Richmond, Virginia

May 10th

Todd Pettengil is your host.

Todd - Hey everybody, it's Sunday May 10th and you know what that means! That's right, we're only seven days away from WWF In Your House 3! We've got a great show for you tonight, but I'm gonna kick things off right away with your In Your House Update!

WWF In Your House 3 "To Live And Die In LA" Update

Todd - Hey I was just talking to you guys! Anyway, welcome to your new In Your House Update, I'm Todd Pettengil. We're only a week away from this huge WWF pay per view event, and I urge you to call and order right away. Let's run down the card for you right now.

Six man tag team match. WWF Champion Jeff Jarrett and The New Midnight Express face off against Shawn Michaels, Billy Gunn and Hunter Hearst Helmsley. If D-Generation X gets the win, then all three of them will recieve titles shots in the near future.

Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit will defend his title against the leader of the Nation, Rocky Maivia.

Inside a fifteen foot steel cage, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin will take on Sycho Sid. And folks, how about what took place this past week on Thunder? Let's take a look.

(From May 7th Thunder)

When we return we're still following Austin, who's about to enter one of the dressing rooms. No Sid, and the New Midnight Express nearly die of shock when Austin kicks the door down. Austin flips them the middle finger and turns to leave, and *that's* when Sid makes an appearance. After nailing him with right hands, Sid throws Austin back into the dressing room, as the tag champions make a hasty exit. As Sid goes to powerbomb Austin on the concrete floor though, Austin counters with a back body drop. After throwing Sid into the wall a few times, Austin takes one of the mirrors of the wall and is about to smash it over Sid's head before it's pulled off him from behind. Austin turns around to see who did it and is met with a boot to the chest from Vader! Austin doubles over, and Vader smashes the mirror over Austin's back, shattering it. Sid has time to powerbomb Austin before the room fills with officials who somehow manage to break it up.

Booker T will face Dustin Runnels with the stipulation being that if Runnels wins, then Booker T has to leave the Nation of Domination.

The European champion Adam Bomb and the Cruiserweight champion Chris Chetti will square off against Marc Mero and Owen Hart.

In a return match from Monday Night Raw, Hawk and Animal, the RoadWarriors will take on the Headhunters.

The Hardy Boyz will take on Too Much in another tag team rematch.

Todd - It's gonna be a great show folks, and I hope you can join us, only on pay per view! That's your In Your House update, now let's go to the ring!

Fit Finlay vs Alan Stone

Finlay makes his World Wrestling Federation debut here, and he gives out an impressive performance. Despite being taken down with a flying headscissors at the very beginning of the match, the Irishman dominates this match. Finlay executes a varied offence, switiching from power moves like a tiger driver and a powerbomb, to armbars and armtwists. After four minutes of this match, Finlay ends it with a tombstone piledriver.

Fit Finley defeated Alan Stone in 4-05 (*.5)

After the ring announcer announces the result, Finlay takes the microphone.

Finlay - Fit Finley is now in the WWF, and all you people out there are gonna see what the Irish are all about! Kicking the crap out of all you Americans, 'cos bashing heads is what we do best! Unless all the fans in this country show their respect for me, then I'm gonna come round to every house and tombstone the whole lotta ya! You think I'm kidding? Ask England.


Todd - Ahead of their match with Adam Bomb and Chris Chetti at In Your House, Owen Hart and Marc Mero made these comments earlier.

Mero - Adam Bomb? You may have beat me on Thursday night, but the fact remains that you're nothing but a cartoon character wannabe. I'm two and one over you, and it's probably because of two things. First off, I'm the greatest boxer slash wrestler in the history of this sport, and also because you spend too much time imitating Freakazoid. What an idiot.

Owen - That's right, you're nothing but an idiot. All my matches against you have seen me beat your ass from opening bell till the end, and it's only your dumb luck that keeps me from pulling out a win. But you're going down next Sunday Adam. And Chris Chetti? You're a waste of everybodies time. Hell, even ECW didn't want you. We'll encounter no problems in wiping the ring with your ass.

Mero - It's about time Chris, that you realised that, in order to live a long and healthy life, you need to stay away from "Marvelous" Marc Mero. Ever since I beat you back in March, you've had a bee in your bonnet about me. You're a damn fool Chetti, a damn fool. I've beaten you before, and I'll beat you again in Los Angeles.

Owen - The bottom line is this. Me and Marvelous Marc may not have gotten on that well in the past, but next Sunday night? Bomb, Chetti? We're gonna be your worst nightmare.

Todd - It's gonna be a great match next Sunday night. Another tag match will see the Headhunters take on the RoadWarriors. Let's go back to this past week on Raw.

(From May 4th Raw)

The RoadWarriors vs The Headhunters

...Hawk tags in Animal who unloads on Headhunter #1 before clotheslining him over the top rope. Animal follows #1 to the outside and sends him straight into the guardrail. All four men then get involved around the ring area, and the referee begins his ten count. Animal managse to beat the count though, as Hawk piledrives Headhunter #1 on the concrete. The RoadWarriors win on count-out!

Todd - That sets up the rematch at In Your House. And remember, it's because of the Headhuters that the RoadWarriors aren't the tag team champions. With that in mind, let's go back to the ring.

The Headhunters bt Bobby Bradley/Chad Austin

The Headhunters are brutal in this match. Both Bradley and Austin are battered senseless for the entire duration of this match. After three minutes of splashes, powerbombs, powerslams and legdrops, the referee threatens the Hunters with disqualification if they don't end the match. Austin is pinned, and the referee is then taken out after the bell.

