

February 15th

Houston, Texas

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are your announcers

Whenever two competitors step up to the plate, it is beacuse of a desire for victory, a desire to be the best. Shawn Michaels knows what it's like to be the best, he knows what it's like to be the World Wrestling Federation Champion. For Shane Douglas though, his bitterness at never being part of the Kliq, never being part of the big picture, led him into the hands of a rogue organisation, an organisation that has no boundaries and knows no fear. Now Shane Douglas returns, a bitter and twisted individual now with the motive and the desire, to be the best. Can even Shawn Michaels' ego hold him back now?

And now, The Smashing Pumpkins bring you In Your House - Revenge Of The Underdog!

Ross - Hello everybody, and welcome to WWF In Your House! What a
       night it's gonna be, we've got four titles on the line!

King - That's right JR. It could be a huge night for the Triple Threat,
       with Candido and Bigelow gunning for the tag titles, and the
       big main event!

Ross - It's gonna be huge, Shawn Michaels defending the WWF title
       against Shane Douglas, and what is Chris Benoits involvement in
       the match gonna be?

King - Well it's a mystery to me Ross, but we're gonna find out
       later tonight. Also the cruiserweight title is gonna be on the
       line, and who is Stone Cold Steve Austin gonna pick to be his

Ross - Last week on Raw he said he had friends here in Texas, but I
       have no idea who he could be talking about. But now lets get
       straight to action with our opening match.

Finkel - Our opening contest is scheduled for one fall with a thirty
         minute time limit. Introducing first, from parts unknown,
         weighing in at 300 pounds, Adam Bomb! And his opponent, from
         Memphis Tennesse, weighing 234 pounds, Jeff Jarrett!

Adam Bomb vs Jeff Jarrett

Bomb stands back and lets Jarrett make the opening attack, JJ hitting him with a barrage of right hands. Jarrett's offense has little effect on Bomb, and Bomb sends him crashing to the mat with a clothesline. Bomb then picks Jarrett up and hurls him over the top rope to the outside. JJ shakes his head and paces for a while, trying to get his gameplan right, then re-enters the ring as the referee counts five. Jarrett is hit with a hard right hand as he enters the ring, and is then whipped into the turnbuckle. Bomb starts to choke Jarrett, but releases it on the referees count of five. Bomb brings the action back into the centre of the ring and executese a bodyslam on Jarrett. He then makes the opening pinfall attempt of the match, but only gets a two count. Jarrett is then pulled up to his feet and Bomb sets him up for a powerbomb. Jarrett is able to reverse the move into a backflip, and then clotheslines Bomb to the outside. Jarrett struts as his opponent lands on his feet on the outside. Bomb climbs back into the ring, and he and Jarrett trade blows before Jarrett hits his opponent with a swinging neckbreaker. Jarrett covers for a count of two. Bomb gets to his feet and gets whipped across the ring. He leapfrogs Jarrett though, and knocks him down with a clothesline on the return for a two count. Bomb then tries to whip Jarrett to the ropes, but JJ blocks it with a poke to the eyes. Jarrett suplexes Bomb to the canvas and then drops an elbow for a two count. He then pulls Bomb to his feet and sets him up for a piledriver, but Bomb blocks it and hits Jarrett with a powerslam. Bomb tries to build on his advantage but Jarrett scrambles out of the ring. Bomb follows him out, but JJ meets him on his way out and gives him a hard kick to the head. Jarrett whips Bomb into the ringsteps, then goes to the announcers desk and grabs a chair. The referee however, stops him from using it before any damage is done. Jarrett throws the chair to the ground and rakes the eyes of Adam Bomb. JJ rolls Bomb back into the ring and goes for the pinfall, but he only gets a one count. Jarrett goes to drop an elbow on Bomb, but hits the mat as Bomb rolls out of the way. Bomb gets to his feet and gorilla presses Jarrett. Jarrett backs into the corner but Bomb follows him in, grabs JJ by the neck and chokeslams him into the middle of the ring. Bomb climbs the turnbuckle, allowing Jarrett to get to his feet. Bomb goes for a flying dropkick, but Jarrett pulls the referee in front of him, and Bomb hits the ref. While Bombs attention turns to the ref, Jarrett grabs the chair he'd attempted to use earlier and smacks Bomb on the back of the head. Bomb is out cold as JJ hooks on the figure four. The referee eventually comes to consciousness and counts Bombs shoulders down for the 1-2-3.

