{short description of image}

‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. Shawn Michaels. Jeff Jarrett.
    Two of the above are two of the most legendary, most popular, and most talented wrestlers in the sport.
    The other is Jeff Jarrett. Trouble is, he's the one wearing the gold.
    For both Austin and Michaels, tonight is a step towards revenge.
    Just under four months ago, Jeff Jarrett tried to destroy the WWF from within, and stole the WWF World Heavyweight title. Michaels was desperate to get it back. He had three chances. He blew them all. Tonight, this is Shawn Michaels’ last chance. Lose tonight, there won’t be another shot.
    Then there’s Austin. For the last three months, he’s gone through everyone in his path. He earned a title shot by defeating the monstrous Sycho Sid inside a steel cage, and had the gold in his hands before Shawn Michaels superkicked it away. Austin’s pinned Jeff Jarrett before though, if he wins tonight, he’d be favourite to do it again.

Tonight, we’ll see the fate of 1998 decided in just one match.
    It’s Austin versus Michaels.
    First time... Last time...
    Only time.

A limosuine pulls up outside the arena. The driver steps out of the vehicle, and goes to open the door to let the limo’s inhabitant out. Why, hello Mr Dibiase.

We’re live in Binghamton, New York! We’re live on pay-per-view! This is the big one folks, it’s no-dq, it’s no count-out, it’s Austin versus Michaels! Plus, three titles will be on the line! The new Intercontinental Champion Goldust defends the belt against the current number one contender, Owen Hart! There’ll be four men fighting over the European title as well, and as tons more of the best wrestling action this side of the equator! Here we go!


Austin strides down to ringside, to the heavy support of the crowd. As he makes his entrance, footage is shown on the screen of what happened after Raw went off the air, as Michaels and Austin had one hell of a fistfight before the scene was broken up by officials.

Austin : 'Big Apple, if you're ready to see Steve Austin whoop Shawn Michaels' ass tonight, gimme a hell yeah!

[Crowd does want to see that, apparently.]

Austin : 'Well, that's about right. But to kick this show off, I thought I should come on
down here, and get a few things off my chest. Now Stone Cold Steve Austin isn't gonna stand here, have lotsa video footage play, and whine about getting shortchanged. I just came out here to tell Shawn Michaels, and all the people here, in North Carolina-

'Oh... Oh... Shawn!'

We're not gonna have the main event *now* are we?

Michaels hits the ring and gets right in Austin's face, then pulls out a microphone of his own out.

Michaels : 'Hey Steve, I couldn't notice that you walked on out here, on *my* pay-per-view, and since we're contractually obligated to be facing each other tonight, I felt I should come out here too. *Nobody* steals my spotlight, especially not tonight.'

Michaels looks pissed. Austin looks humoured.

Austin : ' "Especially not tonight"? Hell I guess, maybe I should let you have the spotlight, since tonight's your damn funeral.'

Michaels : 'There'll be no funeral Austin. What this is, here in this arena, it's the rebirth of the Shawn Michaels era. I never lost my title, and you're gonna be the stepping stone to returning it to it's rightful owner. The WWF world championship belt belongs to *me*, and after Summerslam, it's gonna be back over my shoulder.'

Austin throws his head back and gives a forced laugh, the like of which hasn't been since Sgt. Slaughter dirted up the wrestling garden.

Austin : 'You're so damn confident, and it's frankly embarrasing listening to ya, 'cos it's plain for everyone to see you're gonna fall on your ass.'

Michaels shakes his head.

Michaels : 'The only embarrasment here in the WWF, is that Jeff Jarrett's the world champion, and Shawn Michaels is *not*. As for seeing me fall on my ass, what the cameras didn't show on Monday night, is me laying your ass down with my right foot, as it slammed into your face!'

Another laugh from Austin. He is *so* not taking Michaels seriously.

Austin : 'What a load of crap. Listen son, I'll tell you what the biggest embarrasment is. The biggest embarrasment would be you getting the three count on me here tonight. So what I'm gonna say right now, if you beat me, and I sure as hell know you won't, then I'll leave the WWF forever, and that's the bottom line!'

Shawn's taken aback, and it's a good few seconds before he makes a reply.

Michaels : 'You'd leave the WWF forever?'

Austin : 'Hell yeah, I know I can whoop your ass, but if, by chance or circumstance I can't whoop it, then I got no business being here. So come on Shawn, ya chickenshit, you put your WWF career on the line, we'll make it a Loser Leaves Town match!'

Michaels looks a *little* uncomfortable. Not wanting to seem chickenshit-

Michaels : 'You want a loser leaves town match? You *got* a loser leaves town match! And I'm gonna drive you right out of this fed, just like I drove Bret out!'

Austin : 'Bret who? Favre? You're not dealing with football players here, you're dealing with a man who's hammered your ass before, and's gonna do it again tonight. You shake my hand Shawn, we got the stipulation.'

Michaels hesitantly shakes Austin's hand, then goes to plant him with the Superkick! Austin ducks out of the way though, and then steps back a few feet, smirking.

Austin : 'I got you all figured out Shawn, and you just made the biggest mistake of your life.'

Michaels mouths something unprintable. Austin starts to leave, but Michaels grabs him by the arm and spins him back round to face him.

Michaels : 'Screw you Austin! I got tricks up my sleeve, and you shouldn't even *be* here! After what you did to Jeff Jarrett on Monday, you should be back in jail, and out of this match!'

Austin : 'I should be in jail? Just for giving Jarrett the stunner then borrowing his belt for a while?'

Michaels : 'You know exactly what I'm talking about, you put Jarrett through a windshield, and despite my feelings towards Double J-'

Stone Cold seems confused.

Austin : 'What the hell are you talking about? I didn't put Jarrett through a goddamn windshield! You've lost your damn mind, you're gonna lose your damn career, and that's the bottom line, 'Cos Stone Cold Said So!'


Austin departs as Michaels watches him leave from the ring, and Shawn then heads over to the announce table as Austin's music plays. He grabs a headset-

Michaels : 'JR, if Austin thinks he's driving me out, he thinks he's got me all figured out, he ain't seen *nothing*! I'm gonna take the son of a bitch out of the WWF, in style, and you can take that to the bank, I guarantee it!'

Michaels makes his exit. Hm, all signs pointed to Austin being the one who attacked Jarrett on Raw, even though there were no cameras present. There's one guy who knows, we'll speak to the champ a little later. But who cares? It's time for the opening contest!

Finkel : ‘The following contest is scheduled for one fall; with a thirty minute time limit. With the winner to face Devon Storm for the WWF Cruiserweight Championship!’

The competitors are introduced, and it’s noted that Lynn is wearing a mask, in his old J.L. attire.

Chris Chetti vs Jerry Lynn

I guess the main thing on everybodies mind is, where’s Rey? The answer is : That’s what I’d like to know. Regardless, this should be a great match. These two put on a good contest a month ago on Monday Night Raw, and this match should be as good, if not better. Hennig calls for the bell, and WWF In Your House 4 is officially underway!

Lock up to start, and Lynn puts Chetti in a standing wristlock, but the former champion is quickly in the ropes. Lockup #2, Chetti sends Lynn for the ride, misses a clothesline, then gets floored with one from Lynn! JL allows Chris back up to his feet though, leading to the third lock up of the match. Chetti gains the advantage by kneeing Lynn in the chest, then knocks him down to the canvas with a clothesline of his own. As Lynn gets back up to his feet, Chetti is quick to spring up to the top turnbuckle, and execute a flying cross body press!

It gets just a two count. Despite the fact that the count looked a little slow, Chetti doesn’t argue, and instead goes straight for a springboard splash! Ouch, right into the raised knees of his opponent. Lynn jumps up to his feet, gives Chetti a few right hands, then places him up top. Top Rope DDT seems to be the plan, but Chetti blocks it and shoves Lynn to the canvas! He then waits for Jerry to get to his feet, then nails him with a flying dropkick for a two count. Chetti hits a legdrop, then whips Lynn into the corner, following through with a clothesline. A vertical suplex takes the action back into the middle of the ring, and Chetti then looks to go up top again. Flying legdrop!-



And Lynn’s out. Chetti picks him up, and sends him for the ride into the ropes once again. Leapfrog from Chetti, but Lynn then turns and armdrags him to the mat. Lynn goes for an armbar, but Chetti pops right out of it, then pokes Lynn in the eyes to make sure he doesn’t take away his advantage. Another whip into the ropes, and Lynn gets taken to the mat via a drop toe-hold. Chetti then drops an elbow across the back of his head for a one count.

The champion’s coming down the aisle.

Storm strolls down to ringside, pausing to yell at a set of rather vocal fans on the other side of the guardrail. Chetti gets distracted at the sight of the champ, and gets rolled up from behind by Lynn!-



No cigar. Lynn then starts yelling at Storm on the outside, but Devon doesn't seem to be doing anything. I don't know what JL is saying to Storm, but it leads to *him* being rolled up from behind by Chetti! Just like when the roles were reversed, it only gets two. The cruiserweight champion then walks back down the aisle to the backstage area. Well that was... pointless. In the ring, both men are now on their feet, and are currently trading chops. Lynn ends up whipping Chetti int the ropes, and then catches him coming back with a backbreaker.

