April 4th Mayhem In Manchester Ross - Hello England, and welcome to the Free For All! In around five minutes we're gonna see the first ever WWF pay per view held in Europe. But first, let's go to the ring for Free For All action! --------------------------------- Mark Henry vs Barry Horowitz --------------------------------- The opening contest of Mayhem In Manchester takes place in front of a half empty arena, as traffic problems have delayed many fans. They don't miss much as Henry dominates Horowitz, finishing him off with a bearhug submission. Ross - Before we get into the show, let's run down the card. 01)(WWF Champion) Shawn Michaels vs "The Rock" Rocky Maivia 02)(IC Champion) Chris Benoit vs Booker T (Cage Match) 03)(European Champion) Adam Bomb vs The Barbarian 04)The New Age Outlaws vs The New Midnight Express 05)The Legion Of Doom vs The Headhunters 06)Owen Hart vs D-Lo Brown 07)Chris Chetti vs Yuji Nagata Ross - We'll be back in a few minutes, don't go away! <-commercials-> Ross - Hello everybody, and welcome to Manchester, England! Welcome to Mayhem In Manchester! We're live, exclusively on Sky Box Office here at the Nynex Arena. And what a show we've got for you tonight! Two titles on the line, plus WWF Champion Shawn Michaels taking on The Rock in a non title match! We're gonna get things kickin' right away though, with Owen Hart taking on D-Lo Brown of the Nation! ------------------------ Owen Hart vs D-Lo Brown ------------------------ Owen attacks D-Lo before the bell, flooring him with a vicious clothesline. This sets the tempo for the early going, as Owen dominates. A suplex, belly to belly style, gives Hart the first two count of the match. After hitting a spinebuster slam on Brown, D-Lo finally realises that any strategy he's been using isn't working, and takes a breather on the outside. Booker T arrives at ringside at this point. When D-Lo returns to the ring, he gets the advantage after raking Owen's eyes after a lock up. Brown chops away for a while before clotheslining Owen to the mat. He goes up top, but his attempted splash is unsuccessful as Owen rolls out of the way. Owen goes straight for the Sharpshooter, but D-Lo is way too close to the ropes, and the hold is quickly broken. Upon pulling D-Lo to his feet Owen sends him into the ropes, where after bouncing back, Brown is hit by an enzirguiri. Two count again. Owen sends D-Lo into the ropes again, this time D-Lo ducks the clothesline, and when Owen hits the ropes, Booker nails him from behind. Hart collapses to the mat, and Brown once again climbs the turnbuckles. This time he hits the frogsplash, but Owen gets his foot to the ropes. Although averting defeat in that instance, D-Lo now firmly has control, and spends the next few minutes wearing Owen down with resthold after resthold. After D-Lo considers Owen to be ripe for the picking once again, he goes up top for another attempted splash. Owen rolls out for the second time in the match, and with D-Lo in a very vulnerable position, Owen jumps up, locks on the Sharpshooter, and it's all over. -------------------------------------- Owen Hart defeated D-Lo Brown in 9-32 -------------------------------------- Ross - What a match to kick off this great show. Just a reminder folks, that this week on Raw, only two days away, WWF Champion Shawn Michaels taking on "Double J" Jeff Jarrett! Tonight however, you can see The Heartbreak Kid go one on one with the leader of the Nation, Rocky Maivia! At this time, let's go backstage where The Legion Of Doom are standing by! Hawk - Well, Headhunters? Your head ain't gonna be the only thing we're gonna hunt tonight, we're gonna be all over you like a rash. Tell 'em Animal. Animal - Tonight, we're gonna take you punks down just like we been taking everyone else down lately! This is the old Legion Of Doom! Wait, fuck that shit, this is the Road Warriors! Headhunters? You're going down! ------------------------------------- The RoadWarriors vs The Headhunters ------------------------------------- Animal starts out as usual for the RoadWarriors, going up against Headhunter #1. Animal starts off the better of the two, nailing his opponent with an atomic drop and then a belly to belly suplex. A flying shoulderblock sends The Headhunter to the outside of the ring, where Hawk then attacks him, until the ref breaks them up. Upon re-entering the ring, Headhunter#1 is set to face Hawk. The 'Hunter takes advantage with a knee to the chest, before powerbombing Hawk for a two count. Hawk then finds himself thrown into his own corner, where he is doubleteamed. #2 tags in, and he dominates Hawk, throwing him around the ring like a rag doll. For the next five minutes, all the offence is one way traffic as The Headhunters brutalise Hawk. It's the Headhunters lack of top rope mobility however, that turns the tide, as Hawk rolls away from a splash. Hot tag to Animal, who powerslams Headhunter#2 for the pin. -------------------------------------------------- The RoadWarriors