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May 7th

Richmond, Virginia

Jim Ross is your announcer.

Ross - Hello folks, and once again welcome to WWF Thunder! The European title is gonna be on the line tonight, as Adam Bomb defends against "Marvelous" Marc Mero! Plus, D-Generation X is gonna be in six man action, and Jeff Jarrett and Steve Austin are gonna...


Ross - Well, here he comes right now!

Austin - First off, everybody who wants to see Sycho Sid get his ass kicked one more time, give men a hell yeah.

Richmond - Hell Yeah!

Austin - Well, the fact of the matter is, I'm getting pretty damn tired of coming out here and kickin's his ass, every single week on Raw. Anybody who's seen us dukin' it out, knows that Steve Austin can take Sycho Sid with both hands tied behind his back, and not break a sweat. You see, what I really want, is to get the WWF World title around my waist. But hell, with Jeff Jarrett chickening his way out of a match with that pussy Shawn Michaels, I guess I ain't gonna get a shot until I beat somebody big. So Sid? Since I'm tired of beating your ass in a regular ring, and beating your ass in the aisle, I've decided I wanna beat your ass in a cage. No weapons, no interference and no way out. Just you and me straight up, and I can finally nail your coffin shut. May 17th Sid, if you want me, I'll be in LA. But if for some reason you want to get your ass whooped tonight, hell, I'll be in the arena waiting for ya.


As Austin's music kicks in again, he departs to the cheers of the crowd.

Ross - Austin laying out a challenge to Sid for In Your House! If Sid accepts it, you can be sure that's a match you don't want to miss! Later on, we'll be running down the In Your House card so far, and more matches are being announced all the time. But at this point, we're gonna go back down to ringside for our opening match.

Crush/Savio Vega vs Tim Horner/Barry Horowitz

The two relative newcomers to the WWF, Crush and Vega, continue their undefeated run here in the WWF with a convincing victory over the team of Horner and Horowitz. Adams dominates with some hard power offence, putting his opponents in agony with backbreakers and powerslams amongts other power moves. Vega on the other hand, slows the tempo down when he's in the ring, prefering to wear his opponents down with rest and submission holds. When the time is right though, it's Vega who ends the contest as he hits the Carribean Kick on Horowitz.

Crush/Savio Vega defeated Tim Horner/Barry Horowitz in 6-00 (*)

Ross - Both Crush and Savio continue their unbeaten streak there. We're gonna take a break now folks, but when we come back the European title is gonna be on the line!


(European Championship)

Adam Bomb vs Marc Mero

Hack Myers aside, Adam Bomb has dominated all his opponents in the WWF. All of them that is except "Marvelous" Marc Mero, who holds two victories against the European Champion. Aiming to avenge those defeats, Bomb starts out the agressor, as he tosses Mero around the ring like a rag doll. A gorilla press to the outside has Mero in serious trouble. It's close to the two minute mark before Mero can get any control on the match, as he reverses an Irish whip and then catches Bomb in a rana for a two count. Mero holds the advantage for a little while, never doing too much damage, before Bomb blocks a superplex and shoves Marc Mero down to the concrete floor. Bomb then spends the next five minutes or so brutalising Mero, battering him from post to post. Mero is able to get a few high flying moves in that have an effect on Bomb, but in the end the Champion's strength is too much, and the Crotch Slam finishes it.

Adam Bomb defeated Marc Mero in 12-02 (**.25)

(Adam Bomb retained the WWF European Title)

Owen tries to attack Bomb after the bell, but he's cut off by the WWF Cruiserweight champion Chris Chetti. Chetti sends Owen into the guardrail as we move backstage for the In Your House Update.

In Your House 3 "To Live And Die In LA" Update

Todd - Hey everybody! Man, can you believe we're only ten days away from In Your House? It's gonna be spectacular folks, and anything can happen on pay-per-view! We're still waiting for confirmation on the main event folks, but Jeff Jarrett is gonna be here later on and we might hear something then. But here's what we do have confirmed so far :

For the Intercontinental Title, Chris Benoit will go one on one, no countout, with the leader of the Nation, The Rock.

