WWF Thunder

WWF Thunder

June 18th 1998

Philadelphia, Pensylvania

It's the last Thunder before the pay-per-view, and what an hour it's gonna be! After what transpired on Monday night, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin will go one on one with Jarrett's stooge, the 'Roadog' Jesse Jammes! Plus, first time ever in the WWF, four corners tag team match! There's also a huge announcement about a suspension that will screw the King Of The Ring tournament up royally! But we're gonna kick things off, with, yep, you guessed it, a... Hardy Boyz interview?

[Pre-taped backstage]

Matt : 'You know, it's true we've only been here in the WWF a short while. And yeah, it's true that we haven't made too much of an impression here yet. But rest assured we will, and tonight is the first step. Tell 'em Jeff.'

Jeff : 'Matt's right. We got a four way crash scheduled later tonight, and hell, we ain't gonna be the biggest guys in there, and hell, we ain't gonna be the toughest. But what we got is heart, and lot's of it. Crush, Vega, Mosh, Thrasher, Mero, and Finlay? Tonight's the night when the Hardy Boyz start clawing their way to the top of the WWF.'

Matt : 'That's right.'

Did I mention that the winner of the four way match gets a shot at the WWF tag team champions on June 22nd? Did I mention the competitors? Jeff did moments ago, but just to confirm the match-up:

Crush/Savio Vega vs The Hardy Boyz vs Marc Mero/Fit Finlay vs The Headbangers

Cool huh? I didn't even think I *had* four tag teams. Anyway, bigger news, this suspension I mentioned. Who's suspended? Hunter Hearst Helmsley, that's who. After his comments on Monday Night Raw, the WWF felt action needed to be taken to show that things like that can't be tolerated here in the World Wrestling Federation. But wait... What about the King Of The Ring? First round match between Triple-[K]H and Pierre Oulette? Ain't gonna happen. So here tonight, two men who were unsuccessful in their respective qualifying matches will face off in the ring. Their names? Goldust and one Booker T, a man involved directly with Helmsley's suspension. So the winner of tonight's Goldust/Booker T match, will face Oulette on June 21st. Now that that's all worked out nicely, to the ring for tonight's opening contest!

Billy Gunn vs Bobby Bradley

- That staplemark of technical wrestling starts the match off, the cross your arms in an X shape then signal them to your crotch move, then a single leg takedown has Bradley on the mat. Gunn then whips Bradley into the ropes, and ends up being caught by a forearm! The crowd goes mild! Cover, kickout at two. Bradley pulls Gunn up and then sends *him* into the ropes, but Billy nails him with a Rocker Dropper. Then it's onto Jericho move #426 [Armbar] for a while, before Bradley eventually gets back up to his feet. I'm bored, wanna order a pizza? Wait, no time for that now, as Gunn climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Flying clothesline! Two count for Gunn. What's with these two counts, this is meant to be a Billy Gunn squash match. Oh crap, just gave away the ending. Well, the advantage goes back and forth a few times, before Gunn gets the pinfall with a piledriver. [Mental note : create a decent finisher for Billy Gunn.]

Billy Gunn pinned Bobby Bradley with the Piledriver in 0:03:14. Rating: * 1/2

With that match out of the way, resident lamb to the slaughter Michael Cole meets up with the returning Gunn in the aisle.

Cole : 'Billy, congratulations on the victory here tonight, but what do you feel about the suspension to your former partner, Hunter Hearst Helmsley?

Gunn : 'Well, heck I don't know. He said some things he shouldn't have said and I guess he paid the price. Michael, I'll tell you something though right now. What's going on with Triple-H doesn't bother me in the least right now. I'm my own man from here on in and Cole? If you're not down with that, then I got two words for ya, Suck it!'

God, he has to fit the catchprase in somewhere, don't he? Gunn will of course face 'Marvelous' Marc Mero this Sunday at the ppv, in a first round tournament match-up. Commercials incoming, here they come...


'Now don't go messing with a country boy, a count-'

Oops, wrong tape.


