WWF Thunder : July 30th 1998
San Diego, California
Live On The USA Network : 21:00 - 22:00
Just 2 1/2 weeks from Summerslam!   

Welcome to Thunder folks. We're gonna kick back and let it ride in the ring tonight, save the talking for Raw. On the menu, Owen Hart and the new European Champion Davey Boy Smith are gonna take on Mabel and Pierre Oulette in the main event, and Chris Benoit will make his in-ring return, taking on Fit Finlay. Marty Jannetty's gonna attempt to make up for his unsuccessful debut last week, as he takes on Brian Adams. Do you think it's possible I could cut down on the Back To The Fufure references? We're gonna find out tonight, live on the USA Network!

Yes, the Red/White/Blue thing *is* cool, thanks. We're gonna go straight to the ring!

The Headhunters vs Mark Starr/Kevin Quinn

Hey, d'ya think the 'Hunters will ever beat anybody worthwhile? Didn't think so. After dishing out a few fists, #1 has Starr on the canvas after a brainbuster, then hits a fallaway slam. This match isn't completely one-sided though, surprisingly, as Starr manages to suplex his larger opponent, then gets a close fall with a flying cross bodypress! Starr goes for another one though, and that's his downfall. He ends up getting crotched on the top turnbuckle, and then superplexed by the legal Headhunter in the ring, #2. One Moonsault later, it's sayonara Mr. Starr.

The Head Hunters defeated Mark Starr and Kevin Quinn when Head Hunter #2 pinned M. Starr with the Moonsault in 0:02:09.
Rating: 3/4*

Simple way to start the show. We then cut back to footage filmed after Raw went off the air,  (okay, there's a *bit* of talking) as Owen Hart and The British Bulldog are in discussion. Owen looks pissed.

Hart : 'Hey man, what was that all about? I ran in there, got
        you the European title... Where were you during my match?'

Bulldog : 'I thought you had it won! You had the Sharpshooter locked on.'

Hart : 'Uh-huh. I guess you were too self absorbed about winning
        your title, you didn't give a damn about your partner huh?'

Bulldog : 'Come on Owen-'

Hart walks off, not happy. Smith looks pretty upset too.

Back into the arena, and we see Brian Adams heading towards the ring. Let's go Back In Time to last week, as Jannetty made his WWF debut, against Savio Vega.

Jannetty tries to come off the ropes, and gets tripped by BA, Crush, Adams, whatever you want to call him. Hey, I've seen this finish before, I'm sure of it. Jannetty gets to his feet and looks pissed at Adams, but before he can do anything about it, Savio spins him round, hits him with the Carribean Kick, and that's all Lee wrote.

But Lee's gonna continue writing now, as Jannetty meets Crush one on one. Instant feud for Jannetty.

Brian Adams [w/Savio Vega] vs Marty Jannetty [w/Doctor Emmet Brown]

Vega hit the ring while we watched last week's clip, and takes position at ringside as Adams and Jannetty lock up. Adams shoves Jannetty back a few feet, but Marty then shocks Crush with a quick dropkick, then knocks him down with a stiff clothesline! He pulls Adams up to his feet with speed, than nails him with a Superkick! Adams' momentum sends him to the floor, out of a pinfall situation luckily for him.

Unluckily for him, Jannetty follows him out, hitting him with a tope! Vega strolls round to assist his partner, but he gets met with a punch to the face, and Marty then whips Adams right into Savio! Vega falls down on his ass, as Adams gets picked up and rolled back into the squared circle. Back in the ring, Jannetty hits another dropkick, then executes a legdrop on Crush as he's down. Marty goes for another legdrop, but this time Adams rolls out of the way, and quickly cradles Jannetty over for the first two count of the match. Jannetty still keeps the advantage though, popping up to his feet and dropping another legdrop before Adams can get to his feet.

Marty takes Crush into the corner, and gives out the requisite ten right hands, then executes a huracanrana! Luckily Jannetty doesn't break his opponent's neck this time, but it does enough damage to put Adams down for a two count. Adams takes another ride into the ropes, then, in a momentum switching event, blasts Marty to the canvas with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Jannetty goes down, Adams is on his feet, and we take a commercial break.

This Match Will Continue...

21:10 EST {Commercials} 21:12 EST   

The Match Continues...

