Thunder April 16th Fargo, North Dakota Ross - Welcome everybody, once again to WWF Thunder! And what a night it's gonna be, as Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley clash head on! Plus, the New Midnight Express say they have an important announcement to make concerning In Your House this Sunday! But we're gonna start things off with in ring action, as RoadWarrior Animal takes on Marc Mero! --------------------------------- Marc Mero vs RoadWarrior Animal --------------------------------- Animal attacks Mero before the bell, raking his eyes. Obviously looking to finish Mero off quickly, Animal goes for a powerbomb, but luckily for Marc he blocks it and executes a back body drop. Mero quickly hits a rana on Animal and gets an early two count out of it. After picking Animal to his feet, Mero nails him with a right hand, before sending him back down to the mat with a nice looking dropkick. Mero goes down to the mat too, and locks Animal into a sleeperhold, a hold that takes Animal over thirty seconds to break out of. When he does break the hold, he cannot take advantage, as Marc scoops him up and hits a snap suplex sending him down to the mat again. Upon getting to his feet, Animal is sent into the ropes. He blocks Mero's clothesline however, and takes Mero down with an atomic drop on the way back. A back suplex gives Animal his first two count of the match, before he sticks Mero into a reverse chinlock. Mero soon gets out of the hold, and he nails Animal with a jawbreaker for two. After dropping an elbow on the fallen Animal for another two count, Mero looks firmly in control. He nails Animal with a moonsault for a two, and is close yet again moments later as he executes a piledriver. Although he kicked out of the piledriver cover attempt, Animal is unable to get to his feet. Mero drags him into the corner, and as he climbs the ropes for the Shooting Star Press, the match looks all over. The move is averted however as Chris Chetti runs down the aisle and then pushes Mero off the turnbuckle! The referee for some reason let's it go, and Animal finds the strength to wrap Mero up in a small package for the three count! ----------------------------------------- Animal defeated Marc Mero in 7-11 (*.25) ----------------------------------------- After the three count, Chetti takes out a microphone from his back jean pocket. Chetti - Last week, I asked you for a rematch, and you blew me off. Are you gonna give me one now? Mero ignores him and brushes past him as he goes to walk out of the ring area. Chetti turns after him and nails him upside the head with the microphone. Mero is out cold on the concrete as Chetti leaves the area. Ross - I can honestly say I wasn't expecting that! Chetti obviously feels he desrves a chance to make up for his loss to Mero a few weeks back. Wait, what's this? With Animal still in the ring, we see Bob Holly of the New Midnight Express come down the aisle. Holly - Now hold on, don't get excited. I'm not here to fight you, at least not yet. You see, me and Bart have done some thinking over the last few days, and what with your age and all, we don't think fighting in a cage is a good idea. Animal is handed a microphone by the ring announcer. Animal - What? Holly - Now don't get me wrong, me and Bart were all raring to go and looking forward to the cage match. But the fact is, if we got into a cage match with you and Hawk, we would practicaly destroy you. And we don't like destroying old men. Animal - I think it's safe to say that you and Bart are nothing but chickenshit! Holly - Whatever, but here's the propositon. We can't just go and change the rules of the match, we unfortunately don't have that power. But how about this? Yours truly, tonight, takes on OldWarrior Hawk in a one on one match. If I win the match, we forget about the cage. If Hawk wins, hey, it's your funeral. Hawk - You're on! Hawk has emerged from the curtains behind Holly, and he proceeds to attack him from behind. Animal soon gets involved, as does a late arriving Bart Gunn. The two teams are brawling as we cut to commercial. <-commercials-> Ross - Welcome back folks. Still to come tonight, The New Age Outlaws are gonna take on The Headhunters, Shawn Michaels will face Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and we have it confirmed, RoadWarrior Hawk *will* face Bob Holly! But right now, we're gonna be joined by the World Wrestling Federation champion! Jarrett walks confidently to the ring, world title belt around his waist. Jarrett - First of all, I want to say that no matter what happens this Sunday, this world title belt right here is staying round Double J's waist. No wrestler in the world today can ever beat Jeff Jarrett without any outside help. Billy Gunn? I wouldn't waste my time to spit on you. You're not better than me, and the only reason you beat me on Raw was because of one of the men *I'm* gonna beat on Sunday, Hunter Hearst Helmsley. And he's somebody I want to talk about right now. I'm not pleased with what's apparently gonna go down tonight. Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley should *not* be allowed to wrestle each other here tonight. It gives them an unfair advantage for this Sunday, and it's just more of the discrimination that Jeff Jarrett has to put up with. But that's okay, 'cos I'm gonna offer a challenge for a match of my own. Sycho Sid? If you think you can handle the WWF Champion, face to face in this ring tonight, then come on out! The camera pans over to the curtains. It stays there for a good twenty seconds, until the cameraman realises that nothing is going to happen. Jarrett - That's just what I thought. It wouldn't suprise me in the least if him not coming out was thanks to Vince McMahon. He doesn't want Jeff Jarrett having any kind of chance this Sunday. He wants to see this belt taken away from my waist, but Vince? It ain't gonna happen. This belt is mine, and it's staying mine until my contract runs out. And when it runs out, I'm gonna go straight over to (beep) and stick it in the trash just where it and this whole company belongs! Jarrett leaves the ring to a chorus of boo's. Ross - Controversial comments there indeed from Jeff Jarrett. Remember folks, you can catch all the action from In Your House "Bright Light's, Big City" live and exclusive this Sunday night, only on Pay Per View. There's just three days to go, so if you haven't already, make sure to call your cable operator a.s.a.p.. But now we're gonna go back to the ring, this time for tag team action as The Headhunters take on The New Age Outlaws! ---------------------------------------- The Headhunters vs The New Age Outlaws ---------------------------------------- Headhunter #1 and Jesse Jammes begin the match, and Jammes immediately bounces off the ropes and aims a clothesline at #1. Headhunter #1 ducks, but Jammes spins around and knocks him to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker. A dropkick from the Roadog keeps the momentum going, before JJ clotheslines #1 to the outside. Jammes stays in the ring and struts, whilst Hunter #1 gathers his head on the outside. Upon returning to the ring, #1 gets hit with a faceslam, but blocks Jammes' attempted swinging neckbreaker and gets his first offence of the match in with a side suplex. He executes a back suplex on Jammes to follow it up, but his belly to belly is blocked as the Roadog punches his way out of his grip. The two men trade reversals for a few moments, with nothing connecting. Headhunter #1 goes for a dropkick, but Jammes sidesteps it and #1 goes crashing to the mat. Jammes uses this oppurtunity to tag in Billy Gunn. Gunn charges at the now standing Headhunter #1, but he is straight away taken down with a sharp clothesline. #1 tags in Headhunter #2, and he applies a sleeper hold on the fallen Gunn. Gunn eventually powers his way out, and after nailing #2 with a clothesline, he makes a hot tag to Jammes. Jammes unloads on #2 with right hands, taking a break to knock #1 off the apron at one point as well. His offence is halted however as, after ducking a clothesline from the Roadog, Headhunter #2 clotheslines Jammes over the top rope. Jammes takes a bad fall on the outside, as his knee slams badly into the guardrail. When it appears that Jammes is seriously hurt, Billy Gunn drops down from the apron to check on him. The referee counts Jammes out as he sits in agony on the outside. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Headhunters defeated The New Age Outlaws by countout in 5-04 (**) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <-commercials-> Footage of Jammes being helped out of the ring area by WWF officials is shown. Ross - Well that was certainly something we don't like to see here in the WWF. You know, there's probably some guy sitting at home who says "Well, they know how to fall". It's not like that folks, not at all, as what we just saw testifies. Notwithstanding that, at this time we're gonna take you to these pre-recorded comments from the leader of D-Generation X, Hunter Hearst Helmsley. HHH - Well I guess this is it. Everybodies talking about this Sunday night, but tonight, tonight is where the shit hits the fan. Tonight, is when it's all gonna come crashing down. Shawn? I've never faced you one on one before, but I'll tell you this. You're in for the fight of your life, one way or another. Ross - And now we're gonna go to the ring as Hawk takes on Bob Holly! Remember the stipulation, if Bob Holly wins, then the RoadWarrior/Express match at In Your House will be a regular tag match. If Hawk gets the victory, the match will take place inside a steel cage! Let's go to the action! ------------------------------- Bob Holly vs RoadWarrior Hawk ------------------------------- After the two men lock up, Holly goes for an armdrag takedown but Hawk promptly blocks it. This apparently is