
WWF Monday Night Raw

May 18th 1998

Memphis, Tennessee

Jim Ross is your announcer

Ross - It's Monday Night Raw, and we are live in Nashville Tennesse! One day removed from In Your House 3, we've got a huge show for you tonight. The pairings for the 1998 King Of The Ring Tournament are gonna be made, plus Jeff Jarrett, Sycho Sid and the new WWF Intercontinental Champion The Rock are all gonna be in the building! We're gonna kick things off on a down note though, as the World Wrestling Federation Champion is about to make his entrance.

Despite it being his homestate, the reaction to Jarrett isn't particularly favourable.

Jarrett - Well, well, well, haha. Tennesse, your favourite son is back in town! You can boo me all you want, I know you're the same people that have spent the last ten years worshipping the ground I walk on, as I'm the one that made Memphis the wrestling state it is today. You know, I've cut a lotta gold records in this town, but this [takes World title belt from around his waist and holds it high in one hand], this is the greatest gold of all, and it's still here with me, where it belongs. Sycho Sid, the man they call Vader? Thanks for the assist, I was too busy raising the roof if you will, around the city of angels. Shawn Michaels? Haha buddy, it's three in a row now, and now you're stuck sitting on your ass back in that shithole San Antonio. [Holds belt up close to the camera] You see this Shawn? Get up real close to your knockoff tv set, and get a good look, because this is as close as you're ever gonna get, Heartbreak. Now I could spend the next few minutes talking about how there's no way Austin'll beat me at King Of The Ring, but I don't want to give away any spoilers. Let's work the smarts if you will. What I am gonna say though, is that you don't have to like me, you don't have to love me, but you better get used to me, 'cos I'm the best thing going today.

As Jarrett leaves the ring, stills are shown from last night's main event. [Sid and Vader charging to ringside], [Michaels getting powerbombed], [Jarrett jumping the guardrail], [Jarrett locking on the figure four].

Ross - Jarrett fluked his way to a title win last night, but will he be as successful on June 21st against "Stone Cold" Steve Austin? Austin's gonna be here later tonight to speak his views, but let's go to ringside at this time for our opening match.

Hector Garza vs Silver King

Two cruiserweights who have been on the losing end of most of their matches in the WWF get their best chance at a victory in this match, and it's Garza who gains the first advantage with a flying armdrag on King. Garza controls for the next sixty seconds, getting a close two and a half count at one point after a twisting moonsault. Hector controls the match until the action moves to the outside, at which point Silver King manages to catch a break. Garza hits the concrete as he misses a plancha onto his opponent, and then is sent crashing into the guardrail by King. King keeps it simple, hitting Gazra repeatedly with forearm smashes before tossing him back into the ring. In the centre of the ring, King executes a spinning leg lariat on Garza, but before he can follow it up, Devon Storm runs down to the ring and knocks him straight out with the cruiserweight title belt. Garza gets up to his feet and shoves Storm, but he ends up out on the mat after a belt shot too. The match is thrown out as Storm kicks both men out of the ring.

Silver King fought Hector Garza to a no contest in 4-18

Rating [**]

Storm takes the microphone from the ring announcer.

Storm - Why are these two guys out here fighting, when everybody knows that I am the rightful champion? *I'm* the one who should be out here kicking ass in the squared circle every week. You know, people keep coming up to me and saying, hey, that's not your belt, but did anybody here see Sunday Night Slam? Chetti sure didn't look like a champion last night. And right now, I'm the one in the ring with the title, and he's sitting on his ass in some hospital bed, pissing his bed 'cos his legs are too busted too walk to the bathroom. I've got a favour to ask the WWF though, while I'm out here, and that's the following. McMahon, re-instate my wrestling contract, let me fight, so that when Chetti has stopped licking his wounds, that I get the chance to beat his ass 1-2-3. Reinstate me Vince, the WWF needs me.

Ross - Folks, I'd just like to point out that Devon Storm has been under WWF contract since January 1st, and he can wrestle whenever he wants. He's been no-showing house shows for the past month, and well, he's a pretty screwed up guy. We're gonna take our first break now though folks, don't you dare go away!



The number one contender to the WWF title heads to the ring.

Austin - Memphis, Tennesse, this may be the hometown of Jeff Jarrett, but if ya want to see kick the crap outta him at King Of The Ring, then give me hell yeah!

Memphis - Hell Yeah!

Austin - He came out here earlier and said he didn't wanna talk about "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Well that's just fine, 'cos I don't want to talk about Jeff Jarrett. I want to talk about, no, I want to talk *to* the man that left me laying last night, the man they call Vader. Get your big interfering ass out here right now you piece o' trash!

