--------------------------- WWF Sunday Night Slam THE COUNTDOWN TO IN YOUR HOUSE! April 19th Greenboro, North Carolina -------------------------- Todd - Welcome everyone to Greensboro, North Carolina! Welcome to Sunday Night Slam, and can you believe we're only an hour away from WWF In Your House "Bright Lights, Big City"? Unbelievable. Over the course of this hour, we're gonna be talking about the great card, and we're also gonna have four action packed matches that were taped last night exclusively for this show! We're gonna see some action right away folks, with Headbanger Thrasher taking on Marc Mero! ----------------------- Marc Mero vs Thrasher ----------------------- After they lock up, Mero rakes Thrasher in the eyes and then sends him down with some hard right hands. He pulls the Headbanger up to his feet and aims a right hand again, but Thrasher blocks and nails some of his own. He goes to follow it up with a side suplex, but somehow Mero turns it around and takes him down with a spinning headscissors. Mero sends him into the turnbuckle, but Thrasher moves as Mero attempts a clothesline, and Mero goes in hard. Thrasher takes him down with a clothesline, and then covers for one. The crowd is well behind Thrasher as he hits Mero with a back suplex and a kneedrop. He attempts another suplex, but Mero knees him in the groin and then hits a DDT. The DDT results in a two count, but Mero retains the advantage as he sets Thrasher up for, and then hits, a slingshot somersault plancha! Mero throws him into the guardrail before throwing Thrasher back into the ring. He whips Thrasher into the ropes, but gets caught and bodyslammed on the way back. Thrasher attempts another bodyslam, but Mero gets out by elbowing him in the face. Mero goes up top and hits a moonsault bodyblock for two. It seems as if Mero has this match in control, but immedateley after the cover, Thrasher scoops him up in a small package for a close two count. From there, he hits a spinebuster slam on Mero for another two, and then a piledriver for another. Thinking that Mero is out, Thrasher goes to the top rope, but his flying legdrop is unsuccessful as Mero easily rolls out of the way. Both men are now down as the crowd chants for Thrasher. Mero gets up first, and plants a kneedrop on Thrasher. He then drops an elbow, before wrapping Thrasher in a sleeper hold. He eventually gets back up to his feet, but Mero keeps the advantage via a hard knee to the chest taking him back down. Mero dominates for the next few minutes, having several close pinfalls thwarted by bad ring position, as Thrasher gets his foot on the ropes. Eventually, after hitting a DDT, Mero drags Thrasher into the corner, and climbs the turnbuckles for the shooting star press. However, as he stands on the top rope, Chris Chetti comes to ringside and pushes him off! How the referee didn't see it I'll never know, but as Thrasher manages to cradle him up, he counts the three count! -------------------------------------------- Thrasher defeated Marc Mero in 7-05 (*.25) -------------------------------------------- Todd - What a great match to kick this amazing night off. Before we get any further, I can tell you we have one final match to add to the In Your House card. After the six man tag match last night, WWF officals have signed The Barbarian to take on Chris Chetti! This boosts the card up to nine matches, and let's run it down for you now! (WWF Championship) 01.Jeff Jarrett vs Sid vs Shawn Michaels vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley (European Championship) 02.Adam Bomb vs Yuji Nagata (Tag Team Championship) 03.The RoadWarriors vs The New Midnight Express (Cruiser Championship) 04.Brian Christopher vs Rey Mysterio Jr 05.Chris Benoit/Owen Hart/Dustin Runnels vs The Rock/Booker T/Mark Henry 06.The New Age Outlaws vs The Headhunters 07.The Headbangers vs The Quebecers 08.Eight Man Cruiserweight Battle Royal 09.Chris Chetti vs The Barbarian Todd - It's a great card and it's gonna be a great night. Now last night I told you that I'd give you the names of the 8 men in the battle royal, and here goes. Former Cruiser champion Psychosis, Juventud Guerra, Hector Garza, Silver King, Damien, Scott Taylor, Jim Powers, and another former champion, who is making his WWF return tonight, Devon Storm. There's some great athletes in there folks, and the winner will become the number one contender to the Cruiserweight title! Let's show you some action now, of how Rey Mysterio Jr earned his shot tonight! (The last two minutes of the Rey Mysterio vs Psychosis match from April 12th is shown) Todd - That was a great match folks. I'm hoping to see something close tonight, although with Brian Christopher in the ring it ain't gonna be easy. Psychosis though, will have another shot at being the number one contender if he wins tonight's battle royal. For all you folks now, who *still* haven't ordered, all you have to do is call your local cable operator, and he'll switch you right on! It really is that simple, so if you don't want to miss out on tonight's great action, then make that call within the hour. Okay, we're gonna take a small break now, but when we come back, we're gonna be seeing Mark Henry in action. <-commercials-> ------------------------------ Mark Henry vs Eric Embry ------------------------------ Embry makes his WWF debut against the big man, and he immediately attacks Henry as the bell rings. A couple of forearms to the back have a small amount of effect, but Henry simply turns around and clotheslines him to the mat. He nails him with a back suplex, and then hurls him to the outside. He sends him into the guardrail a few times, before sending Embry head first into the ringpost. Only