--------------------- WWF Saturday Night April 18th Fargo, North Dakota --------------------- Todd - Welcome everybody to another action packed edition of WWF Saturday Night! We've got a great show lined up for you tonight, just like we always do. We've got Adam Bomb in action, the European Champion, we've also got the WWF debut of Savio Vega! Plus, our main event tonight, six man tag team action, Chris Chetti and The Headbangers taking on The Quebecers and The Barbarian! But first we're gonna take you back to what took place after Thunder went off the air this past Thursday night. Shawn Michaels vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley, no holds barred, let's take a look. (Extensive footage of Michaels vs Helmsley from April 16th is shown) (After Thunder went off the air...) After shaking Helmsley's hand again, Michaels leaves the ring and slowly walks back down the aisle. Hunter plays to the crowd for a few moments before going to make his exit. Before he can get through the ropes though, Jeff Jarrett enters the ring with a microphone, calling him back. JJ - What in the hell was that? And Michaels, you can get your ass back in this ring as well. What took place here just now is bull(beep), and both of you should not be allowed to wrestle this Sunday. I'm *demanding* that the WWF remove you and Michaels from the main event at In Your House! HHH - Listen punk, people have been saying lately that DX has been whining a lot, but you? You're the biggest sorry ass whiner I've ever seen! If you haven't got the (beep) to step in the ring with D-Generation X, then shut your hole and get the hell out of the WWF! JJ - If only it was that simple. (Jarrett slips out of the ring and leaves the ring area.) Todd - Folks, we're only one day away now from In Your House, and it's shaping up to be absolutely incredible! To order, just call your cable operator, it's that simple! Time is seriously running out folks, so make that call right away. Let's just run down the card one more time. (WWF Championship) Jeff Jarrett vs Sycho Sid vs Shawn Michaels vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley (European Championship) Adam Bomb vs Yuji Nagata (Tag Team Championship) The RoadWarriors vs The New Midnight Express (Cruiser Championship) Brian Christopher vs Rey Mysterio Jr (Six Man Elimination Tag) Chris Benoit/Owen Hart/Dustin Runnels vs The Rock/Mark Henry/Booker T The New Age Outlaws vs The Headhunters The Quebecers vs The Headbangers Todd - Like I said before, it's gonna be incredible! We're gonna talk more about the card later in the show, but now let's go to ringside! ------------------------------------------ Dustin Runnels vs Barry Horowitz ------------------------------------------ After the two men lock up, Runnels wraps Horowitz into a side headlock but then gets whipped into the ropes. Dustin misses a clothesline, but then takes Horowitz down with a shoulderblock on the way back. Horowitz is then sent into the turnbuckle, but he sticks a boot in Runnels' face as he attempts to follow up with a clothesline. Horowitz takes Runnels down with a clothesline and then stomps repeatedly on the back of his head. Pausing for a second to pat himself on the back, Barry goes down to the mat and puts Dustin in a reverse chinlock. Runnels however soon pulls himself up and out of the hold, and he takes Horowitz down with a series of forearm smashes. A sidewalk slam from Dustin for a two count, before Runnels climbs up to the top turnbuckle. A flying clothesline gives him a second two count as Runnels gets total control on the match. Dustin wears Horowitz down for the next minute or so, taking Barry out of the match completely. Horowitz is already out of it when Runnels hits a bulldog for the three count. --------------------------------------------------- Dustin Runnels defeated Barry Horowitz in 4-17 (*) --------------------------------------------------- Todd - A great win there for Dustin Runnels there ahead of the six man tag team match tomorrow night. Let me just remind you of the rules in this particular match. It'll be contested under Survivor Series rules. To win, one team is gonna have to defeat all three members of the opposing team, one by one. It's gonna be something special folks, can you imagine if it comes down to The Rock against all three of Benoit, Owen and Runnels? Wow. We gotta go to a break now, don't go away! <-commercials-> Todd - And now the World Wrestling Federation debut of Savio Vega! -------------------------- Savio Vega vs Tim Horner -------------------------- Vega whips Horner straight into the turnbuckle after they lock up, and then follows through with a clothesline. A few chops have their desired effect on Horner, before a savate kick takes him down. Picking Horner up to his feet, Savio nails him with an enzirguiri sending him down again. After repeating this for a second time, Vega goes for the Carribbean Kick, but Tim manages to duck out of the way. Savio is then sent down to the mat as Horner nails him with a lariat. Horner, looking for only his second WWF win, then climbs the turnbuckles. He attempts a flying elbowdrop, but Savio has the presence of mind to roll neatly out of the way, and Horner goes hard to the mat. Vega jumps up to his feet and drops an elbowdrop on Horner before climbing the turnbuckles himself. A flying legdrop and Savio covers for two. After pulling