And God shuffled his feet, and glanced around... at them.

LIVE ON THE U.S.A. NETWORK [ 21:00 - 22:00 ]

WWF Monday Night Raw : June 29th 1998 : Cleveland, Ohio

We got out of Philly!

Live here in Ohio, the WWF tag team titles were set to be defended by the New Midnight Express, going up against The Headbangers. But... We saw Bob Holly walk out of the arena on Thursday night, abandoning his partner who had been bashed through a table by the MDO, and we heard earlier tonight that Bob Holly has, in effect, quit the World Wrestling Federation.

With the 30 day rule in effect, Holly will be given until In Your House 4 to return to the WWF, and defend the titles on that date. As of now, the tag belts are on suspension. Here tonight, the 'Roadog' Jesse Jammes will take Holly's place against The Headbangers. Holly walked out on Thursday, but the bottom line is he is *still* under contract with the WWF, and he is *still* co-holder of the WWF Tag Team titles.

Anyway, notwithstanding that, also on tonight's menu : More tag team action as the Cruiserweight Champion Devon Storm teams up with 'Too Sexy' Brian Christopher, to take on the combination of Chris Chetti and Jerry Lynn! And due to the backstage footage that we'll give you in a few moments, 'Marvelous' Marc Mero will meet Fit Finlay inside the squared circle! That's only scratching the surface of this great hour though, and let's get it started like we always do!

2001 Space Odyssey? Whoo!

Jarrett heads to the ring, along with Bart Gunn and Jesse 'Looks like I might have to work tonight' Jammes. The World Heavyweight title is around Jarrett's waist, and he looks as smug as ever, his defeat at the hands of The Rock on Thunder having no lasting effect it seems.

Jarrett : 'So, Bob. You've quit the WWF? I'm not sure if you're watching this, I doubt you can afford your cable bill right now. But if you are, I *made* you Bob! I took you from a washed up NASCAR driver, pah, and brought you into the WWF in January- Yeah, I had that kind of stroke even *before* I won the World Title. Why? 'Cos I'm Jeff Jarrett, and 'cos I'm a legend. Now, under any other circumstances, hell, you've been whining so much backstage, and making problems *in* the ring, that under *any* *other* circumstances, I would say to hell with ya, go to WCW or where-ever the hell an idiot like you goes. But you see, there's one circumstance that causes a problem. You've got one half of Jeff Jarrett's world tag team- Excuse me, you've got one half of the New Midnight Express' tag team titles, and you ain't blowing this reign for Bart Gunn, *or* myself! You've already ****ed things up in tonight's main event, and you *better* show up at In Your House. On July 19th, if you're not there to forfeit your tag belt to myself, then-'

Jammes starts to protest something, from the look of things, Jesse thought the plan was for *him* to get the tag belt.

Jarrett : 'Jesse, this isn't about the *individual*, this is all about, well, *me* to be honest, but this is the best decision for everybody. Like I was going to say, Bob? If you don't show at the Last Chance Saloon, then we're gonna come after you and hunt you down like a dog, until you're down on your knee's in front of Jeff Jarrett, begging for me to take the belt to stop the beating. It makes me laugh to think that you have the nerve to pull this shit. July 19th Bob, that's your chance. Okay then, anyone else have anything to say on that matter?'

Jarrett waves the mic in the direction of Gunn and Jammes. Gunn looks like he wants to say something, but Jarrett decides he'll keep the mic and continue talking.

Jarrett : 'Okay then. Now I want to talk about this past Thursday night. Rocky Maivia. The Rock. The *Million Dollar Champion*. People are saying he got a victory over me four days ago on Thunder. <shakes head> That didn't happen. What happened on Thursday night, was another miscarriage of justice, perpetrated by 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. <crowd pop> Oh for crying out loud, you're as bad as Philadelphia.'

Gunn and Jammes start to leave the ring at this point. Jarrett doesn't notice.