The number one contender to the WWF title, fresh off a hammering from the Roadog on Monday night, makes his way to the ring. Having been told during the break that he was signed to face Jammes tonight, he obviously has some things to say about it.

Austin : 'Philadelphia, Pensylvania, if you're ready to see, first Jesse Jammes, then Jeff Jarrett, then Bart Gunn, then Bob Holly, all get their goddamn asses whooped here tonight by 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, then gimme a hell yeah!'

Philadelphia : 'Oh Hell Yeah!'

Austin : 'Well that's good, 'cos it damn sure is gonna happen tonight. First off though, I wanna get a little rant off my chest. I have to admit, I ain't too happy about arriving at the arena five minutes ago, and being told I have a match later tonight. Hell, I'm itching to kick the living crap outta Jesse Jammes after he ambushed me on Raw, but it'd be nice to get a little time to prepare. But that's copacetic, I'll whip his ass anyway, anyday, and twice on Sunday! You see Jesse, you don't just stroll back into the WWF, and pick a fight with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. You piece of trash, damnit that just don't fit too well. So what I'm gonna do, after I finish beating you, after I finishing kicking your ass up and down every aisle in this building, I'm gonna grab your no-good, drug crazy face o' yours and stick it back up Jarrett's ass where it belongs! And Jarrett, if you show up here tonight, and with a ppv to plug in three days time I know you will, I guarantee that you'll get your ass kicked as well. Before I go and prepare for the match, I just want to post a wanted sign for Chris Benoit. He stands me up on Raw, he ain't been seen since. Benoit, wherever the hell you are, watch your back for Steve Austin. You made me look like a fool on Monday, and I ain't forgetting it. That's the way it's gonna be, and that's the bottom line, 'cos Stone Cold said so'


Bye Austin. As 'Stone Cold' exits the ring area to prepare for his match which is coming up in oh, about 10 minutes, we go back three days to Raw, as this whole scene took place.

[Warning : Clip Montage!]

First, Austin reveals to Jarrett that he has more friends than the champ may think. Included in that group is a Mr. Chris Benoit.

Then to Benoit's dressing room, as it appears Goldust had some fun with paint and flowers.

Now to Goldust's dressing room, where Benoit confronts Goldust and subsequently hasn't been seen since.

To the ring, as Austin introduces Benoit, but surprise surprise, he doesn't show.

Then to backstage, as Jesse Jammes attacks Austin while he discusses things with Earl Hebner.

Well, that wasn't too bad was it? Hope you didn't click to Nitro?


Vincent talks to Norton in the back, who then talks to Horace, who then talks to Hogan, who then talks to Vincent, who then talks to a hidden camera. All this talking going on, yet nothing even remotely interesting is spoken! What are the odds?


Two more competitors in tonight's history making four way match, Marc Mero and Fit Finlay, are standing by.

Mero : 'You know, for a guy who has one of the best win-loss records in the WWF, it seems I don't get many title shots. But all that's gonna change once tonight is over. With this tough Irishman by my side, we're gonna steamroll through all six of our opponents.'

Finlay : 'Steamroll is indeed the word. We will dominate tonight's match, I can tell you. I'm new here to the WWF. These other guys, they know each other, but they don't no Fit Finlay. But after tonight, they most certainly will.'

Mero : 'And one more thing, Adam Bomb? I'm two and one against you, you freak. And just remember, I'll be taking *your* gold as well, real soon.'

The match will be elimination style by the way, in case that wasn't pointed out earlier. We're gonna take a commercial break now, but when we return, Jesse Jammes versus Steve Austin!


