
Owen - So, you signed that contract I gave you for tonight?

Myers - Umm no, actually I signed a contract with er, Adam Bomb.

Owen - What?!

Myers - He said he'd rip my (beep) off and then start beating me with it if I didn't give him a shot, so I weighed up the two offers and...

Owen - I can't believe this. That's my belt!

Myers - But he said...

Owen - For crying out loud...

Hart leaves.

Myers - Shah shah shah.

{short description of image}


April 27th

Hampton, Virginia

Jim Ross is your announcer

Ross - Hello everybody, and welcome to Hampton, Virginia, and WWF Monday Night Raw! We've got an absolutely incredible show tonight, with an eight man tag team main event! WWF Champion Jeff Jarrett, The Roadog Jesse Jammes and tag champs The New Midnight Express, will face off against The RoadWarriors and Mosh and Thrasher, The Headbangers! The European title is gonna be on the line as well, as Hack Myers is apparently gonna defend against the former champion Adam Bomb. Plus, Steve Austin will be in singles action, and Brian "Crush" Adams will face Hunter Hearst Helmsley! We've got much more tonight as well folks, but first let's go to the ring where the WWF Champion should be making his presence felt real soon.

Instead, the WWF tag team champions Bart Gunn and Bob Holly make their way to the ring.

Gunn - Your World Wrestling Federation champion will grace you with his presence a little later. Right now you'll have to make do with the World Wrestling Federation *tag team* champions, us! Ha, we got it all right here. Last night, I think we finally nailed the coffin of the RoadWarriors shut. They may fight us again tonight, but they will never, *ever* get another title shot, you guys can count on that.

Holly - And Headbangers? Didn't we beat you guys already? You're never getting a title shot either. But that's not to say that this eight man tag isn't important. Bart, Jeff, Jesse and myself are gonna send out a message tonight, to everybody in the WWF. After we wipe the mat with our opponents tonight, and then raise all our gold high above our heads, *that* will be a defining moment in WWF history. We're gonna be on top of the WWF for a loooong time, I guarantee it.

Suddenly, Billy Gunn and Triple-H charge down to ringside and start hammering away on the tag champs. Pretty soon the ring is full as Crush, Jeff Jarrett, The Roadog, The LOD, The Headhunters and The Headbangers all get involved. This melee continues as we take our first break.


Ross - Welcome back folks, and how about that start? We had thirteen men in the ring, all pounding the hell out of each other. But at this time I'd like to take you back to last week on Raw, as Hunter Hearst Helmsley challenged Brian "Crush" Adams to a match here tonight. That challenge was accepted folks, and let's go back to ringside for this contest.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Brian "Crush" Adams

Crush and Helmsley slug it out for just over a minute, and Hunter gets a two count after a suplex. Just after the one minute mark, Savio Vega comes to ringside, but he’s soon followed by “BadAss” Billy Gunn. Gunn and Vega start brawling and eventually find their way into the ring. The ref says what the heck, and we have a tag match!

Crush/Savio Vega vs Billy Gunn/Hunter Hearst Helmsley

The match takes a minute or so to settle down, but it eventually comes down to Savio and Hunter one on one in the ring. It's back and forth for a while. but Helmsley gets the first two count of the tag match with a powerslam. When Hunter tags in Billy Gunn though, Savio takes control. A bow and arrow submisson has Gunn in deep trouble for close to a minute before Triple-H enters the ring and breaks the hold. Gunn has his better moments of the match when Crush is his opponent. Adams brutalised Gunn back at In Your House and Mr Ass hasn't forgotten it. For the most part though, the match is very even and hard fought. Several close two counts follow as both teams put on a great display. The action moves to the outside after twelve minutes and stays there, as the referee counts both teams out.

Crush/Savio Vega fought Billy Gunn/HHH to a double countout in 13-25 (.75*)

After the bell rings, Vega attacks Helmsley with a chair. Soon enough there are weapons everywhere, and then, for the second time tonight, mayhem ensues. The same wrestlers who brawled earlier, all find their way back out for more fun. A strange feeling of deja vu arises as we go to commercials.