Jarrett : 'Now I was gonna launch into a diatribe about Mr.Maivia, and the *Million Dollar Organisation', but I realised something : Rock, you're not worth talking about, your win was a fluke. And Austin? You may be lucky enough to have Vince in your pocket, and get the chance of another shot at my belt at Summerslam, but-'


Steve Austin in the house, down the aisle, and now it's Steve Austin in the ring. Only now does Jarrett realise that Bart and the Roadog have left, and he seems perplexed.

Austin : 'Jarrett, you stupid son of a bitch, you're calling me lucky? Go ahead and dismiss the Rock, but when you're dealing with Steve Austin, just remember that *that* belt belongs to *me*! '

Jarrett : 'Oh *this* belongs to you? Give me a break, I beat your ass, 1, 2, 3, last Sunday night and-'

Austin : 'Hell, you blame *your* loss to the Rock on *me*, the only reason I'm not the champ, is 'cause o' Shawn Michaels.'

'Oh... Oh... Shawn!'

Austin : 'Oh, here comes the washed-up ex-champion.'

Jarrett : 'Well, *there's* something we agree on.'

Michaels makes his way to the ring. He grabs Austin's microphone, *and* Jarrett's microphone, and starts speaking into them both.

Michaels : 'Washed up ex-champion? Puh-lease Steve, not this crap again. Last week on Raw, you were all to eager to welcome my help when you were getting your ass kicked, Stone Cold. So don't come acting all tough and superior now, 'cos when the chips are down, *you*, and all these fans, *need* the HeartBreak Kid! '

Austin : 'Bullshit Shawn, you didn't fare too well on Monday either. And hell, I think I got a right to be acting *tough* and *superior*, considering you haven't beaten a damn soul here in the WWF in months! July 19th? I'm gonna run your ass right out of the title picture, and right out of the WWF! '

'Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?'

The tally hits four as Maivia hits the ring.

Rock : 'Hey Steve, Jeff, Shawn. I was watching the whole scenario play out backstage, and I see Austin threatening Jarrett, Michaels threatening Austin, Jarrett running down Shawn, and The Rock thought : Hey, where does the Million Dollar Intercontinental Champion fit into all this? Well, The Rock fits in right here. Michaels and Austin? You may be the ones challenging for a title shot at In Your House, but there's only *one* man in this ring who's beaten Double J one on one. It ain't Shawn Michaels... It ain't Steve Austin... He's the greatest force in sport's entertainment today, The Rock! '

Jarrett : 'Hey, you didn't beat *nobody* pal-'

Rock : 'I think you'll find that the Rock did. And since The Rock is the only person in this ring, who has *never* recieved a WWF world title shot, well, The Rock thinks that's a pile of monkey crap. So I challenge both *you* [ points to Shawn ], and *you* [ points to Austin ], to a match tonight, and if the Rock wins, I get to wrestle at In Your House for the title shot. '

Michaels : 'You want the HeartBreak Kid to step in the ring with Steve Austin and yourself, right here tonight? You want the HeartBreak Kid to break his sweat, fighting for a match I've already got confirmed? Let me tell ya something Rock, I don't *think* so. You wanna toss Jeff Jarrett in there as well, I wouldn't mind a shot at him before Summerslam, then maybe you got a deal. '

Rock : 'You're proposing that The Rock teams up with this piece o' retarded crap that's carrying the world title belt, up against you and Steve Austin? '

Jarrett : 'To hell with that. I ain't stepping in this ring tonight, and I certainly ain't getting in the ring with the Rock as my partner. '

Austin : 'Well hell, I'm all for it. I don't like the fact that I'd be stuck with the HeartBreak Crap Shawn Michaels as a partner, but I got a score to settle with the Rock, and getting a bit of revenge on Jeff Jarrett would make it a damn good night! '

Jarrett looks about to protest again, but seeing that he's at a 3 to 1 disadvantage in the ring, he simply shrugs his shoulders and nods his head.

