The one where JJ says bad words


May 11th

Baltimore, Maryland

Jim Ross is your announcer

"Are you ready?"

Ross - Ladies and gentlemen, as D-Generation X makes their way to the ring, I want to welcome you once again to WWF Monday Night Raw! We're live here in Baltimore for one solid hour of the greatest wrestling action in the world, and tonight, the former New Age Outlaws Billy Gunn and Jesse Jammes will face off against each other, one on one!

It's Billy Gunn and Hunter Hearst Helmsley who make their way to the ring.

HHH - Baltimore Maryland, give it up for D-Generation X! You here that Jarrett? You here that Express? We've got all the people behind us, and this Sunday, we're gonna kick the living crap outta all of ya. And after we finish beating your ass on Sunday, we're gonna take all your title belts, and stick 'em right up your ass. But Jesse Jammes? You don't have to wait till next Sunday to get the crap kicked out of ya, 'cos Mr Ass is gonna do that right here tonight.

Gunn - Oh Jesse? As if you didn't know, me and you are gonna have a little singles match here tonight. I'm gonna make you sorry you ever broke up the New Age Outlaws boy. You proved you couldn't handle being part of the most elite group and greatest tag team in wrestling history, and everybody here is gonna know that for sure when I beat your cowardly ass here in this ring tonight.

HHH - God, Jesse Jammes is such an idiot. But right now, from speaking of the lowest of the low, I'm gonna talk about the greatest of the great. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce at this time, the showstopper, the icon, the main event, the *next* World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion, The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!

"Are You Ready?"

The DX theme kicks back in, and Michaels makes his way to the ring.

HBK - Baltimore, the Heartbreak Kid is in the house, and he's lovin' every minute of it! For all the women in the house tonight, Shawn Michaels is here right here, right now, to satisfy all your needs. But before the Heartbreak Kid gets down to the good stuff once we get off the air, I want to adress the little situation that we got here. The little situation I like to call Situation : Crappy Champion, or the SCC for short. Jeff Jarrett laid out a six man challenge on Thunder, and just to clarify, we accept. This Sunday night, in Los Angeles, California, when we face Jeff Jarrett and those two people, damnit, what are their names?

Gunn - Sparky Plugg and... no, I can't place the other one either.

HBK - It's not important. What I wanted to say was, is that after we beat you, like Triple-H said, we're gonna go right out and take your title belts. I'm standing here alongside the future tag team champions of the world, and yours truly is destined to become the first ever two time World Wrestling Federation champion. Double J? Don't fret boy, because there's nothing, but nothing you can do to stop this from happening! Sunday May 17th, is gonna be the date... the stepping stone that D-Generation X will take, to once again rule the wrestling industry, and nobody has a chance in hell of stopping us!

HHH - Before we go, I just one got one last thing to say, to all those people out there that ain't down with DX, we got two words for ya...

HHH/Gunn/HBK/Baltimore - Suck It!

HBK - Hit my music.

The DX theme hits the speakers for the third time tonight, as Michaels, Gunn and Helmsley leave the ringside area, pausing to showboat to the crowd along the way.

Ross - D-Generation X there, getting Monday Night Raw off to a great start. And as was said, this Sunday night will see D-Generation X take on Jeff Jarrett and The New Midnight Express. The stipulation set being that if DX got a victory, then they would automatically become the number one contenders for both the tag titles and Jeff Jarrett's world title. From what I've heard though, there have been some amendments made to that match by the WWF board, and we'll try and find out what's going on as soon as we can. But right now, let's take you to your pre-recorded In Your House Update!

WWF In Your House 3 "To Live And Die In LA" Update

Todd - Hey everybody, and welcome to your new In Your House Update, I'm Todd Pettengil. We're only a week away from this huge WWF pay per view event, and I urge you to call and order right away. Let's run down the card for you right now.

Six man tag team match. WWF Champion Jeff Jarrett and The New Midnight Express face off against Shawn Michaels, Billy Gunn and Hunter Hearst Helmsley. If D-Generation X gets the win, then all three of them will recieve titles shots in the near future.

Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit will defend his title against the leader of the Nation, Rocky Maivia.

Inside a fifteen foot steel cage, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin will take on Sycho Sid, now aparrently with the Rocky Mountain Beast Vader by his side.

Booker T will face Dustin Runnels with the stipulation being that if Runnels wins, then Booker T has to leave the Nation of Domination.

The European champion Adam Bomb and the Cruiserweight champion Chris Chetti will square off against Marc Mero and Owen Hart.

In a return match from Monday Night Raw, Hawk and Animal, the RoadWarriors will take on the Headhunters.

The Hardy Boyz will take on Too Much in another tag team rematch.