Jeff Jarrett pinned Adam Bomb with the figure four leglock in 9-59 --- **

Jarrett releases the hold then goes outside and grabs the chair again. JJ works on Bomb until Hunter Hearst Helmsley, JJ's opponent on Raw tommorrow night in the euro title tournament, strides to the ring. HHH attacks Jarrett and pedigrees him on the chair. Jarrett is out as the DX theme tune kicks in and Helmsley poses for the fans. While HHH is posing, Adam Bomb wakes up, spins Hunter around and powerbombs him onto Jarrett. He then picks both Helmsley and Jarrett up and chokelslams them both. Bomb stares down at the carnage and then leaves the ring area.

Ross - Wow. What a shocker, I didn't expect a Jarrett victory in that
       match. The rage in Adam Bomb after that defeat was unbelievable.
       Tommorow night of course Jeff Jarrett will take on Hunter Hearst
       Helmsley in the European Title Tournament. Adam Bomb will face
       Steve Austin. What did you think of that, King?

King - Well I knew Jeff Jarrett had it in him to get the victory, but
       why in the world did Hunter Hearst Helmsley show up for?

Ross - Well, whatever his reasons, I'm sure he's regretting it now.
       But up next, we've got the match for the Cruiserweight title,
       champion Rey Mysterio Jr against Taka Michinoku. Lets take you
       back to two weeks agon on Raw, a triangle match between Taka,
       Pantera, and Devon Storm.

(Recap of finish to Devon Storm vs Pantera vs Taka Michinoku from February 2nd)

Ross - And now to the ring.

Finkel - The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the
         World Wrestling Federation Cruiserweight Championship!
         Introducing first the challenger, from Morioka, Japan weighing
         in at 169 pounds, Taka Michinoku! And his opponent, weighing
         140 pounds, he is the World Wrestling Federation Cruiserweight
         Champion, Rey Mysterio Jr!

(Cruiserweight Champion) Rey Mysterio Jr vs Taka Michinoku

Straight out of the opening lock-up, Taka hits the champ with a back suplex. Michinoku goes straight for the pin, but only gets a two count. Taka seems to want to finish this quickly, he hits Mysterio with a german suplex for another two count. Taka then again takes Rey down with a spinning leg lariat. Rey then gets in his first offense as he takes Michinoku out of the ring with a flying headscissors. When Taka re-enters he is met with an enzirguiri, sening him crashing to the canvas. Rey doesn't go for the cover though and waits for Taka to get to his feet. When he does, Mysterio executes a springboard hurracanarana, which Taka is able to kick out of. Rey whips Michinoku against the ropes, but Taka hits with him with a flying forearm once he bounces back. Taka goes for the pin but the champion easily kicks out. The action soon spills to the outside, where Taka whips Rey into the guardrail. Taka attempts to then whip him back the other way, but Rey blocks it and smashes Taka's head into the ringsteps. Rey then rolls the challenger back into the ring then follows him in. Rey then whips Taka against the ropes but Taka leapfrogs Rey then catches Mysterio right in the face with a flying forearm. Taka then covers Rey but gets only another two count. Taka Michinoku then delivers a deadly assault of moves in quick succession including a powerbomb and a springboard splash. Following this, Taka goes for another cover but Rey still kicks out. Michinoku then goes to put Mysterio in a Boston Crab, but Rey blocks it, and hurracanranas Michinoku. The crowd is clearly divided between the two competitors during this action. Taka slowly gets to his feet, but when he does, he's met by a springboard hurracanrana and Rey gets the three count.

Rey Mysterio Jr pinned Taka Michinoku with the Springboard Hurracanrana in 7-14 --- ***.5
(Rey Mysterio Jr retained the WWF Cruiserweight Title)

The two men shake hands at the end of the match in a touching show of sportsmanship.

Ross - What a great match. Folks, we hope you can join us for Wrestlemania!

**Wrestlemania Promo** - March 29th 1998

Ross - That is destined to be an amazing event, and you can see it only
       on pay-per-view. But what a show we've had so far, two great
       matches, and I believe we have Jeff Jarrett standing by.