But not yet. The King Of The Ring card has changed a bit since the last show, so here it is now :

Hey, look who's already in the ring, it's the Roadog! So now, for the third time tonight, we hear-


Steve Austin vs Jesse Jammes

- It should be pointed out that Jammes is accompanied to the ring by Bart Gunn and the WWF champion, Holly apparently taking the hump about their lack of support on Monday. There's a fair bit of verbal sparring before any action takes place- hey, what the hell is this match doing on second? This should be the main event right? Anyway, the two men lock up, and the Roadog takes the advantage by raking Austin's eyes. A whip into the ropes, and Austin then gets his first offence in by shoulderblocking Jammes to the canvas. Where's Jesse going? He slips out of the ring and starts chatting with Jarrett and Gunn. We try and get a cameraman over but Jarrett shoves him away when he gets within ear shot. Jammes returns to the ring for lockup #2, and this time Austin takes it by giving Jammes a boot to the chest. Irish whip into the buckle, then Austin charges in with an avalanche clothesline. As Jesse stands with his back to the buckle, Austin climbs to the second rope and proceeds to nail Jammes ten times with his fists. Austin eventually steps back and the Roadog flops to the canvas. Austin tries to follow this up, but Jarrett is there to pull Jammes out of the ring to safety. Jarrett, Jammes and Gunn huddle on the outside for about thirty seconds, and this stalling is getting ridiculous. Austin stops the referee from counting the Roadog out though, and eventually he is forced to return to the ring.

- Lockup #3. Jammes takes the advantage with a knee to the gut, then hairpulls Austin down to the mat. Elbowdrop, and Jesse gets the honour of getting the first two count of the match. After pulling Austin up, Jammes whips him into the turnbuckle, then charges in with a clothesline of his own. Well, that proved pretty successful, so why not try it again. Doh! Austin raised his boot and Jammes staggers backwards. Austin then pulls himself out of the corner and attempts to clothesline the Roadog. Jammes ducks however, then turns, gives Austin a boot to the mid-section, and nails him with a face-slam! Close two count this time, and Jammes then holds Austin down on the mat with a reverse chinlock. Stone Cold eventually gets to his feet and elbows his way out, and the next challenger to the WWF title then starts to take control of this contest. Right hand, right hand, then Austin whips Jammes into the ropes. Lou Thesz press! Austin then proceeds to hammer on Jesse on the canvas until the referee pulls him off. Fistdrop from Austin, and that gets him a one count. Vertical suplex next from Austin, again he covers, and again it gets nothing more than a one count. Austin allows Jammes to get up to his feet, then it's another whip into the ropes, but this time it's reversed by the Roadog. Austin goes into the ropes, no wait, Austin goes *over* the ropes. Who pulled that top rope down? Huh, who do you think? The referee admonishes Jarrett as Austin meanwhile gets pummeled by Bart Gunn, then tossed back in the ring. The ref misses all of Gunn's interference, and the match continues.... when we come back.


- Jammes executes a swinging neckbreaker on Austin as we come back, then covers for a two count. Resthold city, Jesse locks on an armbar that eats up some time, then simply let's the hold go before Austin can consider giving up. The Roadog attempts a suplex, but Austin manages to block it with his leg. So Jammes tries it again, no dice. Austin tries it, bingo, Jesse goes to the mat hard on his back. The race to stand up begins, and it's Jammes who wins it. Austin's a close second though, and comes off looking like the victor after he nails Jesse with a lariat moments later. Jammes doesn't just fall to the mat though. No, he staggers backwards into the referee, knocking him down in the process. So Jammes is down, and so is the referee. Chances of interference are looking good, and here enters Jarrett, making the quick trip from ringside to the ring. Austin and Jarrett yak it up for a few moments, then Bam! The world title belt whacks against the back of Austin's head, and he falls down to the mat out cold. Good one Bart, didn't see you there. Jarrett then places Jammes on top of Austin and begins the process of reviving the referee. The referee is eventualy suitably revived, and he counts-




Jesse James pinned Steve Austin in 0:07:45. Rating: *

What a win for Jammes! Tainted albeit, but still a huge victory. But is this going to do nothing more than rile Austin up for this Sunday's clash? We'll find out exclusively on pay-per-view!

Jammes, Gunn and Jarrett leave the ring area quick haste, as Austin very slowly stands up to his feet. Boy, does he look pissed. We go to replays of what just happened, then to the backstage interview area, where Jarrett is now standing. Gunn and Jammes are... somewhere else apparently.

