April 25th

Columbia, South Carolina

Todd Pettengil is your host.

Todd - Welcome everybody to WWF Saturday Night! Right here tonight, Chris Chetti will face The Barbarian, Juventud Guerra will face Devon Storm, and the Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit will team up with Dustin Runnels to face Crush and Savio Vega! We're gonna see some great action tonight, and let's go straight to ringside!

Juventud Guerra vs Devon Storm

The crowd seems up for this one, as it promises to be a great encounter. Guerra has been guarrenteed a cruiserweight title shot in the near future, and he is obviously wanting to keep his good run going. Juve is devastating in the opening minutes, as he destroys Storm. Michinoku driver, 450 splash, springboard dropkick and a flying dropkick are all hit with precision, along with a series of other deadly moves. Storm prevents being covered for a three count on several occasions by the skin of his teeth. It's around the three minute mark before Storm gets any real offence in, as he reverses a vertical suplex. Storm then takes control for a little while, nailing Juventud with a frankensteiner at one point for a close two count. He goes to follow that move up with a senton, but Guerra rolls out of the way. Guerra then again sustains the upper hand in this match, scoring yet more close pinfalls on Storm. Apart from a brief flurry two minutes later, the match is now completely dominated by Guerra, and he hits the 450 splash again for the three count.

Juventud Guerra defeated Devon Storm in 12-18 (***.25)

Todd - A great match there, and a great win for Juventud Guerra. Devon Storm's WWF comeback though sure doesn't seem to have gone as planned. Going back to Guerra though, he's the number one contender for the cruiserweight title, and all signs point to him getting his shot at In Your House 3 "To Live And Die In La" on May 17th. No matches have yet been confirmed, but calls are being taken right now to order this event. Remember to call your local cable operator to be a part of the action. We've got to take a commercial break folks, but don't go away, we'll be right back with more action!


Todd - Welcome back everybody. Up next, we're gonna see Chris Chetti take on The Barbarian. These two locked up at In Your House last weekend, with The Barbarian getting the tainted win after interference by Marc Mero. Both men want to prove they can win without interference, so let's go to the action!

Chris Chetti vs The Barbarian

The Barbarian takes the early advantage, as he pummels on Chetti with righthands, chops and kicks. He puts Chetti in a bearhug at one point, but The Rookie punches his way out. Chetti rocks the big man with right hands, before getting the first real crowd reaction of the match by sending The Barbarian down with a springboard dropkick. Chetti then gets a series of near falls going, as he hits his opponent with two flying cross body presses and a springboard splash. The Barbarian gets out at two on each occasion. After a brief period of back and forth action, Chetti hits a Northern Lights suplex for another agonisingly close two count. After this relatively action packed start, the match slows down as both men spend the next few minutes executing restholds and submission holds on their opponent. At the nine minute mark, The Barbarian hits the Kick of Fear out of nowhere, seemingly knocking Chetti out cold. The Barbarian stalls in covering though, and Chetti manages to kick out at two and a half. This seemed to be the turning point in the match, and Chetti dominates before hitting a double springboard moonsault for the win.

Chris Chetti defeated The Barbarian in 11-04 (-*.25)

Todd - Well that's the clean win for Chetti there. Suprising that Marc Mero was nowhere to be seen there. Him and Chetti had one hell of a match on Monday Night Raw this past week, and that obviously had it's effect on Marc. Up next, on this solid wrestling installment of WWF Saturday Night, we've got tag team action with the Intercontinetal Champion Chris Benoit teaming with Dustin Runnels against two newcomers in Crush and Savio Vega!


Chris Benoit/Dustin Runnels vs Crush/Savio Vega

Both Crush and Savio are undefeated so far in the WWF, but this match is gonna be their toughest to date. Benoit and Vega kick things off, and Benoit gets an early two count after a German suplex. Benoit dominates Vega during this portion, but Savio gets going once Runnels is tagged in. After controlling Dustin for a while with restholds and righthands, Savio falls victim to a bulldog and gets covered for two. Runnels tags in Benoit and the two men double team Vega, nailing him with a double elbow smash. Benoit and Runnels spend the next few minutes working Vega over, keeping him in their corner. Vega is eventually able to tag in Crush when he gets out of a sleeper hold and nails Benoit with a chinbreaker. Adams unloads on Benoit for a while, with some hard fists and boots, before executing a tilt a whirl backbreaker for a two count. Adams continues to pound away on Benoit before he tags Savio back in. Vega hits a spinning mule kick on Benoit, following that up with a belly to belly suplex. After covering for two, Vega sends Benoit into the the turnbuckle, but when Vega charges in after him, Benoit raises his boot and sends Savio staggering. Suddenly Benoit is revitalised and after clotheslining Vega to the outside, he beats the hell out of Crush on the apron. The action then spills to the outside and all four men start brawling. The ref throws the ten count rule out of the window and lets them all go at it. After a few minutes of chaotic ring area action Benoit and Runnels are in total control, and they send Vega back into the ring. Benoit drags Savio into the middle of the ring and then hooks on the Crippler Crossface! Vega is on the verge of tapping out before the Rock, Booker T and Mark Henry charge into the ring and pull Benoit off. The ref calls for the bell, and we see Benoit and Dustin slugging it out with the Nation before we return to the studio.

Chris Benoit/Dustin Runnels defeated Crush/Savio Vega by dq in 13-00 (**.25)

Todd - So this feud continues to intensify. This past week on Thunder, Benoit and Runnels both had words to say about the Nation, and it seems that maybe the Nation weren't happy about some of the things said. Moving away from that though, this was the last ever WWF Saturday Night. The contract ran till the end of April, and here we are. Sunday Night Slam will continue to be shown on Sunday's, and I hope to see you tomorrow night. So long everybody, and make sure to tune in to Monday Night Raw and Thunder as well!