{The one where Dustin had a go at Mr T}


April 23rd

Columbia, South Carolina

Ross - Hello everybody and welcome to WWF Thunder Live! I'm Jim Ross and we've got a great hour coming up! The World Wrestling Federation Champion Jeff Jarrett is gonna be here, as is Shawn Michaels! Triple H told us on Monday Night that wherever Jeff Jarrett was, Michaels would be right behind him, and they'll both be here tonight. Plus tonight's main event match up will see Dustin Runnels take on Booker T of the Nation! Devon Storm is gonna be in action as well against Brian Christopher, but first we've got Adam Bomb in action to kick things off!

(European Champion) Adam Bomb vs Hack Myers (w/Owen Hart)

Myers makes his WWF debut in this matchup. This has all the makings of a regular Adam Bomb squash, but the mysterious presence of Owen Hart in Myers' corner casts a little doubt. Owen and Bomb had a rivalry at the start of the month over the title, but situations with the Nation stopped anything coming from it. It's no secret in the dressing room that Owen Hart wants that title. Owen grabs a chair and sits at ringside as the bell rings.

After the two competitors lock up, Myers has a roundhouse right blocked, but then nails Bomb with an elbowsmash. He whips the champion into the ropes and then attempts a powerslam. Bomb blocks it though and soon takes Myers down with a lariat. After hitting a flying clothesline, Bomb goes for the crotch slam early, but Myers blocks it. Bomb is also unsuccessful in his next offensive attempt, as Hack sidesteps a dropkick. Myers gives Bomb a boot to the head, then picks him up and whips him into the ropes. Myers' hopes of getting any offence going though is halted in brutal fashion though, as Bomb nearly rips his head off with a clothesline from hell! Bomb's control of the match only lasts a moment as well though, as his jumping elbow thrust is ducked by Myers.

Hack then chops and kicks Bomb into the corner, before pummeling him with right and left hands. Bomb soon fights back though, and the crowd is right behind him when he eventually takes Myers to the canvas with another hard clothesline. It's total domination for the next few minutes as Bomb wipes the floor with Myers. A jumping elbow thrust, a flying elbowdrop, flying clothesline and a backbreaker are some of the power moves Myers has to endure. When Bomb takes it to the outside, Myers is sent from guardrail to post, to tables to steps, as Bomb beats the crap out of him. Myers is pretty much out on his feet when Bomb takes him back into the ring, and the champ places him in the middle of the ring as he runs into the ropes. Apparently going for some form of clothesline we'll never know, as Owen Hart whacks him in the back with the chair as he hits the ropes. Bomb holds his back in agony and staggers forward into the centre of the ring. With his last ounce of energy, Myers pulls Bomb down in a small package and gets the three count! New European champion! What the f**k?

Hack Myers defeated Adam Bomb in 6-05 (DUD)

(Hack Myers won the WWF European Title)

Owen high speeds it back to the dressing room as Hack Myers (!) celebrates with his title. His celebrations are cut short though as Bomb nails him with a powerbomb.

Ross - What in the hell was that? Hack Myers, the European champion? Wait a minute, let's go backstage, Todd Pettengil has Owen Hart!

Todd - Owen what was *that* all about?

Owen - It's simple you idiot! That European title is mine and everybody knows it. March 30th, I was screwed out of the belt, and the WWF wouldn't give me, nor would Adam Bomb give me, any title matches. But I've got a 'gentlemen's agreement' with Mr Myers, that I can get a title shot whenever I want. And I'll beat his ass with one hand tied behind my back, that title is coming to me!


Ross - Welcome back folks, and during the break Adam Bomb attacked Owen backstage and the two got into a huge brawl. That was right before we went to commercial, order has been restrained at this time, but Bomb is certainly angry at Owen Hart for costing him the title. If it's possible we'll try and speak to both Hack Myers *and* Adam Bomb in the course of the hour. But right now we're gonna return to the ring as Savio Vega is ready for action.