Jarrett : 'You see that right there? You're gonna see the exact same thing this Sunday, Austin lying on his back defeated, only it'll be *this* Double J that gets his arm raised high. You're going down Austin, and abosolutley nothing and nobody is gonna break your fall. Next week on Monday Night Raw, all the fans of the WWF will be still be looking up at the one true Icon, the *still* World Wrestling Federation champion, the one, the only, Jeff Jarrett.'

Steve Austin versus Jeff Jarrett will take place this Sunday night in Philadelphia, Pensylvania, and it promises to be one hell of a contest. Still to come tonight though, the final slot in the King Of The Ring will be filled, Goldust against Booker T.

Goldust : 'Mmmm, Booker T, tonight, you get to dance and play in the world of oooh, Goldust, and I promise you it will be an experience you will never, ever, forget. Maybe you can be like Benoit, and be blessed and taken to the place that dreams are made of, or maybe I'll have to discipline you, and spank you over my knee, time and time again, until you learn that it's never safe to step in the ring with oooh, Goldust!'

With the above interview out of the way, which marked the first ever appearance of the word *spank* in a WWF card, we take you back three days, as Booker T went one on one with the now suspended, Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

Booker/HHH clips are shown, with Stevie Ray returning to the WWF at the match's conclusion.

Flashback time, all the way back to January....

[WWF Flashback - sponsored by Artline]

The 1998 WWF Royal Rumble

[World Champion] Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart

Bret buries his head in his hands, and then slowly looks around at his surroundings. Michaels still lies flat out on his back, barely conscious. The Hitman then stands up, and starts to climb up the outside wall of the arena until he reaches a ledge about ten feet off the ground. Bret then flys off the ledge attempting to do an elbow drop, but Michaels somehow gets out of the way, and Bret goes crashing into the concrete. Both men are a bloody wreck as Shawn manages to drape his arm over Brets lifeless body for the 1... 2... 3

Shawn Michaels beat Bret Hart in 55-50 --- *****

Booker T's in the house.

Booker : 'You people better recognise, that when Booker T is in the house, that house is gonna be in for some serious buttkicking action, sucka. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, I laid a hurting on you this past Monday night, and now you've got what you deserved, a suspension. And Stevie Ray? Well, my bro' is back in town, and though he ain't here tonight, you better believe that Harlem Heat is gonna be taking the WWF Tag Team titles real soon. But tonight? That freak Goldust is gonna find out all about an ass whooping, and it ain't the kind he likes. I'm gonna win this tournament, I shouldn't have been eliminated before, and I'll be damned if I'm leaving this thing now.'

We'll be back...


We're back... With [The Man They Call] Vader.

Vader : 'You know, it seems there's been a bit of a calm before the storm here in the WWF. It seems like it's been a while since anyone got Vader-bombed. But this Sunday at the pay-per-view, I can think of four men who are gonna end up face up, staring up at the man! Owen Hart/Davey Boy? After we dismantle you, after we embarass and destroy you in the centre of the ring, we're going after *you*, Gunn and Holly! And what's this crap I'm hearing tonight, about a four way tag team match? Winners get a title shot? I guess it's not enough that Sid and myself are gonna wrestle twice on Sunday, we'll also have to defend the next night? I think maybe, *tonight* is the time that someone new is gonna get Vader-bombed. Four way match? Make it a five way, 'cos the man they call Vader is gonna take everybody out!'

We've been having a little tournament over the past few weeks, if ya didn't notice. And even if you did, here's what happened. [What, you thought I might actually put on a wrestling match to fill this show up?]

[Warning! Clips Montage]

[Footage is shown of the KOTR Qualifying rounds, featuring : Marc Mero defeating Bart Gunn, Pierre Oulette beating Booker T, Mabel embarrasing Adam Bomb, Billy Gunn taking out Crush, Triple-H knocking Brian Christopher out, The Rock getting a victory over Owen Hart, Chris Benoit beating Mark Henry, and Vega advancing via a quick win over Goldust]

Last match in this opening round is just moments away, as Booker T faces Goldust. But first, a few brief words with another of the teams involved in tonight's four way, the Headbangers! Well actually, it's just Headbanger Mosh.