Chetti holds his back in pain, and while he's occupied with *that*, Lynn climbs to the top. Flying forearm connects! No cover though, as Lynn executes a back suplex, then nails the Tiger Bomb!



Chetti gets his foot on the ropes! Lynn's pissed, but both men are still relatively fresh and it's no surprise the match didn't end. Lynn then follows up with a German suplex for another two count, and then, in a move reminscent of Chris Benoit, nails three German suplexes in a row, but alas, again only for two. Now it's to a quick resthold break, as JL puts Chetti in a reverse chinlock.

Chris is soon elbowing his way out though, and fully breaks the hold by taking his opponent down to the mat via a back supex. Both men are now down on the mat, but it's Lynn who gets up first. Chetti's not too far behind though, and when Lynn aims a right hand, Chetti's right there to block and then nail one of his own. Lynn goes for another, again it's blocked. Repeat four times more, and then Chetti floors Lynn with a dropkick!

Jerry's quickly back up to his feet, but Chetti then nails him with an enzirguiri. Big legdrop off the ropes! He signals for the Double Springboard Moonsault! He goes for it, but in an ECW-ish move, fucks it up royally and crotches himself on the top rope. Chetti sits upon that top rope for a while, and Lynn decides he'll clothesline Chris right off it, and send him down to the floor! Chetti hits the concrete hard, and then has his pain worsened as Lynn comes flying down with a clothesline from the top buckle!

He gets up to his feet right away, and sends Chetti into the guardrail. Lynn then charges at him with a clothesline attempt, but Chetti ducks and backdrops him over the guardrail into the front row of the crowd! Chetti collapses to the floor, his back is *killing* him, as Lynn lies down in the front row. Chris is the quicker of the two getting to his feet, and he then springboards off the guardrail, into the crowd, nailing Lynn with a clothesline as Lynn tries to get to his feet!

Hennig then leaves the ring and orders both men back into the ring, although Lynn doesn't look like he's able to do any walking at all. Chetti, who's not looking that hot either, picks him up and tosses him back over the guardrail, and the two competitors are soon back in the ring. Chetti bodyslams him when the action resumes, then plants a knee across Lynn's face. He goes up top, and nails a flying elbowdrop spot on! Cover-



Lynn gets his right shoulder up! Chetti's pissed off at that, he thought he had him right there. With a disapointed look on his face, Chris pulls Lynn up to his feet, and Jerry pulls a small package out of nowhere! Hennig counts-




Jerry Lynn pinned Chris Chetti with a small package in 0:10:27.

Rating: *** 1/2

Excellent match to kick things off here tonight, and after the match we get a touching show of sportsmanship, as Chetti and Lynn embrace and shake hands. *Sniff*. Excuse me, I have something in my eye.

So that means, later on tonight, we'll see Devon Storm defend the WWF Cruiserweight Championship against Jerry Lynn! Should be another great match! Next on tonight's card, we've got the British Bulldog facing off against Mabel, and we're gonna go backstage to hear from the Bulldog-

We cut to outside the arena again, where we see a second limosuine arrive, this one containing- well look who showed up, and he brought his tag team title belt with him. Nice of Bob Holly to finally show up. But where'd Holly get the money to ride to the arena in a limosuine? He's just a mid-carder, and Jarrett said two weeks ago on Raw that Holly's 'days of palming off of Jeff Jarrett are over'.

Davey Boy Smith is on hand backstage.

Bulldog : 'You know, one month ago, at the WWF King Of The Ring, I had my shot at the tag team titles taken away from me by one man. Sid. And Sid, I hope you win the European title tonight, 'cos after the British Bulldog gets through tonight, I'll be the number one contender. Mabel, tonight you're gonna feel the bite of the bulldog, and I've got an entire nation behind me. And then tomorrow night on Raw, whether it's Sid, Adam Bomb, Mero or Fit, the Bulldog is finally gonna get some gold, and that's a fact. Tonight it's Mabel, tomorrow Europe!'

Yee-ha! The four way crash for the-

'Ahahahaha... Money, Money, Money, Money...'

-European title is coming a little later on, but now it's time for a battle of the big men, as The British Bulldog takes on the five hundred pound Mabel!

'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith vs Mabel

The crowd doesn't seem that interested in things as the bell rings. Understandable, since this match was announced just this past Monday night, with no accompanying storyline. And with the only stipulation being that of recieving a title shot, at a title most fans have little interest in [I blame Adam!], this match started out to the backdrop of a pretty quiet crowd.

Lockup, and nothing, as both men stand tall. Bulldog then steps back and runs into Mabel with a clothesline, but Mabel doesn't move an inch. Smith with a dropkick, but Mabel waves it off. Mabel grins as the Bulldog stands and wonders how he's gonna get the big man down. He charges at the Purple Monster again, and this time Mabel shows motion, trying to hit a clothesline. Smith ducks it though, turns around, and then starts hammering him with right hands! Mabel starts to stagger, and Davey Boy then comes off the ropes with a lariat to put him down!

Big pop for that. Smith flexes and poses for a while, allowing Mabel to get back up to his feet. Very... very... slowly. It took Smith a lot of effort to put him down the first time, why allow him to get right back up without capitalising? Now we're treated to an intense staredown between the two men, as this match crawls towards the two minute mark, with next to no wrestling taken place. Lockup, and Mabel gives Smith a hard knee to the chest. Numerous forearms to the back, and Smith soon finds himself on the canvas via a kneelift.

Elbowdrop from Mabel gets a two count, and Mabel then pulls Smith up to his feet and bodyslams him. Another pickup, and Smith gets sent for the ride. For the second time in the match though, the Bulldog ducks a Mabel clothesline, and then jumps up and attempts to take the big man down with a crucifix! I don't*think* so. Mabel falls back on the Brit, nearly crushing the poor guy. Cover for



And Smith gets his shoulder up. We hear from JR that the WWF Champion is due to arrive at the arena any moment now, and we should be hearing from him real soon. Lawler's ecstatic. Mabel with some more alledged punches, then he locks on a bearhug. The crowd then goes into a spontaneous chant of 'Paul Ince sucks'. He sure does, New York, he sure does. Thirty seconds after the bearhug is applied, the Bulldog starts showing some signs of life. He eventually starts to punch his way out of the hold, but then wriggles his way up and over Mabel, getting himself in position to carry Mabel over into a sunset flip. Is he nuts? Splat.

Mabel slams on Smith with a buttdrop, but Davey Boy's positioning allows him to get his foot up on the bottom rope. Mabel then stands up to his feet, and during this lengthy sequence of getting upright, a monkey has apparently written chapter's 2 and 3 of the StarWars trilogy. Good for him. Mabel's up, but when he goes to pick Smith up as well, he gets met with a low blow! The effect of this shot sees the big guy fall through the ropes to the floor, as Smith slowly gets to *his* feet.

And Bulldog then follows him out, as Mabel can't seem to be arsed to move. Smith sends him headfirst into the guardrail, but he doesn't seem to be able to do anything more strenous either, as being squashed by Mabel *twice* has had an unkind effect on him. There's a chance it may have effected his sense of time too, as this lame match ends in a lame decision.

Mabel and Davey Boy Smith battled to a double countout in 0:07:31.

Rating: -1/4*

The two men continue to fight it out on the floor, but it's only a matter of seconds before fellow m.D.o. member, Pierre Oulette runs down to the ring. He attacks Smith from behind, and then whacks him across the back with a conveniently placed chair. Davey Boy collpases to the floor in pain. Now he has a bad back as well as a bad stomach. Pierre then tosses Smith back into the squared circle, and he and Mabel follow.

Five, count 'em, FIVE splashes later, the two men seem fairly satisfied with their work. The Bulldog's in immense pain, and is currently showing no signs of life. Oulette and Mabel high-five as the m.D.o. theme kicks in over the speaker system. Wait, Owen Hart's running down to ringside! Hart jumps into the ring, and nails Oulette with a clothesline! Pierre gets tossed over the top rope, and Mabel makes a hasty [as hasty as Mabel can get] exit in the meantime. Hart then tends to Davey Boy as the m.D.o. leaves to boos from the crowd.

Mabel and Pierre *over* with the crowd? What the hell?

But who's gonna get a European title shot tomorrow night on Raw? Well, we don't know who the challenger's gonna be, but, wating backstage, Marc Mero thinks he knows who the champion will be.

Mero : 'Indeed I do. What we just saw, was a *victory* for the m.D.o., and there's gonna be another victory for the m.D.o. later on in the four way. Adam-'

Jim Ross cuts Mero off.