Rock : 'So let's see if the Rock has this one perfectly clear. The Rock defeats Shawn Michaels, then it's gonna be Steve Austin and The Rock at In Your House. If The Rock defeats Steve Austin, then it's gonna be Shawn Michaels and The Rock at In Your House-'

Jarrett : 'And if *I* get the pinfall, then *none* of you get a title shot! '

Michaels : 'That ain't gonna happen Jeff my man, but you add whatever stipulation you want to add, 'cos at the end of the night, the HeartBreak Kid is gonna be tuning up the old Sweet Chin Music, and puttin' your ass down, and that's the bottom line! '

This segment's gone too long, we'll be right back after this commercial break.

(21:10) [Commercials] (21:12)

So then, here tonight : Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels versus Jeff Jarrett and The Rock. If The Rock pins either Austin or Michaels, he takes that persons place in the Last Chance Saloon. If Jarrett gets a pinfall win himself, then neither Austin nor Michaels will be fighting for a title shot. If Jarrett and The Rock lose, then Michaels and Austin, they get satisfaction I guess. Man, did the above interview drag or what? That may be the worst one ever! It's finally time for action though, so let's go back to the ring!

Billy Gunn vs Alan Stone

Now here's a guy who's been in limbo lately. Since April in fact. He may have accomplished even less than the Roadog has since the New Age Outlaws split. He gets off to a poor start here, as Stone hammers away on Gunn from the start, then nails a powerbomb moments later for the matches first two count. Gunn falls victim to a Northern Lights suplex for another two count not long after, and Billy's getting his Bad Ass kicked.

Backspin DDT has Gunn down again, but Stone misses a running somersault plancha when the action moves to the outside, to lose his great momentum. Gunn then starts getting into the match for the first time, and after hammering Stone into the guardrail a few times, he hits a DDT on the concrete floor to have Alan in serious trouble. He tosses Stone back into the ring and covers him, but it only gets two. Vertical suplex attempt, but Stone fights back and regains the advantage by blocking and then reversing the suplex.

Stone settles for no-risk offence next, restricting himself to right hand jabs and boots to Gunn's chest. When he goes for something more interesting, albeit just a suplex, Gunn cradles him up in a small package for two. Both men spring right up once the package is broken, and Gunn is quick to knee Stone in the chest, then piledrive him to the canvas. Goodnight Alan.

Billy Gunn pinned Alan Stone with the Piledriver in 0:03:17. Rating: DUD

Gunn gets the win, and still to come tonight : Bart Gunn and Jesse Jammes meet the Headbangers ; Marc Mero takes on Fit Finlay ; Chetti/Lynn take on Storm and Christopher, plus Mabel and Pierre are in action as well.

Clip : Jarrett, Rock, Austin and Michaels arrange the tag match earlier tonight.

Earlier in the show, footage to do with Fit Finlay and Marc Mero was mentioned. And here it is :

Basically, Finlay was a little upset with the way he was dismissed and not even mentioned in Marc Mero's Million Dollar Speech a week ago on Raw, and decided that the only thing to do was to attack Mero this past Thursday night. It happened following Mero's unsuccessful European title match against Adam Bomb, as Mero and the rest of the MDO retreated to their dressing room. Finlay attacked Marc right outside the door, and got in a few good shots before he was mobbed by the rest of the Organisation. So there you go. That's why we're having that match tonight!

Clip : The aftermatch of the Chris Chetti / Jerry Lynn match from last week, as Devon Storm and Brian Christopher got involved.

That clip segueways right into :

Chris Chetti / Jerry Lynn vs Devon Storm / Brian Christopher

Wow, I've pretty much fit my entire cruiserweight division in one match. And I think Storm's the only one who actually technically qualifies! But hell, the belt's pretty worthless anyway. We start the match with a repeat of the King Of The Ring, as Chetti and Storm lock-up. Asai leg lariat, that's a pretty good start for Storm, and now B.C. is in the ring. Double elbowsmash is delivered, before Lynn jumps in and tosses Christopher out of the ring. After watching his partner get thrown to the floor, Storm goes up to the top rope. But before he can let fly, Chetti's up on his feet and he grabs Devon and throws him down to the canvas. Quick tag to Lynn, who climbs to the top himself and is a lot more successful, as he connects with a flying clothesline! Cover, two count.

