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May 28th 1998

Nashville, Tennessee

Jim Ross is your announcer.

Ross - Viewers at home, welcome to what is sure to be one of the greatest Thunder's ever! Live here tonight in Triple Threat action, Dustin Runnels, Booker T and Triple-H will clash head on! Plus, main event tonight, The Man They Call Vader will go one on one with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin for the number one contendership to the WWF title! The British Bulldog will be here as well, but we're gonna kick things off with Fit Finlay in action!

Fit Finlay vs Hector Garza

Fresh off his first tag team match in the World Wrestling Federation, alongside "Marvelous" Marc Mero, Finlay returns to singles action, taking on the so far winless Hector Garza. Finlay's power advantage gives him the upper hand initially, going at Garza with his fists and elbows before crashing him to the mat with a powerbomb. There's no quick pin attempt from the Irishman though, as he yacks away to the crowd, and when he *does* go down to cover, Garza has recovered and kicks out right away. Fit should perhaps have gone for the cover more quickly, as he then loses the advantage right after. Garza blocks a fireman's carry and then nails Finlay with an elbowsmash. After nailing a few boots to Finlay's chest, Hector sends his opponent into the ropes.

We'll never know what kind of offensive move Garza was planning, as Finlay wraps him right up into a sleeper hold. Garza puts up a struggle though, but when he does eventually break the hold, Fit executes a doctor bomb on his Mexican opponent. Garza is down and out on the mat, but just manages to get his shoulder in the air at a count of two. Finlay is supremely in control, though not long after Garza gets a one count with a savate kick. Hector sends Finlay through the ropes to the outside, and it's out there that he has his best spell of the match. There's no highflying in sight as Garza takes it to the former Belfast Bruiser, sending him headfirst into the ringsteps several times. It's Finlay who's retaken the advantage by the time the action resumes in the ring, as he reversed a Hector suplex and Garza's back went right down to the concrete. After tossing Garza back into the squared circle, Finlay scoops him right up into the tombstone piledriver and continues his unbeaten streak.

Fit Finlay pinned Hector Garza with the Tombstone Piledriver in 0:04:16.

Rating: * 1/4

Ross - Finlay gets the victory in our opening match, and we'll be right back!

**WWF King Of The Ring 1998 Promo - June 21st**

Ross - I do hope you can join us folks on June 21st, when eight men will go at it in the King Of The Ring tournament! In the opening match, Marc Mero will face Billy Gunn, with the rest of the matches to be determined over the next three weeks. Add to this Jeff Jarrett defending the WWF title against Steve Austin, or Vader if he defeats Austin tonight, and you've already got the makings of one hell of a card. At this point, let's take you back to Monday Night Raw, as the world champion and Shawn Michaels had a verbal confrontation via satelite!

[The Satelite interview from Raw is shown from the point when Jarrett makes his arrival]

Ross - Folks, you don't want to miss Raw this coming Monday night as Jeff Jarrett and Shawn Michaels face off! Make sure you're tuned to the USA network. Now back to the ring for more action!

Pierre Oulette vs Joey Matthews

Like Finlay earlier, Oulette has also been on an unbeaten run, now seperated from Jacques Rougeau and The Quebecers. And he gets off to a great start here, getting off the bat with a spinning backbreaker, and then moments later hitting a running somersault plancha to the outside on Matthews. Both men take their time getting back up to their feet, but when they do, it's a back and forth brawl. A snap suplex on the floor has Oulette holding his back in pain, but he soon replies with a snap mare on the youngster. Pierre has time to then take Matthews' head and ram it into the steps and post, before the referee's count gets high enough to force both men back into the ring. Mid-ring, a back suplex gives Oulette the first two count of the match, before he tries for the Cannonball, the move averted by a roll away by Matthews. Pierre then goes for an elbowdrop, but Matthews rolls away again. Joey finally jumps up to his feet, and after getting Oulette rocking with a series of right hands, he clotheslines him out of the ring over the top rope. Matthews then let's fly with a tope onto Pierre, sending him back back-first into the guardrail.