defeated The Headhunters in 8-10 -------------------------------------------------- Ross - Well, they certainly did what they said they were gonna do, inflicting the Headhunter's first ever defeat here in the WWF. Folks, remember that only two weeks away is In Your House "Bright Light's Big City", where the Road Warriors will take on The New Midnight Express once again, this time in a cage! Plus, a huge announcement was made by the WWF earlier today. The winner of that tag team match will be declared the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions! Sycho Sid and Shawn Michaels have mutually agreed to forfeit the titles, and the belts will be decided at In Your House! Up next folks, live here on Sky Box Office, the "Rookie" Chris Chetti taking on one of Japan's finest, Yuji Nagata! ---------------------------- Chris Chetti vs Yuji Nagata ---------------------------- Chetti's undefeated record is in it's biggest jeapardy here, going up against the undefeated Yuji Nagata. After putting Chetti straight into a headlock and then sending him into the ropes, Nagata nails his less experienced opponent with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Chetti's rookie status is obvious in this match, as all his mistakes go punished. Yuji wins a relative squash with the Nagata Lock in a little over six minutes. ------------------------------------------ Yuji Nagata defeated Chris Chetti in 6-14 ------------------------------------------ Ross - That's Chetti's first ever singles defeat in the WWF. Not the best way to start your international career there with a loss. Folks, when we come back, we're gonna have the first of our two title matches here tonight, with the European Title on the line! *In Your House 2 "Bright Lights, Big City" Promo - April 19th** Ross - Remember to join us on April 19th when, only three weeks after Wrestlemania, the WWF will present it's next huge pay per view event. Remember, all you folks here in the UK can catch this event live at 1am April 20th, on Sky Sports 1! It's gonna be a great evening, and you gotta wonder who the WWF Champion will be going into this huge event. This Monday night on Raw, Shawn Michaels will defend against Jeff Jarrett. If you didn't see Raw last week, take a look at this. (The Jarrett/McMahon interview is shown, followed by the finish to the handicap match from 30/03 Raw) Ross - Now to the ring for more action. European Title on the line! ----------------------------------------------- (European Champion) Adam Bomb vs The Barbarian ----------------------------------------------- With the Barbarian having no major victories since joining the World Wrestling Federation, it came as a suprise to see this match signed. Needless to say, The Barbarian takes the early advantage, trying to make sure he takes advantage of this opportunity. After nailing Bomb with a hotshot, The Barbarian hits a gutwrench suplex and then a piledriver as he unloads on the European Champion. He then hooks on a bearhug, but it's too close to the ropes to inflict any damage. His offence is momentarily halted however, as Bomb blocks a suplex and hits one of his own. When he gets to his feet, he throws the Barbarian to the outside. As the action moves to the outside, it is Bomb who keeps control. He sends the man from Tonga into the guardrail, and then proceeds to clothesline him over it. The referee manages to block Adam Bomb and stop him from following him out, so The Barbarian gets time for a breather. Upon climbing back over the guardrail, the champion gives him no respite, sending him crashing into the ringsteps. The challenger doubles over in agony as he falls to the concrete floor. The ref herds Bomb back into the ring where he waits for his opponent to beat the count. He does, and is met with a flying shoulderblock sending him right back out. Adam then hits a flying clothesline to the outside from the top turnbuckle, sending the Barbarian flying back and smashing his head onto the announcers table. He's out cold and there's no way he can beat the count this time. Adam Bomb wins by countout! ----------------------------------------------------- Adam Bomb defeated The Barbarian by countout in 7-54 (Adam Bomb retains the WWF European Title) ----------------------------------------------------- Ross - An impressive first defence there for Adam Bomb, and he's getting a great reception here in Manchester! Folks, over the past two days, some of the WWF's finest have been out having a good time over here in England, let's take a look at some of the activities and events that took place on this historic weekend. (An assortment of embarrasing clips are shown. All the WWF superstars do terrible English accents and make asses of themselves in front of thousands of fans. Clips of Jerry Lawler attacking Johnny Vaughan on the Big Breakfast are shown. I could transcribe this mess. But I won't.) Ross - Much hilarity was had by all during Friday and this afternoon. Tag Team action next : The New