Monday Night Raw April 6th Ross - Hello once again everybody, and welcome to one is undoubtedly gonna be, the biggest Raw ever! Right here tonight, the Inetrcontinental Title is gonna be on the line, Chris Benoit taking on The Rock! Plus the big one, WWF title at stake, Shawn Michaels defending against Jeff Jarrett! It's gonna be an incredible night folks, and here comes Shawn Michaels now! Shawn Michaels makes a slow walk to the ring. HBK - Helloooooooo! Later on tonight, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels is gonna defend, successfully defend, the WWF title against Jeff Jarrett. But first, there's another individual I want to address. Hunter Hearst Helmsley? Whatever your problem is with me, there's no way you're gonna be causing me any trouble tonight. HHH appears through the curtains. HBK - Here hs is. Listen buddy, all this crap you've been saying about me, I just want to know what all this is about. What is your problem with me? HHH - Well Shawn, when I was in hospital, I did get some visitors. It wasn't you Shawn, but it was someone who knows you better than almsot *anybody*. He told me all about your little *dirty secrets*, and made me finally realise what an obnoxious cry-baby piece of crap you really are! HBK - So who is this mystery man, making these mysterious hospital visits? HHH - For legal reasons, there's no way for me to say. Last time I broke that code, you nearly got me fired. All you need to know is that your in his sights, and don't ever forget you're a marked man. That's not important to you though right now Shawn. What is, is that I challenge you, if you get through tonight with your title intact, I challenge you to a title match at In Your House. If you feel I'm beneath you, then accept the challenge and prove it. HBK - Hell, there's no point in waiting two weeks. If you feel you can beat me, then after I beat Jeff Jarrett, I'll face you tonight! Ross - My God! HHH - If that's the way you want it, then that's the way it's gonna be. Ross - What a start to Raw! Can you believe this? Shawn Michaels has said that if he defends his title successfully against Jeff Jarrett, he'll go one on one with Hunter Hearst Helmsley as well?! We could have TWO world title matches right here tonight! Add that to Chris Benoit vs The Rock and you've already got one hell of a card! Plus, two teams who will contest the tag title at In Your House. We made the announcement Saturday night at Mayhem In Manchester, that the RoadWarrriors and The New Midnight Express will clash in a cage at In Your House 2 for the belts! Tonight, The RoadWarriors will take on The Quebecers, and The Express will clash with The Headbangers! It's gonna be quite a night folks, let's go to the ring for our first tag team match! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The RoadWarriors (w/The Headbangers) vs The Quebecers (w/The N.M.E) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both teams are accompanied by the opposite team's opponent's at In Your House. Both teams resist the urge to get involved in the early going though. Animal and Pierre start out, arguably the two most powerful members of the teams. Surprisingly it is Pierre who gets the early advantage, also coming close to a quick victory on a number of occasions. He hits a piledriver for a two count before tagging Jacques in. Rougeau stomps away on Animal, before he misses an elbowdrop and the tide turns. He's subjected to a powerslam and a belly to belly suplex as Animal takes control. The momentum changes hands frequently in the early going, no team dominating this match outright. Everytime one team seems to be pushing away, interference from the outside halts the flow. It doesn't take too long for the two teams on the outside to start brawling. Once this begins, the two teams actually wrestling are soon to get involved, and the match ends in a no contest. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The RoadWarriors fought The Quebecers to a no contest in 5-30 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ross - What a match to start off Raw! The Headbangers and The Express both getting involved here, are they gonna be the victim of interference during their match? We'll find out later tonight. When we come back though, we're gonna be joined by the people's champ, The Rock! <-commercials-> Rock - Well the Rock may have been unsuccessful in his match against Shawn Michaels on Saturday night, but that don't mean a damn thing Benoit, if ya smell what the Rock is cookin'. Tonight, I'm gonna have the Nation by my side, and none of your candyass little friends, I'm talking about Owen Hart, I'm talking about Dustin Runnels, are gonna be in any shape to help you. We had a little fun, The Rock and The Nation, earlier in the day, and I think it's safe to say that Owen and Dustin are watching