Savio Vega vs Mark Starr

Savio whips Starr into the ropes to start, and then nails him with a koppo kick. He nails a right hand but Starr gives him one right back. Starr hammers on Vega several times before staggering Vega with a dropkick and then taking him to the mat with an armdrag takedown. Mark Starr works on the arm for a few seconds before pulling Savio up and whipping him into the ropes. A dropkick knocks Savio down again, and Starr then follows it up with a spinning leg lariat. Starr then goes for a vertical suplex, but Vega nails him with a fist to the midsection. A knee to the gut doubles Starr over and Vega takes him down fully with a kneelift.

After Vega manages to hit a vertical suplex, he whips Starr into the ropes once again. Starr ducks Savio's clothesline though, and the two men begin trading punches. This fist fight continues for a while before Starr is able to nail Vega with a lariat. Starr can't maintain the advantage though as after ducking a clothesline, Savio takes him down with a shoulderblock. A bow and arrow submission puts Starr in a fair amount of pain, but the hold is broken after around thirty seconds. Vega keeps the advantage for the next minute or so, most of his offence coming through submission or rest holds. After breaking out of a chinlock though, Starr rallies. After nailing Savio in the head with some hard fists, he comes off the ropes and nails him with a flying forearm. He hits a second before climbing to the top turnbuckle. He goes for a flying cross body block but Savio moves swiftly out of the way. Starr goes down hard on the mat, and when he eventually gets to his feet, he's easy prey for the Carribirean kick and the three count.

Savio Vega defeated Mark Starr in 6-50 (-*)

Ross - An impressive win there for Savio. Now last week on Raw, we heard that Chris Benoit had a challenge he wanted to lay out to Rocky Maivia. He's standing by backstage right now, Benoit, it's all yours.

Benoit - Thanks Ross. Rocky? A countout stopped me from kicking your ass on Sunday night. Well I challenge you to a no countout match sometime in the near future. I know you want *this* (holds up Intercontinental Title belt), so you accept the challenge, and we'll get it on. That's it. That's the challenge. If you've got the balls Rocky, then step up to the plate. And one last thing before I go. Owen Hart? I don't know what's going through your head, but I hope you know what you're getting yourself in for with Adam Bomb. I'm outta here.

Ross - We're gonna go straight to our next match as Devon Storm faces Brian Christopher!

Devon Storm vs Brian Christopher (w/Scott Taylor)

After these two cruiserweights lock up, Storm shoves Christopher into the turnbuckle and then charges in with a clothesline. He tries to place him on the top turnbuckle but Brian sends Storm back with a boot to the chest. Devon charges into the corner again, and Christopher once again raises his boot. This time Storm catches it though and proceeds to send BC out of the ring with an enzirguiri. Storm waits in the ring as Christopher gathers his head on the outside, whilst getting some consoling words from Scott Taylor. When he finally re-enters the ring, he is soon in the precarious position of the frankensteiner, but he counters with a tiger driver, and all is well in BC world.

Christopher hits Storm with a double axehandle to the back, before taking Devon down with a barrage of chops, punches and kicks. Once he pulls Storm up to his feet, Devon gives him a hard right hand to the groin. Storm now chops away on Christopher, before taking him down with a drop toe hold. Storm bodyslams BC before climbing to the top. A flying dropkick is followed by a flying bodypress for a two count. Storm goes for a spinebuster slam, but Brian blocks it and gets a two count of his own with a sunset flip. Christopher jumps up to his feet first, and after raking Devon's eyes, sends him into the buckle. He runs shoulderfirst in after him, but Storm quickly moves out of the way. He takes Christopher down with a bulldog, and then sets him up for a powerbomb. Brian blocks it however and goes for a bodyslam but Devon blocks that, and rolls Christopher up in a small package for a two count.