Midnight Express and The New Age Outlaws! ------------------------------------------------ The New Age Outlaws vs The New Midnight Express ------------------------------------------------ The prospect of two brothers clashing heads arises in this matchup, but it's Bob Holly who starts off against Billy Gunn. Gunn gets the upper hand at the start, nailing Holly with a clothesline. Jammes then enters the ring as the Outlaws blatantly doubleteam Holly, until Bart Gunn knocks JJ out of the ring. Bart Gunn and The Roadog brawl on the outside as the other Gunn and Holly brawl on the inside. Billy take Bob down with a single leg takedown and then takes the wind out of him with an elbowsmash. A suplex is then executed, before Gunn puts a man who could be one half of the tag team champions by then end of the month, into a sleeper hold. Before any damage can be done with this hold though, Bart enters the ring and stomps his brother on the back of the head, breaking it (the hold, not the head). The two brothers stare each other down for a moment before Jammes attacks Bart from behind and DDT's him. Jammes goes to cover him, but neither man is the legal entrant so it doesn't count. Billy is distracted by this action and is rolled up from behind by Bob Holly for a two count. This match goes to hell at this point as the ref can't get anyone to leave the ring. As all four men brawl in the ring, the referee walks over to the ring announcer, who then states over the microphone that the match has been changed to a Tornado Match! The first Tornado Match in WWF history! On cue, Bart Gunn leaves the ring and grabs a chair from ringside. Upon returning to the ring he plasts the chair on Jesse Jammes and then whacks it over the head of Billy Gunn. Gunn and Holly stand over their fallen opponents and showboat to the crowd, allowing themselves to be simultaneously rolled up by their opponents and erm... that's it! -------------------------------------------------------------- The New Age Outlaws defeated The New Midnight Express in 5-32 -------------------------------------------------------------- The Express get right back up to their feet after this and start pounding away on the Outlaws. Holly picks up the chair again and whacks the life out of Jammes. The beating continues until the RoadWarriors hit the ring and attack the Express. The N.M.E make a hasty exit as the Warriors clear house. Ross - The Legion... I'm sorry, The Road Warriors attacking The Midnight Express here, again! These two teams are gonna meet at In Your House in a cage, but until then, we may have to cage them up to keep them apart! Before our next match, let's take you backstage where the Rock is standing by. Rock - Firstoff, the Rock has a few people he needs to talk about. Shawn Michaels? I'm facing you tonight in a *non title* match? This blatant disregard for The Rock is appaling. I won the 1998 Royal Rumble, and the Rock still has not recieved his world title shot. But right now, that's all not gonna matter, because after I wipe the floor with your candyass tonight Shawn, the WWF is gonna have to take notice. Now there's three other people the Rock needs to talk about. Chris Benoit. You're going up against Booker T tonight in a cage, and if *he* doesn't take your title, I'll take it on Raw. Owen Hart? Last week, you cost me my Intercontinental Title, and the Rock ain't about to forget it! Third, Dustin Runnels. You make a challenge to me for a tag match? How about this for In Your House, The Rock, Booker T, and the man Mark Henry against your candyass, Owen Hart's candyass, and Chris Benoit's candyass, and we'll make it a six man! Now then, get the hell outta here before The Rock starts laying the smack down on this whole stinkin' country! ------------------------------------------------------------------ (Intercontinental Champion) Chris Benoit vs Booker T (Cage Match) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Booker T was unsuccessful in his pursuit of the gold a week ago on Raw, and will the cage environment weaken his chances further here? The Nation was instrumental in the last meeting between these two, but they won't play a part tonight. Rules are as follows : Victory can be achieved via pinfall, submission or escaping the cage. Benoit attacks Booker as soon as the bell rings, nailing him with a right uppercut. He tries to follow it up with a bodyslam, but Booker reverses it into a small package for an early two count. Booker hits a bodyslam of his own and then nails Benoit with a clothesline once he gets to his feet. With Benoit down on the mat, Booker goes straight for the cage door. There's no way a clothesline is gonna put Benoit out for long though, and he easily catches him. Booker is slammed repeatedly into the cage by Benoit at this point, until blood is literally gushing from the Nation member's forehead. Booker falls to the mat but is allowed no respite as Benoit hits an elbowdrop to the back of his head. Benoit covers but only gets