Monday Night Raw March 30th Ross - Hello everybody, and I'm pleased to say welcome to Monday Night Raw Live! What a night Wrestlemania was, with the World Wrestling Federation pulling off a victory in the five match series! But before we get to tonights show, the backstage area has been buzzing with speculation and rumours about Steve Austin. From what we can ascertain, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin handed in his resignation this morning, and to all intents and purposes, is no longer in the World Wrestling Federation! You saw his actions last night, and that makes this situation even more puzzling. We'll have more on this as it develops folks, but now we take you to the owner of the World Wrestling Federation, Vince McMahon, in the ring. McMahon - Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to welcome you once again to WWF Monday Night Raw! Wrestlemania was an incredible event last night, and it's safe to say, with a few exceptions, that we all got the result we wanted to see. The contracts of all five active members of the ECW Army as they called themselves, have been terminated All the contracts that is, except one. At this time, may I introduce the man who tried to disgrace and destroy the World Wrestling Federation. A man who sold out to the other side, a man whose master plan quite literally blew up in his face, Jeff Jarrett! Jarrett walks to the ring amidst boos from the crowd. He's wearing a pair of jeans and a EC.F'N.W shirt Jarrett - Listen Vince, if you want me fired, then fire me. I'll be happy to leave. McMahon - Oh I don't want to fire you. No, I don't want to fire you at all. Sure, I could release you from your contract, but you and I both know the stipulation that lies in it. This contract, your WWF contract, which states that upon the expiration of the contract, you are therefore illegible to compete for any other promotion for 18 months. And without wrestling, I really can't see you amounting to much. Good business knowledge doesn't exactly run in your family Jeff. What I'm gonna do, is offer you a challenge. If you win, you stay in the World Wrestling Federation, *and* you'll recieve a World Title shot next week on Raw. Should you lose, you're fired, and you can expect a lawsuit for mutiny and conspiracy within the next few weeks. Jarrett - So what is it Vince? What is this challenge? McMahon - First things first. First of all, I am hereby stripping you of your European Title, a match will take place tonight between The Rock, Owen Hart and Adam Bomb for the belt. You don't deserve it, but you have a chance to prove yourself tonight. Jarrett - I don't really care about no European title, especially when I know I can beat anyone you throw at me for the world belt. McMahon - Very well. Tonight, Jeff Jarrett, you're livelihood is gonna be on the line, against the Tag Team Champions, Shawn Michaels and Sycho Sid! Ross - A handicap match?! Jarrett - That's ridiculous Vince! How do you expect me to go two on one against those guys? McMahon - The question is, Jeff, are you up to the challenge? Vince leaves the ring and leaves Jeff Jarrett to get his head round the challenge, as we go to a quick commercial break. <-commercials-> Ross - What a start to the show! Tonight, handicap match, Jeff Jarrett against the WWF Tag Team Champions Sycho Sid and the WWF Champion Shawn Michaels! If Jarrett wins, he gets a title shot against Shawn Michaels next week. If he loses, he's outta here! In addition to that, the semi finalists and losing finalist in the European Title Tournament, will butt heads in a triangle match for the vacant title! Plus, the Legion Of Doom will take on The Disciples Of Apocalypse, there will be some kind of announcement concerning the Intercontinental Title, and much much more. Right now, let's go straight to ringside! ------------------------------------------------ THE LEGION OF DOOM vs THE DISCIPLES OF APOCALYPSE ------------------------------------------------ Animal and Skull start off, as the rejuvenated LOD take on the DOA. The Disciples chances of tag team glory may hang on this one match, as the LOD must surely be in line for a title shot. Animal dominates Skull in these early exchanges, and nails the biker with a piledriver for a quick two count. A gorilla press is then executed, followed by a clothesline to the outside. Animal plays to the crowd as Skull tries to gather his head on the outside. When Skull returns to the ring, he finds his opponent is now Hawk, who wastes no time in unloading on the Disciple. Skull is once again taken to the outside, as Hawk sends him into the ringsteps. Back in the ring, it is apparent that Skull may be out on his feet, as he is dominated by both Road Warriors. He is given a lifeline however, as Hawk's attempt at a top rope manouever is unsuccessful. When Eight-Ball hits the ring, he is confronted by Animal, who the fallen Hawk had been able to tag in. Animal nails him with a flying shoulderblock upon his arrival, and then quickly tags the revitalised Hawk. The Doomsday Device is executed with precision for the three count. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Legion Of Doom defeated The DOA when Hawk pinned Eight-Ball in 4-45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ross - An impressive victory there for the Legion Of Doom there. They destroyed the New Midnight Express last night in Boston and they were equally as good tonight. When we come back, we'll take you to Michael Cole with your Wrestlemania report! <-commercials-> Cole - Hello everybody, and welcome to your WWF Wrestlemania report! Before we get to showing you what happened in arguably the biggest pay per view of all time, some great news for fans in the UK! This Saturday night, at the Nynex Arena in Manchester, the World Wresrling Federation will present, Mayhem In Manchester! Tickets went on sale this morning, for more information, dial 01595 000 995 and make sure you're a part of the action! Now then, Wrestlemania I. Folks, if you didn't see it, you missed one of the greatest nights in wrestling history. Eleven matches, and one of the most dramatic finishes to a card ever! Let's start with match one of the five match series, as Sycho Sid took on Van Dam. Van Dam got the victory by disqualification following interference by Steve Austin. Let's take a brief look. (finish to the Sid/Van Dam match is shown) Cole - From there, Booker T cruised to an easy victory over the "Human Suplex Machine" Taz, and that led us to the big rematch. WWF Champion Shawn Michaels against Shane Douglas. (clips from the Douglas/Michaels match are shown. though not the finish) Cole - Following Chris Benoit's victory over Bam Bam Bigelow in match four, the series was tied. The final match of the evening was scheduled as Jeff Jarrett vs Chris Candido. What took place was unbelievable! Let's take a look. (The entire Jarrett/Candido *match* is shown) Cole - An amazing finish there, giving Team WWF the, albeit tainted, victory. I'm Michael Cole and that was your Wrestlemania report! Ross - Thankyou Michael. We're gonna take you backstage at this time, where Owen Hart is standing by. Owen, you must be frustrated about the events of last night. Owen - You're damn right I'm frustrated. Rock? You can run but there's no place to hide tonight. If you want the European title, you're gonna have to go through me first. Adam Bomb, you're first, and I'm gonna kick your ass! --------------------------------- CHRIS CHETTI vs ROBERT THOMPSON --------------------------------- Chetti has an impressive record since joining the World Wrestling Federation, his only defeat coming in tag team action. This match was never gonna cause too many problems for the *rookie*, and Chetti rounds off a quick victory with the double jump moonsault. Thompsons only real offence came from a barrage of punches early on. --------------------------------------------- Chris Chetti pinned Robert Thompson in 2-51 --------------------------------------------- Ross - When we come back, we're gonna try and clarify the Steve Austin situation. Don't go away! <-commercials-> Ross - Welcome back. As we told you at the top of the show, we have been told that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin has been rumoured to have left the WWF. Now, during the commercial break, we can confirm it. Why he has left, I don't know. I'v been told that part of his resignation *letter*, contained the words; "I did what I had to do, now I gotta take some time off to see where Stone Cold is at." Ross - Read into that what you will. Folks, withstanding that, let's go backstage where I believe The Rock has some words to say. Rocky? Rock - Well the Rock is just about thirty minutes away from stepping in the ring, and I know the world is wanting to know what the Rock's reaction is to last night. Well the Rock feels like this, Owen Hart? Thanks to your lack of sportsmanship and complte, and utter disregard for the rules, I felt you didn't deserve to be in the same ring as the Rock last night. But tonight, I'll gladly whip your ass so bad, you'll think you were back on Stu's lap after disrespecting him just like you disrespected the Rock. Speaking of jabronies, Dustin Runnels coming out last night, was disgraceful, uncalled for, and most of all, pathetic. You see, on his way to winning the Royal Rumble, The Rock tossed Dustin Runnels over the top rope. Now to Dustin, he came out here the next day, and told me I'd blown his big chance. Hell, if he doesn't understand the concept, if he wants go get his overweight, overexposed and overrated ass kicked by me one on one, then that's fine by The Rock. Right now though, the Rock is gonna go back to his dressing room and watch Owen and Adam Bomb beat themselves up and make them ripe for the Rock's picking. Ross - Now to the ring, where Vince McMahon is once again standing by in the ring, this time with the former Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit. McMahon - At this time, Mr Benoit, due to the events of last night, and due to the contract termination of Mr Scott Bigelow, I would like to make a presentation. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present you with the now two time Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit! Vince hands Benoit the title. Benoit is glad to get it. McMahon - Upon much deliberation by the World Wrestling Federation powers that be, including myself, it was deemed that the right thing to do, after your victory over Mr Bigelow last night, was to return the title to you, it's former holder. Benoit - Thank you very much. I'd just like to say that I won't feel like a champion until I beat someone for this belt. If anyone out back there in the locker rooms, wants a title shot, then I'm right here. Ross - That's a fighting champion right there. After around ten seconds pause, Booker T appears out of the curtains and walks down the rampway. Booker - Hey Benoit! After what I did at Wrestlemania, I think I deserve a title shot! Since I been in the WWF, I've kicked every ass I've been in contact with and... Benoit - Whoah, hold it man. I'll give you a title shot, you're a great athlete and competitor and I got respect for ya. Just calm down okay? ------------------------------------------------------ (Intercontinental Champion) CHRIS BENOIT vs BOOKER T ------------------------------------------------------ As Benoit hands the title belt to the referee, Booker attacks him from behind, nailing him with a clothesline. Pulling the champ back to his feet, Booker goes for a clothesline. A neat block by Benoit followed by a reversal , sends Booker down to the mat. Booker is then clotheslined to the outside, where he has a few seconds to clear his head before he finds Benoit crashing down on top of him. Benoit returns to the ring and let's Booker try and beat the count on his own. Booker returns to the ring as we clash head on into a wall of <-commercials-> Back to the action and Benoit has Booker in a reverse chinlock. It isn't long before Booker fights his way out and, after sending Benoit into the ropes, he wraps on a sleeper hold. Benoit's ring positioning isn't too convenient for Booker though, and a quick reach out to the ropes breaks the hold. Both men seem content to simply wear the other man down in this match, with resthold after resthold being the story of this match for the most part . Benoit scores several near falls as the match progresses past the seven minute mark, nailing Booker with a hurracanrana in one particular incident. As the match goes on, it becomes increasingly evident that Benoit is the better man, as Booker's offence starts faltering. Booker starts to get frustrated, and in a bit of DiCanio madness, sends the referee sprawling to the mat. Once Booker turns around to face his opponent, he is taken down with a legsweep, and then put in the Crippler Crossface! Booker taps like crazy, but the referee is out. Suddenly the camera moves to the curtain, where we see The Rock march to ringside. Maivia enters the ring, and drops an elbow on Benoit, breaking the hold. A Rock Bottom later, and Benoit is out cold. Booker covers the Crippler, in time for a second referee to come out and count to three. New Champion! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Booker T pinned Chris Benoit in 9-23 to win the Intercontinental Title ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Booker and The Rock celebrate with the title until the first referee wakes up. He surveys the ring, sees Booker with the belt, and then walks over to the announcers table. After a brief discussion with both the announcer and the second referee, the belt is snatched away from Booker. Finkel - Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has reversed his decision, and the winner of this match, and *still* Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit! ----------------------------------------------------------- (IC Champion) Chris Benoit defeated Booker T by DQ in 9-23 ----------------------------------------------------------- Ross - Unbelievable! But has Booker T joined The Nation? I can't believe that! We've got to take another break, don't go away! <-commercials-> Ross - Now lets go to the ring for the Cruiserweight title match, Brian Christopher taking on Psychosis! --------------------------------------------------- (CRUISER CHAMPION) BRIAN CHRISTOPHER vs PSYCHOSIS --------------------------------------------------- This match comes as a result of Psychosis' pinfall