a minute in, Embry seems to be busted open, and Henry following that up by sending him into the announcers desk doesn't help. Sending him back inside, Henry then chokes him out in the corner for a while, always breaking at the count of four. A belly to belly suplex then sends Embry back into the middle of the ring, and he is then placed in a chinlock. Once Mark feels enough damage has been done, he climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits a big splash for the win. ---------------------------------------------- Mark Henry defeated Eric Embry in 4-28 (-*.5) ---------------------------------------------- Todd - Mark Henry there with another impressive victory. Later tonight, he's gonna be teaming up with Nation members Rocky Maivia and Booker T for the big six man tag match. As you know, they'll be going up against the team of Owen Hart, Dustin Runnels, and the Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit. On it's own, it looks like a great match. But add in the fact that it'll be fought under Survivor Series rules, and that's something else! Whoever wins this match will certainly prove once and for all who the superior wrestlers are in this feud. We're gonna take you to comments taped earlier today, from the Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit! Benoit - You know, I'm getting sick and tired of this. Rocky? I've beaten you before. Booker? I've beaten you before. I'm sick of this *feud* being prolonged, when me and the rest of my team have proved on countless occasions that we're the better men. But I guess until the WWF realises that for themselves, that we're gonna have to continue kicking your butts. We're gonna take you down one by one and end this for good! Todd - It's gonna be a great match. Speaking of the Nation, they've been having problems, or I should say *The Rock* has been having problems lately, with the European Champion Adam Bomb. Ever since Maivia was cheated out of the European title at Wrestlemania, he's been adamant to get it back. After Nagata was deemed the number one contender for the belt, The Rock challenged Nagata to a match. If The Rock won, then *he* would get the title shot. Let's take a look. (The closing moments of The Rock vs Nagata match from April 13th are shown) Todd - The Rock was extremely displeased about that result, and will he make his presence felt during the title match tonight? Adam Bomb better watch his back tonight. Another commercial break now folks, and we're gonna see Adam Bomb in action when we come back. <-commercials-> -------------------------------------------------- (European Champion) Adam Bomb vs Jacques Rougeau -------------------------------------------------- This match is non title due to Bomb's scheduled defence tonight, but that doesn't stop him from being the more agressive of these two men in this match. As soon as the bell rings, he goes at Rougeau with a series of fists to the midsection, taking the wind right out of Jacques. A side suplex takes the Quebecer down, and Bomb then whips him into the ropes. The champion misses his clothesline however, and Rougeau gets his first offence of the match in, nailing Bomb with a spinebuster slam. He covers for two, and then sends Bomb out of the ring. He goes to suplex Bomb on the concrete, but Bomb reverses and sends Rougeau crashing down. He nails Jacques with a backbreaker on the outside before tossing him back in. Bomb hits a powerslam on Rougeau for a two count, before climbing the ropes and hitting a flying clothesline. Bomb is dominating this match, just as all his other matches have been lately. He resists the power offence next though, as he works on Rougeau with an armbar. Rougeau can't get out but Bomb lets him go anyway. A jumping elbow thrust from Bomb exerts more punishment on Rougeau, but before this match can be deemed a squash, Rougeau blocks and reverses an Adam Bomb suplex. When Bomb gets to his feet, Rougeau knocks him back down with a nice looking suplex, and then hits his second spinebuster slam of the match. JAcques showboats to the crowd, before climbing to the top turnbuckle. Rougeau hits a flying legdrop onto Bomb, but is complacent in his cover and Bomb easily kicks out. Rougeau, seeing that a win here might boost his chances of getting a title shot, keeps up his offence, hitting an elbowdrop then a reverse neckbreaker. The neckbreaker gives Rougeau another two count, before he climbs the turnbuckles again. This time however, Bomb gets to his feet and catches Jacques in midair. A chokeslam from Bomb knocks Rougeau out cold, and the crotch slam that follows ties the match up. -------------------------------------------------- Adam Bomb defeated Jacques Rougeau in 6-23 (*.5) -------------------------------------------------- Todd - Another impressive victory there, he's on fire! But now let's move away from that, and talk about the tag title match. The belts are vacant coming in to this match, after Sycho Sid and Shawn Michaels vacated the belts at the beginning of the month. Both the RoadWarriors and the New Midnight Express are both desperate to get ahold of these titles, and it's gonna be a high intensity match. Plus it's in a cage, in what will be the first ever cage match in the WWF on American soil. Last week, Bob Holly of the New Midnights, came to the ring following a match between RoadWarrior Animal and Marc Mero, and he claimed that *for the RoadWarriors' own safety*, they wanted the match taken out of the cage. He challenged Hawk to a match. If Holly won, the match would be a straight tag match. If Hawk pulled out a victory, it would take place inside the steel. Let's take a look at the action! (The closing minute of Hawk vs Bob Holly from April 