Lynn with a reverse chinlock, but Storm soon gets to his feet and elbows his way out, then sends Lynn for the ride into the ropes. Leapfrog from Storm, who then turns and armdrags J.L. to the mat. Tag to Christopher, who comes in and drops an elbow across the throat of Lynn, then gets his team's first two count. Brian then pulls Lynn up, but his attempted Irish whip gets reversed, and Lynn soon takes Lawler's kid down with a clothesline. Now Chetti gets brought back in, and he hits a legdrop for a one count. Armbar from Chetti, it's broken after about thirty seconds, and Christopher manages to get to his corner and tag the champion back in. Second lock up of the match between Storm and Chetti, knee to the groin gives Storm the advantage, and the double underhook faceslam that follows certainly cements that advantage.

Hotshot from Storm, two count. Another two count from a superplex, and Storm is definetly having his way with Chetti so far in this contest. Devon sets up for a move that could finish the match off, as he sets the former champ up for a top rope frankensteiner. But luckily for Chris, Lynn runs across the apron to the corner in question and holds onto Chetti from behind, causing Storm to jump off the buckle with Chetti fortunately not attached to him. It's the race to make the tag, and Devon gets over to Christopher first. Nuts. But Chetti gets back over to Lynn a split second later! Yay. Lynn fires at Brian with with his fists, then floors him with a lariat. Christopher ends up press-slammed and flying drop-kicked, before Brian decides to slip out under the bottom rope for a breather. It's time for an ad break.

(21:23) [Commercials] (21:25)

The match is still going, we didn't miss the pin this time! During the break, the slightly messy weight rules being applied to this division were sorted out. New barrier : three hundred and fifty pounds. Next week, Storm defends his title against Sid. Despite this bad news, Storm is currently in control, having Lynn in an armbar as we return to live Raw action. Tag to Brian, who enters the ring via a top rope fistdrop on J.L. Bodyslam from Christopher, followed by an unsuccessful attempt at the Tennesse Jam. Brian goes back up top again, and hit's his target perfectly! He *was* aiming for the canvas three feet to the left of Lynn right?

Lynn makes the tag over to Chetti, who beats the hell out of Christopher for a while, before Brian manages to get free of Chris and tags his partner in. Storm though gets met with a dropkick to the face upon his entrance, then a whip into the ropes leads to a powerslam. Time for a double springboard moonsault Chris? He thinks so, and unlike what happened at the KOTR, this is enough to put Storm down for a three count.

Chris Chetti and Jerry Lynn defeated Brian Christopher and Devon Storm when Chetti pinned D. Storm with the Double Springboard Moonsault in 0:07:25. Rating: ** 1/4

A commercial break during a seven minute match? Am I getting lazy or *what*?

Promo : WWF In Your House 4 ' The Last Chance Saloon '

When we return, we're transported to the backstage interview area, where Vince McMahon is standing by with Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

Vince : ' Triple-H, two weeks ago on Raw, you made some comments on live television, that were deemed unacceptable here in the World Wrestling Federation. Over the past two weeks, you've served a suspension, missing the King Of The Ring tournament, but you've returned tonight to make a formal and sincere apology. '

Triple-H : ' Well that's right Vince. I- '

Booker T strolls in.