Vader appears out through the curtains, accompanied by Sycho Sid. They take their sweet time walking to ringside, but when they do, Vader takes the microphone.

Vader - You want to take on, the man they call Vader? Let me tell you something Austin, I had a lot of fun kicking the shit out of you at the pay per view, but this man right here, he has a bigger issue.

Sid - Austin! Last night, I promised you that after you stepped into the cage, into my inferno, that you would never, *ever* see the light of day again. I left you laying last night, and *tonight*, I'm gonna finish the job. Get yourself a partner Austin, and me and Big Van will finish you off once and for all.

Austin - I can get myself a partner Sycho. In fact, I can get me two.

Owen Hart and The British Bulldog walk out and stand just outside the entrance.

Vader - I guess you know Austin, that the only way you would ever have a chance of a victory over us, is by having a one man advantage. You make me sick, you're nothing but a godamn coward.

Sid - Don't worry Austin. We'll have a third man by the end of the night. Who, you might ask? Just you wait and see Austin, just you wait and see. I'll tell you one thing right now, Austin, Owen, Bulldog, none of you are leaving this arena in one piece.

Austin - You can grimace, make faces and talk outta your ass all you want. I proved last night that I could beat your ass, cage match or no cage match. Tonight ain't gonna be no different, and that's the bottom line 'cause Stone Cold said so!



The Headbangers vs Crush/Savio Vega

Crush and Vega put their undefeated record on the line here against the crowd favourite Headbangers. This match was supposed to take place on the pay per view lead-in edition of Sunday Night Slam, but all hell broke loose and the match had to be thrown out. It gets started here tonight though, with Adams and Headbanger Mosh starting it out. Mosh goes for an enzuilariato right away but Adams blocks and knocks him down to the mat with a hard back kick. Adams then works on Mosh with his usual power offence, consisting mainly of punches, stomps, bodyslams and backbreakers, before pulling Mosh into his corner and tagging Savio in.

Vega nails Mosh with a double axehandle, but is soon on the mat as his attempted suplex is reversed. Mosh makes the hottag to Thrasher who hammers away at Vega before dropkicking him out of the ring. Crush climbs through the ropes and charges at him, but Thrasher takes him down with a legsweep, and a rejuvenated Mosh then nails him with a top rope legdrop as he's down. Adams rolls out of the ring before he can be pinned, and he and Savio converse on the outside.

They fare better when they return to action, as right out of the lock up Adams manages to execute a swinging neckbreaker. It only gets a two count, but Adams keeps the legal man Thrasher down on the mat by placing him in a reverse chinlock. The hold is eventually broken via interference from Mosh who nails Crush with a boot to the face. This prompts Vega into the ring, and we have a four man brawl. A clusterfuck in the corner sees the referee down to the mat, and seizing the oppurtunity, Vega leaves the ring and grabs a ringside chair. With Adams holding Thrasher in place, Vega takes a swing with the chair, and as the Headbanger ducks, he accidentally nails Crush! Adams falls back to the mat unconscious, and Vega gets a dropkick to the outside for his troubles. Mosh goes down to cover, and with Thrasher making sure Savio doesn't re-enter the ring, the eventual three count is never in doubt.

The Headbangers defeated Crush/Savio Vega in 5-12

Rating [.5*]

Ross - That's both Crush and Vega's first defeat here in the WWF, and they ain't gonna be happy about it one bit. One man who certainly is happy coming in tonight, is the new WWF Intercontinental Champion Rocky Maivia, and he's up next!

**WWF King Of The Ring 1998 Promo - June 21st**

The Rock is in the ring as we return.

Rock - Memphis, Tennessee, you need to thank your lucky stars when you go back to your trailers tonight, because you people are lucky enough to be here at the start, of a new era. *Your* era. The *people's* era. Last night, The Rock shocked the world by single handedly taking the Intercontinental Title away from The Crappler, and claiming it for the Rock's own. And singlehandedly is the way it's gonna be from here on in, because that's what *you*, the Rock's fans, the fans of the people, want to see. Booker T, the ingrate son of a bitch, his ass is gone. Mark Henry, his ass is gone. The era of Nation dominance is over, from now on it's all about number one, The Rock! Now then, last night at In Your House, that was the genesis of the People's era. Tonight, here in Memphis, it's gonna be the opening chapter. Now every good chapter, in an epic novel, needs a fight scene. It needs a glorious victory from the main character, [smirks] the Rock, so anyone who feels the need to feel the speed, and the power, of Rocky Maivia, then get out here now.

