July 20th 1998 : Binghamton, New York
LIVE ON THE U.S.A. NETWORK : 21:00 - 22:00

Before we get started, we get shown numerous stills from last night's main event, as 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin defeated Shawn Michaels. Then we get shots of the New Age Outlaws re-uniting, before finally, at three past the hour we hit the

- Opening Credits

One day removed from the drama of In Your House, and we’re all set for the March To Summerslam! Just four weeks from now, Steve Austin is gonna challenge the WWF Champion for the world title, and both he and the current champion Jeff Jarrett are in the building tonight. Plus, the re-united New Age Outlaws are on hand, plus we’re gonna see the European title on the line as Adam Bomb defends against Mabel! But first, did somebody say HBK?

‘Oh... Oh... Shawn!’

As Josh Cooper curses in his Franchise pyjamas, Shawn Michaels hits the ring. He looks pretty happy, not looking like someone who’s WWF career ended last night. Last night at In Your House, Michaels and Austin went to a twenty minute thriller, in what was undoubtedly the match of the year so far in 1998. Austin pulled out the win, and Michaels’ wrestling career is now over. So what in Benoit’s name is he doing here?

Michaels : ‘Binghamton, New York, give it up for H... B... K!’

Cheers for Michaels. I feel like I’m watching that indy fed in Atlanta. You know, the crowd were booing him last night. In this same damn arena. Ah well, that's-a showbusiness!

Michaels : ‘I’m glad you feel that way. You see, last night, the HeartBreak Kid fought a match
                  that had the critics going wild. They say it was four stars, but everyone could see,
                  for Shawn Michaels, that was a five star performance. And in that match, I worked
                  my ass off, but the fact is, it was my own fault I didn’t come away with both the
                  WWF title shot, and more importantly than that... my WWF career.'

Pause. He isn’t gonna start crying is he? He was all smiles when he came out, now he seems Heart-Broken! Hahahaha-groan.

Michaels : ‘You know, I got rushed into a decision I didn't really want to make last night, and
                  looking back it was the wrong decision. But I made my bed, and now I gotta sleep
                  in it. I've acted like a bit of a jerk this past month, but last night kinda put it all in
                  perspective. But, [deep breath] I'm not here to talk about the past, about last night,
                  I'm here to talk about right now. Since it doesn't look like I'll be doing any
                  wrestling anytime soon, I felt that it would be unfair to deprive the viewers of
                  seeing the HeartBreak Kid, so I thought I'd come out, do a little
                 colour-commentary. That sound okay?'

Crowd pops. Lawler groans.

Michaels : 'That's okay then. Binghamton New York, it's been great being the Showstopper,
                  but for now? The show must go on.'

Michaels' theme tune kicks in again, as Shawn tosses the mic on the mat and walks down to the announcers position.

Lawler : '[To Ross] Damnit JR, why does Michaels have to come out here and ruin things for
               everybody? Nobody cares what he has to say, they wanna hear from the King!'

Shawn puts on a headset.

Michaels : 'How's it going King, JR?'

Lawler : 'Hey Shawn, me and Ross were just talking about how honoured we were that you
               were coming to join us here! Especially me!'

Michaels : 'Well-'

2001 Space Oddysey? Whoo!

Lawler : 'Whoo!'

Jarrett heads to ringside, flanked by the now back together New Midnight Express, still the WWF Tag Team Champions. Last night was defintely a night for re-uniting tag teams, and in tag team action tonight we're gonna see the Headhunters take on Brian Adams and Savio Vega of the m.D.o..

Jarrett : 'Last night was quite a night huh guys? Everything turned out the way it was
             supposed to, and all the gold is all back where it belongs. You know, people
             were asking me earlier, aren't you worried about the New Age Outlaws? And I
             laughed. Jesse Jammes, he's a good for nothing punk, and I spent the last three
             months using him, just like I did in Memphis. Armstrong, you're the phoney piece o'
             crap, and not only have you burnt the bridge to the old DX, may it rest in peace, but
             you've burnt the bridge to Jeff Jarrettt for good. No more sponging off the champ, no
             more riding on my coat-tails. When you come crawling back again, and I know you
             will, all you're gonna get is spit in your eye and a boot in your ass.'

The champ turns away from the camera and walks across the ring to face

Jarrett : 'And hey boy-toy, you sure you want to be out here, week in week out? After last
             night, you ain't allowed to lace it up no more, and are you sure you wanna be
             watching Jeff Jarrett style and profile like no other? Try not to get too bitter when you
             see me defending this belt every month, and when I do something you could never
             do! And that's beat Steve Austin, for a second time!'