Booker : ' Vince, where's the soda mach- Hey, what the hell are you doing here? '

Triple-H : ' Would you excuse me? I'm tryin' to make an apology on live television here. '

Booker : ' Hey punk, those comments were directed to *me*, so you'll apologise to my face! '

Triple-H : ' Well maybe I won't apologise at all! '

Vince : ' Now wait just a damn minute! Helmsley, you're under suspension, and the only way that wrestling suspension is gonna be lifted is if you make this apology. Booker, stay out of this, there are moral standards that we here at the WWF need to stick to. Now hurry up, I need to book that church-burning angle. '

Triple-H ' Fine. Booker, I apologise. It was a heat of the moment thing, big match coming up, I didn't mean it. Those aren't my true feelings, you know that. '

Booker shrugs his shoulders and nods his head in agreement. He turns to leave, and get's clotheslined by Hunter! Who didn't say *that* coming? New rule : Every lame interview *must* end in a fight. Hunter ends up pedigreeing Booker onto the floor, before this little area fills up with officials, and Hunter ends up getting lost amongst them.

Clip : Fit Finlay's pre-taped comments from last week on Raw, challenging 'Marvelous' Marc Mero.

Finlay versus Mero is next!

'Marvelous' Marc Mero vs Fit Finlay

Mero's on his own, the Organisation not around. As to the whereabouts of Ted Dibiase, it was confirmed backstage that Ted is merely the assembler and behind the scenes financial advisor to the MDO, and his on-screen role will be small. So, there you go.

Lock up, and the two men end up exchanging right and left hands to start. Hiptoss from Fit puts Mero down for the first time, and he follows it up with a piledriver for an early two count. After a clothesline coming after an Irish whip, Finlay hits a falling splash for another close count. Whip to the buckle, but Mero dodges out of the way when Finlay charges out of the way, and Fit goes in hard to the corner. Mero's signalling for the TKO! Hey look, it's Adam Bomb!

Marc Mero defeated Fit Finlay by disqualification in 0:01:16. Rating: * 3/4

Bomb nails Fit from behind, then crotch slams him to the canvas. I guess it's payback for this past week on Thunder. Hey, we got Adam an angle! Finlay doesn't care about that though, he's pissed that Bomb got him disqualified. The Irishman spins Bomb around, knee's him in the chest, then tombstones him! So, we've now got Bomb and Mero both down, and it ain't really fair that Fit gets to stand up straight, so...


That means Sid by the way. Best I can do. It's the opening bit to 'Psycho'. Let me know if you can come up with anything better. Please. I beg of you.

Sid walks down to ringside, for no apparent reason, and decides that there's no way there should be any kind of carnage going down, without himself being on hand. Fit charges at him, but the big man no-sells the attempted clothesline, and chokeslams Finlay to the canvas. Bomb's down, Mero's down, Fit's down, and now it's just Sid standing above them all. Anyone want to come and take out Sid? No? Guess I'll take another commercial break then.

(21:37) [Commercials] (21:39)

Well, the wreckage from the ring has been well cleaned up during the past three minutes, and we're just moments away from another match, but first :

Mickey Cole is backstage with the HeartBreak Kid Shawn Michaels.

Cole : ' Shawn, later tonight, you're gonna team up with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin to face Jeff Jarrett and The Rock, and if you lose, then you won't be wrestling at In Your House. Your thoughts? '

Michaels : ' My thoughts? First of all Mikey, I agreed to this match, so don't be coming up to me and trying to tell *me* what's going on. Now Mikey, you and I both know, that on July 19th, all the pay-per-view customers are gonna be paying to see an appearence by the HeartBreak Kid. '

Cole : ' So why are you risking your- '

Michaels : ' I'm not risking anything. What I am doing though, is warming up for Steve Austin, by superkicking the taste right out of Jeff Jarrett's mouth. And maybe I'll do the same to the Rock. There ain't a chance in hell Michael Cole, that Shawn Michaels is getting pinned tonight. Not to the Rock, and certainly not to Mr. Jarrett. Maybe Steve Austin'll **** things up like he usually does, but that doesn't make one iota of difference. Tonight? I might superkick all three of 'em. '

Cole : ' Back to ringside. '

Still to come tonight, The Headbangers go up against Bart Gunn and Jesse Jammes, but now :

Mabel/Pierre Oulette vs Bobby Bradley/Barry Horowitz

It's the tag team match of the century baby! Mabel and Horowitz starts, and Barry gets put down with a clothesline almost immediately. The big man unloads on Horowitz for a while, and squashes him with a splash before allowing him to tag Bradley in. Bradley gets dominated as well, a belly to belly suplex putting him out for good. Bobby's finished, but Mabel decides to tag Pierre in to win it with the Cannonball Splash.

