April 26th 1998

Columbia, South Carolina

Todd Pettengil is your host.

Todd - Hey folks, and welcome to WWF Sunday Night Slam! We've got a great show for you tonight, with a great main event! Tonight, the tag titles are gonna be on the line as the New Midnight Express defend against The RoadWarriors! These two teams have been feuding for close to two months now, and this could be the match that settles the score once and for all! Also here tonight, Marc Mero will face Owen Hart, and Too Much will face the debuting Hardy Boyz! We'll also be speaking to former World Wrestling Federation champion, Shawn Michaels. But let's go straight to ringside now for our opening contest!

Owen Hart vs Marc Mero

Owen starts off by hitting a spinning leg lariat on Mero and immediately gets a two count. Hart then goes for a flying dropkick, but Mero gets out of the way and Owen goes straight to the canvas. Mero then hits a flying dropkick of his own for a two count. The match continues in a back and forth fashion for the next few minutes. Hart comes close to victory with an enzirguiri, and Mero gets a close two count with a flying cross body press. At the five minute mark, Owen attempts a top rope frankensteiner, but Mero manages to counter and executes a top rope powerbomb! Surprisingly, this only gets a two count, but Mero is now firmly in control. The Marvelous one gets another close two with a belly to belly suplex moments later, and comes close yet again with a reverse neckbreaker soon after that. Mero is close to being pinned at the seven minute mark after Hart rolls over on top of him after another flying cross body, but he kicks out at two. Mero's high flying antics prove costly again a few minutes later, as Owen rolls out of the way of a top rope legdrop and then applies the Sharpshooter! Mero is in the hold for over thirty seconds and on the verge of tapping out when Adam Bomb enters the ring and nails Hart.

Owen Hart defeated Marc Mero by dq in 11-18 (**.5)

The crowd is right behind Bomb as he lays into Owen, but the former European champion gets nailed from behind by the now up to his feet Marc Mero. Mero hits Bomb with a DDT, and then he and Hart start stomping away on Adam Bomb. Cue Chris Chetti to the ring, and he starts hammering away at both Mero and Bomb, before sending them both out of the ring with a clothesline over the top. As Mero and Owen leave, Chetti extends his arm to Bomb, who's lying on the canvas. Bomb gets to his feet and looks like he's about to kick the crap out of Chetti, before he shakes his hand and then leaves the ring.

Todd - How about that folks? Chris Chetti and Adam Bomb? That's a pretty unlikely combination if you ask me, we'll have to see how this one develops. Now after this break we're gonna see some cruiserweight tag action, and let me make an announcement about the cruiserweight title match at In Your House. We talked about it last night, but it's now confirmed that Juventud Guerra will face the cruiserweight champion on May 17th. The champion is of course at this time, Rey Mysterio Jr. Anyway, that's our first match for In Your House set, we'll be right back with more action!


The Hardy Boyz vs Too Much

The Hardy Boyz make their WWF debut here, and Jeff Hardy is the man to start it out. He takes on the former cruiserweight champ Brian Christopher, and takes him down early with an armdrag takedown. Jeff controls until Christopher back body drops him as he attempts a powerbomb. Christopher then sends Jeff to the outside and proceeds to bash him into the ringsteps. This technical cruiserweight masterpiece continues for a while, with Taylor and Christopher using every tag team heel move in the book. On the four minute mark, Jeff manages to hit a DDT out of nowhere, and makes the hot tag to his brother Matt. Matt takes it to Taylor, the legal man at the time, with some hard right hands, before sending him to the outside with a dropkick. Brian then enters the ring to attack Matt, but he eats dropkick and falls to the outside as well. Jeff enters the ring at this point, and the two men execute a double plancha onto their opponents on the outside. Back on the inside a few moments later, and The Hardy Boyz take control of the matchup. For the next few minutes, both Hardy's come close to victory as they dominate both Taylor and Christopher. A moonsault from Jeff and a springboard dropkick from Matt get the closest pinfalls, with Taylor both times kicking out at two and three quarters. At the nine minute point, Devon Storm charges down the aisle. into the ring, and then starts beating on Jeff Hardy! Before the referee can even think about calling for the dq, Storm dropkicks Christopher and starts pounding away on him! Matt Hardy eventually gets him out of the ring, and, with a crazy look on his face, Storm runs back down the aisle and through the curtain. The two legal men in the ring, Jeff Hardy and Brian Christopher stare after Storm with a look of bewilderment on their faces, before Jeff turns and hits Brian with a superkick! This only gets two, and soon a four man brawl breaks out in the ring. This continues for a good minute or so, before Christopher falls victim to the Hardy Bomb and gets covered for the three count.