too much for Holly to take as he retreats into the corner and begs off. Hawk follows him into the corner and aims a punch, but Holly proceeds to block it and hits an armbreaker. A german suplex gives Holly a two count, and it's hard to see why he was so scared to start off. Holly goes to follow it up with an atomic drop, but Hawk somehow manages to turn it into a bulldog. Hawk executes a gorilla press on Holly, and then clotheslines him down as he gets back up to his feet. Slowing things down, Hawk wears Holly down with a side headlock, before hitting a gutwrench suplex for another two count. Another gutwrench gives Hawk another two count, but his following attempt at a vertical suplex is thwarted as Holly turns in midair and lands right on top of the RoadWarrior. Holly only gets a two and a half count out of this to his dismay, but the advantage is now in his corner. Holly places Hawk in an abdominal stretch, a hold that keeps Hawk occupied for a full minute. On several occasions Holly uses the ropes for leverage, until the referee finally gets wary and breaks it up. Holly then takes Hawk right down with a chinlock, and proceeds to keep the match at a slow pace. The chinlock is soon turned into a sleeper hold, and the crowd is near dead at this point. Eventually, Hawk is able to pull himself up to his feet, and he powers out of the sleeper. After nailing Holly with a series of right hands, he sends him into the ropes and nails Holly with a clothesline. After another clothesline Hawk finally gets the crowd moving again, and after bodyslamming Holly to the mat, he goes up to the top rope. Hawk nails a flying clothesline from the top turnbuckle, and the referee makes the three count! --------------------------------------------- RoadWarrior Hawk defeated Bob Holly in 9-45 --------------------------------------------- Ross - And that sets the stipulation for this Sunday! There's no backing out now for the Express, they *will* face The RoadWarriors inside a steel cage in only three days time! We're about to take another break... wait a minute, here comes Crush. "Crush" Brian Adams makes his way to ringside, microphone in hand. Crush - Now just hold things up here. You're not going to another commercial break, and you're not going to some dumb DX break up match. D-Generation X isn't worth the airtime, and you saw that earlier. Jesse Jammes, walking on outta here 'cos he hurt his leg. That's (beep)ing playground (beep)! Just like what I did to Billy Gunn this past Monday night, I'm gonna do to the whole stinking stable. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, you're... <-commercials-> Ross - Welcome back folks. We apologise for cutting the previous interview short, but heck, we do have obligations here in the WWF. But in just a few moments time, we're gonna see Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley lock up in this very ring before you! Let's go straight to the ring! The ring announcer is about to start his introductions when Jeff Jarrett appears out of the curtains and walks down the aisle. He takes a seat next to JR at the announcers table. Jarrett - I hope you don't mind, even if I don't care, but Jeff Jarrett felt it was his right as world champion to come down here and view this little match that's about to take place. ------------------------------------------ Shawn Michaels vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley ------------------------------------------ As Michaels and Helmsley stare down, Jarrett rants a whole load of conspiracy theorys onto Jim Ross. After looking into Helmsleys eyes for a while, Michaels leaves the ring and takes a microphone from the ring announcer. Michaels asks if this match can be a no holds barred match. Helmsley shrugs his shoulders before agreeing. As Shawn goes to put the microphone out of the ring, Helmsley attacks him from behind with right hands. He sends the former WWF Champion into the ropes before taking him down with a kneelift. After dropping a knee across Michaels face, Helmsley leaves the ring. After moving the ring announcer out of his seat, Hunter takes the chair into the ring. He goes to hit Shawn with it, but Michaels gets a well timed boot into Helmsley's chest, causing him to drop the chair. Michaels picks it up himself and smashes it across Hunter's head. Seeing that that was maybe not enough to bust Helmsley open, Shawn blasts Hunter again, causing him to bleed hardway. Michaels throws the chair out of the ring and proceeds to stomp like a madman on Helmsley's body. He then picks Hunter up and sends him into the ropes before attempting a Lou Thesz press. Hunter however, manages to somehow catch him in mid-air, and stun guns Michaels on the top rope. Both men fall down to the mat, but it's Helmsley who gets to his feet first, and he hits Shawn with a suplex. After dropping a knee across his face for the second time in the match, he leaves the ring to find a weapon