Mabel and Pierre Oulette defeated Barry Horowitz and Bobby Bradley when Pierre pinned B. Bradley with the Cannonball in 0:02:12. Rating: -1/4*

Well, that was... pointless. Anyway, putting the horror of a Mabel squash behind us, Michael Cole is backstage with the WWF Champion, 'cos God forbid he should have just one interview tonight.

Cole : 'J- '

Jarrett : 'Listen, I've told you before that I don't like you, so I'm gonna take your mic, and *I'll* be doing all the talking. Now Michaels was in this very spot a few minutes ago, and he said, did he say he was gonna 'superkick the taste outta my mouth'? '

Cole : ' I believe that's what- '

Jarrett : ' Didn't I tell you to shut up? It's about time Shawn stopped putting his foot in his *own* mouth. I beat his ass four times already this year, and tonight, as long as Rocky doesn't screw things up by gettin' all bigheaded, it's gonna be number five. And it's gonna be number two for Austin, 'cos I'm gonna lock the figure four on him, like I shoulda done last Sunday...'

(21:46) [Commercials] (21:48)

We had to cut Jarrett off. Looks like we might run a little over tonight anyway. Damn ad breaks. Conveniently, all the competitors are already in the ring for this next match, so let's get straight to it.

Bart Gunn/Jesse Jammes vs The Headbangers

Hey, wouldn't a Bob Holly run in to cost JJ and Gunn the match be something? Whether it would or wouldn't, I tell you right now it ain't happenin'. Jammes starts with Mosh, and gains the upper hand with a swinging neckbreaker. Viewers at home don't give a shit, they're all looking at their watches. We're not gonna cut out during the main event are we? Go on, scroll down and look. I'll wait.

See? Nothing to worry about. Jammes dominates in the ring, and nearly puts Mosh away moments later with a DDT. Tag in to Gunn- hey, what's Adams and Vega doing out here? One thing leads to another, Adams ends up nailing Gunn from behind with a chair, Bangers get the victory. This sure is a night of short matches isn't it? Could it be that I'm desperate to get this card out?

The Headbangers defeated Bart Gunn and Jesse James in 0:01:43. Rating: 1/2*

So then, so far tonight we've had about 15 minutes of action. My word, Herb Kunze must be turning over in his grave. Crush and Savio leave the scene immediately, Vega having done nothing. They obviously know we've got one more tag match still to go, and don't want to waste any time. Gunn, Jammes and the Headbangers all start to leave the ring as we cut to a

Promo : WWF In Your House 4 'The Last Chance Saloon' - July 19th 1998

'Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?'

The Rock heads to the ring, and let's just skip all these introductions and get started.

Steve Austin/Shawn Michaels vs Jeff Jarrett/Rocky Maivia

Four people that dislike each other, forced to tag up. It's angles-that-have-been-done-tons-of-times-before time! Well, the first thirty seconds of this match consist merely of everyone shouting at each other, so let's skip that and pick things up as Austin ends the stalling by pouncing on Maivia. Jarrett then tries to attack Austin as Steve lays into the Rock, but he gets met by a right hand from Shawn Michaels, and falls out of the ring. Daft bastard. Rock gets hit with a double kneelift from Austin and HBK, but Shawn soon gets knocked down to the mat himself as Jarrett returns to the action. Clothesline from Jarrett sends Michaels over the top, and Jarrett decides he'll just leave Austin and Rocky to it, so we've finally settled down into a tag match.