Matthews immediately throws Pierre back inside, but he can't keep any momentum, as Oulette stomps him on the mat as soon as Matthews tries to get back in himself. A swinging neckbreaker is executed, and Oulette gets his second two count of the match from it. An enzirguri out of nowhere sends Pierre to the mat though, and Matthews, seizing his oppurtunity, quickly gets to the top turnbuckle. He hits a flying cross body press, but Oulette rolls through with the move, only for two and a half. Matthews is then kept down on the mat as Oulette locks on a headlock, but it's Pierre who comes off worse from this as Matthews eventually gets to his feet and executes a chinbreaker. It gets a two count, and Matthews then goes back up to the top turnbuckle. Flying sunset flip onto Oulette, but he can't get him over. Pierre grabs him by the neck as Matthews tries to take him down, and he chokes him out before the referee pulls him off. Pierre goes to argue with the referee, and Matthews has the chance to attack from behind. Before he can though, Oulette turns and sends him crashing down with a lariat. Matthews seems to be out cold, and can't prevent the Cannonball, which leads to the Oulette victory.

Pierre Oulette pinned Joey Matthews with the Cannonball in 0:05:24.

Rating: * 1/2


[A video package of the confrontations between Dustin Runnels, Booker T and Triple-H is shown, preceded by footage of the Rock winning the Intercontinental Title at In Your House]

Ross - It's about time for the big triple threat match folks, so let's go back to ringside!

Booker T vs Dustin Runnels vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley [w/Billy Gunn]

First of all, the rules. Two men in the ring at any one time, third man on the apron has to be tagged in. First pinfall wins, and the winner becomes the number one contender to the WWF Intercontinental Title. The bell rings and, after a long period of arguing between the three men, the referee orders Triple-H out to the apron, leaving Booker T and Dustin Runnels to start. Mucho stalling to start before the two lock up, and Runnels then draws WHOO'S! from the crowd as he starts chopping away at Booker. Booker fights back though, and ends up getting two close two counts in quick succession, with a powerslam and a flying forearm. A swinging neckbreaker is then hit by Booker, but soon Runnels is back into it, and the two begin trading chops and right hands. Booker gets another close count with a small package out of nowhere, before Runnels takes over control of the match.

He nails the ex-Nation member with a lariat, then throws him through the ropes to the outside of the ring. Booker is bodyslammed and piledriven onto the concrete, before Runnels rolls the hurting Booker back inside. Dustin hits a side suplex and gets a two count, to his great surprise. As Runnels argues the count with the referee, Booker crawls over to where Helmsley stands and tags him into the action. Hunter enters, and lays a boot into Booker then kicks him out of the ring before he turns his attention to Dustin. Runnels and Helmsley stare each other down, and just as Booker gets to his feet on the apron Runnels tags him back in, smirking at Hunter as he tags Booker's hand. Helmsley hits a forearm to Booker's back before whipping him into the turnbuckle and then charging in with his knee. He pummels Booker in the corner with his boots and fists, before whipping him hard into the opposite buckle. Helmsley charges in again, but this time Booker raises a boot, sending Hunter staggering into the centre of the ring. Pausing for a moment to clear his head, Booker then goes after Hunter, attempting a clothesline. Helmsley ducks out of the way though, turns, and then clocks him with a lariat.

Booker falls to the mat, and Helmsley takes a bow to his audience. Triple-H appears to be in complete control, but he loses his advantage just moments later. Going for the Pedigree, he is instead backdropped by Booker, and then gets slammed into the mat face-first by Booker, finding some strength out of nowhere. There's then a surreal race to make the tag, as both men crawl towards the same person. Runnels ends up having to choose which hand to tag, and he picks Helmsley, entering the ring to beat on Booker. Right and left hands from Runnels, and he then whips Booker into the ropes. Out of nowhere Booker nails Dustin with a flying forearm, knocking him down to the canvas. It's just a one count for Booker though, and moments later he finds himself on the recieving end again, and ends up on the arena floor after an over the top clothesline from Runnels. Runnels then tags Helmsley back in. We've reached the seven minute mark of this match, and while Runnels and Helmsley have been in and out, Booker has been in the thick of it for 99% of this match.