Austin wastes no time coming out, charging down to ringside and clearingthe ring of Jarrett and company. Jarrett dropped his microphone when hejumped out of the ring, and Austin's quick to pick it back up.

Austin : 'Stone Cold Steve Austin was sitting out back, reading the latest issue of Playboy

[crowd pops. Herb Kunze jumps to his feet and shouts at his tv that this is typical of modern wrestling, and that everyone in the crowd is a moron.Then his mom bangs on his bedroom door and tells him to quiet down, and that she hopes he's tidied up all those Observers off the floor. Kunze promplty does, mumbling to his Dave Meltzer poster that 'If I had friends she wouldn't talk to me like that.' Oops, back to the show.]

Austin : ', and I heard my name being mentioned out here. Jeff Jarrett, son, don't you even
               think about walking back down that aisle, you're staying here unless you want an
               ass whooping four weeks ahead o' schedule. But Shawn Michaels, ya come out
               here, take your little announce position, how does it feel to have been stunnered
               outta contention? How does it feel to see Steve Austin walk that aisle, knowing that
               you just couldn't cut it, just like I said you couldn't?'

Ross : 'Don't get involved Shawn.'

Michaels : 'I couldn't give a rat's ass about him or the world title, if he wants Jeff Jarrett, that's

Austin : 'What'd you say boy? [Michaels now just sits there and blows Austin off] That's about
             right. Cat's got your tongue, and Steve Austin's got your career. But Shawn Michaels,
             you're yesterdays news, and that's the bottom line. Jeff Jarrett, you wanna step back
             in here?'

Jarrett, now with a mic of his own, starts to climb back up the steps, then motions for the N.M.E. to go in first.

Austin : 'Uh uh! You keep your little posse on the floor, I just want it to be you and me for a

Still on the outside Jarrett shakes his head, then makes loads of pointing gestures to loads of people in the vicinity.

Austin : 'What are ya Jeff, nothing but a Nashville Pussy?'

Lawler : 'He's from Memphis you dumbass!'

Now Jarrett's entering the ring, cautiously. Austin's smirking as Jarrett raises the mic to his face.

Jarrett : 'What? You got me, you got the champ, you've got Jeff Jarrett right here. What it is
              you want?'

Austin : 'What I want? Why Jeff, all I wanna do is shake your hand boy.'

Jarrett raises his eyebrows.

Austin : 'Heck, don't act surpirsed, we got quite a little bit of teamwork going on here. After
             all, me and you, we both conspired to put Shawn Michaels outta the business, right
             son? [Jarrett nods and smiles] And last night, I heard Jesse Jammes was after me
             with a baseball bat on Raw, and you ended up punking him out. I'd say that was
             pretty damn good shit.'

Jarrett grins wider.

Austin : 'So I figured, why let something as small as the world title, get in the way of relations
             here, as it's clear as day we're both on the same page right? Hell, you're a great
             athlete, I'm a great athlete, what's to gain from kicking the crap outta each other
             Jeff? Let's forget about Summerslam, you can keep your title belt, and we'll go get a
             couple o' Steve-weisers.'

Jarrett looks so happy he can barely contain himself.

Jarrett : 'You'll forget about the title shot? Austin my man, this is without doubt, the greatest
              night in wrestling history. How'd you like that Michaels? Huh? Whoo! Hit my mus- No
              wait, [puts arm around Austin] hit our music!'

Jarrett's [Flair's] theme kicks in, and Austin and Jarrett start to leave. The NME are looking on in disbelief on the outside.

Austin : 'Oh wait, one last thing.'

The music stops.

Austin : 'Before we go, I just want to congratulate you again, on a few more things. First of all,
             congratulations on being the best damn heavyweight champion in the history of the
             WWF. Congratulations on keeping your tag champs together. And congratulations on-'

He looks at the crowd.

Austin : '- being the dumbest son of a bitch I ever saw!'

Yee-ha! It was so predictable, but who cares? Yee-ha!

Jarrett jumps away from Austin and throws a fit, throwing his world title to the canvas, as the Express leap into the ring and go to attack Austin. Steve fights them both off and sends them to the floor as Jarrett looks on. As the NME depart, Jarrett picks his belt back up and charges at Austin with it, but Austin ducks, then turns and plants the champ with a stunner!