Adams has Jannetty in an abdominal stretch as we return, and is also holding onto the top rope with his free arm for additional leverage. What cheap heat! The referee eventually breaks this blatant disregard for the rules via his boot, but Jannetty still falls to the mat in pain. Apparently that hold constituted most of the two minutes we lost to commercials. Aren't you glad we missed *that*?

Adams with a number of stomps to Jannetty's back, then he picks him up and tosses him through the ropes to the outside. Now it's Savio's turn to go to work, and as Adams engages in conversation with Hennig over that abdominal stretch, Vega starts laying the boots in. Adams finally goes out after Marty, as Vega walks away from the crime scene to the other side of the ring. Adams bashes Jannetty's skull into the guardrail, then scoops him up and slams him onto the concrete.

Adams turns away from Jannetty for about half a minute, engaging in a rather profrane conversation with some asshole fan in the front row, who's whining about workrate or something. Security eventually comes and escorts Herb out of the arena, to the loudest pop of the night. Jannetty had a lot of time to recover there, but he didn't take advantage of it. Adams boots him in the chest to retain the advantage, then suplexes him back down to the concrete. He then rolls him back into the ring, and makes a cover that's broken by Marty managing to get his left foot on the bottom rope.

Crush [making sure I didn't start a third consecutive paragraph with 'Adams'] with a reverse chinlock, but eventually Jannetty elbows out, and starts hammering Adams with a succession of right hands! Marty, still a little dazed, sends Adams into the ropes, but then gets bashed back to the canvas with a clothesline. So much for the big comeback. Adams covers and gets one, then moments later executes a regular backbreaker. Natch that, make it *four* regular backbreakers.

The majority of Adams' offence has been to the back, and the Boston Crab Crush sets up looks to do even more. Adams holds it on for about thirty seconds, before Jannetty finally inches towards, and eventually into, the ropes. Adams with more stomping, as his methodical punishment on Marty continues. Crush sends him into the ropes and sets up to deliver a clothesline, but Jannetty ducks, and takes Adams down with a crucifix!



Kickout. Adams jumps right up, but so does Jannetty, and this time he's gonna get this comeback right. Crush aims a right hand, but Jannetty blocks and nails one of his own. Repeat twice more. Marty with a knee to the chest to double Adams over. Jannetty off the ropes... Rockerdropper! Jannetty goes to cover, but now Savio's in the ring and- Oh fuck off, what a crappy finish.

Marty Jannetty defeated Brian Adams by disqualification in 0:09:24.
Rating:* 3/4

Vega pulls Jannetty up off of Adams, then nails him with a spinning heel kick! Commence mDo beatdown. Crush and Savio both take turns stomping on the laid out Jannetty, until...

Hooo! 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan hits the ring! 2x4 in hand, Duggan clears the ring of Adams and Vega, as they make a hasty retreat. Hacksaw helps Marty up to his feet, and the two shake hands as we cut backstage where Michael Cole has the WWF Summerslam Report.

WWF Summerslam 1998 Report
We don't really need a full transcription of this, Cole gets really intelligence-insulting by the end. The message is this, we've got some of the card for Summerslam set up. Steve Austin versus Jeff Jarrett, we know about that already. In matches just announced, the WWF tag team titles will be on the line as The New Midnight Express take on The New Age Outlaws, as a result of their win on Monday night.  In a battle of former Intercontinental Champions, Goldust will take on 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit. And in the clash of the titans between the two biggest men in the WWF, Sycho Sid will meet the Man They Call Vader! More matches still to be announced, and we're only 2 and a half weeks away from what is sure to be the pay-per-view of the year!
WWF Summerslam 1998 Report

We're back in the arena. The former European Champion is up next.

Adam Bomb vs Hack Myers

Seems weird writing a Bomb match without it being for the European title. But anyway, this is like a grudge match right here. Back in April these two traded said title in a series of crappy matches, which included Myers' only victory, period. Bomb attacks Hack before the bell, nailing him with a clothesline. Pickup, and Bomb whips Myers into the ropes and floors him with a Big Boot to the face. Crotch Slam, and that's it.

Adam Bomb pinned Hack Myers with the Crotch Slam in 0:00:35.
Rating: 1/2*

That was good. We'll be back after this break.