Todd - It's gonna be a great show folks, and I hope you can join us, only on pay per view! That's your In Your House update, I'll see you on May 17th!


Ross - Welcome back folks, and make sure you do indeed call your cable operator right away to order this tremendous event! But now, it's finally time for our opening contest, so let's go to ringside!

Owen Hart/Marc Mero vs The Headbangers

Hart and Mero team up here for the first time ahead of their In Your House match with Adam Bomb and Chris Chetti. Mero and Mosh start this match, and these two go back and forth, neither man registering any serious sustained offence. Mero gets a near count with a flying sunset flip, whilst Mosh is a whisker away from victory after a reverse neckbreaker. Despite these close counts, this match is dead even. When Owen makes his presence felt in the ring, he produces an impressive high flying display. Hart hits a flying dropkick, moonsault bodyblock and a hurracanrana amongst more as the match progresses. Hart is looking very good in this matchup, as is Mero, who uses a more power based arsenal when he enters the ring. Owen and Mero eventually get the deserved win after Mero hits Thrasher with the TKO after a free for all four man brawl. The referee escorts mero out of the ring, but Thrasher is easy pickigns for Owen to hook on the Sharpshooter. Thrasher is out cold and the referee calls for the bell.

Owen Hart/Marc Mero defeated The Headbangers in 12-33 (**.75)

Owen and Mero celebrate in the ring as The Headbangers leave the area, and we'er about to take a commercial break before Sycho Sid and Vader stride down to ringside. Facing in the opposite direction, Hart and the Marvelous One are none the wiser, and are in no position to retaliate as they are attacked from behind. Vader nails Mero with a right hand whilst Sid goes after Hart. Both men are brutally jacknife powerbombed from the ring out to the floor. With Mero and Hart out cold on the concrete floor, Sid and Vader leave the ring.


Ross - We're back, and I have to wonder why Sycho Sid and Vader came out here just moments ago. Are they trying to send a message to the rest of the WWF? But moving away from that for a moment, earlier tonight I mentioned there had been some er, amendments made to the main event of In Your House. We're gonna switch you to the backstage area where Todd Pettengil is once again standing by. Is there anything you can tell us Todd?

Todd - I sure can JR, I got all the news right here. Earlier today, after the In Your House Update was recorded for earlier in the show, the WWF executive board made a ruling on the six man tag team match. Due to the fact that WWF Champion Jeff Jarrett has not defended his world championship belt since April 19th at In Your House 2, Jarrett has been ordered to defend the title in the six man match. It may sound confusing, how can a singles title be defended in a tag match? Well, it means that if Jeff Jarrett is pinned or forced to submit on Sunday night, then the person executing the pinfall will become the *new* World Wrestling Federation champion. Now to discriminate purely against Jeff Jarrett would be unfair, so get this. Not only will the world title be on the line, but if either Bart Gunn or Bob Holly is pinned, then they will lose the *tag team* titles. The belts will go to any combination of DX! That's the ruling JR, and I think it's one hell of a change!

Ross - Unbelievable! The tag team titles *and* the world title all on the line this Sunday night? That's gotta...

Jarrett - This is bullshit!

Jarrett, microphone in hand, makes his way down to the ring.

Jarrett - Fucking bullshit! World title on the line?! In a fucking tag team match?! McMahon, you've stepped over the line now. Two months in a row now, you're trying to screw me out of this title belt! Two months in a row, I've been denied a straight title defence or anything close. For two months in a row, you're telling me that I have to defend *my* world title against three men? Bullshit, and everyone here knows it. Over the last few months, I've been screwed more times than Monica Lewinsky on President's day, and this crap is gonna come to an end. McMahon, WWF, you can try all you want to get this title belt from around my waist, but there's nothing you can do, 'cos I'm not gonna show up this Sunday. If you think I am stupid enough to step into the goddamn ring, New Midnight Express behind me or not, against three opponents, with my world title on the line, again, then you're all an even stupider bunch of bastards than I thought you were. Screw you, and screw your fucking pay-per-view.


Ross - Folks, I apologise for the previous interview. We're live coast to coast, and maybe sometimes our censors aren't that quick on the button. I think it's safe to say though, that Jeff Jarrett is *not* happy about the change of plans for In Your House. But now we'll go to the ring to see two men who'll be facing The RoadWarriors at In Your House, The Headhunters!

The Headhunters vs Barry Horowitz/Mark Starr

Starr and Horowitz are no problem for the Headhunters, as they dominate their way to victory. This is five minutes of brutality as The Headhunters pretty much destroy both their opponents. Moonsault ends it after five minutes.

The Headhunters defeated Barry Horowitz/Mark Starr in 3-10 (*)

Ross - Another win for the Headhunters, which... wait, here they come again.