in the tag match at Wrestlemania, and the former champ makes his intentions clear right from the getgo. Christopher finds himself attacked before the bell, cruelly denied his moments with Scott Taylor, and is dropkicked to the floor. He is then the victim of a corkscrew, his head making hard contact with the concrete. The ref starts counting as B.C. makes a slow return to the ring. When he does *finally* return to the ring, he is pummeled with move after move from Psychosis. Numerous belly to belly suplexes and hurracanranas, expose Christopher as the fraud champion that he is. Brian get's little to no offence in what is appearing to be an extended squash. On many occasions, Psychosis has the match in hand, until Taylor manages to pull Christopher out of the ring before the three. Afetr taking one of several breaks to the outside, Brian realises he's fighting a losing battle here, and grabs a chair from the announcers table. Despite the referee's warnings, Christopher plants the chair on Psychosis, drawing a disqualification. Christopher and Taylor beat on Psychosis with the chair, until Juventud and Rey Mysterio Jr make the save. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychosis beat (Cruiser Champion) Brian Christopher by DQ in 6-34 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ross - What in the hell is this? This title is supposed to be about wrestling and natural ability, not about chair shots and interference. Christopher retains the title folks, and we'll be right back. Still to come, The Headbangers, European title up for grabs, and Sid and Shawn vs Jeff Jarrett! Don't you even think about changing that channel! <-commercials-> -------------------------------------------- THE QUEBECERS vs HACK MEYERS/BARRY HOROWITZ -------------------------------------------- The Quebecers make their World Wrestling Federation debut, and it's an impressive one, dealing with their opponents in quick time. Neither Quebecer does anything fancy during the match, and it is closed up in under three minutes as Rougeau hits the Rougeau Bomb for the win. The Quebecers beat Hack Meyers/Barry Horowitz when Rougeau pinned Meyers in 2-32 Ross - A debut win there for The Quebecers. When we come back however, we'll have The Headbangers in action! <-commercials-> Ross - Welcome back folks. Still to come tonight, three men will battle for the European Title, plus, Sycho Sid and Shawn Michaels in a handicap match against Jeff Jarrett! But right now, we are still being subjected to The Quebecers celebrations, and they won't leave the ring! We've got the Headbangers in action next and... wait, here they come now. The Headbangers enter the ring and ask The Quebecers to leave. The Canadians don't feel they're quite ready to leave yet, and the two teams soon start a brawl. WWF officials seperate the two teams and the Headbanger match never gets started. **In Your House 2 "Bright Lights, Big City" Promo - April 19th** Ross - Folks, I hope you can join us for In Your House 2, it promises to be a huge event! If you saw Wrestlemania, you'll know that no-one does pay per view like the WWF! Up next though, A semi final match if you will, for the European Title, the winner to face The Rock later in the show! ------------------------ OWEN HART vs ADAM BOMB ------------------------ Adam Bomb isn't too pleased about Owen's comments earlier in the show, and he's determined to make Owen regret taking him lightly. After locking up, he sends Owen into the ropes and then nails him to the mat with a forearm smash. Owen jumps straight back up to his feet, but goes right back down after a clothesline. Adam Bomb climbs the turnbuckles and plays to the crowd before executing a top rope elbowdrop for the first cover of the match. It's not successful, and the match continues. Bomb has the advantage for the first two minutes in this match, before his attempt at a back body drop is countered, and he gets hit with a DDT. Owen is too drained to cover though, and both men return to their feet simultaneously. Lot's of back and forth action from here on in, until Bomb misses a legdrop resulting in Owen hooking on the Sharpshooter! Bomb is about to tap out, when *again* The Rock runs to the ring and nails the referee. He then DDT's Owen and places Adam Bomb on top of him. When the ref awakens, the three count is a foregone conclusion. ------------------------------------ Adam Bomb pinned Owen Hart in 8-42 ------------------------------------ Ross - We'll be right back, with The Rock vs Adam Bomb for the European title! Owen ain't gonna be happy about this! <-commercials-> The Rock picks up a microphone. Rock - Sorry Owen, I just didn't feel you were ready for a title yet. If you could train a little more, maybe iron out all those rookie mistakes you make, and then maybe I might let you back in the