Mosh : 'You know, we may be the WWF's official jobber tag team, but that doesn't mean we ain't gonna kick some butt in the ring tonight. Adams and Vega? Me and Thrasher have faced you before, and beaten you before, you guys are gonna be in for a fight. Hardyz? Calls us in ten years, maybe we can carry you guys to a decent match, ya young punks. And where the hell did the team of Marc Mero and Fit Finlay come from? Regardless, after tonight, and after next Monday, I guarantee that the Headbanger's fortunes are gonna change. You're looking right now at one half, of the next WWF Tag Team Champions. Yeah!'

Brace yourself folks, it's a match!

[King Of The Ring Qualifier]

[Winner faces Pierre Oulette]

Booker T vs Goldust [w/Marlena]

- Goldust is accompanied by Marlena this time round, her presence absent this past week against Savio Vega. Her being at ringside doesn't stop her man from being taken to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker though, just a few seconds into the match. Booker then 'raises the roof' for his fans before returning back to Goldust and nailing him with a faceslam. Less than thirty seconds into the match, and Goldust already looks to be in big trouble. Booker's momentum is squashed moments later though, as an attempted sleeper hold results in nothing but a sore jaw for Booker, as Goldust counters it. After a degree of recuperating and composing, Goldust executes a hiptoss on the now once again member of the Harlem Heat. Suplex attempt from Goldust, denied! Booker hits Goldust with a snap suplex of his own, than moments later hits him with a dropkick. A second dropkick, and now Goldust retreats to the outside. Some major stalling then ensues from Goldust, before he eventually returns to the ring. A lockup takes place, and Goldust takes the advantage. He bodyslams Booker, then climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Flying clothesline! Two count. He sets up for a bulldog soon after, but Booker is able to throw him off. Goldust retains the advantage though, executing a vertical suplex on Booker. Another bodyslam attempt from Goldust, but Booker wraps him up into a small package for-



- Kickout by Dustin, who then returns to being on the recieving end in this match again. Booker has Goldust reeling with a series of hard right-hands, then nails him with a forearm smash for another two count. Headlock takedown, and Booker proceeds to keep Goldust trapped down on the mat for a while. Goldust soon gets to his feet though, and pushes Booker into the ropes. Doh, don't put your head down Dustin, Scissor kick! No cover though, as Booker pulls him up to his feet and then executes a DDT. Before Booker gets the chance to cover this time, Marlena is on hand to help Goldust out of the ring. More stalling now on the outside, and this starts to get tiresome as Dustin refuses to return to the squared circle. Eventually Booker leaves the ring and attacks Goldust on the floor, then tosses him into the ring himself. Spinebuster slam by Booker! Goldust is groggy as Booker climbs up to the top turnbuckle and prepares himself, and Booker then nails the Missile dropkick dead on. Booker should be able to get the three count right now, but instead he returns to the top again. After waiting an agonisingly long period of time for Goldust to get back to his feet, Booker nails *another* Missile Dropkick! The impact knocks Runnels out of the ring though, and no cover can be made. Hey, where's he going? The ref counts to ten as Goldust walks away from the ring area and through the curtains. A cheap finish, but the bottom line is that Booker T is in the King Of The Ring Tournament.

Booker T defeated Goldust by countout in 0:04:22. Rating: * 1/2

Well, crap finish aside, the tournament is now finalised. Mero/Gunn, Mabel/Rock, Benoit/Vega, and now Oulette/Booker will all take place this Sunday in Philadelphia. Booker vs Oulette should be an interesting one, since it was Pierre who eliminated Booker in the first match. There's some kind of irony in the fact that it was Triple-H who cost Booker that match against Oulette. And now it's Triple-H's suspension that allows Booker back in. Ironic? Or maybe it's just good storytelling? Good lord, do I ever rule.

Up next, we've got words from Crush and Savio Vega, then when we return from a break, it's the four way match!

