Just Three days to go


May 14th 1998

Durham, New Hampshire

Jim Ross is your announcer

Ross - Hey folks, welcome to WWF Thunder! We're gonna go straight to the ring here tonight, as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin takes on "Too Sexy" Brian Christopher!

Steve Austin vs Brian Christopher

A rare Raw outing for Austin sees him get off to a bad start, as Christopher takes the early control. Right hands and a clothesline send Austin down, but Austin soon fights back. It’s a punch fest as both men beat on each other for the opening minute. Before the match can get anywhere though, there is movement on the Titantron, as Sycho Sid appears.

Sid - Austin, I just want to let you know right here and right now, that with Vader now on my side, this Sunday is gone be your funeral. In Los Angeles, California, inside the fifteen foot steel cage, your whole world is gonna come crashing down. You think you can beat me at my own game Austin? At the game I play, I am the master! And on Sunday, I’m gonna annihilate you!

Austin is suitably distracted, and after kneeing him from behind, Christopher executes the Tennessee Jam! Austin somehow manages to kick out at two, but the advantage is now certainly in Christopher’s court. He soon goes for the Jam again, but Austin is able to block it this time as he sees it coming. He can’t block everything though, and Christopher comes close several times to putting his opponent away. The match looks to be over for good as Christopher, using the trademark of his father, sets Austin up for a piledriver, but at the last possible second, Austin back bodydrops him to the canvas. A snap mare and a suplex are hit by Austin as he grasps the advantage.

Piledriver from a recovered Austin for two. When Austin goes for the Stunner though, Christopher blocks and shoves Austin head first into the turnbuckle. Austin staggers back into the middle of the ring, and Christopher goes up top. He goes for a flying axehandle, but Austin catches him on the way down with a right hand. Christopher bends over holding his chest, and Austin promptly plants him with the Stunner for the three count.

Steve Austin defeated Brian Christopher in 5-10 [**]

Austin takes the microphone from the ring announcer.

Austin - Brian Christopher, you wanna get your carcass out of the ring right now, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin has a few things to say. Sid, Vader, you can interrupt my matches, try to disrupt me, but it ain't gonna change the fact that I'm gonna whoop Sid's ass within an inch of his life, and that's the bottom line! The man I want to speak about though, the man I want to speak to, is the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. If you're here son, then get your ass out here.

There’s an awkward pause before Smith makes his way to the ring, down the aisle this time.

Austin - What I want to know son, is where you stand, and what business you had coming out here on Monday night.

Smith - Austin, what I want to say to you, is this. First of all, I’ve got a lot of respect for you, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. I’ve known you in this wrestling industry, for a long time. Secondly, I’ve spent the last six weeks, of my career, kicking Vader’s behind, all over New Japan. He can run from me all he wants, but no-one outruns... The British Bulldog. I guess what I want to say is that I would be honoured to be in *your* corner, this Sunday night in Los Angeles.

Austin pauses and looks at the crowd.

Austin - Hell son, I’ve known you for a heck of a long time too, not personally. And at times, you ain’t been that trustworthy a guy.

Smith - What I’m telling you Austin, is that you can’t take Sycho Sid and Vader alone. You’re gonna need someone in your corner. You can trust me or you can tell me to get out of your face, but the fact is, who else have you got to watch your back?

Austin smirks, paces for a moment, before turning back to Davey Boy and shaking his hand.

Austin - Okay son, you show up on Sunday night, and you watch my back. You step outta line though, if you got some ulterior motive here, then I won’t hesitate in stunnering your ass into the ground.


Ross - Well how about that folks? This Sunday night, it’s gonna be Sycho Sid with Vader in his corner, against Steve Austin, now with the British Bulldog in *his* corner. The intensity in this match just doubled folks. We’re gonna go backstage now to Todd Pettengil with the rest of the In Your House lineup.

WWF In Your House 3 "To Live And Die In LA" Update

Todd - Hey everybody, and welcome to your new In Your House Update, I'm Todd Pettengil. We're only three days away from this huge WWF pay per view event, and I urge you to call and order right away. Let's run down the card for you right now.

Six man tag team match. WWF Champion Jeff Jarrett and The New Midnight Express face off against Shawn Michaels, Billy Gunn and Hunter Hearst Helmsley. The huge announcement about this match took place on Monday Night Raw, and that's the fact that all titles will be on the line in this one. If Jeff Jarrett is pinned, he loses the World Heavyweight Championship. If either of the New Midnight Express are defeated, then they will lose the World Tag Team titles. Jeff Jarrett has told the world that he won't show up for the pay-per-view, we'll have to see how that develops. Whatever happens in this one folks, you can count on it being possibly the most historic match in WWF history.

Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit will defend his title against the leader of the Nation, Rocky Maivia.

Inside a fifteen foot steel cage, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, with "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith in his corner, will take on Sycho Sid, now aparrently with the Rocky Mountain Beast Vader by his side.

Booker T will face Dustin Runnels with the stipulation being that if Runnels wins, then Booker T has to leave the Nation of Domination.

