WWF Thunder April 2nd Length - 45 minutes Ross - Hello again everybody, and welcome to WWF Thunder! Right here tonight , Shawn Michaels and Jeff Jarrett are in the building, and we'll be speaking to them both later in the show! Plus, Booker T is gonna go one on one with Dustin Runnels! DX is also gonna be here, they were conspicuous by their absence at Wrestlemania, and they weren't on Raw three days ago, but they will be here tonight! We've got much much more as well folks, but first it appears we're gonna be joined straight away by Double J, Jeff Jarrett! Jeff Jarrett has already made his way to the ring and has a microphone in hand as the camera turns to him. Jarrett - Last week, Vince McMahon tried to bury me, and destroy me, by putting me in the ring against two of the biggest names in this sport, and I survived. When Vince McMahon tried to bury my father, and monopolise this industry, my father survived. The Jarrett name has always survived through every adversity that has come against it. At Wrestlemania, I tried to kill off the WWF from within, and I'll admit, the plan failed, and all my friends from (beep) are all gone now. But like it's always been, any adversity, any challenge, can easily be conquered when you're a Jarrett. Next week, on Monday Night Raw, oh, it's gonna be my night to shine baby! The WWF wants to talk about bright lights and big cities, well there ain't gonna be a brighter light than the light shining off the gold around my waist. Shawn Michaels? I beat you three days ago, and at the same time, I had to contend with Sycho Sid as well. Next week, it's just gonna be me and you, and there ain't gonna be nobody out there to help ya. Seems like every friend you make is liable to stab you in the back at some point or another Shawn. It just shows what a gullible, needy, pathetic, spotlight craving loser you really are! On this note, the World Wrestling Federation Champion himself, walks down to the ring. Michaels - A pathetic loser? Listen buddy, the only reason you beat me on Raw, is because Sycho Sid is the biggest egotistical jerk there is, maybe even more so than you. You are the biggest sell out I have ever seen, I mean come on, do you really think that (beep) would have fulfilled the promises they made you? Do you honestly believe that they wouldn't have used you to cheat their way in, and then tossed you aside when the job was done? The only one who's gullible round here is you! Before Jarrett can reply, the third wheel comes rolling down to ringside. Sid - Look at you two jackasses! You're all out here, arguing about who the man is, when you and all these people out here know, that I am the man, and I am the master of the WORLD! I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, and there ain't anybody in the WWF who can stop me. If I decide that Shawn Michaels should be WWF Champion, then I can (beep) you Jarrett, up so bad that you'll never wrestle again! And vice versa. Whenever I decide I want that belt, then I'll take it. Shawn Michaels, you *are* a gullible loser. I powerbombed you on Raw because I'm sick of the goddamn site of ya. I'm sick of carrying your bags and cleaning up your shit. The fact that you even trusted me again after what happened three years ago makes me sick. And Jeff Jarrett? If you honestly believe you are world title material on your own, then there can be no saving you, 'cos you're gone! Sid turns back around to Michaels, and eats a face full of superkick! Sid falls down to the mat, and Michaels attempts to go after Jarrett. Jarrett however, is lightning quick in jumping out of the ring and running up the ramp. <-commercials-> Ross - What a start to Thunder! Remember, you can see that match in it's entirety, WWF Champion Shawn Michaels defending against Jeff Jarrett this Monday on Raw. It's gonna be a great Monday Night Raw folks. I'm already hearing words of a Intercontinental Title match between Chris Benoit and The Rock. Be sure to join us this week on Raw! Here on Thunder, up next we've got the in ring return of DX, with former tag team champions, The New Age Outlaws in action! ----------------------------------------------------- The New Age Outlaws vs Robert Thompson/Gary Albright ----------------------------------------------------- Pretty much a spotfest for the former tag team champions, making their return match in the WWF after their injuries. Gunn hits a spinebuster slam in the early going for a two count, and from there on in, it's all one way traffic. Jammes ends things quickly with a crotch slam on Thompson. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The New Age Outlaws defeated Robert Thompson/Gary Albright in 2-43 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ross - A winning return there for the Outlaws and we'll be right... Wait a minute. Madusa Miccelli walks to the ring, looking decidedly pissed off. Madusa - I have had it up to here with the bull(beep) and the (beep) that I have had to put up with here in the WWF. When I came here, and I won the womens title tournament, I was promised many things. First off, a hell of a lot of money, which I have not recieved. Second, that I would get a lengthy title reign, which I did not recieve. Third, and most important, I was told that athe WWF womens division, would be given the exposure, the recognition that it deserved, and would not be relegated to filler and not fizzle out in two months. Sending me off to Japan to do jobber work, was not in my contract Vince, it wasn't in my contract at all. Vince, if you're listening, and I know you are, you can bite me! Madusa walks out as we cut to commercial. <-commercials-> Ross - Welcome back. I'm not completely sure what's going on with Madusa. I know it's an emotional time for her but... Anyway, before we go to our next match, I want to take you back to this past week on Raw, a match between Owen Hart and Adam Bomb. (Finish to Owen Hart/Adam Bomb from 30/03 Raw is shown Ross - Let's go to ringside! ---------------------------------------- Booker T (w/The Rock) vs Dustin Runnels ---------------------------------------- Runnels whips Booker into the ropes out of the opening lock up, and then takes him down with a shoulderblock. He goes to drop an elbow, but Booker rolls his way out of danger and drops one on Dustin. This gives Booker the first two count of the match, though it was never gonna be enough to put Dustin away. With this being Dustin's first match since the Royal Rumble, he was likely to suffer from some ring rust, and he does, Booker controlling the first five minutes. Booker comes close to a three with a top rope headbutt, but it ain't enough to put Runnels away. Booker shows a lot of heelish tactics that seem out of place on him, facerakes and eye gouges. A superplex comes close to giving him the win, but no go. Runnels finally gets some offence in when he ducks a clothesline, then nails one of his own. From there, it's Dustin who has control of the match. He gets several near counts with the most notable being a top rope bulldog. It 's Booker's foot touching the ropes that stops this from being the winning manouever. It becomes increasingly evident as the match progresses, that these are two very equally matched competitors. As the action spills to the outside, both men ignore the count and focus on each other, resulting in a double countout. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Booker T and Dustin Runnels fought to a double countout in 13-02 ---------------------------------------------------------------- After the bell, The Rock joins the fracas on the outside. He pounds away on Runnels, until Benoit and Owen run out. The rest of the Nation then arrives at ringside to complete the inevetiable brawl. Ross - That was a great match up right there. There's two great talents in that ring just now, and I can't believe that one of them went to the Nation. We'll be right back with more action! <-commercials-> Runnels - Well Rock, I didn't want to make too much of a deal outta this, but I guess if that's the way you want it, I'll challenge you to a match at In Your House. In fact, we'll make it a tag match. Yourself and Booker T against me and whomever I choose for my partner. You want me in a match Rock? I'm waiting for you to accept the challenge. Ross - Welcome back everyone to Thunder. A challenge laid out by Dustin Runnels to The Rock just now. The Rock and Booker against what Dustin Runnels and what I assume will be Owen Hart. Up next, The New Midnight Express will be in action! **In Your House 2 "Bright Lights, Big City" Promo - April 19th** Ross - We do hope you can join us exclusively on pay per view for In Your House "Bright Lights, Big City"! Plus, for all our great fans in the UK, this Saturday night, make sure you're tuned to Sky Box Office for WWF Mayhem In Manchester! All the WWF Superstars are gonna be there, from Shawn Michaels to Owen Hart and many more. It promises to be a great show like only the WWF can bring you! Now to the New Midnight Express, they were scheduled for a match this past week on Raw, but they no-showed, probably out of embarrasment. They spent the whole of last Sunday afternoon, boasting about how they were gonna put the final nail in the coffin of the Legion Of Doom, and it didn't quite turn out that way. Anyway, let's go to the ring. ------------------------------------------------------ The New Midnight Express vs Jim Powers/Barry Horowitz ------------------------------------------------------ The second true squash of the evening, as The Express control all the offence. Bob Holly executes a powerslam for the embarrasingly quick pinfall. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The New Midnight Express defeated Jim Powers/Barry Horowitz in 1-04 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ross - That's more of what we've come to expect from the New Midnight Express. Wait a minute, Bart Gunn's got a microphone. Gun - Hey LOD! At Wrestlemania, because of the tradition that we stand for and embrace, we decided to keep you two together, give you a little win in that previously empty column of yours. But since then, backstage, we've been hearing things about how much we suck! Well we don't suck! Holly - Legion Of Doom, we're gonna make another challenge to you. At In Your House, we challenge you to one more match. This time we're gonna be 100% dedicated and professional about it, and I don't know, why don't we put it in a cage?! Ross - The first cage match in WWF history?! <-commercials-> Ross - Folks, this next match comes as a result of what occured this past Monday night on Raw. The Quebecers with a victory in their WWF debut, but then apparently refused to leave the ring. The Headbangers were up next, and a brawl ensued cancelling the Headbangers previously scheduled match. Tonight, Headbanger Thrasher is gonna take on Pierre Oulette! -------------------------------------------------------- Thrasher (w/Mosh) vs Pierre Oulette (w/Jacques Rougeau) -------------------------------------------------------- Out of locking up, Pierre immediately catches Thrasher in an inside cradle for a two count. He then tries to send the Headbanger into the turnbuckle, but it's reversed, and Pierre is then promptly sent to the outside. On the outside the other two team members soon get involved, and we see what is perhaps the quickest double disqualification in wrestling history. ----------------------------------------------------------- Thrasher and Pierre Oulette fought to a double DQ in 1-12 ----------------------------------------------------------- Ross - Remember folks, there's only two and a half weeks until In Your House 2, make sure you call your cable operator as soon as possible. Order before April 13th, and recieve a FREE DOG TAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still to come tonight, however, we're gonna be joined by D-Generation X. What are their feelings gonna be towards the events of the last few days? Now to more action. ------------------------------ Yuji Nagata vs The Barabrian ------------------------------ The Barbarians entry into the WWF faced it's first real test here, going up against the undefeated Japanese star. Yuji chops away on the big man, and knocks him down quickly with a russian legsweep. The dreaded reverse chinlock is then applied, with The Barbarian struggling to get free. Eventually he elbows out and takes Nagata down with a knee lift. A barrage of right and left hands are unloaded on Nagata, and then a sleeper hold is locked on as we go to a set of <-commercials-> As we return, Nagata has apparently broken free of the sleeper, and has his opponent locked in an armbar submission. It's not too long before The Barbarian flips Nagata over his shoulder. Before Yuji can get to his feet, he is nailed with a succession of elbows, following which he is covered for a two count. A headlock is then applied, before Yuji sends him into the ropes. He attempts a back body drop, but The Barbarian blocks it and nails Nagata with a piledriver, the result of which is nothing more than a two count. Upon pulling Nagata back to his feet, he let's his concentration slip at a vital moment, and he finds himself small packaged for the three count. ------------------------------------------- Yuji Nagata defeated The Barbarian in 9-43 ------------------------------------------- Ross - Before we're joined by DX, let's take you back to earlier tonight, the confrontation between the WWF Champion Shawn Michaels, Sycho Sid, and the number one contender, Jeff Jarrett. (The interview from the top of the show between Sid/HBK/JJ is shown) "Are You Ready?" DX makes a very calm and business like entrance to the ring. Jammes - Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages, D-Generation X presents the former and future taag team champions of the wooooooooooorld! The Roadog Jesse Jammes, the Bad Ass Billy Gunn, The New Age Outlaws! And introducing the ICON, the showstopper himself, Hunter Hearst Helmsley! HHH - Over the past week, myself and the Outlaws, we took a little break. We could have interfered at Wrestlemania, hell, we were going to. But the fact is, the World Wrestling Federation is, was, and forever will be, the greatest wrestling promotion there is. And we didn't want to mess that up. Now a lot of people have been asking me, what is your *real* beef with Shawn Michaels? What I tell them, is what I'm gonna tell you, that it's none of your goddamn business. You know what? I'm kind of concerned at the moment for Shawn Michaels. He's getting himself involved in some deep shit with messers Sycho Sid *and* Jeff Jarrett. That ain't right. It ain't right that he's forced to contend with those two guys, 'cos he's gonna have enough problems with me! HBK? You're in some serious shit at the moment, and next week on Raw? Jeff Jarrett's gonna be the least of your problems! Shawn Michaels emerges from the curtains at this point. HHH - Well here he is. You know something Shawn, over the past few years, I've sat back and... Ross - I'm sorry folks, we're out of time! See you on Raw!