Crush : 'You know, we've heard the comments from the other tag teams here tonight, and it got me thinking. What is their mental difficency? They all think they got a great chance of winning here tonight, and taking the tag team titles. Well guys, that ain't happening.'

Savio : 'That is right. Headbangers? We gave you the fight of your lives recently, and the same thing will happen tonight. We defeated The Hardyz as well, they'll be no problem at all. Tonight we conqour the tag team division, and on Sunday night, I'm going to conqour the singles division.'

Crush : 'This man right here, you better believe he *will* be the first ever King Of The Ring, and I guarantee he's gonna be one half of the next tag team champions. The other half? Your's truly.'


Main event time.

[Four Corners Tag Match]

Crush/Savio Vega vs Marc Mero/Fit Finlay vs The Hardy Boyz vs The Headbangers

- The ref calls for the bell, and after a lengthy period of fingerpointing and talking, it's Thrasher and Fit Finlay who start the match off. And it's Finlay who gains the upper hand for his team first, as after taking the advantage after the lock-up, he nails Thrasher with a Yakuza kick. A bodyslam puts the Headbanger down again, then Fit sets up for the Doctor Bomb. Luckily for both Thrasher and his partner Mosh, Thrasher is able to block it and counter it with a backdrop. Thrasher starts laying the boots in, then pulls Finlay up to his feet and whips him in hard to the buckle. He charges in for an avalanche clothesline, but Fit raises his boot at the vital moment and Thrasher falls backwards to the canvas. Finlay walks over to Thrasher and drops a standing leg-drop, then tosses him through the ropes to the floor. Finlay stays inside the ring and talks to the referee as Mero jumps down from the apron and rams Thrasher's head into the ringsteps. Mosh comes over to confront Mero, who rolls Thrasher back inside the ring before his partner comes over.

- Fit tags Matt Hardy in as Thrasher makes his forced return to the ring, and Matt starts his involvement in the match by clotheslining the Headbanger. He hits an elbowdrop, and that provides the match with it's first two count. Thrasher is still on the mat as Hardy climbs up to the top rope. A top rope leg-drop, and Matt covers again for-



- Thrasher gets his right shoulder up at two and a half. Hardy then starts to bring the crowd into this match for the first real time, as he springs off the top rope and nails Thrasher with a dropkick. He's then passed a chair by his brother, then springs off of the steel and executes a spinning leg lariat on his opponent, who's been in the ring for the first two minutes of this match. Moonsault gets Hardy another two count. Matt comes undone though when attempts to atomic drop Thrasher, as he gets bulldogged for his troubles. Instead of tagging someone else in , Thrasher decides to put Hardy in a bearhug, a hold that is soon easily broken. Now out of that hold, Matt manages to hit Thrasher with a DDT before tagging his partner in to the ring. Jeff scoops and slams the Headbanger, then, just like his brother earlier, climbs up to the top. Shooting star press coming in!

- And it's unsuccessful as Thrasher has the presence of mind to roll out of the way. Both men are now face-up on the mat, and the race for the hot tag begins. Thrasher makes it, tagging in Mosh, whilst Jeff is unable to tag anybody in time, despite there being numerous people at each corner. Mosh hits a powerbomb on Jeff, but the resulting cover is broken due to timely intervention from Matt Hardy. This provokes Thrasher in to the ring, and Mero and Finlay end up in the ring moments later. As the six men go at it in the ring, Crush and Vega drop down from the apron and stand at ringside looking on. Eventually the referee restores some order to the contest, and the match settles back down with Mosh and Jeff Hardy the legal men. They lock up, and Hardy gets Mosh in a standing headlock, then gets pushed into the ropes. Mosh attempts a clothesline as Jeff bounces back, but the Hardy boy ducks it, turns around, and nails Mosh with an enzuirguiri! Cover-