16th is shown) Todd - And there we go. The RoadWarriors against The New Midnight Express for the tag belts, inside a fifteen foot steel cage! Awesome folks. These two teams had a great match at Wrestlemania, and this match is gonna be so much better, I guarantee it! Now that isn't the only two on two match on the card. The Headhunters are scheduled to face The New Age Outlaws as a rematch of their fight this past week on Thunder. If you remember, in that match, The Roadog Jesse Jammes injured his knee on the steel guardrail, and had to be carried out of the arena. With such a small amount of time left before the pay per view, it's still unsure whether he's going to be able to wrestle or not. We'll keep you posted though, be sure of that. Okay, it's time for another break, when we come back we're gonna be talking about the big four way main event, plus we'll see Owen Hart take on Booker T! Don't go anywhere! <-commercials-> Todd - Okay then, we've gone through the undercard, now let's get to the big one. Four way match, World Wrestling Federation Champion Jeff Jarrett, defending against Sycho Sid and DX members Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley! Now if you're a first time watcher here, you may think it's unfair that Jarrett has to face two DX members. Well, when the match was announced, Shawn Michaels and HHH were enemies, enemies that is, until April 16th. (The finish and aftermath of the Michaels/Helmsley match from April 16th are shown) Todd - We haven't seen or spoken to either Michaels or Helmsley since that night. It's gonna be interesting to see what happens when they step through the ropes. Going back to Jeff Jarrett, he's on a losing streak here in the WWF at this point. He was undefeated in all his matches, until he faced DX member Billy Gunn last week on Raw. (Clips of Gunn/Jarrett from April 13th are shown) Todd - With Helmsley costing Jarrett his perfect record, that's got to anger him. And the heat between Michaels and Jarrett is crystal clear, what with Jarrett taking Shawn's belt just two weeks ago. So there's *some* inkling of the picture between Michaels, Helmsley and Jarrett, but what about Sycho Sid? This man has declined interviews recently, we've been trying to track him down, and nobody knows what's going through his head. This man has been a wrecking ball of destruction recently, and I pity anyone who gets in his way. In fact, I'm putting him down as the man I think will take the gold tonight! Well that's about all the time I've got to talk right now, we're gonna take you to action from last night, with Owen Hart and Booker T clashing ahead of their match tonight. After that, get some popcorn, because it's time for In Your House 2 "Bright Lights, Big City", so long everybody! ----------------------- Owen Hart vs Booker T ----------------------- Ahead of their tag match later tonight, there was no lack of heat for this one. After Owen and Booker lock up, Booker grabs Owen in a side headlock, but he's sent into the ropes. Owen nails him with a dropkick when he bounces back, and then sends Booker into the ropes. Booker goes for a clothesline on this exchange and misses, but then takes Hart down with a kneelift on the way back. Booker pulls Owen to his feet, but gets a knee to the midsection and then a back body drop for his troubles. Hart goes up top and hits a flying dropkick on Booker, whilst the fans eat it up. Owen sends T into the corner, and chops at Booker's chest a few times. He sends Booker into the ropes again and then aims a kick to the chest, but Booker catches his boot. Owen promptly sends Booker down with an enzirguri to the cheers of the crowd. The enzirguiri produces a two count, so Owen gets up to his feet and climbs the turnbuckles. Attempting another flying dropkick, this time Booker moves and Owen goes back first to the mat. Booker pulls Hart up by the hair, whips him into the ropes, and then takes him down with a shoulderblock. Booker then hits a flying clothesline of his own for a two count. He goes to suplex Owen, but Hart is able to block and reverse. Hart hits a spinning leg lariat on Booker and gets a two count out of it. Once again though, the advantage changes hands as Booker is able to duck an Owen clothesline and hit one of his own. The back and forth nature of this match is demonstrating quite clearly how evenmatched these two men are. The match goes nowhere for the next two minutes, as both men contiune to reverse and block each others holds. Booker T finally gets and keeps the advantage when the match spills to the outside. Booker sends Owen twice into the guardrail, before whipping him hard into the ringsteps. He grabs Hart in a bearhug, and then sends him backfirst into the post. Owen falls to the concrete holding his back, and Booker stomps away on the back of his head. Booker then sends Owen back inside the ring and places him in a sleeper hold. After being in the hold over sixty seconds, Owen manages to force himself to his feet. He elbows Booker in the ribs a couple of times, but Booker is able to clothesline Owen back down to the mat. He then goes up top and signals for the missile dropkick. He waits until Hart gets to his feet before letting fly, but Owen backsteps out of the way. Booker goes crashing to the mat, and Hart puts him in the sharpshooter! Booker is on the verge of tapping out, when Mark Henry charges to the ring and clotheslines Owen. The referee rings the bell as we see Booker and Henry doubleteam Hart. We see Dustin Runnels running to the ring as we go off the air. ------------------------------------------------ Owen Hart defeated Booker T by dq in 9-58 (**) ------------------------------------------------ See you at In Your House!