After making a brief trip outside to retrieve Booker T and bring him back into the squared circle, Hunter drops an elbow and gets a one count. Helmsley has his way with Booker in midring with a chinlock for a while, before sending Booker to the outside again. After whipping Booker in hard to every part of the ring area, Hunter again tosses his opponent back in. A piledriver leads to another pinfall attempt on Booker, but after he kicks out at two Helmsley throws Booker over to the corner where Dustin stands, giving up on defeating that particular person at this point. Runnels reaches down and smacks Booker in the face, which I guess quantifies as a tag, and then Runnels and Helmsley lock up for the first time in this contest.

Helmsley is taken to the mat with one hell of a vicious chop from Dustin, who then quickly climbs up to the top turnbuckle. He let's fly from the top, but Hunter catches him in a powerslam for a two count. Helmsley then slows the match down to snailpace as he puts Runnels in a sleeperhold, which eats about forty seconds before Runnels is able to break out by reaching the ropes. Hunter then promptly stands back and lets Dustin up to his feet, before sending him through the ropes with a dropkick. Helmsley waits for Runnels to enter the ring, but as does Dustin returns to the ring, there's another entrance taking place that's attracting most of the crowd's attention.

The Intercontinental Champion Rocky Maivia, who's started to walk down the aisle. Hunter and Runnels stop the match and start shouting at the Rock, but before Maivia can play any part in this match, he's nailed from behind by Chris Benoit! The former champ and the current champ start going at it on the outside, and the referee leaves the ring to try and break it up. With Runnels still surveying the action on the outside, Hunter seizes his chance. Attacking Dustin from behind with a forearm to the back, Helmsley then spins him around and nails the Pedigree! He jumps down on top of Runnels to cover, but then Jesse Jammes [!] enters the ring, presumably coming from out of the crowd, and pulls Hunter off.

Helmsley gets tossed to the outside and is kept there, as Jammes works him over. The referee returns to the ring, as Benoit and the Rock finally fight their way back down the aisle where they came from, to see Booker T climb through the ropes and drape his arm over the still unconscious Dustin Runnels! The referee, not seeing Helmsley anywhere around (Jammes had him down on the far side of the ring area, away from his view), comes to the conclusion that Booker is the legal man, and makes the three count! Booker wins!

Triangle Match: Booker T defeated Dustin Runnels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley when Booker T pinned D. Runnels in 0:11:05.

Rating: ** 1/4

Helmsley is pissed at being robbed of victory again, and after shaking loose from Jammes, who proceeds to leave back through the crowd, he starts hammering away at Booker. Helmsley is eventually pulled off by officials.

Ross - Let's go backstage at this time where the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith is standing by.

  • Bulldog - There's a few things here in the WWF, concerning tag teams, that I want to adress at this point. The New Midnight Express, you've defended your belts just once in the last five weeks, and you're nothing but paper champions! Now Sid and Vader, they said they want to decimate the tag division. Well to do that, you've got to go through Owen Hart and The British Bulldog, and I don't think you've got the strength, nor the power, to do that. On June 21st at the King Of The Ring, Sid and Vader, me and Owen challenge you to a match. Winner gets the tag team title shot against the Express the next night.
  • Gunn - Now just hold it one second.
  • One half of the WWF Tag Team champions, Bart Gunn enters the area.

  • Gunn - Why do you guys think you deserve a title shot? True, myself and Bob Holly haven't defended our belts every week, but the last time we *did* defend 'em, we fought against three men. Therefore, it all turns out alright. But you? You and Owen Hart? Bulldog, since you got here, you ain't won one damn match. And Owen Hart, hell, he's been nothing but a jobber all year. You're not worthy of us, or our belts.
  • Bulldog is about to reply when he's nailed from behind by Bob Holly, and the tag champs start beating away on Smith. Hart makes the save with a chair and runs the Express off as we go to commercials.


    Devon Storm is in the ring when we return.

  • Storm - Ladies and gentlemen, as your cruiserweight champion, I'd like to talk about something that happened to me last night. But first, I think we've got some footage lined up on the Titantron, so let's take a look.
  • [Footage of Storm winning the Cruiserweight title tournament on January 1st is shown. It's followed by shots of Storm *losing* the title to Rey Mystero Jr two weeks later, but Storm ignores that.]

