--------------------------- Monday Night Raw April 13th Philadelphia, Pensylvania --------------------------- Ross - Hello again everybody and welcome to WWF Monday Night Raw! What a show we have for you tonight! In this very ring before you, the World Wrestling Federation champion Jeff Jarrett is gonna take on DX member Billy Gunn in a non title match up! Plus, Shawn Michaels will be on hand for an interview where he says he's gonna lay out a challenge to Hunter Hearst Helmsley! We've also got the Headhunters in action, as well as Chris Benoit, Owen Hart and Dustin Runnels! But first of all, we're gonna be joined by the Nation! The Rock, Booker T and Mark Henry make their way to the ring. Michael Cole is already in the ring with a microphone. Cole - At this time, I'd like to introduce the Nation Of Domination, consisting of The Rock, Mark Henry and Booker T. Rock, I'd like to speak to you first. What was with your actions last night on Sunday Night Slam, firing D-Lo and Kama because of their mistakes on Saturday Night? Rock - Well you just answered your own damn question there jabronie. There is no room in the Nation for people who make mistakes, and for people that are incompetent. D-Lo and Kama? Well, they're out of the WWF as their contract was with the Nation, and The Rock likes that just fine. Now here tonight, The Rock has some business to adress concerning the European title, but first I wanna let the man Mark Henry have a few words. Henry - First off Rocky, I would never, ever let you down like Kama and D-Lo did. Come this Sunday, you can bet your last dollar that I won't let you down. And that's what I want to talk about. You know, I been hearing a lot of talk lately, backstage, the internet, about how Mark Henry is gonna be the weak link in the six man, that Mark Henry's the one who's gonna be taking the fall. Well let me tell you, all you idiots out there who don't think I can get the job done? I'll prove it right there, that I can beat and destroy anyone! Rock - That was beautiful Mark. And I know you won't let the side down at In Your House. I know you're with the Nation a hundred percent, just like this man Booker T. I know the WWF has been stifling your microphone opportunities since you left Team WWF, but here you go right now. Booker - That's right. Ever since I stopped being one of the WWF's *good boys*, I've failed to get the recognition I've deserved. I was screwed out of the Intercontinental Title a few weeks ago on Raw. You know, it's funny how there's a referee to reverse a decision when one of the Nation bends the rules ever so slightly, but it never happens when the situation is reversed. It's just some of the typical bullshit and oppression I've had to put up with every day of my life. Like I said, it's bullshit. But after me, Mark Henry and The Rock wipe the floor with the sorry asses of Chris "I got Booker's belt* Benoit, Owen Hart and Dustin Runnels, I *will* get the recognition I deserve. Rock - I'm genuinely moved by the things you said too. The discrimination shown by the WWF against the Nation is bordering on the line of ridiculous. But I don't want to talk about all that here now. What I want to talk about is the WWF European Title. And the fact that a man who calls himself Yuji Nagata or some other Japanese crap, whatever the hell it is. The fact that he has been given a European title shot, ahead of The Rock. Before I heard the announcement, I'd never even heard of this jobber, but again that's not important. But what I want to do, is offer a challenge to Mr. Yuji, and that challenge is this. You and me one on one tonight, and if I win, I get the European Title shot at In Your House. The Rock has already proved that he can wrestle his ass off twice in one night. Hell, The Rock managed to outlast twenty nine other guys to win the Royal Rumble. Nagata, if you've got the Yuji's to step in the ring with the Rock, then show up later tonight and we'll prove who the better man is. Let's go. The Nation leaves the ring area. Ross - A challenge laid out there by the leader of the Nation, The Rock, to the number one contender to the European Title, Yuji Nagata. Remember, Nagata is scheduled to face Adam Bomb *this* Sunday at In Your House. We'll try and find out if Nagata is gonna accept the challenge as soon as we can. We do know that he is in the building, and hopefully we'll be able to get a word with him. We're gonna take a commercial break at this point though folks, but don't go away! <-commercials-> Ross - Let's go to the ring for some Headhunting action! ---------------------------------------- The