myself and Mr Ass some
     time to get ready, then we'll gladly kick your ass.


Ross - Well folks, that match is confirmed for later on tonight, Bret
       Hart will take on The New Age Outlaws in a handicap match. But
       first lets go to ringside for Steve Austin against Rocky Maivia.

Finkel - In the ring, from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 272 pounds,
         The Rock, Rocky Maivia. Approaching the ring, from
         Victoria, Texas, weighing two hundred and forty one pounds,
         "Stone Cold" Steve Austin!

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs "The Rock" Rocky Maivia

The Rock takes the early advantage in this match, and is unlucky not to put Austin away in embarrasing fashion with a stunning cross body block. Austin soon takes over though, and pounds on Maivia in the usual fashion. Mark Henry at ringside constantly and blatantly interferes in the match, but the referee lets it go. The match continues then, with both men having sustained periods of success on their opponent. There is nothing seperating the two men though, as they fight out an enthralling battle.

Steve Austin and Rocky Maivia fought to a draw in 20-00 --- **.75


Ross - Welcome back folks. What a match there between there between
       two of the greats of this sport. King?

King - Well the Rock did look good, yeah. But what I'm looking forward
       to is that no good Bret Hart getting his ass kicked all over
       the ring by The New Age Outlaws. It's gonna be great!

Ross - It certainly should be interesting folks. The Outlaws are in
       the ring as we speak. We're just awaiting the arrival of Bret
       Hart and then this match can get underway.

The Hitman's music kicks in and Bret appears at the top of the ramp.
Before he can make it to the ring though, he is jumped by HBK.

Ross - What? He is here, I knew he was here!

Michaels pounds on Bret and The Outlaws then precede to join the WWF Champion in the beating.

King - Ha Ha, this is great! Look at them kick Bret's ass!

Ross - Wait here comes the Legion Of Doom! And here's Austin! My god,
       here come The Godwinns! Folks, we're out of time, we'll see you
       at the 1998 Royal Rumble!