Ross : 'Well Marc, if I could just interrupt you for a second, I've just been handed a note right here. Apparently the referee has changed his decision, due to the post match beating, and has given the previous match to the British Bulldog via dq!'

Mero : 'Whatever. What, you think that was gonna upset me, get me worked up because some referee reversed a decision? The m.D.o. did what they had to do earlier, they put the British Bulldog out of action. So is the WWF trying to say that Davey Boy Smith is getting a title shot on Monday Night Raw? Ross, you and I both know, the British Bulldog can't even *walk*. And after tonight, you can apply that condition to three other men. Because I'm gonna take out Sid, Adam Bomb, and Fit Finlay, one by one, until *I'm* the WWF's European Champion.'

That match is coming up later, but at this time, let's go back to Monday Night Raw, as Booker T took on the Rocky Mountain Beast Vader!

Helmsley starts pounding on Booker, and Vader gets up to his feet and decides to join in. Things are looking pretty bleak for Booker, but then Stevie runs down to ringside! Ray pulls Vader up to his feet and starts bashing him with his right hand, then clotheslines him over the top rope! Hunter then charges at Stevie, but Ray backdrops *him* out over the top! Ray cleaned house! Booker gets up to his feet, and Harlem Heat stand tall in the ring as Vader and Triple-H walk back down the aisle. All is well in face-land!

'Yes Yes Yes... No No No...'

Stevie Ray makes his way down the aisle, as we cut backstage to hear these brief comments from Vader.

Vader : 'Stevie Ray, on Monday night, you witnessed a preview of the carnage that'll be seen tonight! I know your partner pinned my partner, but I saw the look in your eyes when you faced up to Vader. I saw the look of fear! But your fear will be nothing compared to the pain I will inflict! There's no partners tonight, it's just you and me now Ray, and when the bell ring's, it'll be Vader time!'

Vader leaves the interview area, and we follow him as he walks through the arena towards the entrance.

'It's time... It's time... It's Vader time!'

Vader vs Stevie Ray

Ray whips Vader into the ropes to start, but when he goes to shoulderblock him down, Vader just stands there, blatantly no-selling. Ah shit, this isn't gonna be as bad as the last match is it? Ray then goes for a clothesline, but Vader ducks and then pulls Stevie down to the canvas by his arm, and locks on an armbar. That wasn't the power offence I was expecting.

Stevie is soon in the ropes, and Vader then tries to go for a lariat, but Ray ducks *that* and then puts on an armbar hold of his own! Just like before, Vader is quick to get to the ropes as well, but it's Stevie who now takes control of the matchup. Elbowsmash from the Harlem Heat member, and he then floors the Rocky Mountain Beast with a big boot to the face! He starts raising the roof with the crowd, but the fans aren't as into it as they would be for Booker. In fact, the crowd is very out of this match. Vader gets back up, and gets met with a rake to his eyes. Another big boot, but it takes a follow up clothesline as well to put Vader back down. A quick cover for the first two count of the match results.

Ray pulls Vader up vertical, and gets met with a jab to the throat for his troubles. Vader with a bodyslam, and a big elbow off the ropes. Ever see Vader versus Mark Henry from Fully Loaded? Cover from Vader for nothing more than one. He backs Stevie into the corner, and gives him a hell of a beating, punching him into oblivion. Vader takes a few steps back and charges into the corner with a clothesline, and he repeats this a few times more. He goes to the well one too many times though, and gets sent staggering backwards with a boot to the face! Ray then makes the small trip up to the top rope, and floors Vader with a flying clothesline!

He gets a two count, then resorts to a reverse chinlock to try and wear Vader down. After about thirty seconds Ray realises this isn't working, and let's Vader fall to the canvas, and then executes a legdrop. Stomp on the face, followed by a kneedrop across Vader's neck. Stevie signals for the Slapjack! The crowd signals for the peanut guy! The crowd gets peanuts, but Stevie is unsuccessful in hitting his finisher, as Vader counters with a backdrop. Sid!

Sid heads down the aisle, and pauses at ringside to survey the action. Both men are down on the mat, but it's Vader who gets up first. He whips Ray into the ropes and attempts a clothesline, but Ray gets out of the way, and hits a clothesline of his own, sending Vader to the floor! And Vader falls right at the feet of Sycho Sid. A little helpful bit of advice coming up between two partners?

Something like that. Replace the phrase 'helpful bit of advice', with 'jack-knife powerbomb on the concrete', and you'd be more accurate. The referee compeltely misses this, as Sid leaves Vader unconscious on the floor. What the hell was that about? Stevie then leaves the ring, picks Vader up and rolls him back into the ring. Vader ain't blocking the Slapjack this time. Cover-




Stevie Ray pinned Vader with the Slapjack in 0:06:10.

Rating: -* 1/4

Yes Virginia, Vader just jobbed to Stevie Ray on a national pay-per-view. Lucky for Vader, this event'll probably get a shitty buyrate, what with no world title match and all. Speaking of the world title-

In the third limosuine arrival of the night, Jeff Jarrett and Bart Gunn emerge. Jarrett has a big scar on his forehead, but nothing close to the damage you would expect after what happened on Monday night. Jarrett's brought along his world title belt, as has Bart Gunn, who has one half of the tag team titles wrapped around his waist, over the top of his armani suit. He's also holding a baseball bat. What's that about?

The next match on the card is the four way match for the WWF European title. Fit Finlay had these comments to make earlier.

Finlay : 'Wrestling fans, in just a few hours, I'm gonna go walk out to the ring, and I'm gonna do something that should've been done a long time ago. And that's get the European title around the waist of a true European. Adam Bomb, Jeff Jarrett, they held it before, but they had no right. Marc Mero doesn't deserve it either, and I won't have no problem eliminating him from the match. But let's just say I have a gameplan to get rid of Sid. Tonight, I'm fighting the fight for Europe, and I'm gonna take out all three of my opponents, singlehandedly. No problems here.'

'Nuclear Attack'

The European Champion makes his way to the ring, where we see Mero and Finlay already there. Moments later, they're joined by Sid, so let's get started!

[European Championship]

Adam Bomb [c] vs Marc Mero


Sycho Sid vs Fit Finlay

Sid starts this one off, and he looks a bit out of place. And he knows it. Considering Sid's record, and the dominance he shows over most all of his opponents, fighting on the fourth match on the card for the European title doesn't quite fit. Also starting off is Marc Mero, and he's been after the European title since April. He's got two victories over the current champ, but when the title's on the line, he just can't seem to cut it. The bell rings, and we're off.

Oy vey. In what's become a trend tonight, we start off with some blatant no-selling. Mero goes and starts showing his boxing shit, jabbing and punching at Sid, but Psychotic one starts laughing. SELL, DAMN YOU! Mero decides to come off the ropes with a clothesline, but Sid ducks, then grabs Mero by the neck and chokeslams him! Sid covers-



Finlay makes the save. Why'd he do that? Sid flashes a hard glance at Finlay as he leaves the ring, then he starts to pull Mero up to his feet, but gets met with a left hand from the former Golden Gloves champion. He's selling this time, as Mero quickly recovers from the chokeslam. Mero puts on an armbar, but Sid is in the ropes almost immediately. Both on their feet, the two men start to circle each other, and when they lockup, Sid forces Mero into the corner of the ring. Righthand from Sid, then a big boot to the chest doubles Mero over. Sid whips him into the opposite corner, then charges in with a clothesline before tagging out to Finlay.

Finlay continues where Sid left off, dishing out punishment on Mero in the corner. Some stinging chops are administered, thenn Fit takes him down to the canvas with a suplex. Quick cover gets a two count, and the Irishman goes for a sleeper hold. He gets it wrapped on, but Mero counters right away with a jawbreaker. Fit falls to the mat holding his face, and Mero wastes no time going over to one of the corners and making a tag to the champion.

Bomb enters the ring, making sure we see each of the competitors within the first two minutes. Bomb goes right to Finlay, picks him up and slams him immediately. Fit gets right up to his feet, and Bomb then clocks him with a clothesline. Legdrop off the ropes as Bomb comes down hard across the neck of Finlay. The European champ continues to dominate Finlay for the next two minutes non-stop, with almost every cover attempt broken by one of the other wrestlers. Why do they keep doing that?

Bomb finally loses his advantage when he attempts a superplex. Not through any action of Finlay's though, as Sid strolls across the apron and shoves both men down from the top to the floor! Both men hit hard on the concrete, but instead of counting both men out, the referee decides to keep things moving, allowing Marc Mero and Sid to continue the action. And they do, Sid flooring Mero with a boot to the face.

Sid goes for the cover, but Mero easily gets his shoulder up. Sid then sends him for the ride and attempts another big boot, but Mero luckily gets out of the way and then nails Sid with a dropkick! Sid staggers backwards, and then gets clotheslined over the top rope! Mero doesn't get a chance to prepare for Sid's return to the ring, as he gets nailed from behind by Adam Bomb, who's technically still the legal man. Bomb and Mero start duking it out, as Sid gets to his feet on the floor.