two. After pulling Booker to his feet, Benoit goes for a suplex, but Booker rakes his face and breaks his hold. A knee to the groin sends the Crippler to the mat, and Booker takes a timeout to wipe the blood out of his eyes. Booker's lack of concentration allows himself to be dropkicked into the side of the cage, sending him face forward into the mat again. Both men trade momentum for the next few minutes as the match degenerates into a brawl. Both men make numerous visits into the side of the cage as the match turns into a bloodbath. Sky is on the verge of cutting out from this match with the amount of blood flying around, until Chris Benoit diverts the censors attention by climbing to the top of the cage. He doesn't attempt to climb out, instead he hits a sweet flying headbutt from the top right into Booker's chest. The crowd is on their feet for this, as Benoit makes the cover for the three count! ------------------------------------------------------ Chris Benoit defeated Booker T in 8-30 (Chris Benoit retains the WWF Intercontinental Title) ------------------------------------------------------ Ross - Benoit retains the title, but what a match that was. You know, Booker T has a hell of a lot of talent, but since he's joined the Nation, he's failed to win matches! I don't think joining the Nation is that great an idea for anybody, unless you're dream is to be one of the Rock's stooges. Speaking of the Rock, we're just moments away from WWF Champion Shawn Michaels and The Rock himself going face to face! Let's go backstage, where The Heartbreak Kid is on hand! HBK - Well, we're only moments away from another stunning performance from the Heartbreak Kid. Shawn Michaels has never lost to *any* WWF wrestler, and I ain't gonna start losing tonight. Rock? You're just another stepping stone on Shawn Michaels path to becoming the greatest wrestling champion, of all time. And Jeff Jarrett? This Monday night, no matter whether DX gets involved, no matter whether Sid gets involved, at the end of the night, you're still gonna be looking up at the World Wrestling Federation Champion, Shawn Michaels! ---------------------------------------------- (WWF Champion) Shawn Michaels vs Rocky Maivia ---------------------------------------------- This non title affair begins slowly, with The Rock's atention based firmly with the crowd, as "Rocky Sucks!" chants echo round the arena. As The Rock climbs to the top turnbuckle to shout insults at the crowd, the match is brought to life as the WWF Champion dropkicks him from behind to the outside. The Rock paces around the ringarea like he's deranged once he gets to his feet, until the referee finally gets him back to the ring so the match can continue. The match soon settles down. After locking up, The Rock nails Michaels with a knee shot to the chest, and then grabs his hair and hurls him down to the mat, to the referee's admonishment. The Rock waves the ref off and stomps on Michaels before dropping an elbowdrop. Maivia covers for two. After pulling Michaels to his feet he sends him into the ropes. Michaels ducks The Rock's attempted clothesline, and is then able to hit a flying forearm sending The Rock out of the ring once again. As Rocky argues with some fans at ringside, he is nailed from behind by a flying axe handle (not a real one) from Shawn. The Rock is sent into the guardrail by the champ, but Michaels can't follow it up as The Rock catches Shawn as he charges and nails him with the Rock Bottom on the concrete. Maivia stomps away for a while before throwing Michaels back into the ring. The Rock waited too long to make the cover though, the affect of the Rock Bottom apparently worn off, as the cover only results in a two count. Frustrated The Rock unloads a flurry of right hands onto Michaels, busting his nose open. The ref pulls The Rock off of Shawn, and gets a shove to the mat for his troubles. The Rock turns around from his tangle with the ref to meet head on with the superkick! Michaels falls on top of the Rock to cover but there's no ref. Michaels eventually gets up to his feet to try and awake the referee, but before he can, Maivia gets to his feet and hits The Rock Bottom! Rocky covers, but the ref is still down. Rocky goes to help up the ref now, and does so, pulling him to his feet. Suprisingly, the ref doesn't dq Maivia for his shove earlier on. That doesn't matter though, as Owen Hart charges to the ring! The Rock sees him coming, leaves the ring and jumps over the guardrail into the hostile crowd. Owen follows him out, and Shawn is left in the ring for the countout win! ---------------------------------------------------------- Shawn Michaels defeated Rocky Maivia by countout in 10-30 ---------------------------------------------------------- Ross - What a match, and what a way to end this history making evening! Folks, we hope you enjoyed all the action tonight, and make sure to join us on April 19th for In Your House 2 "Bright Lights, Big City"! So long everybody!