Vader and Sid enter the ring, and Vader sends Headhunter #1 out with a hard clothseline. After Sid takes #2 up and then down with a chokeslam, Vader sets him up for a powerbomb. Before it can be hit though, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin charges to ringside! Austin clotheslines Vader to the mat, as Headhunter #2 rolls out of the ring. Austin goes down and gives Vader a few hard right hands to the face before he's pulled of by Sid. The Psychotic one grips Austin's neck and sets *him* up for a chokeslam. As Sid has ahold of Austin though, we see someone jump the guardrail and enter the ring! Dressed in street clothes and a baseball cap, masking his features, he nails Sid from behind and then dropkicks him to the mat. He then turns to hammer away at Vader, before sending both men out over the top rope. Austin goes after the guy, whips off his cap, to reveal "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith! Smith stares Austin down for a second or two, before leaving back through the crowd.


Ross - How about that folks? The British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith, showing up live here on Monday Night Raw! I haven't heard anything about this backstage, about any contract signing, and this is completely news to me. Wow. What I can tell you though, is that WWF In Your House 3 "To Live And Die In LA" is only six days away, where Austin will go one on one with Sycho Sid. Over the past few days, we've seen both Vader and now The Bulldog get involved, and what kind of an effect will that have on this weekend's match? The only way to find out folks, is by calling your local cable company, and ordering this event live on pay per view. We're about ready for our next match though folks, so let's return to action!

"Crush" Brian Adams vs Bobby Bradley

Bradley enjoys a nice spurt of offence hitting Adams with a few right hands before taking him down with a suplex and then a bodyslam. Going to the top rope is his downfall though, as Adams rolls out of the way of a flying legdrop. Adams then takes control of the match, repeatedly choking Bradley down in amongst his power offence. After getting close counts with a powerslam and a flying clothesline, it's a tilt a whirl slam that gives Adams the pinfall.

Brian Adams defeated Bobby Bradley in 3-17 (*.75)

Ross - Now let's go backstage to Michael Cole who's trying to get a word with the leader of the Nation, The Rock.

Cole is trying to catch up with the Rock, who is making his way to his dressing room.

Cole - Rocky, what is your view on Booker T accepting Dustin Runnels' challenge for In Your House?

The Rock keeps walking.

Cole - Rock, one moment of your time please. How do you feel about Booker T leaving the Nation?

Rocky stops.

Rock - Listen jabronie, The Rock thinks it's none of your damn business. It's The Rock's business, and it's the Nation's business, and it's got nothing to do with your little candyass.

Maivia gives Cole a shove before walking off.

Jesse Jammes vs Billy Gunn

These two men meet for the first time since Jammes broke up the Outlaws, and it's sure to be a great match. Jammes takes the upper hand first, raking Gunn's eye's out of the lock up and then choking him down on the ropes. After being forced off of his former partner, Jammes whips Gunn into the ropes, but then is on the recieving end of some vicous chops. Gunn then assaults Jammes with right hand after right hand, forcing him back down into the corner of the ring. Jammes begs off before sliding out under the bottom rope for a breather. Gunn follows him out and, after whipping him into the guardrail, gives him a vertical suplex on the concrete. The Roadog gets stomped on a few times before the referee gets Gunn to return to the ring. Jammes is holding his back on the outside as we take a break.


Gunn connects with a flying clothesline when we come back, and covers for a two count. Gunn has apparently been dominating all through the break so Ross tells us. Undaunted by Jammes kick-out, Gunn goes up top again, but this time misses a flying clothesline as the Roadog ducks out of the way. Jammes then finally gets some sustained offence on his opponent, and he gets some near pinfalls. A swinging neckbreaker and a faceslam are both executed with precision, and both get close counts. In amongst Jammes' constant offensive, Gunn manages to pull a cross body block out of nowhere, but it only gets two. Jumping right up to his feet, Jammes hits Gunn with a right hand, before killing his momentum completely by executing a piledriver.

A powerslam gets a two count, before Jammes makes a huge blunder when he takes a ridiculous length of time in executing a top rope manouever. As he showboats to the crowd Gunn gets up to his feet, shakes the ropes, thus crotching The Roadog on the top rope. Jammes falls to the outside, and Gunn follows him out. The two ex-partners hammer away at each other relentless at ringside, and the referee tries to break it up. A wayward arm though sends the ref to the concrete, and this prompts one half of the tag champs Bart Gunn to run to ringside. Bart attacks his brother from behind before whipping him into the guardrail. A DDT on the outside follows before Bart rolls Billy back into the ring. Jammes follows in after him and hooks Gunn's leg for the cover whilst Bart awakens the referee. The three count is never in doubt, and Jammes gets the win.

Jesse Jammes defeated Billy Gunn in 8-08 (*.75)

Bart enters the ring with a chair as we go off the air.