Here comes Vader! As Marvelous Marc and the champ go at it with the undivided attention of the referee, the Rocky Mountain Beast nails Sid from behind! Sid turns, and seeing who just hit him, starts firing back. The two start brawling down the aisle, and they eventually dissapear behind the curtains. Uh... Let's call it:

x A. Bomb beat Sid via countout in 0:05:40

Most people's favourite to take the title, eliminated after only five minutes. We're left with Finlay standing on the apron, and Mero and Bomb are trading right hands in the ring. Mero then takes the advantage by kneeing Bomb in the chest, then puts him on the canvas with a kneelift. Elbowdrop for a two count. Mero signals for the TKO!

He hoists him up, but Finlay then comes off the top turnbuckle with a dropkick, right into Mero, causing the move to be averted. Finlay returns to the apron, and Mero walks over to the corner to express his displeasure at the intervention. He gets rolled up by Bomb!



And Mero pops out. Bomb makes the tag to Fit as Mero gets to his feet, and Finlay enters the ring via a flying clothesline! He covers, but pulls Mero up at two! He hits the Tombstone! Goodnight Mero.

x Finlay beat Mero via the Tombstone Piledriver in 0:07:29

We're down to two! Bomb springs into the ring immediately, spins Finlay round and DDT's him! Bomb signals for the end, and one Crotch Slam later it's all over. Wow, that match went by fast.

Four Corners Match

Adam Bomb defeated Fit Finlay, Marc Mero and Sid:

Rating: -1/4*

(Adam Bomb retained the WWF European Title.)

What a shocker! Bomb retains the belt! So technically, tomorrow night on Raw, we're gonna see Adam Bomb defend the European title against the British Bulldog, but-

Outside the arena, we see Smith on a stretcher, being loaded into an ambulance. His ribs are heavily taped up, and Owen Hart's at his side as he gets loaded in. We see the ambulance drive away.

Well, that seems to be one title match in doubt. But up next, we're gonna see the WWF Cruiserweight Championship on the line, as Devon Storm meets Jerry Lynn. Let's take you back to two weeks ago on Thunder.

Storm : 'We let this spectacle run for a while, but it frankly went on long enough. From what I've heard, it seems the WWF wants to revitalise the cruiserweight division. *My* division. I'm the champion, and *I'm* the one who's gonna be controlling this division. And by control, I mean kill, heh. My man BC did his best to stifle the cruiserweight title a few months back, and then he went and put Rey Mysterio Jr out of action. It was good work Brian, but I'll be taking it from here.'

Earlier tonight, we saw Jerry Lynn defeat Chris Chetti to recieve this title shot. It was a great match, and this one promises to be just as good. Let's go back to the ring.

Wait a second, we've got Owen Hart backstage.

Cole : 'Owen, what's the news on Davey Boy Smith? We just saw him being carted off on a stretcher.'

Hart : 'Let me tell you something Michael, he doesn't look too good. And no, he won't be ready to take his title shot tomorrow night. His ribs are f**ked up pretty bad, and Mabel? Don't think that you'll be getting that title shot on Raw, because as soon as I get done winning the Intercontinental title tonight, I'm gonna come right after you! And Pierre? You're in serious trouble too.'

Cole : 'What about Goldust?'

Owen blows Cole off and leaves the interview area. He looks pissed off, and not in the mood for anymore questions.

Jerrly Lynn's in the ring, and Storm is coming down the aisle as we return to the ringside area. Cruiserweight title on the line!

[Cruiserweight Championship]

Devon Storm [c] vs Jerry Lynn

It's our second title match of the evening, and, despite this being his second match, Lynn takes the upper-hand first. He scoop slams Storm right away, then executes a spinning leg lariat on the champion. Storm then ducks out of the ring to the floor and, in what would become a common sight in this contest, stalls like all hell.

When Devon finally returns to the ring, Lynn starts pounding on him with right hands. The champ can't get any offence going, and ends being locked into an abdominal stretch. Being positioned in the centre of the ring Storm can't get to the ropes, but it's Lynn himself who eventually breaks the hold, jabbing his elbow into the side of Storm's head. Now out of the hold, Storm tries to duck out of the ring again, but Lynn pulls him back towards him by his tights, and takes him to the mat with a back suplex.

Lynn goes up top, and then nails a pixel perfect flying dropkick! Lynn doesn't cover though, preferring to pick him back up and whip him into the ropes. Storm though, in his first real offensive move of the match, hits a jumping side kick out of nowhere! Cover-



It's gonna take more than one move to end this match. Storm pulls Lynn up to his feet, and, looking to end it, attempts a frankensteiner! And gets powerbombed for his cheek. Lynn holds him down for a two count, then gets another close count by hitting a Northern Lights Suplex moments later. He gets his third two count in thirty seconds with a diving shoulderblock, and Lynn looks well on his way to becoming the new champion, just one month into his World Wrestling Federation career.

Following these successive near victories, Lynn slows it down by slapping on a standing wristlock, a hold that does little more than piss Storm off before he reaches the ropes about twenty seconds later. Devon eats a boot to the chest, and Lynn then whips him across the ring again. Oops, mind that referee. Hebner goes down, and almost instantly we have Brian Christopher running down the aisle.

But he's followed by Chris Chetti! Christopher and Lynn start duking it out as Storm leaves the ring to grab a chair. But Chetti's right there, pulling the chair out of Devon's hands! He then shoves Storm down on his ass, and enters the ring to help Lynn. He swings the chair at Christopher...

Yeah, and he hits Lynn. Before Chetti can make up for his mistake, Brian grabs the chair off of him and whacks him with it. Chetti falls through the ropes to the outside, and now Storm is able to cover Lynn. Christopher revives the referee, and that's it? Four minutes for the Cruiserweight title match?

Devon Storm pinned Jerry Lynn in 0:04:10.

Rating: ** 1/2

(Devon Storm retained the WWF Cruiserweight Title.)

Storm wastes no time in grabbing his belt, and along with Christopher, making a quick exit down the aisle. Chetti then re-enters the ring to help Lynn up, but Lynn gives him a shove for his troubles. Not wanting his help, Lynn tells Chetti to 'fuck off' and leaves of his own accord. Chetti doesn't look that happy now either.

Continuing the back to back triple-threat of title matches, we've got the Intercontinental title on the line next. But first, let's go back to two weeks ago on Monday Night Raw.

Goldust comes off the top with a flying clothesline, but Rocky pulls the ref in the way! Hebner's down! Goldust turns to the ref, but Maivia spins Goldust round, and hits the Rock Bottom! Cover, no ref, and it's all Rock's fault! Hey, wait a minute. Who's this guy? We've got a second Goldust in the ring! Instead of facepaint he's wearing a mask though, but Rocky doesn't have too much time to think about detail, as this newcomer plants him with a DDT! Goldust #2 rolls Goldust out of the ring, then turns back around and covers Maivia! The ref starts to awake, and in his dazed and blurry eyed state, he doesn't notice that the guy covering isn't exactly the same guy as before. He counts...

Goldust took the title belt, and has been certified the champion. What a crock of shit. The Rock had a chance to gain a rematch, this past week on Thunder.

Maivia sends Owen into the ropes, but Hart ends up knocking the former champ to the mat with a spinning mule kick! Rocky jumps back up, and gets nailed in the face by a dropkick! He jumps up again, and this time gets met with an enzirguiri! Maivia's in serious shit, as Owen goes for the Sharpshooter!

Hart got the win, giving him this title shot tonight. We heard from Hart earlier, and we were going to hear from the champion at this point, but Goldust has been refusing to speak to any WWF personnel all night. Regardless, it's time for the IC title match!

[24 Karat Pictures Present]

[A Shattered Dreams Production]


No Marlena with Goldust, but then it's 50/50 whether she's there anyway.

[Intercontinental Championship]

Goldust [c] vs Owen Hart

Despite numerous title shots, both in singles and tag competition, Owen Hart has never held a championship here in the WWF. But tonight, fresh off a win against former champ The Rock, an excellent performance against Shawn Michaels, and against a bogus champion like Goldust? Surely he can't lose. Right?

Hart goes to finish this match within thirty seconds. He takes Goldust down right away with a Russian legsweep, then goes straight for the Sharpshooter! It's blocked though, luckily for the champion, but Hart decides, what with Goldust in this position, he might as well give him a stomp on the groin, which he does. Goldust springs up to his feet, doing a little dance whilst holding on to his crotch. Owen promtply puts him back down on the canvas with a dropkick, and the champ then slides out to the floor.

After Goldust spends way too much time pacing around ringside, Hart decides to go out after him. With a tope. The crowd pops big as Owen nails Goldust straight on, and Hart is soon returning to his feet to continue his offence. He smashes Goldust head first into the railing, then picks him up and crotches him on the guardrail! Dustin's in agony, and Hart then clotheslines him off the rail to the concrete floor.