Jumping up to his feet, Storm then nails BC with a spinning side kick and covers for just a one count. After pulling Brian up, Devon sends him into the ropes and then knocks him to the mat with a clothesline. After hitting a legdrop, Storm leaves the ring and grabs a chair. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and then executes a flying bodypress with the chair onto Christopher. Suprisingly this only gets a two count, but Storm keeps up the pressure with a shoulderblock, a legdrop and a German suplex. Devon goes for another German suplex, but Brian blocks it and then slams Storm back first onto the mat. Christopher takes a moment to recover from Storms beating before hitting a bodyslam. He signals for the Tennesse Jam, but Storm counters by simply rolling away.


When we return, Storm and Christopher are brawling around ringside. Christopher whips Storm into the guardrail and then goes for a suplex, but Devon reverses and sends Brian down to the concrete. As the referee counts nine, Devon shoves BC back into the ring and then follows him in. Storm goes for an Asai leg lariat, but Christopher side steps and Devon hits the canvas. Christopher keeps control for a while now, a flying fistdrop giving him a close two count. After exerting more punishment on the first ever cruiserweight champion, Brian once again unsuccessfully attempts the Tennesse Jam. Not caring, Christopher executes a snap suplex and a powerslam for a two and a half count. It's a kick and punch fest for the next sixty seconds or so from Brian, as Storm is allowed no offence. Storm gets back in it though as he ducks a clothesline and then nails Brian with a DDT. He blows his big oppurtunity though, when he completely misses a flying elbowdrop. Christopher quickly gets to his feet after that, and third time lucky, hits the Tennesse Jam for the three count.

Brian Christopher defeated Devon Storm in 12-45 (**.25)

Ross - Well that was a great match, and I have to say I'm suprised Brian Christopher was able to pull out a win. A clean win I might add. Up next we're gonna be joined by the former WWF Champion Shawn Michaels, but while we wait for Brian Christopher to leave the ring, I'll tell you about the next big WWF pay-per-view. Mark it on your calenders folks for May 17th. In Your House 3, entitled "To Live and Die in LA" we'll be coming to you live on ppv. You can call your cable operator straight away to order. And make sure to tune into WWF programming over the next four weeks as *all* the matches will be announced here first. Now we can indeed go to the ring, as we await the arrival of the Heartbreak kid, Shawn Michaels.

"Are you ready?"

Michaels strides to ringside alone.

HBK - Here's the man everybody here has been waiting for, the showstopper, the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels! Now all you fans better take a good look at my sexy waist, because the next time I arrive here, I'm gonna be wearing the World Wrestling Federation Championship belt across it! And speaking of the World Wrestling Federation championship, I want to adress some of the things that took place this past week on Monday Night Raw. Jeff Jarrett? Like Triple-H said, anywhere you go, you better watch your back, becuase you're a marked man. But what I really want to talk about is the return of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Austin, you may have saved this company, but that doesn't mean you're the best wrestler. I could beat you every day of the week, and three times on Sunday. You want to battle it out with Sycho Sid? That's fine with me, it's about time someone other than myself stood up against that guy. But I'm telling you right now, "Stone Cold", stay away from Jeff Jarrett, and stay away from the World Wrestling Federation Title. The only place that belt is going, is back around my waist, and the only man worthy of a title shot, is yours truly. That's the bottom line Austin, whether you like it or not!


Ross - Some interesting comments there from Shawn Michaels. Austin's gonna have some words to say about that I'm sure. We're just moments away from our main event tonight, Booker T taking on Dustin Runnels, but still to come tonight, WWF Champion Jeff Jarrett *will* be in this ring before you tonight! Before we get to the match though, let's show you some footage from this past Sunday night in Greensboro, North Carolina, and the six man tag team match!

(Clips of Booker and Runnels fighting, as well as Mark Henry getting the pin on Dustin are shown.)

Booker T vs Dustin Runnels

Booker and Runnels lock up, and Runnels takes control with a knee to Booker's chest. Dustin hits a vertical suplex, following it up with an elbowsmash and then a piledriver for a two count. After pulling Booker up to his feet Dustin continues to dominate, hitting two more suplexes and a bodyslam. Over sixty seconds in before Booker gets his first bit of offence in, as he blocks another bodyslam and then hits Runnels with a scissor kick. Booker sends Dustin into the ropes and then catches him in a powerslam for a two count of his own. Booker then attempts a dropkick but Runnels moves out of the way and Booker crashes to the mat. Runnels immediately drops down to cover but again only gets two.