  • Storm - Right there, *that's* why I'm the champion. But you know, sitting at home two days ago, I felt kinda bad for Chris Chetti. So, to make him feel better, I thought I'd run on down to the hospital, and present him with this cruiserweight title belt, a gift from me to him. So I went down there. And you know what happened? Not only did he tell me to stick the belt up *my* ass, he then told me to stick it up the ass of every single fan in the arena here tonight on Thunder! I guess he doesn't care about the title, and I guess he doesn't care about you, the fans. [shakes head] It saddens me that jerks like that still exist in the modern day wrestling business, but I guess that's the way it goes. Well, that's all I got to say here tonight, I'm gonna go home right now and place *my* title belt on my mantelpiece where it belongs. Thanks Chris, you're a standup guy.
  • Storm leaves to boos from the crowd, cruiserweight title belt over his shoulder.

    Ross - I think Storm just broke the Jeff Jarrett record there for most garbage spoken in one interview. Not withstanding that though, we're gonna return to the ring for some tag team action!

    Crush/Savio Vega vs Mark Starr/Steve Corino

    In their first match as a tag team since losing their undefeated record to the Headbangers, Adams and Vega get off to a good start as Vega nails Corino with a spinning mule kick right away. Vega and Corino then start duking it out, a fist fight that's won by Corino, who then takes control of the match by putting Savio in an abdominal stretch. After the hold is broken via the ropes Corino ecxecutes a bodyslam before clotheslining Vega to the floor. At a count of four Vega returns to the ring, but is soon met with a Doctor Bomb and covered for a two count. Corino keeps up his advantage with a dropkick and then another two count from a slingshot legdrop, but it's the underhanded tactic of a rake to the eyes that gets Savio back into the match. A legsweep puts Corino on the mat, and he's then dragged by Vega over to his corner, where the tag to Crush is made. A brief period of doubleteaming then takes place, a double back body drop and elbow drop both being executed. Adams gets an inside cradle for two before working Corino over with his usual stomp and bodyslam offence. After dominating Corino for around a minute, Crush tags Savio back into the action. Vega climbs to the top rope and hits a perfectly aimed flying kneedrop, before the Carribbean Kick puts Corino away for good. Mark Starr never even got a look in.

    Brian Adams and Savio Vega defeated Steve Corino and Mark Starr when Vega pinned Corino with the Carribbean Kick in 0:04:18.

    Rating: DUD


    Ross - It's now time for our main event, the number one contender to the WWF title, Steve Austin versus Vader! If Vader wins, then Austin will lose his contendership, and Vader will face Jarrett at King Of The Ring! Now to the action!

    Vader vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

    The camera switches to the aisle several times in this match, a run in seemed pre-destined. In an amazing start to the match, Austin blocks a suplex, nails Vader in the gut, and then executes the Stone Cold Stunner! Vader manages to get his foot on the ropes somehow though, and the match continues. Vader is rocked after this bad start and is victim to some hard right hands from Austin, giving back no reply, and is sent back into the corner of the ring. He gets a moment to get his head straight though when Austin charges in for a clothesline. Vader ducks out of the way sending Austin into the buckle, and then gives a clothesline of his own, sending Austin over the top rope to the floor.

    When Austin gets back in Vader hits him with a kneelift followed by a swinging punch. Whip into the ropes from the Rocky Mountain Beast, but Austin ducks his clothesline, and then knocks Vader to the canvas with a hard lariat. Austin then takes serious control of the match, keeping Vader down on the mat for the majority of the next two minutes. The Stunner is attempted once more, but Vader is able to block it. In an uncharacteristic move, Austin takes Vader up to the top turnbuckle and sets him up for a superplex. The big man blocks it however, and shoves Austin off the buckle down to the concrete floor.

    After pausing to once again gather his thoughts, Vader steps through the ropes and proceeds to bash Austin on the outside. After a bodyslam on the concrete, Austin is tossed back in and covered for a two count. Vader pulls Austin up to his feet and then positions him for a powerbomb! Fortunately for Austin, Vader takes way too much time before attempting to actually deliver it, and he's able to bodydrop Vader to the canvas. Vader jumps right back up to his feet, but he's then met with a boot to the groin and a second Stone Cold Stunner! Austin is about to cover then the WWF Champion Jeff Jarrett rushes into the ring and nails him with a clothesline. The bell rings and the show goes off the air with Jarrett stomping on Austin.

    Steve Austin defeated Vader by disqualification in 0:06:22.

    Rating: -1/4*