Ross - We're gonna return to ringside at this point, for our European title matchup!

(European Championship)

Hack Myers vs Adam Bomb

Bomb attacks Myers as soon as the champ enters the ring, and starts hammering away at him. Bomb sends Myers to the mat with a chokeslam as Owen Hart runs down to ringside and through the ropes. He attacks Bomb from behind with a clothesline but Bomb shrugs it off. Hart is nailed with a chokeslam and is set up for the crotch slam before Myers knocks Bomb to the mat with a clothesline of his own. Myers bounces off the ropes and then goes to hit another clothesline, but Bomb scoops him up into a powerslam and sends him to the canvas. There's just enough time for Bomb to press slam Owen to the outside, before hitting Myers with the crotch slam for the title.

Adam Bomb defeated Hack Myers in 1-54 (DUD)

(Adam Bomb won the WWF European Title)

**WWF In Your House 3 "To Live And Die In La" Promo - May 17th**

Ross - Welcome back folks, and we have a *new* WWF European champion! Adam Bomb, the first ever two time European champion. With that in mind, I...

"Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'?"

The Rock and Booker T make their way to the ring.

Rock - Hampton, Virginia, you better shut your damn mouths before The Rock starts laying the smack down on each and every one of your candyasses! The People's champ is talking, and you better know your damn role. I say People's champ, but the Rock is soon to be the Intercontinental champ, if ya smell what the Rock is cookin'. Benoit, you challenge me to a no countout match for your little belt? No biggie, I'll take your little belt and I'll have fun wiping your ass with ever seat in the building at the same time. Benoit, meh. Booker T, he has some business to tend to as well.

Booker - Dustin Runnels? Saying what you said last week, embarrasing me, embarrasing the Nation, that ain't allowed. Since I joined The Nation, everything has been going my way. You caught me on a bad night, and that don't mean (beep)! You open your mouth with any of that (beep) again, and I'll make sure you never speak another word.

Dustin Runnels appears from the curtains.

Runnels - Oh really? Look at you, you can't even get your own interview time anymore. You're doing nothing but riding on the coatails of The Rock and you know it.

Rock - The Rock may have some mighty fine coatails, but you're insane if you think there's people riding on them. Sure, half the people in the WWF, in the world, want to be down with the Rock, but that's not the situation. The Nation's a family Dustin. There's bonds here. I guess you know nothing about that Dustin, what with your fat old man and your scraggly whore of a wife.

Runnels starts to run to the ring, but Mark Henry has appeared behind him out of the curtain, and he clobbers Dustin from behind. Henry nails Runnels with a bodyslam and then splashes him on the concrete floor.


Ross - Welcome back folks. In my opinion The Rock took it too far just then but...

Jarrett - Hold it. Shut up Ross.

The WWF champion appears out of the curtains, microphone in hand.

Jarrett - Whatever you were about to say, it can wait. This match deserves a proper introduction, and I'm gonna give it. Okay, introducing first, he was one of the brightest young stars in music history, a former tag team champion, and a member of the famous Armstrong wrestling family, The Roadog, Jesse Jammes!

The Roadog makes his entrance, and stands by Jarrett in the centre of the ring.

Jarrett - Perhaps you'd like to field this one Jesse.

Jammes - Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Jeff Jarrett and Jesse Jammes proudly bring to you, the World Wrestling Federation tag team champions of the woooooooorld, Bodacious Bart Gunn, Bombastic Bob Holly, the New Midnight Express! Yeah!

The tag team champions make their entrance and make their way to the ring.

Gunn - Okay, let me say something here tonight. I...

"Oh What A Rush!"

The music of the RoadWarriors cuts Bart Gunn off, and Hawk, Animal, and The Headbangers charge to the ring and attack their opponents. Game on!

(WWF Champion) Jeff Jarrett/(Tag Champions) The New Midnight Express/Jesse Jammes


The RoadWarriors/The Headbangers

The Headbangers have issues with Jarrett and co. after last week on Raw, and it's Mosh who starts things out for his team, going up against the WWF champion, Jeff Jarrett. Mosh dominates the champ, staggering him with right and left hands before knocking him down with a flying shoulderblock. During this period, Mosh gets a close two count on more than one occasion, hitting a powerbomb and a top rope legdrop for close counts. When Jarrett gets control, he nearly puts Mosh away with a sleeper, but the hold is broken by Thrasher.