In the true form of a champion, Goldust then starts to try and crawl away. Hart isn't in the mood to let him though, as he picks him up and throws him onto the time keepers table! Dustin goes right through it, sending Finkel and his friends dodging out of the way! It's well past 9pm, it was about time we had a table breakage. Once again Goldust has no time to get himself sorted out, as Owen pulls him out of the wreckage and whacks him into one of the ringposts. Back suplex on the concrete! With Goldust in serious trouble, and after about two minutes of out of the ring action, Hart finally tosses the champ back into the squared circle.

And DDT's him right away.



Nah, that'd be pretty anticlimactic. Hart pulls him up to his feet and whips him hard into the buckle, then nails him with a dropkick. Ten right hands leave Goldust staggering, and Owen then goes up top. Flying bulldog! Owen using Dustin's own move to win the title?



And Goldust somehow kicks out again. Hart then takes him up for a superplex, and that too results in a two count. Moments later, we get another two count after Owen executes a backspin DDT. This is starting to get ultra-frustrating for Hart, and it's showing. So this is the point where Goldust starts fighting back to pull an upset after being beaten up all the way through the match? Nah, Hart locks on the Sharpshooter!

Goldust fights it...

Goldust taps out!

But wait, why isn't the bell ringing?

Marlena's up on the apron [when did she get here?], and she's got the referee distracted!

Benoit's here!

Benoit runs down the aisle, enters the ring, pulls Hart off of Goldust, then DDT's him! Owen is out cold!

Was Benoit the one who won Goldust the Intercontinental Title? Is that what happe-

Benoit DDT's Goldust!

Marlena shouts from the apron 'What the hell are you doing?', causing the referee to turn around and see the Crippler. Benoit DDT's the ref! Has he gone insane? We've got three men down in the ring as Benoit jumps out and leaves through the crowd. Uh, what the hell did I just see?

Marlena jumps down from the apron confused, as Hart [obviously not too affected by the DDT]slowly gets up to his feet. The ref is still down as Owen slowly applies the Sharpshooter again. Goldust's not gonna be able to fight it-

Now we've got Pierre Oulette coming down the aisle. Can we stop the overbooking? Oulette gets down to ringside, and grabs the IC belt from the wreckage of the timekeepers table. He enters the ring, whacks Hart with the gold, and that's that. One referee revival later, Goldust is still the champion. How depressing.

Goldust pinned Owen Hart in 0:09:04.

Rating: 1/4*

(Goldust retained the WWF Intercontinental Title.)

I don't know what was going on there, but hopefully we'll get it sorted out tomorrow night. And what's the m.D.o.'s problem with Owen Hart [and the British Bulldog]?

Here's a brief summary of the WWF:

But at least the main event isn't gonna end in a double dq right? Ooh, that was so out of line.

Hmm. Apparently WWF owner Vince McMahon has a few words to say. What could this be about? We go backstage.

McMahon : 'First of all, I hope all the fans of the WWF are enjoying tonight's pay-per-view event, and I would like to think you could all join us again, next month, when we present Summerslam 1998. I don't want to cut in on the exciting WWF wrestling action tonight, but there is a small announcement to be made.'

McMahon : 'Ladies and gentlemen, the results of the first ever WWF In Your House Phone-In pole were finalised earlier this afternoon, and the results were quite amazing! Posed with the question of 'Who will win tonight's main event?', you responded with an amazing verdict. Of the 45 votes cast, 23 voted for 'StoneCold' Steve Austin, and 22 for the 'HeartBreak Kid' Shawn Michaels, giving Austin a 51% to 49% win in the poll. Amazingly, this was not a fix! I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who voted, it was much appreciated by everyone here at the World Wrestling Federation, especially Lee Kelsall, senior president of the WWF's bra and panty divison. We'll know by 11pm tonight whether your voting was accurate. Thank you very much for your time, I'm Vince McMahon.'

Mmmm... Bra and panty division.

We've got a no holds barred match coming up next! But first, a little bit of history.

For Booker T and Hunter Hearst Helmsley, their problems with each other started back in May. After being told by Dustin Runnels for weeks that the Nation was holding him back, Booker was eventually punked out of the group, at In Your House 3. A week later, Booker tried to salvage the friendship with Dustin, but Runnels wasn't so forgiving. Booker ran down to make the save for Dustin, as he was double teamed by the Rock and Triple-H. Despite Runnels turning down Booker's handshake, Helmsley was pissed at the interference.

Over the following few weeks, Booker T, Runnels and Helmsley embarked on a three way feud over the Intercontinental title. The Rock's Intercontinental title. None of the three men could have a match without one of the other's interfering. Dustin bowed out though, saying he was cut out for better things, becoming Goldust. As it would turn out, it was the change to Goldust that got Dustin the IC belt, but that's another story.

Helmsley would go on to cost Booker his initial place in the King Of The Ring tournament. In retaliation, Hunter's dressing room was trashed, with the words 'Harlem Heat' scrawled across the wall. Angry that Booker denied involvement in the dressing room upheaval, Helmsley went on live tv and made some rather distasteful remarks about Booker's skin colour. Incensed, T went out and nearly killed Helmsley in a brawl back on June 15th. Stevie Ray would return to the WWF during that contest.

Because of that interview, Helmsley got suspended, missing his chance at becoming King Of The Rng. He was allowed to return if he made a public apology. He made it, though showed he meant not a word of it when he attacked Booker T from behind immediately following it's conclusion. Booker later that week cost Triple-H a match against Davey Boy Smith, and over the last few weeks the two men have had numerous run ins. Tonight though, it's no holds barred, and only one man can come out on top.

Booker T had these comments to make.

Booker : 'Triple-H? It's just you and me tonight sucka! No partners, no hiding behind Vader, it's gonna be straight up, man on man action! 'Cept you ain't no man. It's weird that D-Generation X kinda disintergrated, 'cos in the last month or so, you've exposed yo'self as a real degenerate! You've said a lot of thing recently that have gotten under my skin, but Hunter? I prefer to let my fists do the talking bro'! When I meet you in a street fight tonight, I'm gonna pound tha crap outta ya, and you ain't getting none in on me. You gonna be unrecognisable after tonight Hunter, I'm gonna rip that big damn nose right of yo' face!'

'Are you ready?'

Hunter is the only member of the old DX to still use this theme. As he walks past the camera he remarks 'I guess they don't want to give me any more interview time. Ha.' Indeed.

'Yes Yes Yes... No No No...'

Harlem Heat is 1-0 tonight, can Booker T make it a clean sweep?

No Holds Barred Match

Booker T vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Well, these two had a brutal match when they went at it a few weeks ago,and with all rules being thrown out of the window here, this is bound to be even better. Or even worse depending on your viewpoint. From my viewpoint, this is gonna be even better.

Neither man comes and charges right at their opponent, both men look pretty calm at the start. Simple lockup to kick thinga off, before Booker has the crowd 'Whoo'ing as he unleashes a barrage of chops on Helmsley. Once again, I don't understand what chops have to do with Jeff Jarrett. Hunter starts chopping back, then sends Booker back a few steps with a vicious slap to the face. Helmsley turns away from Booker to the crowd and delivers a crotch chop, but Booker quickly spins him round and plants him with a DDT to the cheers of this capacity arena!

Booker drops an eblow, then pulls Hunter up to his feet and slaps him right across the face! Helmsley puts his hand to his cheek in pain, but he gets taken down right away with a swinging neckbreaker! Booker's not covering though, he pulls Hunter up to his feet and shoves him into the corner, before unloading with a constant assault of kicks. Helmsley then gets a succession of elbows smashed into the side of his head, and Booker follows it up by clotheslining Hunter over the top! Helmlsey Flair-flops on the floor as Booker raises the roof inside the ring.

Before Hunter has the chance to return to the ring, Booker's right out there with him. He bashes Helmsley's face into the gurdrail, then floors him with an axekick. As Helmsley's on his knees on the floor, Booker goes and grabs himself a chair. He waits for HHH to get to his feet before swinging, but Hunter sees it coming and ducks out of the way. Helmsley then turns and dropkicks the chair into Booker's face!

Booker doesn't go down, but he ends up staggering backwards into the ringpost, which had a negative effect on his back. Helmsley then takes a few seconds to regain his breath, then picks the chair up off the floor. He smashes it into Booker's face, then rams into his chest, sending T down to his knees. Another chairshot onto Booker, this time to his back, before he rolls the Harlem Heat member back into the ring.

He takes the chair with him, and places it on the canvas. He's going for a Pedigree onto the chair! Luckily for Booker, he manages to block and backdrop Helmsley. Booker doesn't get up to his feet though, he's still selling the back injury. Damnit, I wanted an ECW style brawl! No selling, no psychology, no logic! Hunter gets up first, and he gives Booker a number of forearms to the back, then picks up the chair and whacks him with it again. He sends him into the ropes, then takes him down with a kneelift on the return, putting Booker flat on his back.