Headhunters vs Doc Dean/Alan Stone ---------------------------------------- Doc Dean is assigned the unfortunate role of taking on one of the fresh Headhunters, and he is immediately bodyslammed by Number 2. After executing a second bodyslam, he delivers a headbutt to Doc before biting his face and knocking him down with a hard clothesline. A flying senton produces the first two count of the match, and Doc Dean already looks in serious trouble. After the pin attempt, #2 throws Dean to the outside, where he hits a well executed running somersault plancha! He then sends Dean into the guardrail, before suplexing him onto the concrete. Dean is hurled back into the ring at this point, and #2 tags out to Headhunter #1. #1 goes to hit Dean with a clothesline, but he ducks out of the way and then takes #1 down with a sharp kick to the head. Dean perhaps gets a little over confident here, as he tries an enzirguiri when #2 gets to his feet, but the Headhunter ducks and Dean goes crashing to the canvas. Picking Dean up to his feet, #1 goes to whip him into the turnbuckle. Doc reverses it however, but is met with a boot to the face when he goes to charge in after. After shoving him back into the centre of the ring, #1 sets up for a powerbomb, but Dean backbody drops the big man to block. Dean signals to the crowd and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. It's a foolish move. Headhunter #1 catches him as he comes off the top, and then drives him to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. There's no way Dean is getting up this time, and he's unable to move as #1 hits a moonsault for the three count. Stone never even stepped into the ring. --------------------------------------------------------------- The Headhunters defeated Alan Stone and Doc Dean in 4-52 (.5*) --------------------------------------------------------------- Ross - Another impressive win for the Headhunters there. If the rumours I'm hearing backstage are true, they may be taking on the New Age Outlaws at In Your House this Sunday. I'll see if I can confirm that information later on in the show. When we come back however, we're gonna be speaking to one of the outlaws, Billy Gunn! <-commercials-> Gunn - Right here tonight in this very ring, "Mr Ass" Billy Gunn is gonna take care of some business. If Jeff Jarrett thinks he can come in here, and just get a little warm up for this Sunday, if he thinks he can just breeze past this match here tonight, then he's got another thing coming. Tonight, I'm gonna beat his pathetic ass so bad, that he's gonna be easy pickings for Hunter this Sunday. But now I want to turn my attentions if I may, to another individual. A man who's just joined the World Wrestling Federation, I'm talking about "Crush" Brian Adams. He walks in here last night, and whines about how he doesn't like people who aparently whine. Well listen punk, if you're not down with DX, I got two words for ya, Suck It! Gunn leaves the ring to some good face heat, but he is attacked as he is about to leave the ring area by Adams! Adams smashes him over the back with a chair before stomping a mudhole in him. Crush is eventually pulled back and away by officials. Ross - My god! Billy Gunn attacked here by Crush, is he gonna be able to wrestle later tonight? Three men who are gonna be wrestling tonight are Chris Benoit, Owen Hart and Dustin Runnels, and their up next! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris Benoit/Owen Hart/Dustin Runnels vs Patrick Smith/R. Thompson/S.Corino ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owen Hart is nailed with an elbowsmash from Patrick Smith to start the match, and is then the victim of a barrage of chops and fists. Another elbowsmash backs Owen into the corner, where Smith hits well aimed kicks to Owen's head. He sends Owen to the outside, where he whips him into the turnbuckle, and chokes him with an extension cord. The referee lets this go but orders them back into the ring. Back inside, Smith sends Owen into the ropes. He misses his attempted clothesline, but Owen doesn't miss his. Hart stomps Smith in the chest a few times before tagging out to Dustin Runnels. Runnels executes an atomic drop on Smith, and then dropkicks him down to the mat. A suplex from Dustin supplies the first two count. After wearing Smith down in a headlock for a while, Runnels decides he wants a new toy to play with and tosses Smith into his corner. Smith tags out to Thompson, who charges at Runnels. Dustin attempts to back body drop his opponent, but Thompson says no and boots Runnels in the chest. Thompson hits a neckbreaker