May 3rd

Norfolk, Virginia

Running Time - 45 minutes

Todd Pettengil is your host.

Todd - Hey everybody, and welcome to another action packed edition of WWF Sunday Night Slam! Right here tonight, Billy Gunn and Hunter Hearst Helmsley of D-Generation X will face off against The Headhunters, in our tag team main event! Sycho Sid is also gonna be in action, and Jacques and Pierre The Quebecers, will take on the Hardy Boyz! We're gonna see some great matches tonight folks, let's go straight to ringside!

Yuji Nagata vs Mark Starr

After the two competitors lock up, Starr nails Nagata with a shoulderbreaker. It's the start of a fairly long period of domination for Mark Starr. He hits Yuji with a series of dropkicks, and a DDT produces a near pinfall. A spinning leg lariat has an effect on Nagata also, and a powerslam from Starr gives him another close two count. Nagata finally gets some offence in after reversing an Irish whip and then knocking Starr down with a thrust kick. Nagata then spends the next few minutes working over the arm of Starr, armbar leading to armtwist. Starr shows that this tactical plan is redundant though, as he is able to punch his way out of a Nagata bearhug, and eventually knock Yuji to the mat with a hard right hand. Starr hits another powerslam for two before Nagata regains control again, reversing a suplex. It's one way traffic offence from here on, and Nagata wraps it up after six minutes with the Nagata Lock.

Yuji Nagata defeated Mark Starr in 6-44 (*)

Todd - A solid performance again from Yuji Nagata. I tell you folks, he was unlucky not to become the European champion back at In Your House. He put out a great performance against Adam Bomb, and like I said, was unlucky to lose by countout. Folks, speaking of Adam Bomb, just announced for In Your House 3 "To Live And Die In La", Adam Bomb will team up with the WWF Cruiserweight Champion Chris Chetti. Their opponents will be the team of Marc Mero and Owen Hart. These four men have been having altercations with each other since way back at the start of April. They'll get their chance to beat the heck out of each other at In Your House. Remember, stay tuned to *all* WWF programming, 'cos you'll hear all the matches for this great event announced here first. We're gonna take a break, then we'll be back with more action!


Todd - Welcome back everybody. We talked earlier about In Your House, and I just want to remind you to call your cable operator as soon as you can to order this great event. No word yet on what the main event is gonna be, but I guarantee you it's gonna be something special. Now, let's go to the ring for tag team action!

The Hardy Boyz vs The Quebecers

Matt Hardy and Jacques Rougeau start things off, and Matt gets a pair of quick two counts following a snap suplex and a frankensteiner. Hardy goes up to the top rope and attempts a flying axehandle, but Jacques moves out of the firing line. Hardy lands on his feet, but Rougeau manages to send him to the canvas with a drop toe hold. The Quebecers heavily outsize and outweight the Hardy's, and the Canadians dominate Matt in their corner for a fair few minutes. Everytime Matt gets some offence going, the non legal Quebecer enters the ring and nails him from behind, stopping his momentum. Hardy is close to giving up when Rougeau locks on the Boston crab, but he's able to drag himself to the ropes. The advantage swings over to Matt Hardy though, once Pierre attempts a superplex at the five minute mark. Hardy shoves him off the turnbuckle to the canvas, and then nails him with a flying dropkick. Hardy takes a while to get to his feet himself after being on the recieving end of the Quebecers' punishment for five minutes, but eventually makes a hot tag to Jeff. Jeff nails Oulette with a clothesline as he gets to his feet, then sends Jacques down to the concrete from the apron with a forearm. Jeff dominates Oulette, hitting a hurracanrana, a spinning DDT and a running powerbomb, getting close two counts on each. When Matt has recovered from his earlier beating, he and his brother hit Pierre with their version of the Doomsday Device, but Jacques breaks the following cover attempt at two. Jeff sends Rougeau to the outside with a clothesline, who then proceeds to crash his head badly on the concrete and is out for the rest of the match. The *rest of the match* isn't long however, as despite some brief offence from Pierre, his being outnumbered weighs heavily against him. Just before the ten minute mark, Jeff Hardy gets the pinfall following a shooting star press for the victory.

The Hardy Boyz defeated The Quebecers in 9-47 (**.5)

Todd - The Hardy Boyz remain undefeated here in the WWF, you've gotta feel that these guys could be challenging for the tag belts real soon. Don't go away!


Todd - We're only two weeks away folks from In Your House, and one of the men who's sure to play a prominent part in this event, is Sycho Sid!

Sycho Sid bt Hack Myers

Surely a classic in the making. Myers' incredible lack of talent sees him unable to execute any kind of repeat performance of when he defeated Adam Bomb. Sid hits a bodyslam and a clothesline before throwing Myers to the outside. Hack is whipped into the guardrail and then powerslammed on the concrete. Sid throws the former European champion back into the ring and locks him in a reverse chinlock. Sid keeps the hold locked on for nearly a minute, wearing Myers down. Upon releasing the hold, Sid hammers his opponent with right hands before gorilla pressing him to the mat. One powerbomb later and it's all over.

Sycho Sid defeated Hack Myers in 3-33 (-**.5)

Todd - Another devastating showcase from Sycho Sid. Word backstage says that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is gonna lay out a challenge to Sid tommorow night on Raw. Make sure to tune in at eight pm to see what happens. We're gonna go straight back to ringside now for our tag team main event, as D-Generation X takes on the Headhunters!

The Headhunters vs Billy Gunn/Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Hunter starts out against Headhunter #1, and is easily out powered in the early going. A fallaway slam is followed up with a powerbomb for the first two count of the match, and we get a close two and a half moments later as Hunter's rolled up in a sunset flip. Both Headhunters tag in and out and dominate Helmsley, before he reverses a second powerbomb attempt with a backdrop. Hunter then gets going for the first time, taking #2 down with a clothesline and then getting a one count with a fistdrop. Hunter complains to the ref about a slow count, and gets caught up in an inside cradle by the Headhunter. It only gets two though, but the Headhunters are now back in control.


After sending Helmsley crashing to the mat with a gorilla press, #1 goes for a splash, but Hunter rolls out of the way. Hunter then finally makes a hot tag to Billy Gunn, who nails #1 with right ahnsd before taking him down with a kneelift. After sending him into the ropes, Gunn back bodydrops him and then clotheslines him over the top rope. Gunn crotch chops #1 on the outside, but when he turns back round he gets nailed with a hard clothesline from Headhunter #2. It's Gunn's turn to be dominated by the Hunters now, and again they keep control for a long period of time. It's Helmsley's turn to get the hot tag though on the eleven minute mark, and he unloads on both Headhunters. After dominating Headhunter #1 for a while, he executes the pedigree. Before he can cover though, 'Hunter #2 pulls Hunter up by the hair and throws him to the outside. Gunn gets involved at this point and the action moves to the outside. Where it stays, as both teams are counted out.

Billy Gunn/Hunter Hearst Helmsley fought The Headhunters to a d.c.o in 13-28 (.75*)

Todd - We're out of time folks, see you tomorrow night on Raw!