Austin pulls Jarrett to his feet and tosses him to the floor, where Gunn and Holly then help him backstage. With the music still playing, Austin re-takes the mic.

Austin : 'Binghamton, New York, if ya think that Jeff Jarrett is the stupidest son of a bitch on
             the face o' this earth, gimme a hell yeah!'

Huge crowd response. Austin leaves to the cheers of the crowd. We cut to HBK at ringside.

Michaels : 'What the hell was that? Is that the kind of crap we're gonna be seeing on Raw
                 now that the HeartBreak Kid is gone?'

Ross ignores him [is Shawn a face or not?] and runs down tonight's card in full.

Brian Adams and Savio Vega vs The Headunters ; European title on the line as Adam Bomb takes on Mabel ; Fit Finlay meets the former Intercontinental Champion The Rock ; plus, we're apparently gonna have a live backstage drawing, and Double J will defend his world title, tonight! Where the hell did that come from? I'm not so sure even Jarrett knows about it.

We'll be having that drawing a little later. No word on who's in it. But it's time for our opening contest : let's get things started!

After this commercial break.

21:10 EST [Commercials] 21:12 EST 

As we come back, we see Vinny Mac backstage. He's standing behind a table, with a big drum type thing [you know, like the one Goldberg had?] on it, which apparently contains a bunch of names. Okay, so so far I've stolen the Austin/McMahon 'I've-changed-but-no-it-turns-out-I-was-just-kidding' scenario from the WWF, and the drum-type-thing lottery from WCW. So now it's just ECW to plagiarise. Very well, I declare that this next match will be utter shit.

Match 1 : Brian Adams/Savio Vega vs The HeadHunters

Well, it's been a month since the m.D.o. arrived on the scene, and what's been accomplished? Adams and Vega didn't take advantage of their tag team title shot, Marc Mero failed to take the European Championship, and The Rock lost the Intercontinental belt. It's not exactly been the true revolution it was originally proclaimed to be.

But Adams and Vega have a chance to score a big win for the Organisation here, as they fight to get another tag title shot. And with Mabel having a title shot of his own later tonight, and hopefully we'll find out *why* he's getting that shot, things may start to look up for the mDo. They  better do *something* soon, they ruined a perfectly good King Of The Ring pay-per-view, and it might as well be for a reason.

We get Adams and Hunter #1 starting things off. And it's Crush who surprisingly gets the upper hand first, taking #1 down with a powerslam just moments into the match. This results in the matches first two count, but it's unlikely you're gonna defeat the Headhunters that quick. The mDo has control though, and Adams hits a succession of forearms and boots before disposing of #1 to the floor. When he returns after the referee counts to five, Adams rakes the eyes then tags out to Vega.

Savio executes a back heel kick, but then loses the advantage for his team as he misses a clothesline and ends up being backdropped to the canvas! Now the Hunters start to take control. A tag is made to #2, and a double elbowsmash is hit, before Savio ends up getting gorilla pressed to the mat. #2 drops an elbowdrop, then goes up top to hit a flying legdrop! He makes the cover, but Adams is there to make the save.

Crush gets a warning from the referee, as Hunter #2 tags out. #1 gets off to a better start than he did during his last stint in the ring, squashing Vega with a splash right away, but Adams is there once again to break the count. The Headhunters make another tag, and #2 executes a backsuplex on Savio, who's getting the crap beaten out of him here. Vega gets bodyslammed, and then we look to the aisle, where Rocky Maivia has made an appearance. Hey, what the hell is this graphic?

The Match Will Continue...

We're in Jeff Jarrett's dressing room, and he doesn't look happy. Apparently Jeff isn't too happy about a few events here tonight. Being made to look like a fool by Steve Austin, and secondly, this random draw world title defense tonight. We'll be having that drawing right after the tag match. Speaking of said match, we now return you to the regularly scheduled action.

The Match Continues...

And we see the Rock at ringside, as Savio currently has one of the Hunters [damn cutaway made me lose track] in a headlock. Vega then takes, let's say, #2 down with a legsweep, then tags Adams into the ring. Adams dishes out a few right hands, then takes his opponent down with a shoulderblock. Cover for two. Crush whips him into the ropes, and nails him with another forearm. DDT for another close pin attempt.