his opponent up to his feet, Savio hooks on an armbar, a hold that keeps Horner occupied for close to a minute before he reaches the ropes. Vega goes to send Horner into the ropes, but he reverses the whip, and takes Savio down with a headlock takedown as he bounces back. Vega quickly pulls himself up but gets caught up in position for a suplex. Savio though is able to block it, and he reverses it for a two count. The match is soon over though, as once Horner gets to his feet, Savio nails him with the Carribbean Kick to end it. --------------------------------------------- Savio Vega defeated Tim Horner in 5-34 (**) --------------------------------------------- Todd - Well that's an impressive debut there for Savio. But right now, let's get back to that In Your House card. As you know, Rey Mysterio Jr will challenge Brian Christopher for the cruiserweight title. Christopher hasn't exactly been sportsmanlike in his defences so far, and I know I'm rooting for Rey to take the title tomorrow night. But what about *after* In Your House? Who's gonna be the number one contender for the belt, whomever holds it? Well just announced today for In Your House 2 "Bright Lights, Big City", there will be a ten man cruiserweight battle royal to determine the number one contender! No word yet on who will take part in this battle royal, but you can be sure that former champion Psychosis will be involved. We'll run down the full list of competitors on the special "Count-down to In Your House" Sunday Night Slam. Should be a great match. We've gotta take another ad break now folks, but when we come back, we're gonna see the European Champion Adam Bomb in action! <-commercials-> --------------------------------------------- (European Champion) Adam Bomb vs Jim Powers --------------------------------------------- This can barely be recognised as a match as Bomb manhandles Powers right from the bell. Powers makes the mistake of charging Bomb to start the match off, but he gets caught in a chokeslam and is sent crashing to the mat. Bomb gorilla presses Powers to the outside to continue the beating. After twice sending him into the guardrail, Bomb bodyslams Powers onto the ringsteps, and Powers is in agony. Taking him back into the ring, Bomb nails a suplex and two clotheslines before hitting a top rope elbowdrop. A gutwrench suplex gives Bomb a two count, but he isn't fazed by Powers' resistance. After hitting a DDT, Bomb nails the Crotch Slam to end the squash. ------------------------------------------ Adam Bomb defeated Jim Powers in 1-54 (*) ------------------------------------------ Todd - Another successful title defence there from the European Champion. This man has destroyed literally everyone in his path so far here in the WWF, and all signs point to this Sunday being no exception. Yuji Nagata may be undefeated, but does he have the power to dethrone this man? And will the Nation play any part in this match? We know the Rock has been after that European title ever since he was *robbed* of the belt at Wrestlemania. Whatever happens, it's sure to be an amazing match! Right now we're gonna go straight to the ring for more action! ------------------------------- Mark Henry vs Robert Thompson ------------------------------- After the two combatants lock up, Henry takes the advantage with a rake to the eyes. A back suplex followed by a lariat gives Henry the first two count of the match. After bodyslamming him down into the corner, Henry goes to finish it early, climbing up to the top turnbuckle. He hits a top rope splash, but Thompson somehow gets his left shoulder up. Thompson is then sent into the ropes, then clotheslined down by Henry, who proceeds to drop a series of elbowdrops on him. A belly to belly suplex produces another two count, and the match has been notably one sided so far. Henry follows this up with a second lariat and a spinebuster slam as Thompson struggles to get any kind of offence in. He appears to be getting something going as he blocks a Henry suplex. Henry however blocks the reversal and then sends Thompson down with a face slam. He picks Thompson up and whips him into the ropes, before taking him down with a back breaker. Henry throws Thompson to the outside and proceeds to hit a DDT on the concrete floor. Thompson is out cold but Mark isn't settling for the countout win. He rolls Thompson back inside and hits a top rope splash for the three count, and our second complete squash of the night. ---------------------------------------------------- Mark Henry defeated Robert Thompson in 4-26 (.25*) ---------------------------------------------------- Todd - Now that's impressive right there. A lot of people have been saying that Henry is the weak link in the Nation line up, but it's not like that at all. We're gonna take one last commercial break now folks, but when we come back, it's gonna be Chris Chetti and The Headbangers against The Barbarian and The Quebecers! Don't touch that dial! <-commercials-> **In Your House 2 "Bright Lights, Big City" Promo - April 19th** Whenever a person acheives his goal, it never really works out as planned. In their youth, every wrestler dreams of becoming the WWF Champion, as did Jeff Jarrett. But now, as he stands with the title belt around his waist, Jeff Jarrett isn't smiling. A man trapped inside a federation that he turned his back upon, now has to contend with the pressures