- Easy kickout. Jeff whips Mosh into the ropes, then takes him back down to the mat with a Thesz press. Holding Mosh down on the canvas, Jeff gives him a series of right hands before the referee pulls him off. As Mosh slowly gets to his feet, Jeff retrieves the chair that was used earlier. Springboard dropkick off the chair and Mosh is down again. Instead of covering, Jeff locks on a sleeper hold. Mosh isn't going out this way though, and counters it with a chinbreaker. Then, finally, Mosh crawls over to one of the corners and tags himself out, having wrestled the entirety of this matches five minutes so far . It's Finlay, making his second appearance in the ring so far, who's the lucky recipient of the tag, and Jeff meanwhile has tagged Matt back in again. It's noted that Marc Mero, Brian Adams and Savio Vega have all yet to appear in the ring officially. Finlay hits Matt with a knee to the gut, then as Matt doubles over he executes a swinging neckbreaker on the youngster. A side suplex is then promptly executed by the Irishman, then he climbs up to the top. Flying cross bodypress-



- Matt's up. A hard headbutt has him staggering after he gets to his feet, but Matt gets a close count of his own moments later, when a Finlay powerbomb is countered into a rana. Finlay does kick out though, but he can't prevent Matt from tagging in Jeff again. Where the hell are Savio and Crush? Oh right, they're not even on the apron anymore, Adams has a headset on and is chatting with Jim Ross. Back to the action, and Jeff takes Finlay down with a vertical suplex. Savio meanwhile has returned to the apron, and now finds himself tagged in for the first time. At the seven minute mark. Vega locks up with Finlay, and gains the advantage with a rake to the eyes. And then he walks across and tags Mosh back into the ring. Well, that was... nothing. Crush has climbed back up to the apron at this time, alongside his partner. Mosh, now recovered from the punishment he took earlier, tries to nail Finlay with a swinging neckbreaker, but Fit pushes him away, and tags out of the ring. The tag is made to his own partner, also making his first appearance in the ring, 'Marvelous' Marc Mero.

- Fit doesn't leave the ring right away though, as he and Mero whip Mosh into the ropes. Their double clothesline is ducked though, but Mosh turns and then clotheslines both of them! Finlay then rolls himself out of the ring as Mosh gets Jeff Hardy into the ring once again. Another thing noted is that The Hardy Boyz have wrestled the majority of this contest. Jeff goes to whip Mero into the ropes, but the whip is reversed, and next thing we know, Jeff is out on the floor. All eyes turn to Fit Finlay on the outside, who protests that it wasn't him who pulled the top rope down. Shee-yah right. As Jeff gathers his thoughts on the concrete, Mero attempts a slingshot somersault plancha, but no dice. Mero hit's the concrete worse than Hardy did seconds earlier. As Mero and Jeff both slowly try to stand up, we'll take a commercial break.


- My word, the unthinkable has happened! Brian Adams has finally been tagged into the ring! Adams is locking up with Mosh, and a boot to the mid-section gets him the advantage. Crush whips Mosh into the ropes, and then out of nowhere catches him with the Tilt-a-whirl Slam! Cover-




[The Headbangers have been eliminated : Time 09:02]

- So the Headbangers are now eliminated, and it's down to the Hardyz, Mero/Finlay, and Savio/Crush. As Mosh and Thrasher retreat sombrely to the dressing rooms, Matt Hardy enters the ring. Hardy tries to knock Adams down instantly with a dropkick, but Crush casually side-steps it and Matt hits the canvas. He's close to his corner though, and Jeff is tagged in to the action. Adams nails Jeff with a high knee before he can even step through the ropes though, and the advantage is firmly with Crush. Vertical suplex is then executed, then three elbowdrops in a row. Feeling that's enough involvement right now, Adams then tags out of the ring to Fit Finlay. Fit does nothing more than give Jeff a European uppercut, before he tags out to his partner. Mero gives Hardy an elbowsmash, then makes a quick tag to Adams again. It seems like Adams/Vega and Mero/Finlay are working together to put Jeff of the Hardyz out of this match. Adams keeps Jeff trapped inside a reverse chinlock for around thirty seconds, wearing him down, then pulls him up and executes a backbreaker. Then it's a tag once more to Mero. Mero sets Hardy up for a suplex, but there's a leg in the way. Mero tries again, once again Jeff blocks with his leg. Jeff then hits a suplex of his own! Mero gets right up to his feet, but Jeff, mustering up all the energy he can, jumps up as well and plants Mero into the mat with a DDT!