21:21 EST {Commercials} 21:24 EST   

We're back, and watching Adam Bomb walk back to his dressing room. Oscar pops up.

Oscar : 'Hey Adam! How's it going?'

Bomb keeps walking.

Oscar : 'I was just thinking see, ya'll ain't got no manager, and you
         know, I left Mabel.'

Bomb keeps walking.

Oscar : 'You see, if you want revenge on Mabel, I got all the scoops
         right? I know his strategies!'

Bomb stops.

Bomb : 'What, that he moves really... really slowly and tries to
        sit on you?'

Oscar : '...ee-yeah, that's kinda it. But... I know all the song
        lyrics! Well here comes Mabel and he's coming in, He's gonna
        kick some ass all over the ring...'

Bomb looks on mortified as Oscar begins to dance along with his singing, in a rather grotesque display. The former champion eventually pushes past Oscar, who's left with a hurt expression on his face. Poor little asshole.

'Yes Yes Yes... No No No...'

Stevie Ray vs Steve Corino

It's pretty much the third squash of the night, as Ray kicks the tar out of Corino. Stevie just basically manhandles him, putting him away in short order with the Slapjack. Another short match.

Stevie Ray pinned Steve Corino with the Slapjack in 0:02:16.
Rating: -1/4*

Stevie gets the win. This past week on Raw, Harlem Heat took on the New Age Outlaws. Let's go back to Monday night.

Gunn and Stevie end up going over the top with a double clothesline, and it's just Jammes and Booker in the ring. Booker gets the better of the Roadog, and goes up top and nails the Missile Dropkick spot on! Jammes is out, and Booker makes the cover but... no ref. Booker gets up to try and wake him, when Triple-H hits the ring! Hunter with a forearm to the back, and he then nails him with the Pedigree! Booker's out cold, and Helmsley rolls Jammes on top. The referee eventually awakes as Stevie and Gunn continue to go at it outside...

The New Age Outlaws picked up the win, and they'ill recieve a title shot at Summerslam, as reported earlier. In one of our two featured matches tonight, up next, Fit Finlay will take on Chris Benoit! We're gonna take a quick break, so we can show this match in it's entirety.

21:30 EST {Commercials} 21:33 EST   

On his way to the ring, Fit remarks to the camera that Jarrett better pay him 'his damn money'. Chris Benoit then heads to the ring, in his first actual match since June 15th. Four days earlier than that, Benoit took on Finlay, and the Irishman took the win, thanks to the distractions of... ooooh... Goldust.

Chris Benoit vs Fit Finlay

This was a decent match last time round, despite the screwy ending, and this should be just as good, if not better. Benoit takes control first, nailing Finlay with a succession of chops in the corner, but soon shows a bit of ring rust as Fit starts chopping back. And it's Benoit who hits the canvas first, as Finlay moments later takes him to the canvas with a Yakuza kick, whatever the hell that is.

Fit pulls him up right away, not covering, and proceeds to headbutt the Crippler. A series of punches from Finlay, then Benoit's back on the mat as Fit executes a headlock takedown. He releases the headlock and hits a kneedrop, and that produces the first pinfall attempt of the match, and it only gets one. Benoit may be a bit rusty, but he's not rusty enough to lose in only sixty seconds. Finlay complains about a slow count anyway though, and as he does Benoit returns to his feet. Fit has his back turned to him, and Benoit executes a German Suplex on the Dublin Destroyer.

He let's it go though, no cover. Both men get to their feet, but Finlay is a split second quicker, and he rakes Benoit's eyes. Vertical suplex attempt, but Benoit blocks and reverses! Now it's time for Chris to get *his* offence in. He let's Finlay stand up on his own, but then grabs him and hits a belly to belly suplex! No cover, he pulls Finlay up again and, after delivering a few forearms to the back, whips him hard into the corner. More chops from the Crippler, and this time Fit ain't chopping back. He hits an elbow to the side of Finlay's head, and then, perhaps uncharacteristically, uses a chokehold. He breaks it as the referee counts four, but damage has been done and Finlay momentarily gasps for breath.