Jarrett - Well that's right I'm standing by. Adam Bomb, you sore loser.
          I beat you for the 1-2-3 and then you show such a disgraceful
          display of unsportsmanship by chokeslamming me? And Hunter
          Hearst Helmsley? Enjoy yourself tonight, because your life is
          never gonna be the same after the beating I give you tommorow
          night on Raw.

Ross - Thanks Jeff Jarrett. Remember Folks, the tournament for the
       European Title starts tomorrow night on Monday Night Raw. The
       pairings are as follows ; Owen Hart vs Marc Mero, Vader vs Rocky
       Maivia, Adam Bomb vs Steve Austin, and of course Jeff Jarrett vs
       Hunter Hearst Helsmey. But up next though, we've got tag team
       action between The Headbangers and The Headhunters. Let's go to
       the ring.

Finkel - The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty
         minute time limit. Introducing first, weighing a combined
         weight of eight hundred and fifty five pounds, The Headhunters!
         And their opponents, weighing a combined weight of four hundred
         and eight eight pounds, The Headbangers!

The Headhunters vs The Headbangers

Thrasher starts off the match for The Headbangers going up against Headhunter#1. Thrasher takes his opponent down with a football tackle. The Headbanger unloads on The Headhunter and sends him flying to the outside with a dropkick. Thrasher follows him outside and the two brawl until the referee gets the two back in the ring again. When the action returns to the ring, The Headhunters take control, #1 hitting Thrasher with a brainbuster. #1 tags in #2 and the two men double team Thrasher whilst the ref keeps Mosh from entering the ring. Thrasher eventually manages to fight back and is able to make a hot tag to Mosh. Mosh takes on both Headhunters, taking them down with a double clothesline and then hitting #2 with a hurracanrana. Both Headhunters then scramble out of the ring to the outside, while the Headbangers do a little dance in the ring. When the action resumes, The Headhunters regain the control, both 'Hunters hitting Thrasher with a double DDT for a two count. Headhunter #2 hits a splash off the top rope, taking the wind out of Thrasher. He climbs the ropes to go for another splash, but Thrasher finds the strength to roll out of the way. Thrasher crawls across the ring and makes the tag to Mosh. Mosh goes to work on #2, who is clearly winded and doen't put up much offence. Mosh hits a bulldog off the top rope for a two count. Headhunter #2 tags out to #1, and he and Mosh go for a test of strength. Headhunter #2 easily wins and then clotheslines Mosh to the canvas. Mosh recovers and the match then degenerates into a brawl for the next few minutes, with very few wrestling moves being executed. Thraher comes close to getting the pinfall for his team after hitting a lariat on Headhunter #1. Thrasher then climbs up to the top rope and goes for a flying cross body press. The Headhunter catches him though, and after hitting a powerslam on Thrasher, he delivers a crushing powerbomb for the victory.

The Headhunters bt The Headbangers when Headhunter #1 pinned Thrasher with a powerbomb in 14-27 --- ***

Ross - An impressive victory there for The Headhunters. Now without any
       ado, let's go to our next match, a no dq, no countout brawl
       between the Legion Of Doom and The Godwinns.

Finkel - The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with street
         fight rules. Introducing first, at a total combined weight of
         five hundred and sixty two pounds, Animal, Hawk, The Legion Of
         Doom! Their opponents, at a total combined weight of five
         hundred and twenty three pounds, Henry and Phinneas, The

(Texas Street Fight)

The Legion Of Doom vs The Godwinns

The match starts out as a straight wrestling match, with neither team taking early advantage of the no disqualification rule. Hawk goes for the first pinfall attempt of the match after taking Phinneas down with a gutwrench suplex. The four men brawl it out for the next few minutes, with very few pinfall attempts. The LOD have the upper hand during this period with The Godwinns' offense reduced to nothing more than a limited array of punches and kicks. Henry halts the LOD's offense with a bearhug, but Hawk gets free within ten seconds and proceeds to knock Henry out the ring with a clothesline. Phinneas is all alone in the ring as Hawk climbs the ropes and hits the doomsday device for the pinfall.

The Legion Of Doom defeated The Godwinns when Hawk pinned Phinneas I Godwinn in 10-21 --- .75*

Ross - Huge win for the Legion Of Doom! Let's take you backstage now
       where Triple Threat members Chris Candido and Bam Bam Bigelow.