This match is going nowhere. Adams takes #2 into the corner, and starts choking him out before Chiota forces him to break it. He then gets the Hunter up for a big bodyslam, then tags in Vega, who enters the ring via a flying elbowdrop! One count, and Savio decides to go for a sleeper hold. Yeah, good one. Yadda yadda yadda, he eventually elbows way out of the hold, then, with Savio on his back, he crushes him in the corner. Now it's a race to tag, which Vega wins, but gets met right away with a right hand from Headhunter #1.

#1 unloads on Vega, pounding him with right and left hands, then bashing him to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Whip into the ropes leads to a hard clothesline. Into the corner for ten right hands to the face. Another clothesline, and now #1 is going to the top turnbuckle! Top rope Splash! He covers-

And Adams has the referee. What's Maivia up to? Rocky jumps into the ring, pulls Hunter #1 to his feet, then DDT's him! He pulls Vega on top, then quickly leaves the ring. As Rocky makes his exit, Hunter #2 follows him out, pissed, leaving no-one to make the save inside the ring. Sayonara Hunters.

The Million Dollar Organisation (Brian Adams and Savio Vega) defeated
The Head Hunters in 0:06:17.
Rating: 1/4*

The mDo picks up the victory, and Adams helps Vega to his feet as the music plays. Meanwhile, Hunter #2 is following Maivia backstage, until BAM, he gets nailed by Mabel! Where'd he come from? The man who might walk out of the arena tonight European Champion slams the Hunter, then hits a splash that dwarfs the one dished out to Savio.

Maivia goes and gives Mabel a hug [ew...], and the two walk off leaving #2 laying on the ground. The comeback of the Headhunters took a bad step there. But anyway, who's Jeff Jarrett gonna be defending the world title against tonight?

Another area backstage. You saw it earlier.

McMahon : 'Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, there will be a drawing to determine the
                   challenger for Jeff Jarrett's WWF world title, here tonight on Monday Night Raw.
                   Inside here, are the names of every WWF superstar, with the exception of Steve
                   Austin, and the competitor who's name is picked out in just a few moments, will
                   recieve a shot at Jeff Jarrett.'

A name is picked out of the drum.

McMahon : 'And the man who'll recieve a title shot here tonight is...
                   Booker T. We now return you to WWF Raw.'

Booker T huh? Hm, I figured it'd be one of the Outlaws or something. So that's the main event tonight then. Defending his title for the first time since King Of The Ring, Jeff Jarrett will take on one half of Harlem Heat, Booker T. We'll be back.

Before we cut to the commercials, we get a full screen shot of the British flag, with 'God Save The Queen' playing as the audio. We then get a message across the screen. "Royalty is coming". What's *that* about?

21:25 EST [Commercials] 21:27 EST 

We return to see the aftermath of the British Bulldog/Mabel match last night at In Your House, as Mabel and Oulette went to work on Davey Boy. Owen Hart made the save, but not before the mDo did a hell of a lot of damage. Smith was eventually taken to hospital, and, because of his injuries, will miss the European title shot granted to him by his DQ win last night.

We now cut to Pierre Oulette and Mabel, who had these words for the cameras earlier today.

Oulette : 'Davey Boy Smith, last night, you felt the power... of the Million Dollar
               Organisation. When this man came down on you, time and time again,
               breaking every bone in your body, that's the power. The power of money.
               And then, haha, I went and cost little Owen Hart the Intercontinental title belt,
               because let me tell you Hart, the only man who's getting that title from
               Goldust, is the Rock!'

Mabel just stands behind Oulette, looking menacing. And only a little silly.

Oulette : 'But tonight's another night, and another title. Tonight's all about the European
               title. Marc Mero was a victim of circumstances last night, but this time, it's just
               gonna be the mDo and Adam Bomb. No four corners matches, just straight up.
               And Bomb? You've ducked losing that title many times, but your days of
               ducking are over. Tonight, WWF fans, we'll be seeing a new European
               Heavyweight Champion, and it's *this* man. Mabel!'

Mabel throws his head back and laughs. We cut back to the arena to see one of the competitors in last night's European title four way, Fit Finlay, head to the ring. In terms of tonight's Adam Bomb/Mabel match, it should be pointed out that he should he be able enough, the British Bulldog will face the winner of that match, next week on Monday Night Raw.

'Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?'

Just time to squeeze in a quick Summerslam plug, it's coming live and exclusive to pay-per-view, on August the 16th!

Match 2 : Fit Finlay vs Rocky Maivia

Like Pierre said a few moments ago, The Rock is indeed the next in line for an Intercontinental title shot, against the current champ Goldust. Finlay attacks Maivia before the bell, and then immediately clotheslines him out over the top! Maivia paces for a moment on the floor, obviously upset at this early turn of events.