The Headhunters defeated Chad Austin/Bobby Bradley in 3-04 (*.25)

Todd - Well that was brutal there from the Headhunters. If that's any indication of what they'll be like at In Your House, then the RoadWarriors are gonna be in for a bumpy ride. In action next, RoadWarrior Hawk!

Hawk vs Savio Vega

Rare singles action from one of the RoadWarriors here, as Hawk goes up against the undefeated Savio Vega. Hawk has the hot start as he gorilla presses him within seconds of the opening bell. As the match settles down, it's Vega who comes out on top, and he dominates for a good few minutes. Hawk appears to be out cold as Vega follows up a superkick with an enzirguiri, but the referee can only count to two before Hawk kicks out of Vega's cover attempt. Savio's impressive array of kicks has it's effect on the RoadWarrior, as he hits a spinning mule kick, a koppo kick and another a superkick in quick succession. Vega goes for a Yakuza kick, but Hawk gets back into the match by taking Savios' feet out from under him with a legsweep. Capitalising on this, Hawk hits an atomic drop and then a piledriver for a two and a half count. Hawk's power offence has Savio begging for mercy, but Hawk continues unrelentless, nailing another piledriver. A flying shoulderblock sends Vega to the outside, and as Vega gets his head together outside the ring, we take a commercial break.


Upon our return to action we see Hawk holding Savio in a reverse chinlock. Vega breaks the hold after a good thrity seconds, but he can't get any offence going. Hawk takes him down with a clothesline, before climbing up to the top rope. He attempts a flying axehandle, but Savio manages to catch him in mid air with a superkick! 1-2-3 it's all over.

Savio Vega defeated Hawk in 7-41 (*)

Todd - At this time, let's take you back to this past Thursday on Thunder. The World Wrestling Federation champion Jeff Jarrett had these words to say.

Jarrett - ...First off I want to say, for any of you out there wondering, "The Roadog" Jesse Jammes re-injured his knee a week back, and that's why he hasn't been around much. Life on top of the world can take it's toll, ain't that right? What I really want to adress though, is the main event of In Your House. All week along, I've been hearing people talking about what's gonna happen. From fellow wrestlers, down to the dirt sheet writers and lonely kids on the internet, they all want to know. Well the only man who holds the key to the answer, is also the man who holds the key to all your hearts, the World Wrestling Federation champion, Jeff Jarrett. Haha, ain't I great? Now then, Shawn Michaels came to me on Monday night, asking for a world title shot, and I guess I turned him down. Now, by the end of me *turning him down*, he looked pretty pathetic. Laid out in the middle of the ring, he looked pretty helpless. I don't think Shawn Michaels really deserves a title shot, but I don't like treating badly to the mentally and physically challenged. I'm a fair man Michaels, and what I'm gonna do is this. May 17th, In Your House 3, To Live And Die In LA. I'm thinking a six man tag. Myself, and the WWF Tag team champions right here, against you and your jobber friends. I know that they've been itching to get into the ring with my boys, so I'm gonna give them the chance. If D-Generation X pulls out the win, a lucky win I might add, then they can *all* recieve title shots. I think that's a fair deal right? Because to be the man, you've got to beat the man, whoo! Haha. Let's go boys.

Todd - That six man match has indeed been signed for In Your House next Sunday night. What I can also tell you is that Jesse Jammes has now apparently recovered from his knee injury, and he's gonna be wrestling up next. *And*, tomorow night on Raw, it's gonna be the former New Age Outlaws going one on one, as Jesse Jammes fights "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn! But back to tonight, let's return to the ring.

Jesse Jammes bt Jim Powers

Jesse Jammes makes his first full return to wrestling action since his bad knee injury he sustained against the Headhunters in April. As Powers has his boots checked by the referee, Jammes cheapshots him with a dropkick from behind. Jammes is soon taken down with a shoulderblock though, after he whips Powers into the ropes. A dropkick from Powers follows, before he climbs to the top and attempts a flying cross body. As is a regular happening in Powers' matches, he blows the big move as the Roadog catches him in a powerslam. Jesse then sends him into the corner and proveeds to hammer and kick Powers repeatedly. The referee tries to pull Jammes off, but the Roadog brushes him off and suplexes Powers into the middle of the ring. Instead of covering, Jammes puts Powers in a sleeper hold. The hold is kept on until Power's loses all consciousness, at which point he's easy picking for the crotch slam. Jammes gets the win.

Jesse Jammes defeated Jim Powers in 3-12 (*.25)

Todd - Jesse Jammes has a good win under his belt there, but he'll have a tougher fight on his hands tomorrow night against Billy Gunn. Moving away from that now folks, when we come back, we'll hear from the man they call Vader!


Todd - Last Thursday night on Thunder, Vader made a shocking return to the World Wrestling Federation. After Thunder went off the air, our camera's caught up with the Rocky Mountain Beast.

Vader - The beast is back, and all the WWF is gonna have to fear the wrath of Vader! Steve Austin, you're only the beginning! Along with Sycho Sid, I am gonna rule the entire WWF, NOTHING is sacred! DX, Jarrett, Nation, you're all gonna feel the power, of Vader!

The Headbangers vs Steve Corino/Patrick Smith

The Headbangers have been without a win since In Your House against the also sagging Quebecers, and this match has a good chance of getting them straight. And indeed they do, as we are subjected to a Headbanger showcase. Corino and Smith get only a miniscule amount of offence in before Thrasher hits a top rope powerbomb for the three count.

The Headbangers defeated Steve Corino/Patrick Smith in 6-35 (*.25)

Todd - It's been a great show folks, and I hope you can join us again at this time next week for more Sunday Night Slam! Also make sure to watch Raw and Thunder during the next few days as well as we build to In Your House 3! So long everybody!