of his own. He never has the chance to get his hands on anything though, as while Hunter is looking around the announcers table, Michaels gets to his feet. Shawn climbs to the top turnbuckle, and hits a flying clothesline to the outside onto Hunter. Helmsley goes crashing into the ring announcers table, as does Michaels. Michaels of course gets to his feet first, and he sends Helmsley into the guardrail. He tries to do it again, but HHH rakes Michaels eyes, and then sends Michaels into the ringsteps. Picking him up, he throws Michaels into the mess that was once the ring announcers table. Helmsley rolls into the ring to get himself composed as he waits for Michaels to get to his feet. Maybe not the best strategy. When Michaels *does* get back to his feet, Hunter goes to meet him on the outside. After sending him headfirst into the ringpost, Helmsley grabs the ringbell, which he firmly plants Michaels with, right between the eyes. Michaels falls back, clutching his face. Hunter smirks and then nails him in the back with the bell. The former champion doubles over, as Helmsley throws the ringbell aside and places a well aimed boot into Michaels' lower back. Taking his attention away from Michaels for a second, Helmsley grabs the previously discarded steel chair and throws it into the ring. He then rolls Michaels back into the ring. A DDT onto the chair follows, and this produces the first cover of the match, and it only gets a two count. This isn't going to deter Helmsley though, and he sets up the chair in position again. This time he sets Michaels up for the pedigree, but Shawn finds the strength to back body block Hunter, and save him from near certain defeat. Hunter quickly gets back up to his feet, but he is met with a right hand from a rejuvenated Michaels. Michaels punches him a few times then sends him into the ropes, where Helmsley eats dropkick. Michaels is about to follow this up, when he all of a sudden collapses in a heap in the centre of the ring. Any fears that this was going to turn into a repeat of what took place in 1995 were soon put aside, as Helmsley picked him up to his feet and executed a sidewalk slam on Michaels. Hunter covers, but Michaels proves he has some strength left as he raises his right shoulder at two. Helmsley executes a side suplex, before picking the chair up once again. He smashes it down upon Michaels several times, busting him up badly. Michaels is a bloody wreck as Hunter tosses him out of the ring again. After once again whipping him into the guardrail, Helmsley picks Shawn up and attempts to bodyslam him on the TV announce table. Jeff Jarrett is having none of that however, and he shoves Helmsley to the ground, taking Shawn down with him. Jarrett lays into Helmsley, before Hunter smacks Jarrett over the head with a chair, knocking him out cold. With Helmsley pre-occupied with Jarrett, Michaels has had a little time to recover, and he superkicks Hunter upon his turning around. Helmsley falls down on the concrete and Michaels seems revitalised. He picks Helmsley up and rolls him back into the ring, before grabbing the steel chair (pausing to lay in a few kicks to the fallen Jarrett), and re-entering the ring. Shawn DDT's Hunter on the canvas, making sure he ain't getting up any time soon, before climbing to the top turnbuckle, chair in hand. Coming off the top rope, Michaels nails Hunter with the chair right in his face, seriously fucking up Hunter's nose. Michaels covers for what will surely be three, but Helmsley kicks out! Shawn wipes some of the blood from his face and then shakes his head in disbelief. Michaels climbs up to the top again. He goes to plant Helmsley with the chair again, but this time Hunter rolls out of the way. Michaels goes crashing into the chair as he falls, and both men are down. The referee begins to count both men down for a ten count, but Michaels is able to get to his feet at nine. Michaels stands above the still down Helmsley, and pulls Hunters legs up, ready to place a boot *down there*. Helmsley however, springs up, wraps his arm around Michaels' head, and small packages him for the three count! -------------------------------------------------------------- Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Shawn Michaels in 16-30 (***) -------------------------------------------------------------- Michaels immediately jumps up to his feet after the three count and shakes his head. He has a mighty pissed look on his face, and he stoops down and picks up the chair. Michaels raises it above his head and looks about to decapitate Hunter, before he drops it to the mat, and extends his hand. He pulls Helmsley to his feet, and the two men shake hands in the centre of the ring. The DX music kicks in over the speakers, with Michaels and Helmsley, both covered in blood, standing side by side. We see a now awoken Jeff Jarrett looking on from the announce position in disbelief as we go off the air.