When he does return to the ring, he's met by a Yakuza kick from the Irishman! He then nails a Doctor Bomb, as Rocky makes possibly the worst start imaginable to this match. Finlay is certainly up for this one, after the disapointment of last night, he wants to make sure he gets that IC title shot for himself. He drops a legdrop, then backs Maivia into the corner and unleashes an array of chops. Neckbreaker gets a two count, before Rocky finally gets a break in this match as Finlay misses an elbowdrop off the top.

Because Rocky couldn't sell if he had a suitcase full of jackets and met a naked guy with a million bucks in his hand in the middle of Times square on the coldest day in the history of the planet... he pops right up to his feet. Picking Finlay up, Maivia proceeds to start booting him in the chest. After putting him on the canvas with a shoulderblock, Rocky then pulls him back up again and executes a snap suplex for his first two count of the contest. At this point, continuing the mDo theme tonight, which will carry on to our next match for the European title, Marc Mero starts to walk down the aisle.

Almost on cue, Finlay starts to retake the advantage. He blocks a right hand from Maivia, then takes the former IC Champ's legs from under him with a legsweep. Finlay with a series of left and right hands, then pretty much out of nowhere, scoops him up and executes the Tombstone Piledriver! Cover-



And Mero pulls Maivia out of the ring! What a dick! The referee admonishes Mero, as the Marvelous One helps Rock to his feet. Finlay jumps to the floor though, and bashes both mDo members heads together! It's the 1980's baby! Finlay throws Rocky back into the ring, then turns and nails Mero with a dropkick. Marc goes falling to the floor, and Fit's free to return to the ring, where the Rock has miraculously recovered.

Maivia meets him with a knee to the chest, then puts him on the mat with a DDT. Instead of covering he starts yakking at the crowd. Apparently he's gonna be the next WWF Intercontinental Champion. Maivia pulls Finlay up, but gets met with a fist to the jaw. That was foolish Rock, you let the guy recover. Finlay gets to his feet and staggers the Rock with left hand jabs, then goes to whip him into the ropes. Maivia reverses though, and when Fit hits the ropes, Mero grabs Finlay's foot, tripping him up!

Finlay springs up to his feet, turning his back on Rocky, and starts shouting abuse at Mero. Rocky comes up from behind, spins him round, boots him in the chest, Rock Bottom, adios.

Rocky Maivia pinned Fit Finlay with the Rock Bottom in 0:05:33.
Rating: ** 3/4

Another win for the mDo tonight, as Mero gets revenge on Finlay for his elimination at In Your House. Next week on Raw, Maivia takes on Goldust, live and exclusive on WWF Monday Night Raw!

Speaking of future WWF programming, this week on Thunder sees the following matches :
In his WWF debut, Marty Jannetty is gonna take on mDo [ yes, them again ] member, Savio Vega. You just saw him in action moments ago, and Fit Finlay will be back to take on Stevie Ray, plus Chris Chetti will go one on one with Hunter Hearst Helmsley. There'll be much more action as well, make sure to tune in at 9pm Eastern on the U.S.A. Network, for WWF Thunder!

Harlem Heat is backstage.

Booker : 'We asked for this time, to talk about the tag team titles, but after what just took
               place with McMahon, I gotta say *this*. Jeff Jarrett? Sucka? I didn't expect to get
               this chance, but you better believe I'm gonna take it. Back in April, no-one gave
               you a chance at taking the title, just like I guess no-one's gonna be givin' me a
               chance. But I guarantee you, tonight, Booker T is gonna be the WWF Champion!'

Stevie : 'Dat's right sucka, this man right beside me, he's gonna be the next world
              champion, but he's also gonna be one half of the next *tag team* champions.
              Now that the belts are back in order, they may as well be around the waists
              of the best damn tag team in the WWF. Harlem Heat!'

Booker : 'New Midnight Express, we're issuing a challenge-'

Off Camera : 'Whoah, whoah, whoah, hold it!'. The New Age Outlaws enter the scene.

Jammes : 'Just wait a road-doggy minute! If anyone's gonna be taking the gold of the
                 t-a-g from the N-M-E, it'll be the N-A-O, and the not the old double-H. We're
                 back, and in true Outlaw style, and it's *us*, who're gonna be taking those WWF
                 tag team titles!'

Stevie : 'Who the hell do you punks think you are? This is *our* interview time, and
              those are gonna be our belts!'