for his teams first pin attempt of the match. It isn't successful. Thompson hits Dustin with a clothesline off the ropes for a one count before locking on an abdominal stretch. It doesn't take long for Runnels to flip Thompson over his shoulder to break the hold. Dustin then catches Thompson completely by surprise as he hits a bulldog in the centre of the ring. Thompson is out, and it's only the boot of Patrick Smith that stops the match from being over. Smith's uninvited arrival in the ring sparks a mass brawl, as all six men get involved. Benoit, Owen and Runnels have the decisive advantage, and we are soon witness to a surreal sight, as Benoit hooks the crossface on Smith, Owen places the Sharpshooter on Thompson, and Runnels hooks a figure four on Corino. All three men tap out simultaneously as Benoit, Owen and Runnels get sufficent warm up for their match on Sunday. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.Benoit, O.Hart and D.Runnels bt- P.Smith, R.Thompson and S.Corino in 5-13 (*.25) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ross - A great performance there from that trio. We've got more tag team action to come tonight folks, and when we come back, we're gonna be speaking to The New Midnight Express, ahead of their big match this Sunday! Don't you dare go away! <-commercials-> Holly - Well, we're only six days away and the anticipation is excrutiating! The sight of the tag team title belts around our waist is gonna almost be too sweet to be true, but rest assured it *is* the truth. Gunn - OldWarriors? The time has come for you to kiss goodbye to your history... your future, 'cos you need to stay in the past where you belong. This is a *new* era for the New Midnight Express, and we're taking control. Holly - That's right. When I look at two old men like you guys, and then I look at the definitions of physical perfection that we are, it's crystal clear what the outcome is gonna be this Sunday. And that's *us* taking the gold, and you taking the high road the hell outta here. That's all the time of us you people deserve, let's get outta here. Ross - Now more tag team action, with D-Generation X! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Jesse Jammes/Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Jim Powers/Jerry Flynn ------------------------------------------------------------------- Powers and Hunter start the match off, and Helmsley immediately gets caught up and hit with a suplex. Powers then sends him into the ropes and goes to take him down with a kneelift, but Hunter side steps and Powers hits nothing but air. Helmsley picks Powers up by the air and attempts to whip him into the turnbuckle, but Powers reverses and then nails HHH in the corner with a clothesline. Helmsley falls to the mat and Powers covers for two. Powers goes for another suplex, but Helmsley blocks it and hits one of his own, before tagging out to the Roadog. Jammes is taken down with an armdrag takedown as soon as he enters the ring, as Powers continues his relatively fruitful offence in this match. He whips JJ into the ropes, but gets caught with a swinging neckbreaker from Jammes. The Roadog covers, but Flynn breaks the count at two. Helmsley enters the ring to attack Flynn, but he sends Hunter to the outside with a clothesline over the top. Powers puts Jammes into a reverse chinlock on the inside, as the referee breaks Flynn and Helmsley up on the outside. Jammes breaks out with a jawbreaker, and then nails Powers with a crotch slam. Flynn is again there to break the count at the crucial moment. The Roadog sends Powers into the ropes and aims a clothesline, but Powers ducks and then nails one of his own, before tagging in Flynn for his first legal participation in the match. Flynn takes the now arisen Jammes down with a single leg takedown, and then drops an elbowdrop to the back of his head. Picking him up to his feet, Flynn sends JJ into the turnbuckle. He charges at the Roadog, but Jammes slips out of the way at the vital moment, and Flynn goes straight into the buckle. Flynn backpedals a bit, and Jammes comes from behind to roll him up for a cover, but it only gets a count of two. Jammes tags in Helmsley, whilst Flynn simultaenously crawls to his side of the ring and tags Powers back in. Powers charges at Helmsley, but Hunter ducks his clothesline and takes him down with a series of right hands. Helmsley takes him down with a bodyslam, and then hits a kneedrop off the ropes to Powers' face. After being bodyslammed again, Powers retreats back to his corner and tags Flynn in once again. Flynn too tries to charge