Austin's controlling the Rock, sending him into the ropes then flinging him down to the canvas via a back drop. Suplex from Stone Cold, but when he tries for another, Maivia falls on top of him. A two count arises from this lucky manouever, but when Rocky gets up to his feet, Austin floors him again with a lariat. Austin drags the IC champ over to Michaels, and tags the HeartBreak Kid in, and Shawn joins Austin in a brief spell of double-teaming that Jarrett can't seem to be bothered to stop. Double clothesline and a double suplex are administered, and what's with all the teamwork between Austin and Michaels?

Maivia gets out though, and manages to tag the WWF champion in to the ring. Right hand from Michaels! And another! One more! Dropkick and Jarrett is down! Michaels poses to the crowd! I thought he turned heel! Shawn goes up top, flying bodypress for-



Jarrett's up, but Michaels puts him right back down again, getting another two count with a German Suplex. Shawn sends the champ for the ride, but oh, he gets caught with a knee to the crotch on the return, and Michaels is down on the canvas. Jarrett wants Shawn on his feet though, and slaps him in the face before whipping him into the buckle. Jarrett "Whoo" 's then charges headfirst into the outstretched boot of HBK! Neckbreaker from Michaels, and the crowd is getting behind him again. Let's get Austin back in the ring, big pop when the tag is made. Michaels attempts to accompany Austin in some form of manouever, but the Rock enters the ring, and tosses Shawn to the mat by the hair. Michaels gets right back up and nails Maivia with a forearm, but the points been made and he leaves the ring without making contact with Jarrett.

Austin however, is making plenty of contact with Jarrett. The champion's being pounded in the corner, but he soon manages to slip out to the floor to get away. He wants to get away, he wants to flyyyyyyyyyyyy away, yeah yeah. Oops. Can't get that damn song outta my head. Lock-up when Jarrett returns to the action, and ends up with Austin in a side headlock, and soon puts 'Stone Cold' down with a bulldog. Sleeperhold from Double J! Come on, hurry it up. Sing with me : Arm goes once, Arm goes twice, Arm goes th- Oh my god, arm stays up! Cool, summed up about 40 seconds of action in just one sentence.

Austin powers out of the hold, elbows to the mid-section proving adequate enough, then pushes Jeff into the ropes. Armdrag and Jarrett's on the mat. Elbowdrop from Austin gets a two count. Suplex attempt from Austin, but it's blocked and reversed and Jarrett re-takes control. Piledriver! One count. Another Piledriver! No cover this time, it's marathon strutting time. He's not even paying any attention to anything, and when Shawn enters the ring, spins him around, and then nails him in the jaw with the superkick, it's a complete surprise. The referee takes exception to Michaels' interference, and decides he'll tell Shawn all about this exception. It must be quite a story, as Earl spends so long talking to Michaels that he misses seeing Austin crawl over to Jarrett and cover him.

When he finally *does* turn around, Jarrett's pretty much recovered, and is easily able to kick out before Hebner can count three. Now Austin's pretty pissed at this, despite it being Shawn's boot that put Jarrett down. Steve begins to shout at Shawn, and gets rolled up by Jarrett!



Kickout, and Austin gets right up and hits Jarrett with a DDT! On the apron, Shawn takes offence at the middle finger that Steve waves in his direction, and steps through the ropes to confront him. Now it's Austin and Michaels nose to nose, as Jarrett goes over to his corner and tags Maivia in. Jarrett stays in the ring to knee Austin in the back though, and he ends up tossing Stone Cold to the floor as Michaels watches on. The world champ follows Steve out as Rocky starts to sneak up on Shawn.

Bad job Rocky. Michaels turns and nails the Superkick again!




Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin defeated Rocky Maivia and Jeff Jarrett when Michaels pinned Maivia with the Superkick in 0:08:12. Rating: ** 1/4

Michaels has his hand raised, and meanwhile Austin and Jarrett are pounding on each other outside. Shawn looks set to join them as we fade out.