The Hardy Boyz defeated Too Much in 12-12 (**.5)

Todd - Well that's the second time tonight that I'm puzzled. A great opening victory for the Hardy Boyz, but what's going on with Devon Storm? His comeback has failed badly, has it made him crack? I don't have the answers, but like I said earlier, this is gonna be interesting to watch over the next few weeks. And remember, in just three weeks today, the World Wrestling Federation will present In Your House 3 "To Live And Die In La". It's gonna be a great show folks, you know that no-one does pay per view like the WWF. Make sure to call your cable operator and order as soon as you can. We're gonna take another break now folks, when we come back we'll have the WWF Tag Team titles on the line!


(Tag Team Championship)

The New Midnight Express vs The RoadWarriors

In roughly their four hundreth match of the year, the RoadWarriors and The New Midnight Express once again lock up. The difference this time being that one of the two teams actually holds the gold this time round. This group of wrestlers know each other inside and out, and the opening segment with Animal and Bart Gunn is very low key, with all the tactics well known by the opponent. Animal catches Gunn in a powerslam after two minutes for the first two count of the match. Once the match truly gets going, it’s the New Midnight Express who hold the advantage. They wear the Warriors down with a series of restholds and chokeholds. Cover attempts are rare from the Express, although Holly comes close to three with an inside cradle. The RoadWarriors finally get the advantage on their side after a brief brawl on the outside of the ring. Gunn went for an odd looking piledriver on the ringsteps on Animal, but Animal manages to back body drop him over onto the concrete. Back in the ring, the Warriors take control of the match, and get several close pinfalls over the next five or so minutes. Hawk hits the Doomsday Device at one point, but Holly. the reciever, manages to roll to the outside and cannot be pinned. Despite their finishing move proving unsuccessful in winning the match, the RoadWarriors retain control. Retain that is, until the Headhunters appear out of the curtain. For some reason, Hawk and Animal forget about the match and the tag titles and run off down the aisle after the ‘Hunters. The Express win by countout in a bad, bad finish.

The New Midnight Express defeated The RoadWarriors by countout in 11-56 (DUD)

Todd - Well that's odd. Wasn't The RoadWarriors rivalry with the Headhunters based on the fact that the Hunters cost them the belts? The titles were there for Hawk and Animal to take and they didn't act on it! Anyway, back to ringside now where Shawn Michaels should be on his way.

Michaels heads to the ring on his own.

HBK - South Carolina, give it up for the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels! Now before all you people go home tonight, the Heartbreak Kid has a few things to get off his chest. Jeff Jarrett wants to form a stable? I give it a week before Jarrett's ego starts getting to the rest. Jesse Jammes? Way to flush your entire career down the toilet. With D-Generation X, you held the WWF tag team titles for close to a month. Where are you gonna be with Jeff Jarrett? You're gonna be carrying his bags and wipin' his ass, just like the last time. But that's no worry to me, because you're not gonna be a threat. Not anymore. Bart Gunn and Bob Holly, be warned as of right now that *Billy* Gunn and Hunter Hearst Helmsley are taking those tag belts real soon. And Jarrett? Come out and face me tomorrow night on Raw if you got the balls. And remember, if you're not down with DX, I got two words for ya. Suck it!