The European champion Adam Bomb and the Cruiserweight champion Chris Chetti will square off against Marc Mero and Owen Hart. In a warmup match for this one, Chris Chetti will go one on one with Owen Hart right here tonight.

In a return match from Monday Night Raw, Hawk and Animal, the RoadWarriors will take on the Headhunters.

The Hardy Boyz will take on Too Much in another tag team rematch.

Todd - It's gonna be a great show folks, and I hope you can join us, only on pay per view! That's your In Your House update, I'll see you on May 17th!


Pierre Oulette vs Jimmy Cicero

Oulette has apparently now severed ties with Jacques Rougeau after The Quebecers bad string of results, and is going it alone. Cicero takes the quick upper hand in this one, and hits a Samoan drop for a one count early on. Cicero goes for another one, but Pierre blocks and nails him with an elbowsmash. Oulette puts Cicero on the canvas with a headlock takedown, before whipping him into the corner and beating him senseless with his fists. Oulette seems content to punch and kick his way through most of this match, though he hits a brainbuster for a two count on the two minute mark. Oulette's power is too much for Cicero to take in this match, and he has no chance of continuing on after Pierre hits the Cannonball.

Pierre Oulette defeated Jimmy Cicero in 3-26 [.75*]

In Your House 3 "To Live And Die In LA" Promo

On April 6th 1998, history was made as Jeff Jarrett became the World Wrestling Federation champion, the presence of Sycho Sid cheating Shawn Michaels out of the title. Two weeks later, Michaels had his chance to regain the belt, but this time it was Jesse Jammes that turned the tide once more in Jarrett's favour. On Sunday May 17th, Michaels has one more chance to defeat the undeserving champion. Will it be third time lucky for the Heartbreak Kid? Or will Jeff Jarrett close the book on Shawn Michaels, once and for all? Find out, only on pay-per-view!

Ross - Folks, we're only three days away from this mega event, and if you haven't called your cable company yet, make sure you do it real soon. In Your House 2 was a huge success, and In Your House 3 looks to be even better! We're gonna go to the ring now, ahead of the big tag match on Sunday, cruiserweight champion Chris Chetti will take on Owen Hart.

(Cruiserweight Champion) Chris Chetti vs Owen Hart

(Non Title Match)

Chetti chops away on Hart to start, but Owen gets his opponent on the mat first with a spinning leg lariat. A double underhook suplex gives Owen a two count. Owen goes for a second spinning leg lariat, but Chetti ducks. Bodyslam from Chetti, before the Double Springboard Moonsault is attempted, and missed when Owen rolls out of the way. Chetti gets up to his feet right away though, and takes Hart down again with a German suplex. Flying bodypress gets two from Chetti.

Hart begs off into the corner, but when Chetti goes in to grab him, Hart pulls Chetti by his tights head first into the turnbuckle. Chetti then staggers back, and Owen gets a two count with a roll up. Hart then keeps Chetti down by hitting a legdrop, and then dropping an elbow. Piledriver gets a two count. After pulling Chetti to his feet, Hart goes for a vertical suplex. Hart has Chetti in position but spends too much time shouting at the fans, and Chetti rolls him up in a small package for a close two count. Both men then jump back up to their feet simultaneously, and then manage to take each other down with a clothesline at the same time. Both men are laying face up on the mat as we go to commercial.


We return to see Chetti being sent into the ropes, and then taken down with a Russian legsweep. Hart signals for the Sharpshooter, and after a brief struggle, Chetti finds himself locked inside it. Hart applies the pressure on Chetti for nearly a full minute, and it looks like Chetti has passed out. The referee raises his arm twice, Chetti's arm falling right back down both times. The third and deciding time though, Chetti finds the strength to keep it up. He's still not out of the hold though, and in the centre of the ring, he still looks in serious trouble. As he begins a slow crawl over to the ropes, Hart pulls back hard, increasing the pressure. Chetti screams in pain, but after an agonizing period of time, he grasps onto the bottom rope. Owen is severely pissed at Chetti’s escape, and tells the referee about in no uncertain terms.

Hart pulls Chetti up by the hair and then whips him once again into the ropes. Chetti ducks a clothesline though, and nails Hart with a right hand! Owen goes to give Chetti one right back, but Chetti blocks it and sends Hart crashing down with another hard fist. Chetti is really getting his momentum back, and he executes a powerslam off the ropes on Owen moments later. Chetti makes his way up to the top rope, as Devon Storm runs to ringside. Storm hasn't been seen since he was kicked out of the arena during the cruiserweight title tournament in April, and has failed to show up for several house show dates. Chetti watches on the top turnbuckle as Storm makes his way to the announcers table, grabs the Cruiserweight title belt, then jumps over the guardrail and makes his exit through the crowd! Seeing his title belt being stolen in front of his eyes, Chetti climbs down from the turnbuckle, exits the ring, and gives chase. As Chetti follows Storm out of the building, the referee counts him out, giving Owen the count-out win.

Owen Hart defeated Chris Chetti by countout in 10-01 (2.5 Stars]

Ross - What in the hell was that about? We gotta take another break, we'll be right back!