Bigelow - Yeah that's right we're here. Roadog, Billy Gunn? I hope
          you're out back getting intimate with those tag belts, 'cos
          you ain't gonna be seeing them anymore after tonight.

Candido - That's right. My man right here destroyed you Billy Gunn
          last week on Raw, and he's gonna do it again tonight. And
          Jesse Jammes? You're lucky as hell that you're buddys were
          to save your ass on Monday Night.

Ross - Now let's go to Howard Finkel.

Finkel - The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a
         sixty minute time limit, and is for the World Wrestling
         Federation Tag Team Championship! Introducing first the
         challengers, weighing in at a combined weight of five hundred
         and ninety four pounds, the team of Chris Candido and the
         World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion, Bam
         Bam Bigelow! And their opponents, at a total combined weight
         of four hundred and ninety five pounds, Billy Gunn, Jesse
         Jammes, they are the World Wrestling Federation tag team
         champions, The New Age Outlaws!

(Tag Team Champions) The New Age Outlaws vs Chris Candido/Bam Bam Bigelow

Billy Gunn and Bam Bam Bigelow start the match of, in a repeat of Mondays match. Bigelow is the early aggressor, hitting Gunn with a double underhook backbreaker. Bam Bam follows up with an elbowdrop and goes for the cover. Gunn kicks out at two. Bigelow attempts a vertical suplex, but Billy reverses it and suplexes Bam Bam. Gunn elbows Bigelow in the face, rakes the eyes and then tags in the Roadog. Jammes takes the action to the outside, and sends Bam Bam crashing into the ring announcers table. Bigelow is busted wide open just two minutes into the match. The action continues on the outside for some time, with JJ having the better of the offense, hammering Bigelow into the ringsteps ten times. Jammes throws Bigelow back in the ring and goes for the cover, only getting two. JJ whips Bigelow into the ropes, but Bam Bam bounces back and hits Jammes with a devasting clothesline. Bigelow climbs the ropes and hits a splash from the second rope. He only gets a two count, and Jammes tags in Gunn. The Outlaws double team Bam Bam with a variety of illegal tactics before the Roadog is ushered out of the ring. Order is restored for all of one minute before all four men start brawling in and out of the ring. Candido and Gunn take it to the outside, but in the ring Bigelow goes for a powerbomb, but Jammes reverses it and flips Bigelow to the outside, right on top of his partner. The match then settles down, and JJ and Chris Candido go one on one in the middle of the ring. Jammes trys to finish it with the Crotch Slam, but Candido counters it with a cross body block for a two count. Bam Bam enters the ring to make it two on one, but Mr Ass follows him in and clotheslines him right out. Gunn and Jammes then proceed to hit Candido with a double vertical suplex. Jesse Jammes then dominates Candido for over a minute before Jammes tags Billy Gunn back in. Gunn hits a DDT on Candido for a two count. Candido soon takes the advantage in this encounter, and is close to getting the victory with a 2.9 count following a german suplex. Candido trys to whip Gunn against the ropes, but Gunn reverses it, and as Candido hits the ropes, Jammes sticks his foot out and Candido falls to the canvas. The referee admonishes the Roadog while Gunn suplexes Candido. Gunn covers Candido but the ref is still talking to JJ, when the ref does get back to action, Candido manages to kick out at two. Candido crawls across and tags in Bigelow, who comes in and clotheslines Gunn to the mat. Bigelow then scoops Gunn up for the Greetings From Ashbury Park, hits it, and we have new tag team champions!

Chris Candido and Bam Bam Bigelow defeated The New Age Outlaws when Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Billy Gunn with the Greetings From Ashbury Park in 10-58 --- **.75

The new tag champions give the tag champions a brutal beating following the bell. Bigelow blasting both men with the G.F.A.P several times. The beating is only stopped when a recovered Hunter Hearst Helmlsey and the WWF champion Shawn Michaels run down to make the save. As the lead members of DX tend to The Outlaws, Shane Douglas appears on the TitanTron.

Douglas - Hey DX! You see what just happened here? It's a (beep)ing
          car wreck. And later tonight, you're gonna be seeing exactly
          the same thing, only this time HBK, it's gonna be you lying
          on the canvas. And you better hope that I take the belt
          tonight, or else there is gonna be some serious (beep)ing
          trouble tomorrow night.

The Videoscreen goes blank. Shawn and Hunter help the Outlaws out to the back.