of being America's most wanted. Lately, he has been speaking of a conspiracy on the part of the WWF. With Jarrett having to defend against Sycho Sid and a united D-Generation X, maybe his claims are justified. Conspiracy or no conspiracy, we'll find out tonight! Todd - And now it's main event time here on WWF Saturday Night! -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Quebecers/The Barbarian vs The Headbangers/Chris Chetti -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chetti and Rougeau start the match off, and Rougeau quickly takes Chetti down with a shoulderblock after being whipped into the ropes. Jacques executes a pair of suplexes and a dropkick as he gets in all the early offence. A cover for one, and then Rougeau sends Chetti into the ropes. Chris ducks Jacques' clothesline and then nails one of his own, before jumping on top of Rougeau for a quick cover of his own. Rougeau kicks out but before he can try and regain the advantage, Chetti takes him down with a neck snap. Chetti hooks on an abdominal stretch and Jacques is screaming in agony. That move however was never going to end the match, and Rougeau grabs hold of the ropes after nearly thirty seconds. Chetti promptly clotheslines Jacques over the top after the hold is broken, and then nails him with a tope! Chetti executes a dragon suplex on the concrete before throwing Rougeau back in. Chetti covers for two and then tags in Mosh of the Headbangers. Chetti stays in the ring long enough to execute a double elbowsmash with Mosh on Jacques, and then Mosh nails him with a DDT. Mosh attempts an enzuilariato, but Rougeau blocks it and takes Mosh down with a hard kick to the chest. The Barbarian climbs into the ring and he and Rougeau hammer away on Mosh, before Chetti returns to the ring and throws the Barbarian out. Mosh bodyslams Jacques, and then hits him with a short lariat for a two. A back suplex follows, before Mosh puts Rougeau in a sleeper hold. Rougeau soon pulls himself over to the ropes though. Mosh clotheslines Jacques to the mat, and then climbs the turnbuckles. He hits the patented top rope legdrop on Rougeau, but The Barbarian once again enters the ring and this time breaks the cover. After the referee herds The Barbarian out, Jacques tags him in for real. Rougeau has wrestled the first five minutes of this match all by himself for his team, and looks tired. He stays in the ring for a moment longer though, as he and The Barbarian attempt to double team Mosh. He however, takes them both down with a double clothesline before throwing Jacques out of the ring. Mosh hits a standing neckbreaker on the Barbarian before tagging Chris Chetti back in. Chetti finds an attempted punch blocked by The Barbarian and gets pummeled himself. He hits a vertical suplex on Chetti for a two count, and then has Chetti writhing in pain after a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. The Barbarian goes for another suplex, but this time Chetti blocks it and hits one of his own. Chetti makes a hot tag to Thrasher, but his being the freshest man on the team doesn't seem to make any difference, as The Barbarian takes him down with a hard clothesline as he enters the ring. The Barbarian goes up top and hits a flying headbutt, but Mosh breaks the cover at two. A swinging neckbreaker and then a piledriver follow, as The Barbarian takes total control. Unfortunately for the Barbarian, he again falls victim of the reversed suplex, and Thrasher is able to tag in Mosh. Mosh takes him down with a neck snap, but then gets bulldogged by the big man, who is looking impressive tonight. He goes up to the top rope attempting another flying headbutt, but Mosh quickly gets to his feet and crotches him on the top rope. Mosh then hits a flying headbutt of his own for a two count. Mosh then tags in Thrasher once again. Thrasher immediately nails a belly to belly suplex for a two count, and then he tags Mosh right back in. Mosh attempts a suplex, but the Barbarian turns in mid air and lands on the Headbanger for a two count. He gets up to his feet and puts Mosh into a bearhug, but he soon gets to the ropes. He then goes to whip Mosh into the turnbuckle, but Mosh reverses it and then nails The Barbarian with a clothesline in the corner. The Barbarian staggers in the middle of the ring, and is in perfect position for Mosh to hit a top rope bulldog, which he does but it only gets a two count. Mosh then goes back to his corner and tags in Chetti, and he executes a legdrop on the lying Barbarian. He decides not to cover though, and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. He hits a flying cross body block, but his momentum carries him and The Barbarian over, and The Barbarian gets a two count out of it. Chetti then goes right back up to the top turnbuckle, and before The Barbarian has time to move, Chetti catches him in a flying sunset flip for a three count! --------------------------------------------------------------------- C.Chetti/The Headbangers defeated Barbarian/Quebecers in 12-55 (*.5) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Todd - A great match up there to end the show. Folks, we're out of time for tonight, but remember to join us tomorrow night at seven p.m. eastern time for Sunday Night Slam, followed by the pay per view exclusive, In Your House 2 "Bright Lights, Big City"! I'll see you tomorrow night, so long everybody!