DX member Hunter Hearst Helmsley appears.

HHH - You know Rock, I main-evented last night, but we all know that match was more about Shawn Michaels than it ever was about me. I'm not paying disrespect to Shawn, I'm not breaking ties, but it's time I took a step up. First step, your title belt.

Rock - The Rock has no problem with kicking *your* ass Triple H, as long as you realise, that you're the stepping stone, not me. The people's era...

HHH - You can take your people's era and shove it up your ass, because by 10pm tonight, *I'm* gonna be wearing the Intercontinental Championship belt. And if you don't like it, then I got two words for ya, Suck It!

Rock - No I ain't gonna.


Ross - Welcome back folks, Rock and Hunter Hearst Helmsley are due out for our Intercontinental Title match in just a few minutes, but at this time we've been joined by "Marvelous" Marc Mero. Take it away Marc.

Mero - You know what, I don't get on this microphone often, so when I do, you know that I got something important to say, so you better shut your damn mouths and listen. Last night, a man, a backstabbing man, Owen Hart, proved that once again he has no idea where he stands. But I want to know where he stands, and I want to know why he left me on my own to get my ass kicked in Los Angeles. Get out here Hart, don't be acting like a coward like last night.

Hart comes out and stands outside the curtain like before.

Hart - Quit your whining Mero. I never should have listened to you, I should have stuck with my friends this past month. Chris Benoit, Dustin Runnels, these are the men I should have kept listening to, not you. And now that Davey Boy is back in town, me and him are on the way to the top of the tag team picture here in the WWF.

Mero - You're on you way to the top of the tag team picture? You didn't show any thing of any tag team skill last night, you cost me that match, and with a worthless partner like the British Bulldog, you'll do even worse.

Hart - You know what Marc? I'd charge on down there and kick the crap out of you for saying that, but I got a match later tonight and I don't want you pissin' yourself all over the ring. Next week, if it's what you want, then me and you can get it on.

Mero - [nods] Well that's what I want. Next week Hart, but don't think you've seen the last of me tonight.

Owen returns to the backstage area as we see clips of the Rock/Helmsley interview from earlier in the show.

Ross - Welcome back everybody, and at this time we're gonna go to live championship action, as the Intercontinental Champion Rocky Maivia makes his first defence against Hunter Hearst Helmsley! Let's go to the ring!

(Intercontinental Champion) Rocky Maivia vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rocky's first match as a *loner* gets off to an awful start as, after nailing a boot to the midsection, Helmsley executes a piledriver within seconds of the opening bell. Maivia bounces off the mat like it's a trampoline, but is able to get his foot on the ropes before Hunter can get a three count. Helmsley curses to himself before pulling Rocky up and whipping him into the ropes. Hunter goes for a clothesline, but Rocky ducks, spins around, and takes Helmsley to the canvas with a DDT. Both men have been hit with devastating manouevers in the opening minute of this match, and they both take a breather face up on the mat. Maivia eventually crawls over to HHH to cover, but Hunter quickly gets his shoulder up at one. Maivia now has control of this match, and for the next few minutes he keeps Hunter down on the mat with a variety of submission and rest holds. We take a time out while Rocky has Helmsley in a headlock.

**WWF Thunder Promo - May 21st**

Maivia is laying the boots into Triple-H in the corner as we come back, before pulling him up and putting on a standing headlock. Helmsley is quick to push the champion into the ropes though, and when Rocky bounces back, Hunter nearly rips his head off with one hell of a clothesline. Helmsley takes a while to get to his feet, but so does the Rock. Maivia goes to hit Hunter with a right hand, but Helmsley blocks and rock's Maivia with one of his own. Again, a Rocky punch is blocked, and this time the right hand from HHH sends Maivia back down to the mat. Helmsley looks to the crowd and signals for the Pedigree, but before he can do anything, Dustin Runnels enters the ring and attacks the Rock! The referee calls for the bell and Hunter is pissed. Helmsley pulls Runnels up and the two get into a shoving match as Maivia slips out of the ring, grabs his title belt, and makes a quick exit.

Rocky Maivia defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ in 8-27

Rating [.75*]

Ross - Rocky retains the title, but all three of those men are gonna be watching closely when we come back, as we'll find out the qualifying pairings for the King Of The Ring tournament!