Ross - Well that was uncalled for. They got the victory, a clean
       victory over the Outlaws and there was no reason for that

King - Well I don't know JR. I think somebody needed to teach the
       Outlaws a lesson and they did that tonight.

Ross - Well I thought Douglas' days of teaching ended three years ago.
       Up next though is the womens world title match. Let's take you
       back to two weeks ago on Raw.

(recap of finish to Madusa/Faye vs Hokuto/Nakano match on 02/02 Raw)

Finkel - The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for
         the World Wrestling Federation Womens Championship!
         Introducing first, the challenger, fighting out of
         Kitakatsushika, Japan, weighing one hundred and thirty two
         pounds, Akira Hokuto! And her opponent, weighing one hundred
         and fifty four pounds, the World Wrestling Federation womens
         champion, Madusa Miccelli!

(Womens Champion) Madusa Miccelli vs Akira Hokuto

The action is slow at the start of this match, as the two women are content to feel each other out at the beginning. Madusa takes the advantage after those opening exchanges after hitting a belly to belly suplex. Hokuto then fires back with a stiff assortment of chops and kicks sending Madusa down to the mat. Hokuto fires Madusa back in a german suplex on four minutes but only gets a two count. Madusa gets in little offense for the rest of the match, and Hokuto wins the title with the Northen Lights Bomb.

Akira Hokuto pinned Madusa Miccelli with the Northen Lights Bomb in 6-17 --- ***.5

Ross - A new womens champion King, I can't believe it!

King - Come on Ross, it's obvious that Akira is the better athlete,
       and she's undoubtedly the better looking of the two, right JR?

Ross - I'm not going to comment on that King, my momma's watching at
       home, bu up next we've got Owen Hart and The Rock against Steve
       Austin and, well we don't know who it's gonna be. Let's take you
       back to this past week on Raw.

(The Steve Austin/Rock/Owen interview from the February 9th Monday Night Raw)

Finkel - The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall with a
         thirty minute time limit. Introducing first, at a total combined
         weight of four hundred and ninety nine pounds, the team of Owen
         Hart and "The Rock" Rocky Maivia!


Stone Cold Steve Austin heads to the ring and then takes the microphone off of Howard Finkel.

Austin - Alright jackasses, my partner for tonight, Mr Terry Funk!

Terry Funk makes it about five feet out of the entrance way befoer he is attacked from behind by... by... my god it's SID! Sid powerbombs Funk on the concrete floor, then charges to the ring. He lays into a stunned Austin, then powerbombs him. Sid then goes to the announcing table and takes a mic.

Sid - I'm back, and that is why I am the MASTER of the world!

Sid leaves the ring area, sparing a few seconds to powerbomb several WWF officials on the way out. Owen Hart then calls to the time keeper to ring the bell to start the match. The bell is rung.

Owen Hart/Rocky Maivia vs Steve Austin/Terry Funk

Austin is out and Funk has already been carried out by WWF officials. Owen and The Rock play with Austin for thirty seconds before the Rock hits the Rock Bottom for the three count.

Owen Hart and Rocky Maivia defeated Steve Austin and Terry Funk when Rocky Maivia pinned Steve Austin with the Rock Bottom in 0-42 --- .5*

Ross - Oh my god. That was unbelievable. Lets take you backstage right
       now where I believe Sid is standing by. What in the hell was that?

      WITH AUSTIN AND ALL THE OTHER SCUM, and I realised that it was
      a world without a leader, BUT I AM THAT LEADER, I AM THE master
      of the world. My game is pain, MY GAME IS PUNISHMENT, AND AT THE

Sid then leaves the backstage area.

Ross - My god, what do you make of that King?

King - I don't know Ross, I mean, I was prepared to be surprised
       with Austins partner, but I didn't expect this.

Ross - And I guess, kind of overshadowed now, but Terry Funk is back
       in the WWF, erm... welcome back Terry and er, lets hope it
       gets better from here on in. Well, to follow that, we have the
       World Wrestling Federation Championship on the line, WWF
       Champion Shawn Michaels and Shane Douglas. Let's take you back
       to this past week on Raw.

(Replays of Benoit's interview and the Shane Douglas/Shawn Michaels interview from the February 9th Raw)

Ross - We're all set. Let's go to Howard Finkel.