More forearms now from Benoit, and he sends Finlay into the ropes, then takes him down with a drop-toe-hold. Elbowdrop to the back of his head, and a cover attempt gets two. Bodyslam, and Benoit now goes to the top for the first time in the match. First time *either* man has attempted to go aerial. Oh oh. Benoit draws his thumb across his neck, and it looks like this might be ENDGAME. Speaking of ENDGAME, doesn't Wrestlemaniacs Sunday Night Heat reporter suck? CRZ rules, Netcop rules, Scaia is god, but then we get this Brian J. French guy. If we got Heat over here, I'd apply for that job in a second.  And I'd get it. Because I rule. And because he sucks. But not as much as Hyatte sucks. Hyatte sucks bad. Oh sorry, was Benoit about to end the match?

Nope. He let fly with the flying headbutt, but proceeded to headbutt nothing but the ring canvas. Both men are now down, but it's Finlay who gets vertical first. He elbowdrops Benoit before he can get to his feet, then goes for a sleeper hold. Let's skip part of the match, until Benoit gets his arm to stay in the air at the third attempt. Benoit then starts to elbow out of the hold, but Fit breaks it manually, and then pokes Chris in the eyes to keep his advantage. Neckbreaker gets Fit a two count, and this is actually quite a slow and boring match. It's only Thunder though, so who cares?

Fit pulls Benoit to his feet, then whips him into the corner. Avalanche clothesline. Whip into the opposite corner, and an another avalanche is attempted, but this time Chris gets his foot up to block! Finlay staggers backwards, and now Benoit charges out to send him down to the canvas! Now the match starts to pick up pace, as Chris first takes a few seconds to regather himself, then starts really taking it to his adversary. A succession of right hands has Fit reeling, then a whip into the ropes leads to a perfectly connected dropkick! Benoit goes up top for the second time in the match as Fit gets to his feet, and this time he hits his attempted move : another dropkick, missile style! Cover-



And out. Benoit's quick to get Finlay back on his feet though, and he nails him with a DDT, his move of choice when interfering in matches lately. Another two count. Another pickup, as Finlay isn't allowed any space between moves. Benoit with another cross corner whip, but when he charges in after, Finlay dodges out of the way, and Chris hits the buckle! Finlay wastes no time, spinning Benoit round, and hoisting him up in position for the Tombstone!

But Benoit reverses, and nails a Tombstone of his own! Finlay's out cold, but instead of covering, Benoit locks on the Crippler Crossface. The referee let's Finlay's arm drop three times, then calls for the bell. Benoit wins!

Chris Benoit made Fit Finlay submit to the Crippler Crossface in 0:09:02.
Rating: *** 1/4

A good win for Benoit, and in just over two weeks time, he's gonna take on Goldust at Summerslam. Still to come tonight, in the main event, Owen Hart and The British Bulldog are gonna take on Pierre Oulette and Mabel. But first, let's go back to three days ago on Monday Night Raw.

Now the Bulldog leaves the ring to go after Oulette, and the referee follows. As Smith advances, Pierre tosses the belt into the ring. Mabel picks it up, and stands waiting for Davey Boy to return to the squared circle. Before he does though, Owen Hart runs down the aisle and into the ring! Hart taps Mabel on the shoulder, the champ turns round, and has the belt snatched out of his grasp. One hard shot with the European title later, and Mabel is out cold.

The British Bulldog is the *new* WWF European Champion, but-

'Ahahaha... Money, Money, Money, Money...'

- Owen Hart was unsuccessful in his attempt at taking the Intercontinental title, in the triple threat match with Goldust and The Rock. When we come back, we've got main event tag team action!

21:45 EST {Commercials} 21:48 EST 

Mabel/Pierre Oulette vs Owen Hart/Davey Boy Smith

Owen and Bulldog pretty much have the edge of these two members of the mDo now, with Hart getting a win over Pierre one week ago, and Davey Boy defeating Mabel for the European title on Raw. As for *this* match, we join it sixty seconds in, and it's Pierre who has the upper hand, taking it to Hart. Oulette nails Hart with a dazzling array of kick and punch offense, but Owen starts to fight back himself. Right hands from Owen, Oueltte tries to punch back, but Hart blocks, boots Pierre in the chest, then executes a double underhook suplex!

Hart goes right for the pin, but Oulette easily kicks out. Now it's time for the Bulldog's first intervention into the match, as Owen makes the tag. Smith with an atomic drop on Pierre, then a quick clothesline to the canvas. Smith goes for a cover of his own, but again Oulette is out quickly, and moments later Pierre reverses a cross corner whip and hits an avalanche to regain the advantage for his team. Oulette with a headbutt, and now, at the two minute mark, the tag is made to the former European Champion, Mabel.