Ross - We're back here on Monday Night Raw, live here in Memphis, Tennesse and I can tell you know that the King Of The Ring drawing has been made. First match out of the draw, and it's gonna be a hell of a match. They've fought both with each other and against each other, and it's gonna be an excellent match as the Intercontinental Champion The Rock, goes one on one with Owen Hart! Plus, the Rock's opponent just moments ago, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, he's gonna face off against former Cruiserweight champion Brian Christopher. The *former* IC champ Chris Benoit will face ex-Nation member Mark Henry, and another former Nation member Booker T, he's gonna take on the undefeated Yuji Nagata. In other matches, Dustin Runnels will meet Savio Vega, European champion Adam Bomb meets one half of the WWF Tag Team champions Bob Holly, whose partner Bart Gunn will take on Marc Mero, and Crush will meet "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn! These eight matches are gonna take place over the next month, with the rest of the tournament to take place on the 21st of June, exclusively on pay per view. Also at the pay per view, Jeff Jarrett is gonna have to defend the World Heavyweight Championship against "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Austin's up in six man tag team action in just a moment, who will Sid and Vader's partner be?


Austin heads to the ring first, followed close behind by Owen Hart and The British Bulldog. Austin is about to speak on the microphone when the unmistakeable music of Sycho Sid kick in. Sid and Vader make their way to the ring, and Sid snatches the mic away from Austin.

Sid - My disciples, may I present to you at this time, our partner for tonight, the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett!

The disapointment in the crowd is clear to see, though the boos that accompany Jarrett's entrance are not out of the ordinary.

Steve Austin/Owen Hart/The British Bulldog vs Sycho Sid/Vader/Jeff Jarrett

We start out with Sid and Bulldog in the ring, but it's clear that Sid wants Austin in first, and after Bulldog converses with the crowd, he tags "Stone Cold" in. Austin and Sid stare each other down for a good few moments, before Austin starts to let rip out of nowhere, staggering Sid and sending him back into his corner with vicious right hands. Austin foolishly allows himself to venture into the corner where Vader and Jarrett stand waiting, and they both grab a hold of Austin's arms allowing Sid to get some unapposed shots in. Sid keeps on Austin with his electriying array of punches and kicks, before he gets him in postition for the powerbomb in the centre of the ring. It's averted though, as Owen Hart flies off the top turnbuckle with a dropkick, knocking Sid to the mat and getting Austin outta dodge.

Hart tries to do more damage to Sid, but Vader is quick to enter the ring, and his clothesline causes Owen to somersault in mid-air before crashing to the mat. Sid and Vader then hit Austin with a double elbowdrop before the Rocky Mountain Beast returns to the apron. Sid then grasps hold of Austin's neck and lifts him up to his feet. He can't execute the chokeslam though as Austin places a well aimed kick to Sid's groin. Not even the Sycho one is invincible down there, and Austin has enough time to gather his head and make a tag out. Hart gets the tag, but instead of entering the ring he climbs to the top turnbuckle again, and nails Sid with *another* flying dropkick. Hart goes down to make the first pinfall attempt of the match, but Sid kicks out at two. Hart then locks on the Sharpshooter, but after realising there's no way of getting to the ropes, Sid manages to reverse the hold!

It's the Bulldog that breaks the hold as he pulls Sid off of Owen. This sparks Vader in, which leads to Owen and Austin coming in, which leads to Jarrett... staying on the apron. After the five men go at it for a short period of time, the referee is somehow able to restore some amount of order. Sid tags out to Vader, who goes up against Davey Boy as the match settles down again, and the test of strength between the two ends in a draw. Then it's posedown city between the two as both men show off their muscle definition to each other. When the two finally go at it, it's the big man Vader who has the upper hand. The Bulldog's one powerful guy, but Vader is able to out power him on many occasions. Vader gets a two count after a standing splash, and then another two as he executes a second splash.

Vader has the upper hand for close to two minutes in the longest one on one portion of the match, until he climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Vader jumps from the top, but the Bulldog is able to catch him on the way down and takes Vader to the mat with one hell of a thud with a powerslam. Both men are down and the race for the hot tag is on. Vader gets to his corner a split second before Smith does, and he tags in Jarrett. Smith almost instantly tags in Austin though, and Jarrett's first action of the match is to be met with a boot to the chest from the number one contender. Jarrett puts his head down, clutching his chest, and is met with a Stone Cold Stunner! Austin gets the three count on Jarrett, who's been in the ring less than ten seconds! We go off the air with Sid and Vader entering the ring to get Austin.

Steve Austin/Owen Hart/The British Bulldog defeated Vader/Sycho Sid/Jeff Jarrett in 7-53

Rating [.75*]