Finkel - Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for our main event of
         the evening. It is scheduled for one fall, with a sixty
         minute time limit, and it is for the World Wrestling
         Federation Championship! Introducing first, the challenger,
         from Pittsburgh, PA, weighing in at two hundred and twenty
         three pounds, The Franchise, Shane Douglas! And his opponent,
         from San Antonio Texas, weighing two hundred and thirty
         four pounds, he is the World Wrestling Federation Champion, The
         Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!

(WWF Champion) Shawn Michaels vs Shane Douglas

The two men stare each other down for the opening thirty seconds of the match. Douglas breaks the trance by simply picking Michaels up and bodyslamming him. Michaels is quick to get to his feet and the two lock eye contact once again. After a good amount of pacing and stalling, the two men lock up. Douglas wins that test of strength and Michaels slips out of the ring to the outside. Douglas follows him out and we see the first real action of the match. As Douglas jumps down from the apron, Michaels clotheslines him on the way down, sending Douglas flying back. Michaels then grabs him by the hair and whips him into the guardrail. Michaels then goes to whip him to the other side, but Douglas gives HBK a rake of the eyes. Douglas climbs back into the ring on the instructions of the referee. Michaels follows him soon after and the two men stare down again. Another lock-up sees Michaels grab Douglas in a side headlock. Douglas however pulls Michaels back by the hair and then whips him across the ring, catching Michaels on the way back with a round house right. Douglas then knocks the champion down with a clothesline and then drops an elbow. The franchise spits on Michaels as he lies, causing Michaels to jump up and slap Douglas across the cheek. Douglas smirks and then slaps Shawn right back, sending him down to the canvas. Douglas pulls him up and whips him against the ropes again. Michaels though, ducks the clothesline and fires back at Douglas with a flying forearm. Michaels picks Douglas up and attempts a bulldog from the corner, but Douglas manages to push Michaels right into and over the opposing turnbuckle, sending the Heartbreak Kid to the outside. Douglas goes outside after him and rams him into the guardrail. He then takes Michaels to the concrete part of the entranceway and attempts a piledriver, but Michaels blocks it and backflips the challenger. Douglas gets to his feet and the two men brawl on the outside until the referee can get them to return to the ring. The referee being very lenient with the countout rule. Michaels makes it into the ring first and stomps on Douglas as he enters behind him. Michaels pulls Douglas up by the hair and swings him against the ropes, nailing him with a Lou Thesz press upon his return. Michaels then departs to the corner and bangs his foot on the mat in the ryhmic pattern that only means one thing. As Shane gets to his feet, Shawn charges for the superkick, but Douglas ducks and then hits Michaels with a swinging neckbreaker. Douglas goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Douglas gets to his feet, climbs the turnbuckle and attempts a top rope elbow drop ala Savage on Michaels. Michaels rolls out the way though at the crucial time, and Douglas hits nothing but mat. Michaels gets to his feet first, but is taken down with a legsweep by Douglas. Douglas puts Michaels up for a suplex, but instead of sending him to the mat, Douglas simply throws him over the top rope, nearly decapitating Michaels on the guardrail. Douglas then climbs the turnbuckle and hits Michaels with a flying axehandle to the outside. He then goes up to the turnbuckle again and attempts to drop another one, but Michaels has the presence of mind to move and Douglas goes straight into the guardrail. Michaels then rolls Douglas back into the ring and puts the semi-conscious franchise into a sleeper hold. Douglas' arm goes down for the one, the two but Douglas' will power keeps his arm up before three and he powers out of the hold, shoving Michaels back into the turnbuckle. Douglas charges towards Michaels in the corner, but he is met with a boot to the face. Douglas falls back in the middle of the ring. Suddenly Chris Benoit emerges from behind the curtain and makes his way to the ring. Before he can get anywhere near the ring though, he is attacked from behind by Rob Van Dam! Van Dam and Benoit brawl on the ramp as Shawn Michaels hits the Superkick on Douglas! The referee goes down to make the count but as the ref counts one, a masked man jumps the guardrail and jumps into the ring. The masked man legdrops Michaels on the back of the head. The referee stops the count and rings the bell for the dq. Just before the show goes off the air, the man unmasks to reveal Taz! What the hell is going on?

Shawn Michaels defeated Shane Douglas by disqualification in 11-32 --- ***.5

(Shawn Michaels retained teh WWF Championship)