- Having been beaten on for the last two minute by two different teams, Jeff can't find the strength to capitalise on Mero. Instead he makes a slow crawl over to his corner, and eventually slaps the arm of his brother, who jumps over the top rope right into the action. Mero's back up to his feet, but not for long as Matt floors him with a dropkick! He follows it up by springing up to the top rope, and executes a flying sunset flip on Mero. The referee goes down to count-



- Finlay breaks the pin with a boot to Matt's face. Jeff enters the ring to try and get at Finlay, but the referee cuts him off. Me thinks Jeff do protest too much, as his arguing with the ref allows Savio Vega to enter the ring, chair in hand, and smash the steel right over Matt's head. Matt is out cold as Finlay and Vega return to the apron. As the referee finally turns around from Jeff, Mero executes the TKO on Matt Hardy, then hooks the leg-




[The Hardy Boyz have been eliminated : Time 11:27]

- In a comical moment, Mero and Vega high five on the apron then, realising that they're part of the only two teams left, begin hammering the hell out of each other. It's a four man brawl for a while, but any thoughts that this was to become a tornado match are put to rest as the referee finally forces two of the combatants to leave the ring. So, to get going what is now just a regular tag match, Brian Adams and Marc Mero lock-up. It's Mero who takes the advantage in portion of the match, and he hits a flying sunset flip for a two count on Adams. Two moonsault bodyblocks in quick succession give him two more close counts, followed by *another* two count with a DDT. Mero is really having his way with Crush, and it's fortunate for Adams that Savio took it upon himself to intervene at this point. Vega hits Mero from behind with an axehandle, and has time to execute a bulldog on him before the referee is called upon to force him back on to the apron. Once Vega is out of the ring, Adams hooks the leg for the cover, but only gets a one count. Crush slowly gets to his feet, then pulls Mero up as well. Whip into the buckle, but when Adams charges in after him he meets nothing but Marc's boot. Mero, after shaking off the effects of the bulldog, cements his dominance over Adams once again by knocking him down to the canvas with a dropkick.

- Mero completely dominates Adams from here on, it's only some timely interference from Vega that stops the match from ending. A reverse neckbreaker gives Mero a one count, and he follows that up with a backbreaker, a side suplex, and a powerbomb. Adams is hurting bad, but he himself manages a close count when he cradles Mero over after Mero went for another sunset flip. Mero jumps right up to his feet after the kick out, and rolls Adams up in an inside cradle-



- Adams kicks out, but is still victim to an ass whooping from Mero. Marc hits a powerslam, then a flying elbowdrop. This was a tag match wasn't it? It's been ages since either Savio or Finlay were legal participants. Savio is finally tagged in after Adams manages to move out of the way of a flying dropkick. Adams has got to be feeling good to have weathered that Storm from Mero, and still be in the match. As Adams tags Savio, Mero tags in Finlay in the opposite corner. Finlay charges at Vega and takes him down with a clothesline, but Vega moves out of the way when Fit tries to follow it up with a fistdrop. Vega gets up to his feet and backs off into the corner while Finlay slowly gets up himself. When he does, BAM! Superkick from Savio, and Finlay is out! Cover-




Mero tried to enter the ring to break the count, but he was met by Adams before he could get to Savio. Crush and Vega get the win!

Four Corners Match: Brian Adams and Savio Vega defeated The Hardy Boyz, The Headbangers and Marc Mero and Fit Finlay:

Rating: * 3/4

Well, that's the show folks. Make sure to call your local cable company as soon as possible, it's the only way you're gonna see Jeff Jarrett defend the World Heavyweight title against Steve Austin, and a hell of a lot more. And make sure to tune in next Monday night, as Savio Vega and Brian Adams take on the WWF tag team champions. Goodnight everybody!