Nation, but now... -------------------------------------------------- (EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH) ADAM BOMB vs ROCKY MAIVIA -------------------------------------------------- Neither competitors have left the ring, and the action starts right away. Owen Hart has already been led away by officials. The action is quick to go to the outside and it becomes clear that this match is gonna struggle to be anyhting but a brawl. The first notable incident in the match comes when Bomb powerbombs The Rock onto the concrete, putting Maivia's back into agony. The referee eventually gets the two men back in the ring as he tries to impose some order. As the action settles down, we enter headlock city, as both men are apparently tired from their ringside exploits. Bomb looks particularly tired, with this being his second match of the night. The match continues along in this vein, until Owen Hart charges to ringside! He lunges at Adam Bomb, clotheslining him to the outside! The ref has no choice but to ring the bell, and award Bomb the victory. New European Champion! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam Bomb beat Rocky Maivia by DQ in 7-20 to win the European Title -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rock isn't happy about this at all, and jumps on Owen. He pounds away until Dustin Runnels and Chris Benoit charge to the ring. They are quickly followed by the rest of the Nation, including Booker T. A pier six brawl ensuses between all nine men. Ross - The carnage! The carnage! Hopefully we can get the ring cleared before we come back! Adam Bomb is the European Champion! <-commercials-> Ross - We're back folks, and if you just missed it, Adam Bomb is the new World Wrestling Federation European Champion. Let's take you back to just moments ago on Raw! (The finish to Adam Bomb vs The Rock is shown) Ross - We're gonna take you backstage where the WWF Champion Shawn Michaels is standing by. Shawn? Handicap match tonight, and if Jeff Jarrett wins, he gets a shot at your title, next week on Raw! HBK - Yeah he gets a title shot next week on Raw. If he wins JR, if he wins. Now I don't know if you've been watching much wrestling this past ten years, actually I know you have, but I think you know that The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels doesn't lay down for anybody! That means anybody, Bret Hart, Shane Douglas and most definetly Jeff Jarrett. And if you team the World Wrestling Federation Champion up with the power of Sycho Sid, then that's unbeatable. If Jeff Jarrett thinks he can win tonight, he's got another thing coming. At the end of next week, Shawn Michaels is still gonna be holding on to this title. Why? Because I can! Ross - Comments there from the champion, who was part of a great match last night against Shane Douglas. You can catch the event in it's entirety tommorow night by ordering the Wrestlemania Encore! If ya didn't see it the first time, make sure you call your cable operator tonight! While you're at it, be sure to order soon and join us on April 19th for In Your House 2, "Bright Light's, Big City"! But now, let's go to the ring for the huge handicap match! ---------------------------------------------------------- JEFF JARRETT vs (TAG CHAMPIONS) SYCHO SID/SHAWN MICHAELS ---------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett looks understandably worried as he starts this match, the prospect of the WWF title not hiding the fact that this is serious shit. The match will be contested under tag rules for Sid and Michaels team, and it's the WWF Champion who starts things off. After locking up, Jarrett slides under the bottom rope to the outside, where he shakes his head, adjusts his boots, and then climbs back in. Another lock-up. another JJ timeout. Eventually Michaels gets sick of this and springboard planchas onto Jarrett. Jarrett gathers his head on the outside as Michaels returns to the ring. When Jarrett does re-enter, Michaels goes to tag in Sid. Sid seems to reluctant at first, but then makes the tag. It takes only a moments deliberation though for Sid to decide what to do, as he powerbombs Michaels! Sid then shouts something inaudible at Shawn, before leaving the ring area. With Sid being the legal man, Jarrett sits back and watches the ref as he counts Sid out. Jarrett wins, and gets a title shot next week on Raw! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett defeated Sycho Sid/Shawn Michaels by countout in 1-45 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ross - I knew you could never trust Sycho Sid, I knew it! We're out of time folks, be sure to join us on Thunder, where maybe we'll get some kind of explanation from Sid, and be here next week when Jeff Jarrett will challenge Shawn Michaels for the World Wrestling Federation title! So long everybody!