this right now from a hospital bed! Benoit, your gold is coming to papa, 'cos papa's the Rock, and The Rock is the peoples champ! -------------------------------------------------------------- (European Champion) Adam Bomb vs The Barbarian -------------------------------------------------------------- The second meeting in the space of three days for these two. With the Barbarian only losing by countout on Saturday, he felt he deserved another shot at the title. Will he be more successful tonight? It's Adam Bomb who grasps the early advantage in this re-match, nailing The Barbarian with a powerslam right off the bat. After whipping him into the ropes, Bomb misses a clothesline as The Barbarian ducks, and on the way back, Bomb gets hit with a clothesline himself. As Bomb lies on the mat, The Barbarian lays into him with boots to the chest. After gorilla pressing the European Champion, the Barbarian goes for a bodyslam, but Bomb quickly reverses it into a small package and gets the win! ------------------------------------------- Adam Bomb defeated The Barbarian in 4-01 (Adam Bomb retains the WWF European Title) ------------------------------------------- Ross - Successful title defence there from Adam Bomb. He's had some impressive victories since arriving in the WWF, most notably his victory over "Stone Cold" Steve Austin not too long ago. At this time, let's go backstage where The New Midnight Express are standing by. Gunn - LOD? You say you wanna be The RoadWarriors again? Look at you, you're a sad imitation of your former selves. You should be called... The OLDWarriors! Haha. You can't get away from people changing your name to old can you? You old men! Hahaha! Holly - Hahaha. This is so funny. What's even funnier is that the WWF has said all we have to do, is beat the OldWarriors, and we're tag team champions! Thats hilarious, but we do deserve it, let's get that clear! We destroyed these guys a million times over the past month, and it's about time we got a shot at the belts. Gunn - Now that's all we got to say. We gotta take care of some business in the ring now. Ross - Now let's take you to the Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit! Benoit - Rocky? You may have been able to *lay the smack down* on me in Manchester, but that ain't happening tonight. You can put my friends in hospital all you want, but just remember that what goes around comes around, and everybody pays the Crippler in the end. --------------------------------------------------------- The New Midnight Express vs The Headbangers --------------------------------------------------------- Bob Holly and Thrasher start out. Suprisingly both teams come to the ring alone, the RoadWarriors nor the Quebecers anywhere to be seen. After raking the eyes, Holly sends Thrasher into the turnbuckle. His charge at the Headbanger is blocked however as he lands a boot to the face. Thrasher then hits a bulldog on Holly as his back was turned, and covers for a two count. After kicking out, Holly jumps right up to his feet and hits a well aimed fist to Thrasher's groin. As Thrasher doubles over, Holly makes the tag in to Bart Gunn, who climbs the turnbuckles and hits an elbowdrop onto Thrashers fallen body. A two count follows, before Gunn picks Thrasher up and sends him into the ropes. Upon bouncing back, Gunn locks on a sleeper hold. The Headbanger's arm goes down on two occasions but won't go down on the third, and Thrasher attempts to power out. A succession of elbows to the chest break the hold, and then Thrasher nails Bart with an enzirguiri to send him to the mat. Both men are down as the race for the hot tag begins. Gunn makes the tag into Holly, but Bob is met in the ring by Mosh who back body drops Holly as he charges. Gunn re-enters the ring, but he's back body dropped too. The Express get to their feet but before they can amount any kind of offence, Mosh clotheslines them both over the top rope. As Thrasher plays to the crowd in the ring, we take a commercial break. <-commercials-> **In Your House 2 "Bright Lights, Big City" Promo - April 19th** As we come back, we see Mosh elbowing out of another sleeperhold. Mosh then sends Gunn into the ropes, and nails him with a shoulderblock on the way back. As the match continues it becomes increasingly evident that the Headbangers are in complete control of the action, so it's no suprise that The Quebecers make their way to the ring. Their arrival breaks Mosh's concentration and as he looks up to see them, Bart Gunn rolls him up for the three count! ----------------------------------------------------------- The New Midnight Express defeated The Headbangers in 12-32 ----------------------------------------------------------- After the match The Quebecers and The NME commence beating on the two Headbangers until, lo and behold, the RoadWarriors charge to ringside and eliminate The Express and The Quebecers from the ring. Ross - Man, it's gonna be hard keeping these teams apart during the next two weeks, until In Your House, where the RoadWarriors will take on The New Midnight Express, and The Headbangers will face The Quebecers! When we come back, the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Title will be on the line! <-commercials-> Ross - Before we get to this next match, let's show you some action from Mayhem In Manchester this past weekend. (Clips of the Benoit vs Booker T from 04/04 Mayhem In Manchester are shown) Ross - Let's go to the ring! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Intercontinental Champion) Chris Benoit vs "The Rock" Rocky Maivia ---------------------------------------------------------------------- An eagerly anticipated match up here starts off slowly with neither man rushing into anything. Both men wrestled in draining matches over the weekend in Manchester, and signs of tiredness are evident. When things do get going, both men seem very evenly matched competitors. Benoit gets the first pinfall attempt as he pulls Maivia into a sunset flip for a two count. Upon getting up, Rocky sends Benoit into the ropes, and then nails him with a clothesline. After stun gunning him on the top rope, Rocky throws the champ to the outside. Guardrail, ringsteps, ringpost, announcers table, there isn't anyplace that Benoit's head doesn't smash into during this out of the ring spell. The referee's warnings to return to the ring go ignored as The Rock dominates Benoit. Maivia picks up a chair and after standing Benoit upright against a post, attempts to de-capitate him with it. Benoit however ducks, and The Rock makes contact only with the post. As Maivia drops the chair, Benoit picks it up himself and blasts Rocky over the head with it! The referee bafflingly let's it go, but still forces both wrestlers to return to the ring. Both men are almost out on their feet, and you've got to feel that the reverse chinlock Benoit places on Maivia is a blessing for both men. The hold is applied for close to a minute before Rocky pulls himself to his feet and executes a neckbreaker on Benoit. The Crippler falls backward to the mat, and The Rock positions Benoit for the Peoples Elbow. He hits it for a two count. He pulls Benoit to his feet and signals for The Rock Bottom, obviously feeling that Benoit is *this* close to being finished. Benoit isn't however, and he blocks it and executes a stiff DDT! Both men are out on the mat as the referee begins his countdown. As the referee reaches eight, Benoit crawls across to Maivia and places his arm across The Rock's chest for a cover. Rocky is able to *just* pull his shoulder up at two and a half, to the disapointment of the crowd. Benoit rises to his feet and drags Rocky over to the corner of the ring, then climbs the turnbuckles. Rocky sees what's coming but can't find the strength to roll away, and Benoit hits the flying headbutt for the victory! ------------------------------------------------------ Chris Benoit defeated Rocky Maivia in 15-31 (Chris Benoit retains the WWF Intercontinental Title) ------------------------------------------------------ After the bell, Booker T and Mark Henry run to ringside and attack Benoit. Before too much damage is done however, Owen Hart and Dustin Runnels hit the ring and make the save, clearing house of the Nation. Ross - What a great match! Folks, don't you even think about changing that channel, 'cos when we come back, it's gonna be Jeff Jarrett and Shawn Michaels for the WWF title. And remember, if Michaels is successful in defedning his title, he'll face HHH right after, and we *will* overrun to bring you that match, if it takes place. Don't go away! <-commercials-> Ross - Welcome back. Before we get to the big match of the night, let's go backstage where I believe we have Chris Benoit, Owen Hart and Dustin Runnels standing by. Benoit - Listen Rock. You wanna throw out a challenge to us for a six man? Well we accept your challenge. April 19th, In Your House? All the Nation's world is gonna come crashing down. I beat you tonight, and you put up a great fight, but I'm sick to death of you and your pals running in on our matches! Owen - That's right. But to make sure we get a chance to put all three of you jackasses in your place, how about we make it an elimination match? And while I'm here, I want to challenge Adam Bomb. This week on Thunder, you and me, one on one for the title. I was robbed last week on Raw, and you owe me a title shot. Runnels - And Rocky? I'm damn sick and tired of having to deal with you. There's so many plateaus that Dustin Runnels has to climb to, and you're getting right damn in the way right now. I'm gonna take you out A.S.A.P. Rocky, and that goes for all you other Nation