Still using the chair, he places it across Booker's face, and climbs to the top rope. Flying kneedrop onto the chair! Ouch. Unfortunately, in the style of Chris Benoit, it took as much out of Hunter as it did Booker. Hunter rolls about selling his knee hurt, but then crawls over to T and covers him-



Hell no, I got way too much ppv time to kill. Slightly limping, Hunter gets to his feet and picks the chair up once again. Enough with the chair! Use something else, it's No Holds Barred. Helmsley places the chair in the corner, and then whips Booker into it! That's more punishment to the back, and Hunter tries to whip him into the chair again. But he reverses and sends Helmsley into it!

Finding a burst of energy, Booker clotheslines Hunter to the mat, then climbs up top and nails a flying legdrop! He can't cover though, he rolls off of Hunter, holding his back in pain. He still gets vertical first though, and decides to toss Helmsley to the floor. After following Hunter out, he makes the usual rounds with him [ringpost, guardrail, ringsteps], then tries to suplex him on the concrete. His back stops him from getting Helmsley fully up though, so he decides to slam him back down across the guardrail! Yee-ouch! That's gotta hurt!

With Helmsley bent over the guardrail, Booker nails him with an axekick to the head, bringing him fully back into the ringarea. Now we get a hard whip into the guardrail from T. Grabbing a plastic drinks bottle from ringside, Booker then proceeds to pour the contents onto Hunter's hair, irritating him more then anything else. Helmsley then gets stun gunned onto the announcers table [not breaking it though], which hurts him more than anything else. Hunter doesn't stay on the ground though, he's quick to get back up to his feet, even if it is only to try and stagger away from Booker.

Booker's right behind him though, and ends up flooring him with a clothesline from behind. He slams his face into the steps, but Hunter finally gets a bit offence in when he elbows Booker in the gut and slams Booker's face into the steps. Booker seels it more like he's got something in his eye, but he ends up down on the floor when Helmsley gingerly picks the ringsteps up and bangs them down on Booker's back! Hunter then leans back on the apron, holding his chest, that press across the guardrail really causing problems.

He then hits the move Booker was trying to hit at that time, a vertical suplex on the concrete. Both men go down hard though, and we're treated to about thirty seconds of neither man moving. Helmsley slowly stands up to his feet, and goes back to the steps. He drops them on the horizontally prone figure of Booker, then throws them over the top rope into the ring. He tosses Booker in next, then unleashes a wad of spit at a ringside fan whose arm got a little too close.

Hunter places the steps in the middle of the ring, then scoops Booker up and bodyslams him right onto them! Booker is in agony at this point, really favouring his back. Has this been rammed home hard enough yet? BOOKER HAS A BAD BACK! Moving the steps out of the way, Helmsley then comes off the ropes with a kneedrop, and makes his second cover attempt of the match.


And Booker is straight out. Hunter sighs, then leaves the ring, at the rate of a 45 being played at 33 1/3, and grabs the ring bell from the now reassembled timekeepers table. Then, just to be a jerk, he shoves Finkel to the floor and kicks the crap out of the table. That's it Hunter! Be racist and homphobic all you want, but leave the damn table alone! Heartless bastard. With the bell in his hand, Helmsley re-enters the ring.

He goes to smash the bell into Hunter's face, but Booker, who's currently on his knees, gives Helmsley a hard fist to the groin! Aieeee! Hunter drops the bell to the canvas and puts both hands to his crotch, and this ain't no DX crotch chop. Booker grabs the bell, and nails Hunter with it! Helmsley is out! All Booker has to do is cover.

But Booker T ain't done yet. He slowly pulls Helmsley up, and places him on the top turnbuckle. What's he going for here, a superplex? Indeed he is, and-

Shit. Booker's back gives out on him, and both men fall to the canvas with Helmsley landing on top-


[Give me a break here]


[Not like this!]


Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Booker T in 0:14:17

Rating: *** 3/4

Helmsley slowly rolls out of the ring, and ends up reduced to crawling back down the aisle. Booker T gets helped up to his feet by Hennig, and he ends up helping Booker backstage.

Man, this has turned into a bit of a depressing evening.

Hoepfully this won't be. We've got a pay per view next month, and it's traditionally one of the biggest shows of the year!


Summerslam 1998 will eminate live from Madison Square Garden on August the 16th, and the main event will feature Jeff Jarrett defending his World Heavyweight Title. Order what promises to be an extroadinary WWF event by calling your local cable operator! Only on Pay-Per-View!

Tonight's main event is next, but first, a little trip back in time.

A video package dealing with the WWF Tag Team Champions is shown. I'll just summarise.

On June 15th, Bob Holly had the chance to gain a spot in the King Of The Ring tournament, a spot that had originally been forfeited due to injury. The as-then undefeated Mabel stood in waiting, and to beat a guy who defeated the European Champion Adam Bomb in less than ten seconds, the gameplan was gonna have to be well planned out. Trouble was, Jarrett and Gunn had a tag match scheduled with Steve Austin and a mystery partner, and, pre-occupied with more important matters, left Holly out on his own. Holly was inevitably squashed at the hands of Mabel.

Upset, Holly no showed the last show before King Of The Ring, refusing to accompany fellow stable member Jesse Jammes in his match with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. Bob did show for the pay per view, though not in the same transportation as the rest. With the tag team titles on the line against the unbelievable power of Sycho Sid and Vader, it became clear that there wasn't exactly a lot of teamwork going on. Gunn does nothing all match, leaving Holly to do most of the work, as he spends more time conversing with the Roadog on the outside than taking part in the action. The Express end up in a shoving match, with Holly not exactly happy about the way things are going. They're promptly counted out as this goes on, retaining the tag team titles.

Jarrett comes out to make the peace, but it emerges he's more pissed off with Holly than anyone else, for provoking an unneccesary defeat. Jarrett slaps him across the face, and Holly has to be held back by Jammes and Bart from returning the favour. The peace is restored, and Jarrett goes out to defend his world championship. Austin destroys him, and is well on the way to becoming champion. Cue Jesse Jammes with a chair. Bob obviously decided enough was enough, and he grabbed the chair from thr Roadog, and prepared to smash it over the head of the champ!

He missed, catching Austin full on. And Jarrett then proceeded to belt Holly with the steel himself. Jeff went on to retain his title, and it was easy to see that Holly was extremely pissed that he ended up contributing to the title defense. The next night on Raw though, the tag titles were due to be defended against Brian Adams and Savio Vega, a match scheduled before King Of The Ring took place. Once again, the problems are there for all to see, as a misplaced superkick from Holly catches his partner right in the face. Once again though, the titles are retained, as the newly formed Million Dollar Organisation makes their presence felt.

Three days later on WWF Thunder, Jarrett, unhappy with the the events of the past few weeks, despite the continued ownership of the titles, proceeded to embarrass Holly on national television. Shwoing footage on the Titantron of Holly's darkest hour, an embarrasingly quick loss earlier in the year to Adam Bomb. We never get to hear Jarrett's bottom line, as Rocky Maivia entered the area, setting up an Intercontinental title match between himself and Double J. Jarrett ends up heavily outnumbered in the contest, as the m.D.o. takes on a four on two [w/the Roadog] advantage in the ring. Where's Bart Gunn? In a table wreckage as it turns out, and the sight of Holly walking away from the scene indicated he was to blame. It was later revealed to be the work of m.D.o. member Savio Vega, but Bob sure wasn't in the mood to help his partner, nor to assist Jarrett at ringside.

Three weeks ago, Bob Holly quit the World Wrestling Federation, handing in his notice of resignation that morning. Taking his half of the tag team titles with him. The thirty day rule in effect, Holly was given until tonight to return to the WWF, and sort this shit out. Jarrett didn't help matters by savagely attacking Bob in an interview that night and, to the displeasure of the Roadog, orderd Holly to show up tonight and forfeit his belt to Jeff. Not only that, but to kiss Jarrett's feet and pay the due respect to the man who made him. Jammes didn't look too happy, he thought he was going to be the recipient of the belt, but Jarrett shrugged him off.

In the past couple of weeks since, neither Jammes nor Gunn looks that happy in the presence of Jarrett either, and it's noted that Jammes didn't arrive with the other two earlier tonight. That brings us up to date with that situation. Holly's in the arena, and we're about to hear from the champion of the world.

Finkel : 'Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, I'd like to introduce, the World Wrestling Federation Champion... Jeff Jarrett!'

2001 Space Oddysey? Whoo!

Jarrett and Gunn make their appearance. Gunn is still carrying the baseball bat. Loud boos from the crowd as the champion enters the ring, and he gets handed the microphone from the Fink.

Jarrett : 'Binghamton, New York? We're only about ten minutes away from seeing either Shawn Michaels or Steve Austin get booted out of the WWF, and all of you know the real reason why that's happening right? Because of me! Yeah fine, boo all you want, but everybody knows that I've driven both men to this, neither of them can handle that yours truly is the better man! What a crappy main event! Lucky for Double J, I can go and watch the rest of the match in my limo, right after this segment. You people, you have to sit here on your crappy cheapskate seats, sitting on your worthless, overweight yankee assholes, chomping down your beer and your burgers, all the while giving the United States Of America a bad name! You people disgust me!'