European Champion Adam Bomb will team with the Cruiserweight Champion Chris Chetti, to face the team of Marc Mero and Owen Hart.

In a return match from Raw, The RoadWarriors will face off against The Headhunters.

Newcomers The Hardy Boyz will face Scott Taylor and former cruiserweight champion Brian Christopher, Too Much.

Booker T may be facing Dustin Runnels as well. At this time, we're gonna send you to another part of the backstage area, where Booker T is standing by.

Booker - Dustin? The challenge you laid out to me on Raw? I'm accepting it. Once I beat you, you can get off my damn back. You can stop embarrasing me, and stop embarrasing the Nation. The only one who's gonna be embarrased is you, after I kick your ass beyond all recognition at In Your House. So there, you got your match. You happy?

Todd - Well there you go folks. Add Booker T against Dustin Runnels to the In Your House card. If Dustin wins, Booker has to leave The Nation. If Booker T wins, then I guess Dustin has to simply leave Booker alone. Is there gonna be a restraining order there? Who knows folks. What I do know is that In Your House 3 is gonna be an unbelievable night of action!

We move to the backstage area, where we see Sid prowling around, looking for Austin.


Ross - Welcome back. We're now gonna take you to tag team action with the Hardy Boyz, who'll meet Scott Taylor and Brian Christopher at In Your House!

The Hardy Boyz vs Silver King/Hector Garza

The crowd is hot in anticipation for this one. The Hardyz have only been in the World Wrestling Federation a short time but their high flying antics have caught on well with the WWF crowd. Silver King and Garza have also performed adequatley in their few appearances here. Garza and Jeff start things off, and it's the Mexican who gets the upper hand first. Jeff is hammered on by King and Garza for the first few minutes of this match, as Jeff is stopped from making the tag to his brother. They refrain from making too many pin attempts on him, though Garza comes close with a moonsault bodyblock. Their lack of cover attempts looks like it may come back to haunt them when Jeff finally makes the tag to his brother. Matt is a house afire as he gives the Mexicans a double noggin knocker before taking them down with a double clothesline. Numerous close pin attempts follow from Matt, as he hits a top rope frankensteiner, a Northern Lights suplex, and a 450 splash in quick succession. Jeff tags in and they unload on their opponents with double team manouevers. A double dropkick sends legal man Garza to the outside, and the advancing Silver King is also deposited out of the ring. The Hardyz continue piling on their adversaries with high flying offence, until Matt badly blows a springboard moonsault and crotches himself on the top rope. As Garza takes over, the match slows down as he wears him down with restholds and armbars. The pace gets no quicker when Silver King tags in, but the momentum is soon reversed and the Hardyz retake control. It's one way from there on as Matt and Jeff dominate before Matt hits the Megahurtz on Silver King for the three count.

The Hardy Boyz defeated Hector Garza/Silver King in 9-40 (**.5)

As the referee raises the hands of the victors, Taylor and Christopher enter the ring and attempt to attack the Hardyz. Too Much sends them both into the ropes after nailing them from behind, but they end up on the recieving end of a pair of clotheslines. Both Christopher and Taylor are then dropkicked out of the ring by Matt and Jeff, and end up fuming on the outside.

**King Of The Ring 1998 Promo - June 21st**

Ross - I hope you can join us six weeks from now folks, for WWF King Of The Ring. It's gonna be an eight man one night tournament, and there's gonna be much more as well. Three men who are sure to be involved, D-Generation X, are up next in six-man action!