Ross - Our next contest is another preview of this Sunday, this time as Matthew Hardy goes one on one with "Too Hot" Scott Taylor!

Matt Hardy vs Scott Taylor

The Hardy's and Too Much are scheduled to meet in a tag match this Sunday, and this match would be a good warm up for both men involved. Hardy gets off to a good start in his first ever WWF singles contest, as he takes Taylor down with a Mexican armdrag. It's Taylor who makes the first pinfall attempt though, as he counters a DDT attempt with a small package for two. Not withstanding that, it's Hardy who has the early advantage in this match, though he suffers a blow when he hits the canvas when attempting a 450 splash. Taylor then takes Hardy down with a suplex, double underhook style, and then looks to put his adversary out with a faceslam, but Hardy somehow manages to block it.

Hardy tries to get back on track with a boot to the chest of Taylor, but "Too Hot" takes Matt's legs out from under him with a legsweep. Taylor goes down to the canvas as well, and sticks Hardy in a headlock. This isn't going to put Hardy down for long, but when Matt does get to his feet, Taylor waffles him with a clothesline, and keeps the advantage on his side. A superkick from Taylor gets a two count, as does a flying senton and a senton, which he hits in quick succession soon after. Taylor's on a roll, but he is soon almost pinned himself when his flying cross-bodypress is rolled through by Hardy for a two count. Taylor jumps up to his feet as soon as the cover is broken, but so does Hardy, who knocks Taylor down with a dropkick right away.

Seizing on his advantage, Hardy goes to work on Taylor, staggering him with right hands before sending him down with an enzirguiri. Up to the top rope, and it's a frankensteiner on Taylor for a two count, before Hardy locks on an armbar to slow the pace. Hardy keeps Taylor down for close to a minute, before Taylor gets to his feet and manages to whip Matt into the ropes. Unfortunately for him though, Hardy takes him right back down, planting him with a swinging DDT. Instead of covering Taylor, Hardy pulls him back up to his feet and hits the Megahurtz for the victory.

Matt Hardy defeated Scott Taylor in 7-40 [**.5]

Ross - We're gonna go backstage now, where the WWF Tag Team champions are standing by.

Jammes - Excuse me Jimmy, "The Roadog" Jesse Jammes is here as well. You see, last Monday night, Jammes laid the beat down on Billy Gunn, and on Sunday night, I'm gonna continue the job, becuase *I'm* taking Jeff Jarrett's place in the six man tag. But not only am I gonna take out Billy Gunn, in the el to the ay I'm gonna lay down the bee ee ay tee to the whole team. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, you may have never taken me seriously before, but you'll never forget what I do to you on Sunday night.

Gunn - What Jammes said is right. He's taking the place of Jeff Jarrett this weekend, because there's no way in hell that the WWF is gonna get away with screwing Jeff out of the world title. He's sitting at home right now, taking a well earned break from his gruelling world champion schedule. Come back soon Jeff, we all miss ya!

Holly - Jarrett's got his title safe, but all you people out there, don't start thinking that these tag titles are going anywhere else anytime soon. These titles are staying right round our waists, and on Monday night, you're still gonna be looking at the champions when you look at us. Before we go, I just want to give a personal shout out to Jeff, see ya on Monday night pal!

Ross - Folks, Jeff Jarrett *is* still slated to wrestle this Sunday night, and I can guarantee you that the world title will be defended in this match. Will Jeff Jarrett show? You're gonna have to call your local cable operator to see what happens. We'll be right back!


The RoadWarriors vs Crush/Savio Vega

Adams and Animal start this match off, and Adams takes the early advantage, outpowering Animal in the lock up, and soon after getting a two count with a powerslam. Adams dominates the RoadWarrior for over a minute before foolishly going up to the top rope. Never being his forte, Crush misses the flying elbowdrop, allowing Animal a breather. Eventually Animal makes the hot tag to Hawk, who takes Adams down with a shoulderblock. After hurling Adams into the corner, Hawk nails him with right hand after right hand until Adams is literally out on his feet.

A reverse neckbreaker takes Crush to the mat, but Savio Vega enters the ring to break the pinfall attempt at two. Hawk jumps up from Adams and tries to go after Vega, but Savio knocks him straight down to the mat with a superkick. Crush drapes his arm over Hawk for the cover, but this time it's Animal who breaks the count, laying a boot into Adams' head. This prompts Savio in, and for the next few minutes we're treated to an all out brawl. It's the RoadWarriors you have the upper hand as all four men go at it, Adams and Vega getting little offense. On the seven minute mark, Hawk hits Vega with the Doomsday Device, and the match looks to be over. But nah it ain't, as the Headhunters charge down to ringside. #1 grabs the referee's attention, whilst #2 enters the ring and grabs Hawk. A whip into the ropes and a powerslam takes Hawk out, and Vega is able to cover for the victory moments later.

Brian Adams/Savio Vega defeated The RoadWarriors in 7-22 (.75 stars)

Ross - See you on Sunday night everybody!