Gunn : 'Stevie Ray? If you ain't down with the New Age Outlaws taking the titles from
            The New Midnight Express, then we got two words for ya... Suck it!'

The NAO give the Heat a double crotch chop, and Booker swings a punch at Gunn, who ducks out of the way.

Booker : 'Listen punks, you think you deserve a title shot? How about your two punkasses
               take on the Harlem Heat, right here, next week on Raw?'

Jammes and Gunn nod in agreement, and the two teams exchange words and point fingers as we cut away for a break.

21:40 EST [Commercials] 21:43 EST 

Welcome back folks. Up next, we'll see the European title on the line as Adam Bomb defends against Mabel. But first, a little trip back in time to the last time these two went at it, as Mabel made his WWF debut. Flashback to the 8th of June.

- Oh dear. Bomb charges at Mabel, but he moves out of the way,
and Bomb goes straight into Oscar, who was standing on the apron.
Oscar bashes the European champ with the microphone, and Bomb
falls to the mat unconscious. Elbowdrop from Mabel and -

Mabel pinned Adam Bomb with an elbowdrop in 0:00:08
Rating : 1/2*

Hopefully this match will go a little longer. Amazingly enough, that wasn't even Bomb's most embarrasing defeat! I don't think we'll go into the whole Hack Myers incident though. To the ring! Wait a minute, just what *did* happen to Oscar?

[Cue ominous, foreshadowing music. Dun duh duuuuuuh!]

'Nuclear Attack...'

Mabel hit the ring during the break, so let's get straight to the action!

Match 3 : European Championship
Adam Bomb [c] vs Mabel [w/Pierre Oulette]

I've seen the future and it will be. May-Bel! I've seen the future and it works. Someone get that rather irrelevant reference, and I will forever be in their debt. Lock-up, and Bomb rakes the eyes before quickly jumping up to the top rope. Man, you know you've booked a crap match when Bryan Clark is the faster of the two men. Bomb floors Mabel just seconds into the match with a flying clothesline!

Bomb waits for the big man to get to his feet, then nails him with another clothesline. Elbowdrop, and Adam then walks over to the apron and knocks Pierre, who had jumped up seconds before, back to the concrete. As Bomb deals with Oulette though, Mabel gets back to his feet, and hits the champ with a headbutt from behind. He yanks him down to the mat by the hair, then drops a big fat elbowdrop. He follows it up by whipping Bomb into the corner, then staggers in after him, squashing Bomb in the corner.

Mabel sends him into the other corner, but when he tries to charge in after again, Bomb raises his boot and sends it right into Mabel's face! Bomb hits a clothesline, staggering the challenger, but when he goes for another Mabel slams him down with a Bossman slam! Mabel with a legdrop off the ropes. Two count. He pulls Bomb to his feet then repeatedly bashes his head into the turnbuckle. Is this match over yet? Mabel sends him down with another clothesline, and gets another two.

Bomb gets pulled up to his feet, but Mabel loses the advantage when the champ blocks a right hand and starts hammering back. A succession of right hands from the champion, then he dropkicks Mabel through the ropes to the floor! Mabel stands around outside for about thirty seconds, (count ref count!) discussing things with Oulette, before finally returning to the ring.
Lockup, and Mabel rakes the eyes. He locks on a bearhug, and this is getting weary.

Michaels : 'This sure is a great match huh?'
Lawler : 'Cram it Shawn, you're just bitter 'cos you ain't allowed in there anymore.'
Michaels : 'You want me to drag your ass into that ring right after this title match?'
Lawler : 'Ross, you're a witness here!'
Ross : 'I think I have something in my eye.'
Lawler : 'What?!'

Bomb eventually punches his way out of the bearhug, and then sends Mabel staggering backwards into the corner with a dropkick. Right hand precedes right hand, and Bomb then signals for the Crotch Slam! But what's this is? The entire mDo storming the ring?

They're sure working tonight. Adams, Vega, Mero and Oulette jump into the ring, and go right after the champion. And Bomb fights them off! Right hand sends Vega down! Mero gets clothelined to the mat! Oulette gets dropkicked! Adams gets disposed of too, and the match continues. Bomb sends Mabel for the ride, then slams him with a powerslam, nearly breaking right through the ring! Cover.