Jarrett takes off his world title belt and hands it to Bart, then continues his diatribe.

Jarrett : 'But I digress. You don't need me to come out here and tell you how much you all suck, you already know that. You don't need me to come out here and tell you how much Austin sucks, and how much Michaels sucks, because you already know that too. No no, I'm out here right now to attend to other business. You see, in this ring we have two title belts. We have the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion, and we have one half of the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions. It's plain to see, there should be three people in this ring. No, I'm not talking about Jesse Jammes, apparently that son of a bitch sees himself as some kind of Mark McGwire. But I'll get to that a little later. Now the other member of our little group of Horsemen we haven't seen in a while. But I know he's here tonight. So Bob, you're in this arena tonight, and it's the first time we've been in the same place, at the same time since June. So get the hell out here, because you have something that's mine!'

What's with the Mark McGwire reference? And what's with the baseball bat? All eyes to the entrance, and there he is. There's zero crowd reaction as Holly makes his way down to the ring, WWF tag title belt around his waist.

Jarrett : 'So here you are. How's it been, living on welfare this past month? Hell, I know you got a family, what did they say when you told them you quit your job, just because you came over all selfish and ignorant? Huh, what'd they say? I trust you came here to apologise, and hand over that belt, because it's the only way you're gonna get your life back on track.So speak your peace.'

Jarrett tosses him a microphone. Holly catches and then drops it, causing Jarrett to mouth the words 'dumb bastard'.

Holly : 'Jeff. Over the past month, yeah, I've had a lot of time, to do a lot of thinking. And you're right. I ain't got the cash rolling in. In fact, you know what I did? I even called up Eric Bischoff, and we talked about joining World Championship Wrestling. That's how bad it got. It never came to fruition. You know why? Because I didn't have the money to travel down to Atlanta for the meeting. Eric wouldn't pay, that's not his style. So I sat back. And I thought.'

Jarrett is handed his own microphone by Finkel.

Holly : 'I know that, with your connections, turning my back on the WWF, and joining ECW, that was never an option. So, faced with two choices, return here, or leave wrestling, you better believe I got to thinking real hard. And you want to know what conclusion I came to?'

Jarrett : 'What've you got? What did you come up with?'

Holly : 'You were right. It was Jeff Jarrett who brought me into the WWF at the start of the year, and it was Jeff Jarrett who got me this title belt. It was your money, like you said, that got the Headhunters to interfere back at Big City, and it was you who helped Bart and myself retain them. I was nothing before you came into my life, and I'll be nothing again if I don't do this.'

Jeff smiles as Holly takes the belt from around his waist, and Bob then goes down to one knee, holding the belt up for Jarrett to take.

Holly : 'Forgive me.'

Jarrett goes to take the belt, but the camera shot cuts to the aisle, as Jesse Jammes makes his way to the ring. Jarrett stops smiling and turns his attentions away from Holly, who gets back up to his feet, belt still in his hand.

Jarrett : 'Well, if it isn't our baseball playing friend. After what you did to me on Monday night, I can't believe you would dare come out here, not on my time. Remember when Austin came at me in the limo a few weeks back? You don't think we had that camera installed into that limo? You figured everyone would think it was Austin?'

On the Titantron, we see shots of what really happened on Raw. The camera's on the inside of Jarrett's limosuine, so having to see things through the windshield of the car makes the view slightly impaired. But what we do see is this: Backing up Austin's remark earlier, Stone Cold attacked Jarrett outisde of the car, gave him a Stunner, then ran off with his belt. Bart had already fled the scene, just like he did a few weeks back. But what do we have here? Jesse Jammes with a f**king baseball bat? Seeing Jarrett on the ground, Jammes picks him up and bashes him across the face with it! After giving the champ a huge battering, the Roadog then decided to take his frustrations out on the limosuine, smashing the windshield after about ten whacks with the bat. What the hell was that about?

Jarrett : 'So what is it you want? What were you thinking?'

Jammes : 'What was I thinking? I was thinking, man, I've had enough of Jeff Jarrett's crap!'

Small crowd pop.

Jammes : 'Over the last couple o' weeks, I've realised something that I should've realised a long time ago. And maybe if I had, we wouldn't have this bullshit going on in the ring right now, and maybe you wouldn't be holding that world title belt. Jeff, I'm sick of your crap, I'm sick of your selfishness, and I'm sick of you treating myself, and the New Midnight Express like shit! You've been using all three of us for the past three months, and I've had it up to here! What was I doing with the baseball bat? I'll admit I was there with it to go take out Austin. But when I saw you laid out next to the limo after Austin beat the shit out of ya, I couldn't resist getting some for myself, some for the Roadog! And then I went and trashed the limo, just because I could!'

Jarrett : 'That's some mighty strong words for-'

Jammes : 'I'm not done yet. You know, DX was right about you. They said it at the time, and I never listened, I was too caught up in the money, and the mis-guided glory of being on the winning team, with the world champion. You truly are a phoney piece of shit.'

Holly and Bart are currently standing in opposite corners of the ring, watching the two Double J's.

Jarrett : 'So now you're agreeing with D-Generation X? Which member? The washed up has been with the huge ego, or the leader of the Klu Klux Klan : Conneticut Branch?'

Jammes : 'What's going on with DX right now doesn't concern me. They've said it before, I've burnt bridges, and I've come to terms with it. I still hate myself for it, but I know nothing's gonna turn back time.'

Jarrett : 'Well that's mighty interesting stuff Jesse, and I have to say I'm surprised. But you still haven't told me why you came out here, to let off steam? Is that it? Don't waste my f**king time, I couldn't give a flying f**k about you.'

Jammes : 'Well that's dandy, 'cos I don't give a flying f**k about you either. I didn't even come out here to talk to you, and I'm pissed off that I had to. I'm here to talk to Bob.'

Jammes turns to Holly, turning his back [for good?] on Jarrett.

Jammes : 'Bob, I was watching this thing play out on the monitors backstage, and I thought to myself He's gonna do the right thing. He's gonna turn his back on Jarrett, and he's gonna become a man. When I saw that's not how it was going down, I decided to come out here. Bob, that stuff you said a few minutes ago, how Jeff Jarrett made you? That's bullshit. You've been a top athlete in this sport, since, shit, I don't know when. And you gotta realise, just like I did, this bitch [turns to point at Jarrett] is gonna do nothing but hold you back. Bart Gunn, he's nothing but Jarrett's butt-buddy, and I couldn't give a damn about him anymore. But Bob? What's say we get the hell outta here? You turn your back on Jarrett, we'll tag. We'll call ourselves the New New Midnight Express, whatever. But this is your chance, are you gonna be a man, or are you gonna stay as Jarrett's lackey?'

Holly looks like he's thinking real hard.

Jammes : 'God knows I've learnt from my mistake. You've gotta learn from yours.'

Before Bob can answer, Bart comes up behind Jammes and smashes him on the back of the head with the bat! He then starts hammering the Roadog with the bat repeatedly. The camera cuts to Holly's face. This is it.

Does he turn on Jarrett and Gunn and help the Roadog?

Or will he chicken out and stick with the winning team?

As Gunn continues to beat on Jammes, Holly glances over at Jarrett...


...and then he starts stomping on Jammes.


Jarrett grins as the N.M.E. go to work on Jesse. Gunn hands Holly the bat, and Bob crashes it down on the Roadog's chest. Holly then hands the bat back to Bart, and goes across and embraces Jarrett. Shit, this sucks. Jarrett tells him to give Jammes one more, and Bob takes the bat again. He raises it above his head and-

'Oh, You Didn't Know?'

What the hell? It's Billy Gunn!

Chair in hand, Gunn charges down to ringside! Jarrett slides quickly out of the ring, but Billy manages to smash the chair over both Holly and his brother before they can get out of the squared circle. Jarrett's laughing though, and he and the Express leave with the three belts as Gunn goes over to where Jammes lies.

The music stops as Gunn raises a bloodied Roadog up to his feet, and when Jammes sees Gunn he instinctively takes a number of steps back. Jammes looks puzzled, and Billy just shrugs his shoulders and extends his hand. JJ looks from left to right, looking into the crowd.

He takes a few steps froward, then shakes the hand! Jammes and Gunn hug in the centre of the ring! The crowd goes nuts, and well they might. Considering what we've seen tonight [Smith hospitalised, Storm retaining his title, Goldust beating Owen, Triple-H pinning Booker T, and Holly re-joining Jarrett], this rocks! The Outlaws theme kicks in, the crowd supplying all the lyrics. Jammes doesn't look in condition to sing, but there is a look of relief and happiness on his face that wasn't there ten minutes ago.

Fuck Bob Holly. The New Age Outlaws are back!