at Helmsley, but he's taken down with a kneelift, and then Hunter drops a knee across his head. Hunter decides it's time for the pedigree, and he executes it with precision. Powers tries to break the resulting three count, but he's met by a flying forearm from Jesse Jammes to thwart his plan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HHH and Jesse Jammes defeated Jim Powers and Jerry Flynn in 6-01 (.25*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ross - Folks, we're only six days away from this huge event. Time *is* running out, so I urge you once again to call your cable operator at the nearest convenient time and ask for In Your House "Bright Lights, Big City"! It's gonna be an awesome event folks! If you don't know the card yet, let's run it down! (WWF Championship Match) Jeff Jarrett vs Sycho Sid vs HHH vs Shawn Michaels (European Championship Match) Adam Bomb vs Yuji Nagata (or) Rocky Maivia (Tag Team Championship Match) The RoadWarriors vs The New Midnight Express (Crusierweight Championship Match) Brian Christopher vs Rey Mysterio Jr (Six Man Elimination Warfare) Rocky Maivia/Booker T/M.Henry vs O.Hart/C.Benoit/D.Runnels (Tag Team Match for Tag Title Shot) The Headbangers vs The Quebecers Ross - It's gonna be one hell of a show. As I mentioned in the card run down, Adam Bomb will face *either* The Rock or Yuji Nagata. WWF officials spoke to Nagata through his translator backstage, and he accepted the Rock's challenge. That match is coming up in just a few minutes! (The Rock's closing to the Nation interview from the top of the show is shown) <-commercials-> The crowd is on it's feet as former WWF Champion Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring. HBK - Now while I was checking out all the beautiful Penslyvanian women last night, a thought occured to me. And that was this. I have some problems with Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and I think we need to settle 'em man to man. One on one. No Jeff Jarrett, no Sycho Sid, just me and him. Helmsley? I know you're here, so why not come on back out here? There is a slightly awkward pause in the proceedings, before Helmsley appears out of the curtain and slowly walks to ringside. HBK - Now, from what I've witnessed recently, you and me have a few problems we need to sort out. HHH - That we do. HBK - Well Hunter, you don't need to wax lyrical about it, you can just let me do the talking for now. This Sunday night, as well as me and you, we're gonna have that big fool Sid, and that little phoney champion Jeff Jarrett up our ass. My propositon is this; this week on Thunder, Shawn Michaels against Hunter Hearst Helmsley, one on one. HHH - Well that sounds alright to me. Hunter makes like he's gonna attack Michaels, before calmly leaving the ring. Michaels looks on in slight puzzlement, before quietly leaving the ring as well. Ross - What an announcement! This week on Thunder, Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley? Incredible. Folks, make sure to tune in at 8pm Eastern for what already looks like is gonna be a hot show! Up next though, Yuji Nagata against The Rock! ----------------------------- Rocky Maivia vs Yuji Nagata ----------------------------- After Nagata shoves Maivia straight to the mat after the lock up, Rocky immediately begs off. Not exactly the kind of action his words described earlier. Nagata attacks him with a number of vicious kicks to the midsection before throwing him to the outside. A belly to belly suplex on the concrete leaves Rocky holding his back in agony, and Yuji slips back inside the ring. Maivia easily beats the count but is met with a clothesline on his arrival back into the ring. After hitting a thrust kick to Rock's head, Yuji locks him in an abodminal stretch. It takes Maivia a good minute to get to the ropes, but when he does he immediately goes on the offensive, raking Nagata's eyes. Maivia takes Yuji down with a vertical suplex, before nailing a hotshot for his first two count. The Rock goes for another suplex, but this time it's reversed, and following that, Yuji sticks Rocky in a sleeper hold. Despite being in the hold for quite some time, it obviously didn't have too much effect, as after breaking the hold with a jawbreaker, Maivia assumes control. Yuji is taken down with a dropkick, and then bodyslammed upon getting to his feet. People's Elbow for a two count, and then he sends Nagata into the turnbuckle. He nails a clothesline on Yuji, and then suplexes him into the middle of the ring. A regular elbowdrop gives Maivia another two count before he throws Nagata to the outside. This