Two count. The champ pulls Mabel up to his feet, then whips him into the ropes again. Mabel goes for the ride, then- crash. Mabel goes down to the canvas, and it looks like somebody tripped him up when he went into the ropes. Oscar?! What the hell is *he* doing here? The beached whale is on the canvas, but Bomb's more concerned with the presence of Oscar. Where'd the mDo disappear to?

Bomb, not happy with this interference on his behalf, walks across the ring to where Oscar stands a few feet earlier. He motions for Oscar to 'get the fuck outta-', but before he can finish that sentence, Bomb gets nailed from behind. Mabel came in with a clothesline to the back of the head, and a bodyslam then puts Bomb on the canvas. He comes off the ropes with a legdrop and-




New European Champion!

Mabel pinned Adam Bomb with a legdrop in 0:06:46.
Rating: 1/2*
(Mabel won the WWF European Title.)

I guess I'm plagiarising again. This time it's from 'Alienating your audience 101' by William Shatner. Needless to say, Bomb ain't happy, and as the mDo returns to the ring to celebrate with Mabel, he takes off after the departing Oscar.

Regardless of how it went down though, we've got a new European Champion, as Bomb's three month title reign comes to an end. Will Jeff Jarrett's run as champion end tonight? Here's one guy who doesn't think so.

Jeff Jarrett's backstage.

Jarrett : 'Yeah, I think so. If you're gonna have me go out and defend my title, it's only
              right that the champ gets a litle more interview time. Now, first of all, it's nice
              of the World Wrestling Federation to just spring this one on me. They go to me,
              they say Jeff, go out, do your thing on the mic to kick things off, 'cos damnit, we
              need the ratings. I get back to the dressing room, all of a sudden it's like, 'Oh by
              the way, you gotta world title match tonight'. What a load of bullshit. And then
              they're gonna stick me in there against a mid-carder with a bad back? Listen
              Titan, Jeff Jarrett is above all this shit. Way above. Booker T, you ain't got a
              chance in hell of taking my belt, and that's the way it's gonna be. Whoo!'

21:55 EST [Commercials] 21:58 EST

Looks like we'll be running over tonight. The main event is up next-

Michaels : 'You know what Ross? I think it's pretty damn pathetic, that I had to put my
                  career on the line to get a title shot, and yet Booker T gets one through some
                  random draw. You know, last week I had a bit of a rant about getting screwed
                  over, and this business now pretty much defines the term.'

- but first, clips are shown of Booker T's losing confrontation with Hunter Hearst Helmsley from last night.

'Yes Yes Yes... No No No...'

For the first time in seven weeks, the WWF title is on the line on WWF Raw!

[World Wrestling Federation Championship]
Jeff Jarrett [c] [w/The New Midnight Express] vs Booker T

It takes the referee a while to get Gunn and Holly out of the ring, but after an immense amount of stalling, Booker elects to just charge at the champion, knocking him to the mat with a clothesline. Booker goes down to dish out a few right hands, but Jarrett squirms his way out of Booker's grasp, and slips out to the floor. Mucho stalling from the champ, as he and the Express discuss their strategy.

Eventually we're back on, and after they lockup for the first time in the match, Jarrett goes right for a sleeper, but Booker is in the ropes within seconds. Going for a sleeper already? Jeff must really be dogging it tonight. Lockup again, and now Jarrett rakes the eyes and backs the Heat member into the corner. A few chops in the corner, then Booker spins Jarrett into the corner himself, and unleashes some chops of his own! T smashes his elbow into the side of the champion's face, then suplexes him into mid-ring for the matches first cover.

Booker pulls Jarrett to his feet and sends him into the ropes. Standing side kick sends him down! Another cover, two count. Whip into the buckle, and T follows through with a clothesline. More chops, as Booker keeps in control. T sends Jarrett to the ropes again, but Jeff manages to duck an axe kick, then turns and smashes Booker in the face with a Superkick! Booker goes down, and Jarrett, instead of covering, gathers his head then strolls over in the direction of Shawn Michaels, and proceeds to ask the former world champion how much he likes *that*.

At ringside, Michaels ignores him, and Jarrett's left cursing his departure from the action as his cover only gets a two count. Jeff goes for a sleeper again, but Booker ends up getting up to his feet, and backing the champ into the corner of the ring. T repeatedly bashes Jarrett into the corner, but Jarrett won't release the sleeper. A chinbreaker does the trick though, and Booker covers for another two count. Booker is now in control again, but can't capitalise as Jarrett jumps out of the ring for a time-out.