Gunn and Jammes depart, Billy helping the Roadog down the aisle.

I love happy endings.

And still to come, we've got Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin in a loser leaves the WWF match! We go back to earlier tonight, with a replay of the closing moments of the Austin/Michaels interview [Man, that seems like it took place a week ago. Hm, actually I did write it a week ago].


Oh boy, here we go.

Austin walks down the aisle, and he looks unbelievably focused.

'Oh... Oh... Shawn!'

As Michaels makes his entrance, you've got to wonder what his thoughts are on the re-uniting of the New Age Outlaws. It doesn't look like he's thinking about that now. There's no showboating, no dancing, Michaels is only thinking about one thing, and one person. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. Hebner call for the bell.

Loser Leaves The WWF Match

Shawn Michaels vs 'StoneCold' Steve Austin

Hey, we didn't get any title changes tonight! What a rip-off! But, in about thirty minutes time, we're gonna see the WWF career of either Austin or Michaels ended. Gee, even I'm excited, and I already know who wins!

Both men go face to face to start. No talking, just a major nose-to-nose staredown. It's Austin who then takes a couple of steps back, and after a heavy amount of circling, the two men lock up.

And it's Austin who gets the advantage, forcing Michaels into the corner. We get a clean break before anything can develop, and then the two start circling each other again. A second lockup, this time Shawn manages to back Austin into the opposite corner, and then again we get a clean break. Shawn gives Austin a cocky little smile, and the two go nose to nose again.

Then, just when we thought nothing would ever happen, Michaels jabs Austin in the face with his right hand then takes a little skip backwards, laughing. Michaels starts to gloat to the crowd, he got the first shot in. Austin ain't too happy crappy about that, and he comes up behind Shawn and taps him on the shoulder. Michaels turns and Bam! eats a right hand! Austin continues with the right hand assault [right hand assault... That is now my new No.1 term for masturbation], and then floors Shawn with a clothesline! Michaels slides out of the ring to the floor and gathers his thoughts as Austin raises his arms aloft on the inside.

Shawn paces around ringside for a while, and now Austin's coming out to get him. Michaels starts to circle the ring area, and Austin follows him around, like a cat and mouse cartoon. Michaels then slides back inside the ring, and when Austin goes to come in after him, Michaels starts pounding on his back as he steps through the ropes. Michaels with a few forearms, then he whips Austin into the ropes. Austin ducks the clothesline though, and on the return off the ropes, takes Shawn down with a Lou Thesz Press! With Michaels pinned to the mat, Austin starts punching the hell out of him, until Hebner comes from behind and pulls him off.

Austin shoots a warning glance at Hebner, basically stating that his career's on the damn line, and stay out of his damn business. While Austin is looking at the ref, Michaels attacks again, nailing Austin with an axehandle. He rakes the eyes, then goes to whip Steve into the corner, but Austin reverses. Michaels though, being Shawn Michaels, doesn't just go into the buckle, he crashes into the corner, and flips right over the top rope to the floor! Man, who doesn't love Michaels' trademark moves?

Shawn has no time to get on his feet, as Austin once again comes out to join him. He rams Michaesl' head into the announcers table, then whips him in hard to the ringpost! Shawn's face then meets the guardrail, before Austin decides to just start punching away at the HeartBreak Kid, sending him sprawling to the concrete after about the fifth right hand. The referee finally decides to join the action on the outside, and when Austin tries to continue his offence against the now vertical again Michaels, Shawn has no hesitation in pulling Hebner in front of him.

Austin doesn't need this, and he pulls Hebner out of his way to get to Michaels, who then decks him with a forearm. Shawn then puts Austin down with a clothesline, and this is twice now that the referee has cost Austin the advantage. In the reverse of what we saw just moments ago, Michaels now sends StoneCold into the guardrail, then Shawn puts Austin down with a dropkick. Michaels pulls Austin to his feet and then rolls him back into the ring, pausing to dish out a few more right hands before he does.

Back inside, Michaels sends Austin for the ride, and takes him down with another dropkick. He follows it up by giving Steve a good stomping, then embarks on a little trip to the top turnbuckle. Flying cross body press is hit with perfection, but Austin rolls through with the move!



Michaels pops out, and manages to hit a legdrop acorss the back of Austin's neck before the Rattlesnake can get back up to his feet. You know, I'm pretty sure that's the first time I've ever used the term Rattlesnake in an Austin match report. Will it be the last time? Shawn goes for a sleeper hold, but as soon as he gets it locked on, Austin kicks his feet off the turnbuckles and rolls over on top of Shawn for a cover! Realising that all he has to do is release the sleeper to break the cover, Michaels promptly does, but when he springs back up to his feet he's victim of a lariat from Austin, to a big pop from the crowd!

Michaels quickly gets back up again, and then, in a sight not unlike that in your average Ultimate Warrior match, gets nailed by three clotheslines in quick succession. Austin executes a vertical suplex, then takes Michaels into the corner, where he starts laying into him with those good ol' Texan right hands. Another suplex brings Michaels back into the centre of the ring, and Austin then covers for nothing more than a one count. Michaels ain't gonna lose his career from nothing more than a suplex. Austin pulls him up and places him in a standing headlock, but Michaels pushes him into the ropes. Shawn leapfrogs him on the way back, then pulls him down to the mat with an armdrag takedown, retaking the advantage with an armbar.

Austin counters though, hooking Michaels in a headscissors, then letting go and dropping a knee across Shawn's unprotected face. Another two count. Another whip into the ropes from Austin, but Michaels ends up knocking him to the mat with a shoulderblock, as these two men trade the advantage again. Austin's soon up, but Michaels takes the opportunity to grab Austin by the neck and toss him out to the floor.

Austin hits hard on the outside, and doesn't have enough time to get out of the way as Michaels springs down on him with a plancha! Big pop for the heel Michaels on that one. Michaels then returns to the ring to beat the count, but, when he remembers there are no countout's in this match, goes back to the floor to get Austin back inside as well. He covers as soon as he gets Austin in the squared circle, but he's been given way too much time to recover and Austin kicks out at one. Michaels puts on a reverse chinlock togive himself a breather, as we enter the resthold spot in the match.

Austin eventually breaks out of the hold the usual way, elbowing out. Shawn's reluctant to let it go though, he was really enjoying it, and ends up getting taken to the mat with a back suplex. Should've let it go Shawn. Both men are now down on the canvas, and the referee starts counting both men down. I thought it was no count-out? I guess this doesn't apply. It doesn't matter anyway, as both competitors stand at full height by the count of six. Michaels goes to nail Austin with a right hand, but Austin blocks. He goes for another one, and again Austin blocks. Third attempt, another block, and now Austin sends Shawn crashing to the mat with one of his own!

Austin picks Michaels up to his feet yet again, boots him in the chest and- Michaels manages to block the Stunner! He shoves Austin away from him, and Austin collides with the referee! Oh shit, what's gonna happen now? Not concerned about the referee, Austin turns back towards Michaels, and eats a face full of Superkick!! Shawn goes straight down to cover, but Hebner's down! And it was Michaels' fault!, he shoved Austin into the ref! Wait, we've got a second referee running down the aisle! He counts Austin down!-



NO! Holy freaking shit no! Austin pops his right shoulder up at pretty much the last possible split-second! Shawn isn't having any of this shit. He gets right up to his feet, pulls the second ref [Chiota] to his feet, and lays him out with a left hand jab. He then picks him up and throws him to the floor. Yeah, great sportsmanship Shawn.

With both referee's still down, Michaels backs Austin into the corner, and starts pounding away. He climbs to the second rope to dish out the requisite ten right hands, but Austin then shoves him down to the mat! Pissed, Shawn goes and jumps onto Austin again, and again starts pounding. Austin though, grabs him by the waist and gives him an atomic drop! Michaels starts hopping about holding his groin as Austin shakes his head violently to shake off the effects of Michaels arsenal.

Michaels comes at him again though, raking him in the eyes, then whipping him into the ropes. Shawn goes for a dropkick, but Austin holds onto the top rope, halting his momentum and causing Michaels to collapse to the canvas, missing the move. The Showstopper's quick to get back up to his feet though, but Austin's quick to slam his boot into Michaels' chest, and hit him with the Stunner!

Austin goes to cover as Hebner starts to regain consciousness. After what seems like an eternity, Earl manages to count-




Steve Austin pinned Shawn Michaels with the Stone Cold Stunner in 0:17:59.

Rating: **** 1/4

What a match! Austin looks like he's in shock, but when the music plays he knows he's got a date with the World Champion at Summerslam. As for Michaels, we fade out with a view of him laying in the centre of the ring unconscious.

You can never say never in professional wrestling, but right now, for Shawn Michaels, it's all over.

Full Wrap-Up Results of WWF InYourHouse 4 : The Last Chance Saloon

What a night it's been, and I hope you can join us once again on August 16th! Live from Madison Square Garden, it's Summerslam 98 : Austin vs Jarrett 2!