-------------------- WWF Saturday Night April 11th -------------------- Todd - Hello everybody, I'm Mike Wallace. Na, I'm only kidding with ya, I'm Todd Pettengil and welcome to WWF Saturday Night! I'm back in the WWF as your host and we've got a great show for you tonight. And when I say great, I mean great! We've got the European Champion, the huge powerful Adam Bomb defending the European Title against D-Lo Brown of the Nation! We've got tag team action, The Headbangers against The Headhunters, not to mention Sycho Sid in action, right here tonight! I tell ya folks, it's great to be back in the WWF! Before we get to tonight's show, I want to take you back to this past week on Thunder. The *head bookers* of the WWF arranged a tag team match between Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley, going up against Sycho Sid and the *new* WWF Champion Jeff Jarrett. It was always gonna be a volatile situation folks, let's take a look at what happened. (The Tag match from 09/04/98 Thunder is shown in it's entirety) Todd - I tell ya folks, the WWF wanted to see where everyone stood in this situation, well you can bet they know now! And becuase of what happened on Thursday night, I can exclusively reveal what the main event of In Your House "Bright Lights, Big City" is gonna be! Jeff Jarrett is gonna defend his titleagainst Shawn Michaels! And Sycho Sid! And Hunter Hearst Helmsley! Ladies and gentlemen, first time ever in the WWF, a four way match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship! It's gonna be unbelievable! And you know what else is unbelievable? We're only eight days away from this huge event! Folks, be sure to call your cable operator as soon as you can to order. Later on tonight, I'm gonna talk you through the rules of the four way title match, as well as giving you details on some of the other matches on this great card. But hey, I think I've done enough talking for now, let's go to ringside! --------------------------------- The Headhunters vs The Headbangers --------------------------------- Mosh and Headhunter#1 kick the match off, with kick being the operative word as Mosh dropkicks The Headhunter down to the mat as soon as the bell rings. Before his opponent can get to his feet, Mosh drops an elbow to his chest before hooking the leg, but the cover attempt produces nothing. After pulling The Headhunter up to his feet, Mosh attempts to whip him across the ring, but #1 holds on, pulls Mosh towards him, and then clotheslines him down. #1 tags in #2 and the two hit Mosh with a double clothesline before the referee gets #1 out of the ring. #2 goes down to the mat and locks on a reverse chinlock as The Headhunters take control of the early going of the match. #2 keeps Mosh locked in the hold for a fair amount of time, and Mosh struggles to break out. He didn't need to worry about that though, as #2 picks him up himself after a full minute in the hold and after whipping him into the ropes, nails the Headbanger with an elbowsmash. Mosh falls to the mat, and after bouncing off the ropes, #2 hits a splash for a two count. #2 retags in #1, who executes a splash of his own. Mosh is a wreck in the middle of the ring, and the referee ponders stopping the match, but when The 'Hunters attempt at a third splash proves unsuccessful as Mosh moves, the ref lets it continue. The race for the hot tag begins, and Mosh wins it easily, Headhunter #1 winded from the missed splash. Thrasher charge in a house afire, clotheslining the now vertical Headhunter #2 over the top rope, and then doing the same for the on-rushing Headhunter#1. The Headhunters gather their head on the outside, Thrasher plays up to the crowd in the ring, and we take a commercial break. <-commercials-> As we return we see that the heels have once again taken control of the match, as Headhunter #2 has Thrasher in a sleeper hold. We know not how long Thrasher was in the hold, but he powers out almost immediately after we return. After breaking the hold with a succession of stiff elbows to the chest, Thrasher bounces off the ropes and nails #2 with a flying forearm. Thrasher covers the fallen bigman, but only gets two as #1 enters the ring and stomps the back of Thrasher's head. This prompts the arrival in the ring of Mosh who flys over Thrasher and #2 to nail Headhunter #1 with a flying clothesline. We have pandemonium for a while before #1 and Mosh take things to the outside. Considering those two were not the legal men, the referee spends a lot of time occupied with themm. More than enough time for Jacques Rougeau to enter the ring, whack Thrasher over the back of the head with a steel chair, and then leave the ring without raising the attention of the ref. Headhunter #2 climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits a top rope splash as the official finally returns to the action. The three count is academic as the Headhunters get the win. --------------------------------------------------- The Headhunters defeated The Headbangers in 10-34 --------------------------------------------------- Todd - What a great match up right here on WWF Saturday Night! Remember folks, one week from tomorrow at In Your House, the Headbangers will take on The Quebecers! And I can exclusively reveal, hey, isn't this great, I'm getting all the exclusives, I can reveal that the winner of that match will take on the winners of the RoadWarriors/Midnight Express match at the pay per view for the WWF tag team titles, April 20th on Raw! It's gonna be great! We'll be right back folks, don't even think about going away! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- **In Your House 2 "Bright Lights, Big City - April 19th** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett. Underacheiver? Sure, that's him. A man whose ego outweighs his ability? Without doubt. The World Wrestling Federation Champion? I don't think so. But on April 6th 1998 Jeff Jarrett dethroned the then champion Shawn Michaels in controversial fashion, taking Jarrett from a talented mid-carder to a world champion in just 15 minutes. Tonight, Shawn Michaels is out for his title, *and* for revenge, but he's not alone. Across the ring from both of these men stands Sycho Sid, and we'll never know *his* motives. Is his goal the world title? Or is the maniacal one's purpose only to inflict pain on anyone in his path? And then there's Triple-H. This man has a hatred and a despising of Shawn Michaels, mysterious hospital visits and arguable abandonement turning him against his former friend. Tonight, there are no friends, as these four men go all out against each other, for the ultimate prize! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Todd - Folks, I do hope you can join us on April 19th for In Your House! One of the matches in this huge event is the six man tag. The Nation, Rocky Maivia, Mark Henry and Booker T, going up against the team of Owen Hart, Dustin Runnels, and the Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit! Earlier today, our cameras caught up with Dustin Runnels, here's what he had to say! Dustin - Rocky, I'm sick and tired of seeing what you're doing here in the WWF. It's pissing me off that I have to deal with you at all. But what your'e doing to a freind of mine, Owen Hart, is getting to me. Every time Owen has a match out here in the WWF, you or your *Nation* is out messing things up. And recently I see you've been doing the same thing to another friend of mine, Chris Benoit. Well at In Your House Rock, it's all gonna end there. Me and my two buddies, we're gonna pin all three of ya, and *then*, maybe you'll know your role, and stay the hell out of our faces! Todd - Remember folks, this six man tag team match will be contested under elimination rules. The match will continue until one whole team is eliminated. Just think about what could happen, we could see The Rock going up against Benoit, Owen *and Dustin Runnels! It's gonna pose some interesting scenarios folks, and I do hope you call your cable operator as soon as you can. Okay, now to more action. Let's go to the ring with Chris Chetti! ------------------------------- Chris Chetti vs Barry Horowitz ------------------------------- Chetti takes Horowitz down straight away with a dropkick as the bell rings. After executing a vertical suplex on Horowitz, Chetti drops a legdrop for the first two count of the match. After pulling Horowitz up, Chetti Irish whips his opponent into the ropes, missing his first attempted clothesline, and then being subjected to a poke in the eyes as Horowitz gets his first offence in. After sending Chetti down to the mat with a kneelift, Barry drops an elbow for a one count. Horowitz verbally berates the referee, nearly resulting in a defeat as Chetti rolls him up from behind for another two count. Horowitz gets up to his feet first and proceeds to stomp on Chetti before placing him in a reverse chinlock. Horowitz has this hold applied for around thirty seconds, before Chetti pulls himself up to his feet and executes a jawbreaker. Horowitz falls back onto the mat face up, and Chetti climbs the ropes. After hitting a top rope splash, Chetti gets the win. ---------------------------------------------- Chris Chetti defeated Barry Horowitz in 3-34 ---------------------------------------------- Todd - Great win there for Chetti, and an impressive performance. When we... Wait, hold it, let's go back out to the arena, where I believe Chris Chetti has something to say. Chetti - I just got something I wanna say while I'm out here. Last week on Thunder, Marc Mero got the victory over me. Now since I been here, and I ain't been here long I'll admit, but I ain't been doing much losing. Marc? I want, and I think I deserve a chance to counter that defeat. I challenge you to another match. And that's all I gotta say. Todd - Well, a challenge laid out by *The Rookie* Chris Chetti to Marc Mero, we'll see if we can get a response during the course of this hour. Still to come tonight, the European title will be on the line as Adam Bomb defends against D-Lo Brown of the Nation, and Sycho Sid is gonna be in action! Don't go away! <-commercials-> Todd - Welcome back, before we go to the ring for more action, let's hear these comments from Hunter Hearst Helmsley. HHH - Well there's only eight days until In Your House, and I just heard that I'm gonna be getting a world heavyweight title shot. In one ring, I'm gonna have to contend with Sycho Sid, Jeff Jarrett and Shawn Michaels. Well Sid and Jarrett, I couldn't give a rats ass about them, but Shawn Michaels... Before Hunter can continue his train of thought, Michaels enters the backstage area. HBK - Listen punk, I've had it up to here with all this. All the time, I'm hearing you whining. Be it on tv in front of millions of people, or when a friend of mine'll come up to me and say 'Hey Shawn, Helmsley was really talking trash about you at the bar last night', and I'm sick of tired of it. You want to back up all this crap your talking? HHH - Hell, I can back up *anything* I say, don't you worry about that. How about going one on one with me in a match this week on Raw? HBK - How about I kick your ass now?! Michaels superkicks Helmsley, who goes crashing to the floor. Michaels stomps away on Hunter, until WWF officials intervene to stop the scene from going too far. Todd - Oh my goodness! What a scene happening backstage there! Folks, after our next match we're set to have words with Sycho Sid, what's his view on this gonna be? He's in action right up next, take a look. ------------------------- Sycho Sid vs Jim Powers ------------------------- Powers makes the stupid mistake of attacking Sid before the bell, but Sid sells nothing. After taking a few right hands to the head, Sid picks his much smaller opponent by the neck and hurls him across the ring. After sticking him in the corner, Powers finds himself being choked out before the referee intervenes and makes Sid break the hold. After that, Sid nails Powers with a succession of stiff clotheslines, before executing a powerslam. Powers is dead on his feet, but Sid takes great delight in hitting three powerbombs before making the inevitable three count. -------------------------------------- Sycho Sid defeated Jim Powers in 3-04 -------------------------------------- After kicking Powers out of the ring, Sid takes a microphone from ringside. Sid - Now I just saw Shawn Michaels and Hunter Helsmley having an altercation! And Michaels seemed pretty focused on Helmsley, but I saw the fear in his eyes! And there's only one man who can instill that kind of fear, that kind of terror in a man, and that's me! Next Sunday Night, it's gonna be a repeat of what you just saw here in the ring! I'm gonna destroy all three of my opponents, one by one, and then take the title! I won that title for Jeff Jarrett because I was sick of seeing that p***y Shawn Michaels with the belt. But now, I've decided that belt belongs to me, and I'm gonna take it next Sunday! Todd - Wow. Sycho Sid says he's gonna destroy his opponents in the four man match. Will he be able to? Folks, we're only eight days away from finding out. Anyway, at this time, I'll tell you all about the rules to this huge main event match. All four men will be in the ring to start the match, and the match will continue until just one man remains. There's no countout or disqualification, and the only ways you can be eliminated are by pinfall, submission or by being thrown over the top rope. The last man standing, *will* be crowned World Wrestling Federation Champion! When we come back, we're gonna have the European Title on the line, don't turn that dial! <-commercials-> Todd - Welcome back. We were just about to go to the European Title match between Adam Bomb and D-Lo Brown, but I've joined in the studio at this time by "Marvelous" Marc Mero. What's on your mind Marc? Mero - What's on my mind Todd, is this. Earlier tonight, some snot nosed little punk jobber who I wiped the floor with, came out to the ring and challenged me. I've said before, I'll wrestle who I want, and when I want, and that little kid doesn't deserve another match with me. I'm outta here. Todd - Okay thanks Marc. Now to the ring! --------------------------------------------- (European Champion) Adam Bomb vs D-Lo Brown --------------------------------------------- D-Lo plays it cautious in the opening exchanges, not rushing in and making any stupid mistakes that Adam Bomb *will* make him pay for. After locking up, D-Lo realises he's in with a much more powerful opponent, and he quickly leaves the ring to re-negotiate his strategy. Brown doesn't enter the ring in the usual way, instead he climbs up to the top turnbuckle, going for a flying axehandle on Bomb. The champion however catches him in mid air, and sends him crashing to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. After holding his back in pain, D-Lo gets to his feet and hits Bomb with a dropkick, sending him rocking. Brown tries to follow it up with a clothesline, but Bomb grabs him at the decisive moment, and executes a version of the Rock Bottom on D-Lo. His cover produces only two as D-Lo gets his foot onto the ropes. Bomb dominates for the next few minutes in what seems an apparent squash match, but a rake to the eyes from D-Lo turns the tide, at least momentarily. D-Lo grabes Bomb and gets him into a vulnerable position with a sleeper hold, but Bomb eventually powers out and nails D-Lo with a jawbreaker. Upon picking Brown up, Bomb sends him into the ropes, but D-Lo holds onto the ropes instead of bouncing back and pulls himself out of the ring. Kama Mustafa makes an arrival at ringside at this point. D-Lo talks to Kama for a few moments, only just beating the referee's ten count. D-Lo and Bomb lock up, and then D-Lo sends the European Champion into the ropes. Mustafa jumps up on the apron and whacks Bomb from behind. D-Lo's attempts at distracting the referee were poor however, and he sees everything, calling for the dq. Kama holds his head in his hands as he sees what a mess he and D-Lo made of the interference, before entering the ring. They try and double team Bomb, but he grabs them both by the neck and gives them a double chokeslam. Bomb piledrives them both before throwing them out of the ring. He poses with the belt as we return to Todd in the studio. --------------------------------------------- Adam Bomb defeated D-Lo Brown by dq in 6-00 (Adam Bomb retains the WWF European Title) --------------------------------------------- Todd - Well that was a statement I think there from Adam Bomb. The Rock isn't gonna be happy about that result, he really expected Bomb to lose tonight. We'll see if we can get a reaction from him tommorow night on Sunday Night Slam. Also on Slam, the World Wrestling Federation Champion is gonna be in action, as well as Rey Mysterio Jr against Psychosis for a cruiserweight title shot at In Your House! Make sure to join us as the countdown to In Your House continues! So long everybody!