Runnels nails an atomic drop and then a swinging neckbreaker before climbing to the top turnbuckle. He hits a flying bulldog before sending Booker through the ropes to the outside. He bodyslams Runnels on the concrete before quickly sending him back in before the referee can even count two. A DDT gives Dustin a two count, and this match is looking pretty much like a squash. He sends Booker into the turnbuckle and then charges into him with a clothesline. Dustin climbs to the second turnbuckle and then gives Booker the ten right hands before superplexing him into the middle of the ring. Runnels waits until Booker gets back to his feet before hitting a bulldog for the three count.

Dustin Runnels defeated Booker T in 4-22 (**.25)

Once the match ends, Dustin grabs a microphone. Booker is just regaining his consciousness.

Runnels - Booker, get up.

Booker very slowly gets himself up to his feet.

Runnels - Get the hell up you piece of crap, now!

Booker gets up to his feet.

Runnels - What in the hell was that? I don't know what kind of things have been going on with you since you joined the Nation, but you're half the man you used to be. I'm gonna call you on this. March 30th, lost to Chris Benoit by dq. April 4th, you lost to Chris again, this time by pinfall. As recent as this past weekend, you were defeated by Owen Hart two nights in a row. That ain't the Booker T I know. You haven't won a single godamn wrestling match ever since you alligned yourself with the Rock and his teddy bear. Like I said, that ain't the Booker T I know. The Booker T that was an eight time tag team champion. The Booker T I wrestled with and against during our long careers. We fought all over the country, we even fought in wargames. You always put up one hell of a fight. You take a look in the mirror tonight man, and see if the Booker T you see, is the Booker T you want to be.

Runnels throws the microphone on the mat and then walks back to the locker room. Booker eventually follows.

Ross - Well that was interesting. Anyway, let's return to the ring now as we await the arrival of the World Wrestling Federation champion!

After an awkward pause, "With My Baby Tonight" kicks in over the speaker system, and Jeff Jarrett makes his way to the ring. Followed by "The Roadog" Jesse Jammes.

Jarrett - First thing I want to say, Shawn Michaels? You even think about coming out here right now, me and the Roadog will kick the crap out of you, and I also got two guys in the back who wouldn't mind joining in. Don't try and scare me by saying I'm a marked man, I *know* I'm a marked man. I'm America's most wanted because of this title belt around my waist, and you know what, I'm starting to like it. Austin, Michaels, Sid, they're all gunning for me, and the funny thing is, all three of them put together couldn't take this title away from me! This is my era, and it's also gonna be the era of this man right beside me.

Jammes - I guess a lot of people are gonna be asking why I left D-Generation X. Well the reason I left those nancy boys is real simple. Apart from the fact that their triple threat orgies were keeping me awake all hours, the sight of Shawn Michaels once again in a DX shirt was too much to take. Plus, I can't hide or deny the fact that *this* is where my roots are. This man brought me to the WWF to begin with, and I owe every accomplishment I've made here to this man Jeff Jarrett.

Ross - It's like the guy's been brainwashed...

Jammes - So let me make it real clear. Shawn, Hunter, the rest of the Kliq, you can meet me down here and suck my (beep)!

Jarrett - That's gold Jesse, gold. This is a golden partnership once again right here, and I'm gonna double the gold right now by calling out the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, the New Midnight Express!

Bart Gunn and Bob Holly strut their way to the ring, tag title belts in hand.

Jarrett - This is the revolution. I tried to get out of the WWF, but since I couldn't do it, I'm gonna turn the WWF into what *I* want it to be. These men around me right now, we're gonna start with D-Generation X. After that, there's gonna be big trouble in Titan-town.

Jarrett, Jammes, Gunn and Holly strut in unison in the middle of the ring as we go off the air.

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