And Jarrett goes right up to Michaels, pointing his finger at Shawn and basically continuing to gloat about the fact that he's champ and Michaels isn't. Booker obviously wasn't too captivated by this conversation, as he comes up behind Jarrett and nails him in the back of the head with a left hand. That alone is enough to send Jarrett falling to the concrete, and Booker follows it up by picking him up and ramming his head into the announce table. As the referee steps in to force the challenger back into the ring, Shawn seizes the oppurtunity to take a cheap shot at Jarrett himself!

Before Jeff can retaliate, Booker returns to the floor, and after sending Jarrett headfirst into the table again, whips him hard into the guardrail. Booker then charges after him, and the champion backdrops him over the guardrail, sending Booker into the crowd! Jarrett goes down to one knee, nursing his pain, as we cut to a replay of what we just saw. Booker then charges after him, and the champion backdrops him over the guardrail, sending Booker into the crowd! The champion now gets to his feet, and retrieves Booker from the crowd, and returning the favour from earlier, bashes *Booker* into the table.

Then after the mandatory insults directed at Shawn, Jarrett rolls Booker back into the ring. Figure four coming up! Just think of all the legendary wrestlers Jarrett's forced to submit with that move! Um...

Anyway, he locks it on! Booker fights it for about ten seconds or so, but he then easily gets to the ropes. Damnit Jeff, you didn't work on the leg enough beforehand. Jarrett takes his time letting go of the hold, but when he does, he immediately drags Booker into the middle of the ring and goes to put the figure-4 on again! He goes to apply it, but Booker reaches up and wraps him into a small package!-



Kickout. Jarrett gets right up to his feet, but so does Booker, who nails the champion with a dropkick! Booker shrugs off the brief effects of the figure-4, and starts raising the roof! The fans are up on their feet now for the first time in the match, are we gonna see a huge upset tonight? Booker picks Jarrett up, then nails him with a Michaels-esque superkick of his own. No cover, as Booker signals for the Missile Dropkick!

He goes up top, as Jarrett slowly gets to his feet.

Suddenly, Holly springs up onto the apron, and shoves Booker down off the top turnbuckle! Booker hits the canvas, going down badly on his leg. Jarrett's a little dazed, but he's quick to evaluate the situation. Figure-4 gets locked on for a second time, and this time it's enough to end the match.

Jeff Jarrett defeated Booker T with the figure four leglock in 0:07:34.
Rating: **
(Jeff Jarrett retained the WWF World Title.)

Booker's given no time to recover though, as Jarrett and the N.M.E begin a mass beatdown. That talk of Heat taking the tag titles obviously didn't please the current champions. This continues for about thirty seconds [USA Network higher-uppers glancing at their watches the whole time], until Stevie Ray runs down to ringside!

Ray enters the ring, but he gets met right away with a shot from one of the tag team title belts. he wanted the belts, but not like that. Ray goes down, and he gets triple-teamed as well, Booker T in no condition to help, heavily favouring his right leg. Situation looks dire for the Heat, until the New Age Outlaws storm the ring! Jammes and Gunn clear house of the three champions, and we fade out with the Outlaws helping Booker and Stevie to their feet.

WWF Raw Wrap Up : July 20th 1998
Well, it was pretty much heels night here in the WWF. The mDo got three victories on Raw, and Jeff Jarrett retained his world title. After that main event, it seems pretty much set that Austin will be facing Jarrett in Summerslam's main event, as it's highly doubtful Double J'll make another defence before then. But who'll be getting the tag title shot at the huge summer event? Next week on Raw, The New Age Outlaws will take on the Harlem Heat, and that'll play a huge role in determining the challengers. Also next week on Raw, Rocky Maivia will be looking for revenge, and looking to regain his Intercontinental title, as he takes on Goldust. Plus, if Smith's fit enough, we'll see the British Bulldog challenge Mabel for the European title, as Davey Boy looks for revenge after last nights events. This week on Thunder, amongst other things detailed earlier in the show, we'll be hearing from Sycho Sid, who'll be explaining, in his own *special* way, what the deal is between him and Vader.

I think that's pretty much all there is to say, apart from the fact that Star Wars is overrated, the new Megadeth album is gonna kick ass, Manchester United are gonna win the treble, it's great to hear that D'arcy won't be leaving the Smashing Pumpkins as originally thought earlier this month, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher is a damn good show, WCW sucks, ECW is wasting perfectly good hospital money on that life support system it's running on, the Maple Leafs and the Pacers'll be taking the trophies this year, and exams are hell. Goodnight everybody!