time it's Rocky who has the advantage on the outside of the ring, and he makes the most of it, hammering Nagata repeatedly into the ringsteps. Yuji is dazed, and collapses to the floor when a Maivia dropkick sends him crashing into the ringpost. Maivia slides back into the ring expecting a countout victory, but Nagata just manages to beat the count. The Rock still has control however, and he puts Nagata in a sleeper hold of his own as we take a commercial break. <-commercials-> As we come back, we see Nagata sending Rocky into the ropes, and then proceeding to take him down with a vicious clothesline. Nagata drops to cover, but Maivia kicks out at one. Yuji sends him for the ride again, this time sending him over his head with a back body drop. The Rock immediately gets up to his feet but is sent straight back down to the mat with another clothesline. Maivia is in serious trouble at this point. Nagata climbs to the top turnbuckle, waiting for Rock to get to his feet so he can knock him back down with a flying axehandle. Nagata comes off the ropes, but suprise, suprise, Rocky catches him and nails him with the Rock Bottom. Maivia is dazed and falls back on the mat, momentarily unable to cover. Just as he is about to drape his arm across Nagata though, we are met with the sight of Adam Bomb charging into the ring and attacking Nagata! Bomb leaves the ring as soon as the bell rings for the DQ, leaving Rocky to get to his feet and stare after Bomb with a look of bewilderment and anger. Bomb actually flips Rocky the middle finger before walking away. -------------------------------------------------------- Yuji Nagata defeated Rocky Maivia by DQ in 13-02 (**.5) -------------------------------------------------------- Rocky storms off after Bomb, pausing to tell the camera that Bomb isn't gonna get away with this. Ross - Well there it is folks! Adam Bomb is gonna defend against Yuji Nagata this Sunday Night at In Your House! Maivia isn't happy about this at all! A great match there though, and we're destined to have another, when we come back, as the World Wrestling Federation Champion Jeff Jarrett, takes on Billy Gunn! <-commercials-> Cole - Any comments about your upcoming match Jeff? JJ - What? Get out of my face Michael, and don't ever call me Jeff. I've given you people enough interviews lately. ------------------------------------------------------------- (WWF Champion) Jeff Jarrett vs Billy Gunn (Non Title Match) ------------------------------------------------------------- After the two men lock up, Jarrett sends Gunn into the ropes. JJ pokes him in the eyes when he bounces back, and then bodyslams him. Cue : Strut. He pulls Gunn up to his feet and then takes him down with a gutwrench suplex for a two count. Undeterred by Gunn's kicking out, Jarrett struts. After executing a regular suplex on Mr Ass, Jarrett proceeds to miss a simple elbowdrop, and Gunn gets straight up to his feet. After hitting Jarrett with two dropkicks and a clothesline, he takes Jeff down and keeps him down with a headlock takedown. The WWF Champion soon gets to his feet however, but any offence he hoped to muster is set aside by Billy Gunn's right hand repeatedly making contact with his face. Jarrett takes a time out on the outside as Billy Gunn takes in the cheers of the crowd. The two lock up again once Jarrett re-enters the ring, and Jarrett catches Gunn in a haedlock. Gunn however sends Jarrett into the ropes, leading to Jarrett and Gunn both taking each other down with a double clothesline. Jarrett gets to his feet first and he sets to work on Gunn, stomping the life out of him as he lays on the mat. This sets the tone for the next few minutes, as the champ dominates. It seems certain that this is gonna be a sure victory for Jarrett. A sure victory that is until Hunter Hearst Helmsley arrives at ringside whilst Jarrett has Gunn in the figure four. JJ immediately breaks the hold and ventures over to the ropes. He and Helmsley shout abuse at each other, Hunter distracting Jarrett long enough for Gunn to recover, and for him to roll Jarrett up for the three count! -------------------------------------------------- Billy Gunn defeated Jeff Jarrett in 8-03 (**.75) -------------------------------------------------- Unhurt, Jarrett jumps straight up after the three count and jumps out of the ring to face Helmsley. The two stare down for a moment before unloading on each other. Jarrett and Helmsley brawl around the ring area despite the intervention of several WWF officials. We see Shawn Michaels appearing from behind the curtain as the show goes off the air.