members! Ross - It appears that match is set. The challenge laid out in Manchester, and it looks like we'll see OwenHart, Chris Benoit and Dustin Runnels against The Rock, Booker T and Mark Henry. In an elimination match? That promises to be something special. But now let's go to the ring where the challenger to the WWF title, Jeff Jarrett is standing by. Jarrett - I'm just gonna let all youe people know first off, that none of these boo's out here are gonna spoil this night for me. I never needed your support, and I never welcomed it. I said it last week, tonight is gonna be my night to shine. Now earlier in the show, I heard Shawn Michaels and his disgruntled lover talking about title matches. Michaels? I guarantee you, after our match, *I'll* be the one wearing the gold. And HHH, you ain't getting no title shot from me. And I also got some words for Sycho Sid while I'm at it. You insulted me last week on Thunder, and I'm not gonna stand for it. I *am* world title material, and I'm gonna prove it tonight. Ross - Folks, it's time for action! ----------------------------------------------------------- (WWF Champion) Shawn Michaels vs Jeff Jarrett ----------------------------------------------------------- Jarrett starts off a lot more confidently than he did in the handicap match a week previous, stylin' and profilin' like only he can. Though he stalls many times in the opening, strutting after every small successful move, there's no doubt that there's a arrogant aura surrounding Double J. After whipping Michaels into the ropes at the one minute mark, Jarrett wraps The Heartbreak Kid in a sleeper hold, sending him down to one knee. Raising the hand three times isn't neccessary here however as Shawn quickly breaks the hold with a neckbreaker. Michaels gets to his feet and dropkicks Jarrett out of the ring when he gets to his. Michaels stays in the ring whilst Jarrett gets his thoughts together on the outside. JJ seems to lose concentration on the outside however and is close to being counted out before he does finally return to the ring. When the action re-commences in the ring, a feeling out process begins. The showboating stops and both men take it to the mat. Michaels takes Jarrett down with a legsweep and then hooks him into a revere chinlock. Jarrett however is quick to break free and he hooks Michaels into an armbar submission hold. This process continues for over a minute, and the crowd begins to get restless. The crowd springs to life however when Sycho Sid emerges from the curtains. He doesn't charge to the ring, he merely stands at the top of the ramp for a while, before making a casual stroll to ringside. BAck in the ring, Jarrett sends Michaels into the ropes where he is pulled out under the bottom rope and then clotheslined by Sid. The referee is busy admonishing Jarrett for some unseen offence as Sid hammers on Michaels on the outside. Sycho Sid rolls HBK back inside before the referee turns back around. It seems pretty clear now that Sid wants Jarrett as champion. Why? Who knows. Jarrett goes down to the mat and begins choking on Michaels before once again throwing him out to Sid. The referee is *again* occupied with Jarrett as he warns him about choking. Before Sid can do any further damage to Michaels however, Hunter Hearst Helmsley strides down to the ring area. He attacks Sid from behind and then throws Michaels back into the ring. Sid and Helmsley get into a huge shoving match on the outside while Jarrett hooks Shawn into the figure four! Shawn is desperatlely fighting the pain and is close to tapping out until HHH enters the ring behind the referees back and knocks the ref to the ground. Upon seeing this, Jarrett breaks the hold and confronts Hunter. Sid now enters the ring and the three men get into a shoving contest. From what we can ascertain, Sid wants Jarrett to win the title, whilst Hunter wants Michaels to hold on to it. Whilst Sid, Jarrett and Hunter argue, Michaels sneaks up behind Jarrett and hits him with the Superkick! As Sid sees this, he turns and powerbombs Helmsley, taking him totally by suprise! Sid throws Helmsley out over the top rope, and then grabs Michaels by the hair. Michaels gets powerbombed onto the mat, and Sid picks Jarrett up and throws him on top of the WWF Champion! Sid then leaves the ring and goes towards the fallen HHH, to make sure there's no way he's getting up. Back in the ring, the referee crawls over to where Jarrett lies on Michaels, and counts the 1... 2... 3 --------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett defeated Shawn Michaels in 15-54 (Jeff Jarrett won the WWF World Heavyweight Title) --------------------------------------------------- Ross - My God! We've got a new champion! Unprecedented! We're out of time, see you on Thunder! Extra space so people might think we're getting a HHH/HBK match.