Shawn Michaels/Billy Gunn/Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs The Barbarian/The Quebecers

A rare unified outing here for D-Generation X as they go up against a threesome not high on wins lately. Billy Gunn starts out for DX as he clashes with the Barbarian. Gunn has the advantage in the ring, but the action soon moves to the outside. The Barbarian reverse whips Gunn into the ringsteps, but is attacked from behind by Shawn Michaels. HBK finds himself gorilla pressed on the concrete for his troubles, and Gunn is similarly laid out by Pierre Oulette who got himself involved in the ruckus. Back in the ring, the Barbarian dominates Gunn, nailing him with a backbreaker, spinebuster slam and a shoulderblock. Gunn gets back into it though with a swinging neckbreaker after he was whipped into the ropes by Jacques Rougeau, and he makes the hot tag to the former WWF champion Shawn Michaels. Michaels hits Rougeau with a dropkick before laying in some right hands. A backslide gets a two count, before Michaels hits the Superkick out of the corner! Rougeau is out cold Oulette breaks the cover at two. Any resemblance this match had to tag team wrestling goes out the window now as the ring fills up with all six men. The two teams go at it for a minute or so before Michaels sends Rougeau to the outside. Gunn and Pierre soon follow, and we're left with Hunter and The Barbarian in the ring. One Pedigree later and it's all over.

D-Generation X defeated Pierre Oulette/The Barbarian/Jacques Rougeau in 6-27 (*.5)

Ross - DX gets the victory there in the six man tag! We'll be right back with... hold on a minute.

Michaels - Jeff Jarrett, get your skinny little ass out here right now!

The camera moves to the entranceway, but nothing happens. Helmsley takes the mic.

HHH - Jarrett, in case you didn't hear, we just called your wannabe-champion ass out!

Jarrett doesn't appear. We then see Austin, who apparently saw Sid on the monitor earlier, pacing around backstage.


When we return we're still following Austin, who's about to enter one of the dressing rooms. No Sid, and the New Midnight Express nearly die of shock when Austin kicks the door down. Austin flips them the middle finger and turns to leave, and *that's* when Sid makes an appearance. After nailing him with right hands, Sid throws Austin back into the dressing room, as the tag champions make a hasty exit. As Sid goes to powerbomb Austin on the concrete floor though, Austin counters with a back body drop. After throwing Sid into the wall a few times, Austin takes one of the mirrors of the wall and is about to smash it over Sid's head before it's pulled off him from behind. Austin turns around to see who did it and is met with a boot to the chest from Vader! Austin doubles over, and Vader smashes the mirror over Austin's back, shattering it. Sid has time to powerbomb Austin before the room fills with officials who somehow manage to break it up.

We move back to the ringside area, where the New Midnight Express are now in the ring.

Holly - Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce at this time, the one, the only, the World Wrestling Federation champion, for now and eternity, Jay e double f Jay a double r e double tee, Jeff Jarrett!

The WWF Champion makes his way to the ring to the loud boo's of the crowd.

Ross - Oh, now he comes out. Wouldn't do it when DX called him out earlier would he?

Jarrett - Thank you Bob. First off I want to say, for any of you out there wondering, "The Roadog" Jesse Jammes re-injured his knee a week back, and that's why he hasn't been around much. Life on top of the world can take it's toll, ain't that right? What I really want to adress though, is the main event of In Your House. All week along, I've been hearing people talking about what's gonna happen. From fellow wrestlers, down to the dirt sheet writers and lonely kids on the internet, they all want to know. Well the only man who holds the key to the answer, is also the man who holds the key to all your hearts, the World Wrestling Federation champion, Jeff Jarrett. Haha, ain't I great? Now then, Shawn Michaels came to me on Monday night, asking for a world title shot, and I guess I turned him down. Now, by the end of me *turning him down*, he looked pretty pathetic. Laid out in the middle of the ring, he looked pretty helpless. I don't think Shawn Michaels really deserves a title shot, but I don't like treating badly to the mentally and physically challenged. I'm a fair man Michaels, and what I'm gonna do is this. May 17th, In Your House 3, To Live And Die In LA. I'm thinking a six man tag. Myself, and the WWF Tag team champions right here, against you and your jobber friends. I know that they've been itching to get into the ring with my boys, so I'm gonna give them the chance. If D-Generation X pulls out the win, a lucky win I might add, then they can *all* recieve title shots. I think that's a fair deal right? Because to be the man, you've got to beat the man, whoo! Haha. Let's go boys.