After these two guys go at it for the first three minutes of the match, Jarrett tags in the Roadog. Jammes immediately sends Mosh into the ropes but gets caught up in a powerbomb and almost pinned. Thrasher makes the tag in and they effectively double team Jammes before the ref gets Mosh out of the ring. Thrasher and The Roadog put on some good back and forth action for a while, before Animal gets tagged in and dominates Jammes. A powerslam gets two, followed by a piledriver for a two and a half count.

The New Midnight Express make sure to stay on the outside of the ring until the ten minute mark, waiting until the RoadWarriors are in a bad way before entering. Bart Gunn finally tags in after Jarrett nails Hawk with a piledriver, and the tag champ stomps away on the fallen RoadWarrior. Gunn and Holly then trade tags for the next minute or so, working Hawk over. The tide is turned though, as Hawk ducks a double clothesline on twelve minutes, and then takes both the New Midnight Express down with a double clothesline of his own. Hawk tags Animal, and The Warriors set Holly up for the Doomsday Device. As Animal hoists him up on his shoulders though, Jesse Jammes enters the ring and dropkicks Animal down. This prompts The Headbangers to enter the ring, and we soon have an eight man brawl going down.

The action spills to the outside, leaving just Jarrett and Animal in the ring. The referee leaves the ring to restore order on the outside, giving Jarrett the oppurtunity to grab a chair. Jarrett swings but Animal ducks, grabs the chair for himself, and waffles Jarrett with it. Animal goes down to cover, but before the referee can turn back around, Headhunter #1 jumps into the ring and uses the chair on the back of Animal's head. Animal rolls onto his back in agony, and Jarrett moves over to cover the RoadWarrior. The referee takes his sweet time getting back into the ring, but the three count was never in doubt.

Jarrett/Jammes/N.M.Express defeated The RoadWarriors/Headbangers in 14-02 (.75*)



"Stone Cold" Steve Austin makes his way to the ring.

Austin - Virginia, if you want to see Sycho Sid get his ass out here and get it whooped, like I shoulda done last week, gimme an oh hell yeah.

Hampton, Virginia - Oh Hell Yeah!

Austin - Well Sid, get your ass out here. A no-contest decison ain't satisfactory for me, and I'm guessing, since you don't have a brain wortha shit, that it ain't satisfactory for you either. Get the hell out here.

Instead of Sycho Sid, Austin's scheduled opponent Jacques Rougeau comes to the ring.

Rougeau - Listen punk, don't you be calling out this guy Sid, you have to deal with *me*. Don't you know who I am? I'm...

Austin - Hell I know who you are. You're the guy who's about to get his ass whooped by Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Austin boots him in the chest and then goes for the stunner, but Rougeau gets out of the way in time. Rougeau rolls out of the ring as the referee rings the bell.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs Jacques Rougeau

With the exception of the three minutes last week, Austin hasn't wrestled a full match since February. It showed early on, as Rougeau has the upper hand. Rougeau gets a two count with a side suplex, but then loses the advantage as he berates the crowd way too much. After over a minute of being beaten on, Austin finally gets going. Austin gets two counts with a piledriver and vertical suplex, but Jacques twice blocks the Stone Cold Stunner to keep the match alive. Austin dominates the rest of the match, and it's third time lucky for the Stunner as Austin gets the three count.

Steve Austin defeated Jacques Rougeau in 5-21 (*.5)

As soon as the bell rings, Sid enters the ring in street clothes and drops a legdrop over Austin. Pulling him up to his feet, Sid powerbombs Austin, laying him out in the middle of the ring. Sid leaves Austin on the mat and gets the ring announcer to hand him a microphone. Sid turns to the camera.

Sid - WWF? That is what Sycho Sid is all about. You're gonna give *me* a world title shot, or else...

Austin is back up to his feet and he nails Sid from behind before knocking him out cold with the stunner. Austin sets him up for a second as we go off the air.