Mabel takes Smith into the corner, and starts choking him. This begins a slow and methodical punishment from Mabel, that wears Bulldog down for over two minutes. The crowd is close to falling asleep, but it's Smith who comes off the worse in the whole ordeal. Facelock, reverse chinlock, Sleeper, Mabel takes great pleasure in constantly executing the world's most boring holds repeatedly, sending Smith slowly into unconsciousness. Just when it looks like the Bulldog is out, Mabel comes off the ropes with the move that won him the title, a legdrop, and makes a cover-



Smith somehow gets his shoulder up! Mabel picks Davey up and slams him, then makes the tag to Oulette, who drops an elbow on the Bulldog before hitting the top rope. Cannonball coming- But Davey Boy gets his knees up! Oulette holds his chest in pain, as Smith crawls over and finally makes a tag to Owen! Hart jumps in, quickly pulls Oulette to his feet, sends him for the ride then nails him with a dropkick! Mabel waddles in, and he gets met with a dropkick too!

Mabel falls to the outside, as Hart turns his attentions back to Pierre. Enzirguiri gets a two count. Another whip, and Owen gets himself another two count with a backslide. Oulette gets right up out of the cover, but Hart plants him with a DDT. He drags Pierre over to the corner, then climbs the buckles. Flying elbowdrop is signalled, but Mabel, now back up on the apron, walks across and shoves Hart down from the turnbuckle to the floor.

Smith jumps down from his corner of the apron to help Hart up, but he gets nailed by Oulette and dragged away, as Mabel drops down and goes after Owen. Mabel tosses Hart into the guardrail, and starts manhandling him like a ragdoll around ringside. A bodyslam on the concrete has Owen hurting, and Mabel decides to leave him there, returning to his side of the ring. Meanwhile, Smith and Oulette are now going at in the ring, and the referee's apparently decided to let them be the legal men.

Unlike earlier with Mabel though, Smith's faring better. He rocks Oulette with right hands, then takes him up for the half hour suplex! He sends Pierre crashing down, then makes a quick cover that gets nothing. Bulldog then delivers some fists to the mid-section, as Hart gets to his feet on the floor. In the ring, Smith gets Oulette up for the Running Powerslam... and nails it!-



Mabel pulls Davey Boy off, rolls him on his back, then executes a sitdown splash before Smith can get outta dodge! He then puts Pierre on top of Smith, and the ref makes the count-



Hart comes off the top rope with an elbowdrop, nailing Oulette on the back of the head, and breaking the pin! Hart now puts Davey Boy on top, but that goes nowhere as the referee turns to getting Owen and Mabel out of the ring. Good luck. Hart with a cross corner whip, then a clothesline to the big man in the corner. Owen goes for another cc whip, but Mabel reverses this time, sending Hart into the buckle hard. But now Davey Boy's on his feet, and he charges up behind Mabel and clotheslines him out over the top rope!

Smith goes out after him, as Hart now goes back to Oulette. Pierre rakes him in the face though, then quickly scoop slams him. Where on earth are Mabel and the Bulldog going? As those two fight away down the aisle, Oulette goes to the top rope, attempting the Cannonball for the second time in the match. He let's fly-

And again it proves unsuccessful! Owen rolls out of the way, and immediately pounces on the fallen Pierre. Sharpshooter! Hart get's it sinched in, when suddenly we get 'Marvelous' Marc Mero in the ring, nailing Owen from behind for the lame dq.

Davey Boy Smith and Owen Hart defeated
The Million Dollar Organisation (Mabel and Pierre Oulette) when O. Hart
 defeated Mabel by disqualification in 0:10:16.
Rating: DUD

As the bell rings, Mero gets Owen up to his feet, and starts jabbing him with some of those 'Golden Glove' lefts and rights. He goes for the TKO, but now Adam Bomb hits the ring! Bomb charges at Mero, causing the Marvelous one to release Owen, and he nails him with a vicious clothesline! Oulette tries to attack, but he gets met with a clothesline too! Getting to his feet, Owen looks puzzled to see Bomb there, but he shakes his hand as we fade out.